Romania's Forgotten Street Kids

Romania's Forgotten Street Kids

Journeyman Pictures

16 лет назад

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takeoff1999 - 17.10.2023 23:03

and that happens in an EU-country... unbelievable.

crow - 14.10.2023 02:11

The politician sound like an asshole his eay of speaking is like a character.

Savannah Shepherd
Savannah Shepherd - 12.09.2023 20:59

Any updates?

minusseasons - 26.06.2023 17:52

When the young girl lady with the short hair and hat was caught sniffing the glue and she tried to hide it behind her, that one gesture just showed how young these kids are, the thought of them sleeping on the streets and having to sell their bodies just to eat is fucking heart breaking.

Paul Smith
Paul Smith - 23.04.2023 08:16

After reading these comments I realize how many are either living in a bubble of privilege or wearing blinders or both. Some of my earliest recollections from childhood was seeing other children huffing paint and sniffing glue in the United States as far back as the 1960's. In my opinion the blame lies squarely in the lap of leadership both the old regime and the present. It appears that the privileged class much like in the United States just doesn't care.

Paul Smith
Paul Smith - 23.04.2023 04:43

The repulicans in The United States are following this example of bad governments by banning abortions and birth control. Their plan is to create an underclass of the dispossessed. In the same breath that they claim to be pro life the are taking food out of the mouths of poor children trying to ban supplemental nutrition assistance programs. How does sending children to school and to bed hungry making america or any country great?

pink girl
pink girl - 24.03.2023 22:21

FILM-ED IN / ON : ? / JUNE-6 / 996 AD \ CE ; NO-T : 1996 BUT I996.

iMatti00 - 20.03.2023 18:22

🤰 ~ Being against contraceptive birth control and abortion kind of sounds to me like Christian’s here in the USA who believe everything is murder and they don’t understand what a whole bunch of excess kids will result in.

And think about the hypocrisy back in 2010 of Republicans mocking and resisting President Obama‘s push to have birth control covered for zero dollars by insurance. I don’t believe in everything being given to everybody free by the government, but birth control should be completely free and actually the government should pay for house calls to go give women a shot or IUD or whatever. Even though you would think women would take out time in the day to get birth control, a lot of us are procrastinators and then we wait too long until you’re pregnant and then you have a child you can’t afford or you get an abortion. So I think birth control with home visits is a great solution. And it’s hard to see how anti-abortion Christians/people could be so hypocritical that they want to end abortions but don’t want to provide birth control. If you really want to prevent a murder and also get people out of poverty, then why not pay for it? Seriously. So it just tells me that Republican politicians are liars and the so-called anti-abortion people are hypocrites that have no logic.

Barbara Kosmatin
Barbara Kosmatin - 07.03.2023 03:08


LiD0349 - 16.01.2023 11:07

The fact that even in 2023, most of this hasn’t changed. Eastern Europe is still struggling with failed orphanages, especially for disabled children, child poverty, child HIV/AIDS, child homelessness. Their governments always say “we’ll focus on it” or “we’re working on it” not much has changed, especially in Ukraine due to the RussoUkrainian War (2022)

Yolanda S.
Yolanda S. - 03.01.2023 16:44


sooty - 12.11.2022 14:15

fucc why is the filming so aesthetic tho

Santiago Mac Gaul
Santiago Mac Gaul - 10.11.2022 07:44

the world is so much worse now even middle class people dont looke nearly as happy as these homeless children

taco_fetish - 15.09.2022 18:07

Anka is absolutely beautiful inside and out

Jhon Gauntt
Jhon Gauntt - 30.08.2022 07:33


Mark B.
Mark B. - 26.08.2022 17:26

I envy how Romanians are very light hearted and kind people , romanian people are beautiful. I really admire their culture, music and language.
Love from Philippines.

Shelah Ansuriza
Shelah Ansuriza - 09.08.2022 03:35

Goddamn Russian Government (if you want to call it that) forsaking those beautiful children and those people that gave birth to them. May they rot in hell. My heart breaks. My blood Boils. For God's Sake!

Tasha Harris 2
Tasha Harris 2 - 02.08.2021 03:12

Hello 👋👋👋👋👋???? As a black British based in the UK with many Romanian friends and speak Romanian and eat salmalli???? I'm asking that you do more documentaries about Romania especially the people in the tunnels in Bucharest!!!! I love 💕 Romania!!!! Thanks 👍!!!

ponsel - 14.07.2021 12:47

What did he blow?

Zoned Oyestander
Zoned Oyestander - 07.06.2021 06:05

Very good! Attempting to end it on a good note! Like you're told to do - like type of person trying to understand the less fortunate.
