Does it really sound different? MIDAS Pro vs Midas Designed (Behringer) Preamp Comparison

Does it really sound different? MIDAS Pro vs Midas Designed (Behringer) Preamp Comparison

Tom Wright

4 года назад

33,965 Просмотров

Audio Comparison of Midas M32 Pro Series preamp and Behringer XR18 'Midas Designed' preamp. Can you hear a difference?

Because of YouTube's audio compression, if anyone wants to download the WAV files to listen for yourself I've uploaded them here:

After looking back on this video after making it, and looking at the 200-250Hz region I pointed out in the RTA, I noticed on the pink noise analysis that there was also a wide, small boost in frequencies between 100 and 200Hz, which would be adding some more low-mid frequencies and perceived "warmth" into the sound.

I was actually surprised by how little difference there was in these preamps, and expecting there to be much more of an apparent, noticeable difference! Let me know in the comments if the results surprised you too!

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