How to create custom right click / context menu with react js & tailwindcss

How to create custom right click / context menu with react js & tailwindcss


55 лет назад

650 Просмотров

Welcome to my video tutorial! If you've ever wondered how to create a stunning custom right-click menu or context menu for your web application using React JS and Tailwind CSS, then this video is for you.

In this tutorial, I will guide you step by step in creating an interactive and engaging right-click menu that will improve the user experience of your web application. I will use React JS to manage the interaction logic and Tailwind CSS to design the menu appearance easily and efficiently. So, let's get started and improve your web development skills!

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⏱ Timestamp ⏱
Start: 0:00
Install Tailwindcss: 0:31
Start coding🔥: 1:59

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