Ashe vs Drow Ranger: A design comparison of the ADC role from both League of Legends, and Dota 2.

Ashe vs Drow Ranger: A design comparison of the ADC role from both League of Legends, and Dota 2.


1 год назад

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itsM1ha - 26.10.2023 07:14

U had some minor mistakes: thare are "melee carries" in lol like nilah and samira kinda. Also adc is the farm priority and 100% can go jg in the mid to late game to take a couple camps (that 2nd one is in proplay in pubs people just dont care)

ruvbd - 19.10.2023 03:23

Nice video. Would be great if you included some clips of the champs in action to further emphasize your points

Cicada rinn
Cicada rinn - 17.10.2023 23:18

My friend always invite me to play Dota 2 but never really teach me stuff T-T

Thomas die Lokomotive
Thomas die Lokomotive - 14.10.2023 03:42

Some things are wrong explained.

John gem Antalan
John gem Antalan - 13.10.2023 13:59

In league there also flex items builds cause some champs can just build what the f they want and still do shitton of dmg🤣 dota is just super complex for my flea brain so i stay with league. I play support where i kill the enemy carry so they can't kill my carry🤣

Frelj - 03.10.2023 08:20

Ashe passive says that when she Crits her Slows doubles up yo 60% too, but Crits doesn't do Extra DMG like any other champion, instead she does more DMG to Enemies that She has Slowed amd that scales with Crit Chance, and I know that the video is 9 months old but in league now you can buy more Hybrids options on DMG and Defense, Ashe in specific can do really well with Trinity and Black Leaver she does less DMG than going DMG+Crit, but it has more Mobility and more HP and so many other champions are doing it too

Ms t-
Ms t- - 08.09.2023 08:29

Built in lag, i laughed

Abradolf Lincler
Abradolf Lincler - 13.08.2023 22:57

gnar is an adc.. well shiet

ROUCKS XHIEAZ - 13.08.2023 00:41

Nice videos you have.. Good comparison without bias..
But your way of describing LoL items is oversimplfied and considering almost every item is all damage.. Completely hiding the reason to choose items according to its benefit.

Estelle - 16.07.2023 05:34

you should def watch video " why there is no jungler" by ZQuixotix . as you will acquire more in depth knowledge about dota

atm most of your video only going barely surface

Estelle - 03.07.2023 20:11

There used to be a jungler role back then when there is only certain heroes can farm in jungle but that was quickly remove. Now dota evolve into standard Pos 1-5 .

there is still alot of things in dota that you not cover and there is also many hidden roles, strategy when you study more Pro scence. It;s awesome

One biggest example: Mid Void and carry void build completely different item. Mid Lina and carry Lina also the completely different . Dota is defined into Pos 1-5 as farm priority and versatile in execution. DOTA HAS NO "LOCKDOWN". Item build, skills etc are influenced by game stage, role and so on. Meanwhile, Riot game are fking terrible at balancing and lock player in THEIR OWN DESIGN. They even punish player for their own style like the guy who Feed alot but still win game in LOL get suspended by Riot game showing how much they baby sit and lock down innovation

Jazzpher Auguis
Jazzpher Auguis - 30.06.2023 01:12

"turn rate aka built in lag" 😅

Drow Ranger
Drow Ranger - 27.06.2023 22:59

Dota is better.

CLADOSELACHE - 17.05.2023 09:38

Calls turn rate "built-in lag" when LoL characters look like they clip in between attacks while moving, and you call that "smoother" than dotas turn-rate mechanic?

Dota looks and feels smoother, if anything

ErikSche - 16.05.2023 00:44

What a good fucking channel. I'm glad I stumbled upon your channel. Would you please develop more in the gameplay design aspect? Design philosophy is the reason why Icefrog can be understood as such a genius, for the role he has in developing the Dota gameplay.

LegendaryNoob - 23.04.2023 18:16

the thing is about drow is that her ulty is her dmg, % more agi means more dmg and procs ignore enemy base armor resulting in taking them insane dmg

iKyuubi - 15.04.2023 04:35

Using crystal maiden as an example is just throwing salt in the wound lol 😂

PatchworxStudios - 30.03.2023 00:20

Front lane draw ....yeah maybe in a pub noob game.
