Freelance Project Management: Everything You Need to Know! Top Freelance Project Management Tips

Freelance Project Management: Everything You Need to Know! Top Freelance Project Management Tips

Kayla McGuire

1 год назад

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@22Lovejoy - 30.01.2024 01:10

What about becoming a freelance project coordinator so you can get experience?

@laetitiamespouille2971 - 04.02.2024 19:15

In my situation, I 'am starting my career as a freelance project manager. Therefore, I have no portfolio at all. So how can I showcase my passion and qualities without industrial experience? However I got 15 years of experience in the academic field. But I have no idea how valuable it is for industries.

@Himanshuchaturvede - 06.02.2024 18:02

Excellent information

@nikkiem.4573 - 29.02.2024 18:59

I've seen some comments on Reddit about being an individual Project Manager is not really feasible anymore as companies are favoring agencies with PMs as subs. What is your take on this? Is it possible to still be successful as a one-person show'?

@mindymarie26 - 01.08.2024 00:42

THANK YOU so much for this. I've done some freelancing in the past but it's been a minute. This was so extremely helpful!

@Irland_mindset - 11.10.2024 00:52

Kayla, that's cool but you are not taking time to list the different ways to sell your project management skill as a freelancer.

I mean except getting hired to work on a project we can do more right? You mentioned something about notion, I need details. I don't know if you did a video on that.

And I'm sure that you know many other services that we can sell as a project management, I will like to hear about this side please.

I'm a project management student who will start his master degree soon and I'm looking for ways to monetized my knowledge online, that will be a good way for me to practice, to learn even more as well and build my portfolio.

Your videos are great tough, that was still helpful. Thanks!

@angelfuentes3750 - 18.01.2025 21:15

Hi, great video. Thanks for encourage this lovely way to work as PM freelance, I have being looking for a Project Manager Portfolio template that I can review to build my own portfolio, please if you can share with us where we can find a template to work with it will be appreciated.
