Divi 4 Theme Custom Sticky Hidden Div Reveal On Hover

Divi 4 Theme Custom Sticky Hidden Div Reveal On Hover

747 Просмотров

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@thebibleproof - 13.01.2020 16:00

Neat little trick Jamie. Will you ever do a A-Z course for Divi 4?

@juanJose-ug5lw - 14.01.2020 15:40

Great, thank you, thank you very much

@geoffreywaterfeatureremode5394 - 15.01.2020 02:56

Always brilliant tutorials..A question. I built a top bar (in Divi Builder) to go above the Nav bar. It is fantastic, but I would like to incorporate a couple of icons. Can you do a tutorial about such an endeavor ? (michaelspoolrepairs.com) Thank you

@michelwibaut-ali5461 - 01.05.2024 19:15

It is great!
But I guess a more recent DIVI version breaks it with the et_pb_section_4 class:
.et_pb_section_4 {
width: 350px;
margin-left: auto !important;
margin-right: 0px !important;
position: fixed;
z-index: 99999999;
bottom: 300px;
right: 0;
Any idea of a workaround ? I'm not an expert!
