Gaza and Southern Israel Conflict Explained In 5 Minutes (YouTube Cut)

Gaza and Southern Israel Conflict Explained In 5 Minutes (YouTube Cut)

Ryan McBeth

8 месяцев назад

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1oolabob - 15.10.2023 11:32

Five minutes really doesn't seem like enough time to explain a conflict that has hundreds of years of history, but I think you nailed the 5-minute version.
It's probably worth saying that it has long been a case of lots of people trying to thrive in too little land while being divided into (at least) two groups who are sworn enemies.

Stinger - 15.10.2023 11:13

The seeds of bad blood that the British have sown on this planet just keeps on germinating more and more toxic bushes.
Nigeria, the British welded people who have nothing in common into a state with the same dubious promises.

sholomber2 - 15.10.2023 08:20

In 1948 the arabs fled. They were not expelled. They expected a quick victory and assumed that they would come right back . But they lost. If Israel drove them out then your wouldn't have 20% of the population of Israel Arab with full rights and members of knesset.

Conversely between 1948-1967 850k need were driven out of Arab lands with virtually no Jews remaining in Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and many others.

As opposed to the Sarah countries who refused to absorb any refugees and kept them in camps for seventy five years, Israel absorbed almost all the Jewish refugees.

You also fail to mention that Israel is the historic Homeland of the Jewish people.

Lastly, the arabs got a state. Jordan comprises 75% of the territory of the British mandate.

The root of the conflict is that Arab desire to wipe out Israel and kill all of its Jews.

Palmer Colson
Palmer Colson - 15.10.2023 06:22


M WD - 15.10.2023 04:38

This fool really said the isrealis just want to exist, but then they ignores the fact that they keep terrorising the Palestinians for absolutely no reason

Truth - 15.10.2023 04:15

So in theory if UK would have just conquered Israel and Palestine and made the land under their rule then the Arabs and Jews would live in peace because they couldn’t fight over land that was promised to them?

Duane Zachman
Duane Zachman - 15.10.2023 03:21

Well that was quick

sigmiami - 15.10.2023 03:18

you're forgetting the name Palestine came from the Roman's after destroying the Jewish temple in the land of Judea. it is and always has been been the land of Judea.

Brian Baldino
Brian Baldino - 15.10.2023 03:04

With my Italian Heritage, I'm just glad Christopher Columbus didn't discover Palestine.

Fatima - 15.10.2023 02:44

Wow that’s crazy how u said we’ll basically one country just wants to exist and one doesn’t feel like it got what it was promised. I’d recommend you and everyone in the comments to go and watch Jubilee Middle Ground where ACTUAL Israelis and Palestinians converse in what they and their governments want. They say themselves the Israelis want all the land to be under Israeli sovereignty I.e there is only Israeli/ Zionist nationality and an ethnic cleansing of Palestinian nationality. Whereas the Palestinians aspire for a two state solution where each party has their own land. For some reason it’s incomprehensible that these western countries such as the USA and UK are to blame. I’m a British citizen and IM APPALLED! I also find it funny that you wanted to do a little history lesson and failed to mention that Palestine has always been homeland to Palestinians and the Jews migrated there after Palestinians opened their land for refuge during the Holocaust! This is history TAUGHT in textbooks sourcecheck this if you want! Even British government cannot change this fact. Zionists then started to believe that this land was theirs now and fought Palestinians and displaced them KICKED THEM OUT OF THEIR LAND AND MADE THEM REFUGEES FROM THEIR OWN BIRTHPLACE!! how can you say “well it happens yk”

Sam Levi
Sam Levi - 15.10.2023 02:35

You could try sticking to things you understand and not misrepresent history

Shir mani
Shir mani - 15.10.2023 01:32

Israeli , the attack focus on Sderot and Ofakim also kibbutz's near like Beari Nir Oz

Alexander the great
Alexander the great - 15.10.2023 00:55

The man says he is unbiased, but all i hear is him being on one side and this is not even the first time

johngg25 - 15.10.2023 00:42

Ryan, what happened in Israel was pure evil. Killing non combatants is a crime. Pure and simple. I hope you’ve since denounced these atrocities. Horrible.

Honey Boo
Honey Boo - 15.10.2023 00:09

It doesn’t matter who promised what. Instead of fighting over a goddamn land maybe you should not spend money on a weapons rather spend them on infrastructures improvements. Don’t care whose land it is.

Peter Bryn
Peter Bryn - 14.10.2023 23:52

Thanks for this informative video, but I reject the notion that one population cleansing another is inherent for either tribe’s survival.

Genocide resulting from wars over limited resources are at least understandable. That’s not what American imperialism was. American expansion was genocide for the sake of dogma. America could certainly have evolved alongside the native peoples without nearly eradicating them.

And if my ancestors lost that tribal conflict, so what? Maybe I wouldn’t be here but somebody else with a different skin color might be. Humanity goes on.

tony french
tony french - 14.10.2023 23:38

Zioncon party line

Joe Girard
Joe Girard - 14.10.2023 23:19

Don't forget the Balfour Resolution. Britain intended to cheat the Arabs before the war was even over.

Sorin Galbinas
Sorin Galbinas - 14.10.2023 23:12

If I may say something - first there was no Palestine or palestinian people. Palestine was the name of a roman / turkish province, the peolple living in it were jews and arabs. Second - it comprise what is now Israel + Jordan + Gaza + West Bank. The partition plan was a devision of the teritory in two states: an arab one - Jordan and a jewish one - Israel with the river Jordan and the dead sea as border. This was done in 1948. But then the arabs demanded another partition of jewish teritories to create another arab state in the jewish half to be called Palestine… Another partition of a partition. And even this is not enought for the arabs. They want the extintion of Israel.

BrooklynChoppa - 14.10.2023 22:33

You can not explain the conflict in five minutes because the history actually starts before the Bronze Age collapse.

◀️Kreemerz▶️ - 14.10.2023 21:59

Palestinians have been attacking Israel for years.

◀️Kreemerz▶️ - 14.10.2023 21:58

I can't stand with people refuse to pick a side at if doing that is evil even when it's moral.

Jimmyisawkward - 14.10.2023 19:57

That tribe analogy is one of the most brain dead takes I’ve heard so far in this discourse

lalosdope - 14.10.2023 19:31

I do have a question, legit. What country existed before Palestine? I do know much history but, I came across a Muslim speaker that says Israel is actually older and existed before Palestine. I don't know though, this is why I ask.

hue ginvieny
hue ginvieny - 14.10.2023 18:51

So what your saying is they shouldn't be mad at each other they should be mad at the British

maurermeister00 - 14.10.2023 18:50

So this is all Britains fault. 😞

DAN Artley
DAN Artley - 14.10.2023 16:50

Trans jordan was th philistinian homeland promised

David Pavey
David Pavey - 14.10.2023 16:02

Finally someone who was able to go back before 1947. I hear a lot of people spouting off that the Jews stole the land from the native Palestinians but yet their research only goes back to 1917 at the latest. If you go back further, much, much, much , much, much further there is irrefutable evidence that the jews were there in Biblical times. But as you stated there was a time when they lived peacefully together.

Nomis Ekul
Nomis Ekul - 14.10.2023 15:28

This is too vague and misleading. Israel is certainly not just out to exist I'm fairly certain they outright hate Arabs, and Arabs clearly hate them too with a similar passion. They wish for the total destruction of one another, they don't wish to just exist. They are both as bad as one another and any person that takes either side is blind to realize this. Israel bomb civilians without any regard. Palestinian groups have been doing the same. Both for the same reason, pure hatred for one another for a past long gone. They are no different from each other

mojorizn72 - 14.10.2023 15:26

Once again, another oversimplification. Why does everyone explain this issue by starting with “British” did this, did that? If you people want an oversimplification here it is, the Jews have been in that region since Abraham! That’s it. Piss and moan about the “Palestinians” being run out of there all you want. It was the Jewish people who were originally run out of there! Now, there is definitely blood on the hands of both sides. But, only one side, has truly tried to make peace. Christians and Jews can coexist with other religions peacefully. Guess which religion cannot coexist! If you need a hint, it’s the religion who’s “Bible“ tells them to either convert subjugate or execute anyone not of their faith. Ironically, that religion is erroneously referred to as the “religion of peace“! That “religion of peace“ has been terrorizing humanity for thousands of years! Enough is enough!

Brekedek Dang
Brekedek Dang - 14.10.2023 14:35

Thank you for the nice, informative video.

No one should get a homeland for their religion. The government should not support any religious group over another. This is what makes America a great country, although there are many Americans who would like to do away with the idea of separation between church and state.

Sarbe - 14.10.2023 14:27

You're kinda severly underplaying the downright genocidal actions Isreal has been taking under the pretense of a "right to exist". Like Hamas isn't great either with their terrorist attacks, sure. But it's a terrorist extremist group against a massive organized well-equipped and technologically advanced state with an equally as advanced and organized military. There's no excuse for genocide.

SUpahh100 - 14.10.2023 14:14


Steve Atwater
Steve Atwater - 14.10.2023 14:12

Nothing justifys the defamation of babies.

Timmenerst - 14.10.2023 13:42

The ending seems to affect your neutrality and is really disappointing to me. Terrible crimes where committed on both sides. I would've hoped, we humans, would've grown past what happened a 1000 years ago. An era before education, globalism,... I cry for Israelian and Palestinian mothers and father's. I also wonder if American militarily aid to Israel will help de-escalation or just supres palastinians further and create a larger underbelly that, in the future, will react again.

J - 14.10.2023 13:35

You skipped the bit where Arabs rioted and murdered Jews in the 1880s, before WW1. Lynched farmers for being Jewish in disgusting racial conflict.

You also missed, when talking about the expulsion of Arabs, that more Jews were expelled from Arab countries.

sleep worthy
sleep worthy - 14.10.2023 11:00

hey ryan israeli viewer here i was wondering if you know how many israeli have been displaced from there homes in the war the statistic for Palestinians is easy to find but i can’t seem to find the number for Israelis great job with your coverage so far .

John Rawlins
John Rawlins - 14.10.2023 10:14

The terrible massacres made by Hamas in Israel may have a particular resonance for Americans. In the nineteenth century, dozens of similar killings were made by Indian tribes against settler communities in the West. Children were brutally murdered and hundreds of captives were taken. Yet when we look back at these killings we understand what provoked the Indians - it was the theft of their land and the destruction of their culture. Will future generations look back at these massacres by Hamas in the same way?

Someone - 14.10.2023 09:53

Just because I benefit from the deplorable actions of those who were here before me doesn’t mean those actions were okay. I don’t understand why people cling to this weird argument.

Jules - 14.10.2023 09:39

In short, the whole situation is a real shit sandwich.

FaTaL the 13th
FaTaL the 13th - 14.10.2023 09:26

So to make sure I understand this right. The Brit’s went to the Arabs and Jews stating they would give them Palestine back from the Turks if they help fight . Brit’s knew this was a lie and it ended up being claimed by the jews and left the Arab’s in the dust?

fuxpavel - 14.10.2023 09:26

They didn't get to ashkelon but got to 22 small towns

Nancy - 14.10.2023 09:11

✅ clear xplanation

LETO - 14.10.2023 07:08

so basically.. people who didn’t own the land, promised and gave the land to two groups who both believe it’s their land. Yikes.. and one group feels severely screwed over in this situation. What a mess!

Vadim Martynyuk
Vadim Martynyuk - 14.10.2023 06:54

The British

Beyond Infinity
Beyond Infinity - 14.10.2023 06:14

too biased misinformation!

Chadwicked - 14.10.2023 06:07

What about the havarra agreement, where the Zionist and other guys agreed to re locate some people

Aj Childs
Aj Childs - 14.10.2023 05:49

Thank you for explaining this in the most clear unbiased way you could wish all people that reported news did this even ppl I do like to get some news from at points just get annoyed by how bad it has got need more people to tell us the facts not how they feel about them
