Pros and Cons of Living in TN (What You Need to Know Right Now) -

Pros and Cons of Living in TN (What You Need to Know Right Now) -

The Home Team

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Capncrnch - 18.10.2023 22:50

And with all the influx Tennessee will soon become the overcrowded hellscape of where they ran from. It’s already happening.

Terri from Tennessee
Terri from Tennessee - 15.10.2023 17:56

You state "You hear the locals complain."
Yes, we are our way of life has been destroyed.
My ancestors were part of the the Overland Mountain Boys my ancestors were not rich but lead a comfortable, hard working life for centuries in NE TN,
Greene county just received new tax assessment---our farm in ONE year a 35% increase in land tax. Rumor is state assembly working on bill that would cap land tax at no more than a 5% increase per year so "powers that be" want the tax hike before it takes effect. A two bedroom apartment before Covid in my town cost approx, $600 today $1,100. Tn is full! Fix your own state , do not move here and change Tn into the state you left.

seneca - 09.10.2023 04:33

how's healthcare in TN?

Diane Adcox
Diane Adcox - 04.10.2023 07:31

NE TN native..lived here my whole life except for my time in the military. Your review was subjective for the most part and take it from someone who grew up here in the 70s-80s,this region has went downhill FAST in the last three years. Sign of the times I suppose. It is all about the mighty dollar I guess. Call someplace paradise kiss it goodbye.

Raymond piovesan
Raymond piovesan - 03.10.2023 00:41

Pl axe bring up the volume. Good review. Louder and I can hear great Thanks

TN Nutcase
TN Nutcase - 01.10.2023 15:22

TN is FULL!!! Stay where you are....

Barry Ben-Horowitz
Barry Ben-Horowitz - 29.09.2023 04:45

You failed to discuss income. That is a BIG part of what makes middle Tennessee unaffordable.

Forest To Farm
Forest To Farm - 28.09.2023 05:27

My question is how good is the soil in Eastern Tennessee? I am currently developing a 20 acre forest into a small homestead/farm. We have clay soil. It can be improved over time. However I have considered just packing up and moving to a less populated area. We live in Upstate SC and I foresee never ending massive population growth in the near and continuous future here. Two hundred acres of never devolved land next to us just sold and it has been cut flat to the red clay. There will now be a couple thousand people next door to us. Heartbreaking. I wanted to develop this land in hopes my grandchildren could continue on farming it and have a great place to live near a city but isolated. Well that dream was crushed. Its happening all around this area. That land next to us has always been forest. I guess it seemed we were safe. Nothing lasts forever. 😢

chip bryant
chip bryant - 27.09.2023 14:10

If you move here from California, leave California, don't drag it into our Great State.

Dimension Crosser
Dimension Crosser - 27.09.2023 13:21

9.5%is not that painful...We already paying income taxes here in California, and in the city I'm living in, I still need to pay the 10.5% sales tax...

DAC Crowell
DAC Crowell - 26.09.2023 05:20

There's a few things that were glossed over in this...

Weather: one missed point is that the state's topography tends to generate hellacious air pollution due to temperature inversions. Nashville, for example, sits in a 65 mile diameter hole, along with Franklin, Murf'bo, and Lebanon. Inversions form VERY easily over this and, at its worst, you can look up at night and see the BROWN moon. To say the least, otolaryngologists make BIG BANK there due to the effects this has on vocalists. I myself was always going in for steroid treatments, allergy shots, electrophoresis treatments, and so on. The only plus to this is that the ENT docs there are some of the very best, having literal years in the trenches.

The inversion problems also occur in the Ridge and Valley Region between Knoxville and Chattanooga, and when Chattanooga was still a steel production town, the results were downright vile. Knoxville's inversions are more due to auto traffic (especially due to tourism in the summer) and can approach Nashville in terms of the atmospheric "lock" and resulting bad air. Tricities doesn't get this as badly (valleys are too small and katabatic winds from the high mountains help), nor does Memphis (flat as a board, so inversions don't form to the same degree if at all). Not trivial if you're looking to retire there and have respiratory issues!

Education: has problems. Very serious ones. Not only do you have the present artificial outrage there, the fact is that whenever that manufactured anger spikes up, education winds up getting worse. This was the case when bussing (dogwhistle for desegregation) hit Nashville in the late 1960s, for instance...and the present situation there is the same sort of bad craziness. Even some of the players are still the same ones as in other "panics" that were proven to be hogwash. This is precisely why A Certain Felon loves "the undereducated", as you can make them launch into hysterics with just the right combo of utter nonsense. If you're into watching systemic madness cause a state to crumble to dust, Tennessee's your place.

What doesn't help there is that, instead of getting behind education fiscally, the state government pretends the problems don't exist. And money that could be used to up the education standards instead flows in directions to attempt (badly) to pretend that there's no problem. Bringing us to...

State government. This has long been Tennessee's biggest contact sport. It's also been bats**t insane as long as I can recall. Most of you reading this won't know who Ray Blanton was...but he was perhaps the most corrupt governor in US history, to say nothing of Tennessee itself. He got caught in a massive corruption scheme involving selling state licenses on the downlow, liquor licenses especially. But he also sold pardons...and when he got caught for this, Lamar Alexander had to take the Governor's office two days early. Ray Blanton was in the process of pardoning EVERYBODY in the Tennessee prison system as a deliberate act of revenge against the state, because of...well, he couldn't do as he pleased. State Supreme Court met, nullified Blanton's position for pretty obvious reasons, and swore Lamar in while State Troopers converged on the Governor's mansion to physically remove Blanton. Pretty nuts, really.

But then, a lot of y'all wouldn't have liked Lamar anyway. He championed elevating educational standards, put lots of money into schools, increased the visibility and funding for the Arts statewide, and worked to get people out of poverty. These days, being an asset to your state like that probably gets slagged as "weak sauce", to borrow a phrase. But that "sauce" was what got the state Nissan, Saturn, and Volkswagen to put huge operations there, along with a bunch of other firms that moved to Tennessee because Lamar Alexander was making tangible progress there, and they wanted in.

Contrast that with now. The REAL reason the state is scuffling now is because corporations don't want to put investment capital into situations that look (and ACT) very dicey.

So, every time one of those off-the-rails school board meetings would get on the news, I can guarantee you that CEOs and shareholders looked at that hot mess and scratched Tennessee OFF of their expansion possibilities lists. You might think those people were trying to "protect the children" from what really is a pile of nonsense, conjecture and outright lies...but what they ACTUALLY accomplished was to diminish the state's standing, which will affect Tennessee adversely for DECADES at this point.

Now, before any of y'all go off half cocked on this, please remember that the computer you're typing on is powered by electricity that originates in a SOCIALIST PROGRAM...otherwise known as the TVA. yourself, because had it NOT been for FDR, you might not be able to switch on the computer to deliver whatever misspelled bon mots you might have been told to say by very skilled propagandists.

And that above is problem #4: somehow, some dipshits in a big office in Washington have opted to use certain aspects of the state for their...and not YOUR benefit. This happens with a certain degree of regularity there, and seems to be at a fever pitch in recent years.

Folks, these DC people really don't give a damn about Tennessee and ESPECIALLY not Tennesseeans. You're just a crude tool for the rich, which has been a perennial and perhaps the biggest problem for Tennessee overall. Since the education standards are so low, most people can't make sense of long, prolix statements (like this one, almost certainly) so if you get someone to doll a bunch of BS up as whatever pearl-clutching problem is selling well that week, you can get a lot of people in Tennessee to go bonkers...even if they don't know exactly WHY.

Easily the biggest problem in the state, one that's not as apparent from outside, and also not quite as apparent in the "Fourth Grand Division" of the NE corner/Tricities area...which, tbh, skews more like Virginia and/or North Carolina. Does make things there more tolerable, but that area is still saddled with TN's poor social services trackrecord, which wipes out any benefits of the location.

So, yeah...TL;DR and all that. Don't care. To me, as someone who's Tennessee roots go clear back to the 1750s...members of my family founded the little town of Pasquo, now a rather pricey Nashville 'burb...this is stuff you need to know about Tennessee. And you'll note that if you go back to the clip here, many of those negatives mentioned go directly back to state misrule all too often for comfort. But these are points that anyone considering moving to Tennessee MUST consider, despite being the difficult, thorny points. You might be just fine with the state of state affairs there...but I know for a fact that most people want nothing to do with entrenched corruption issues and governmental inaction. It needed to be said, though.

Chase Miron
Chase Miron - 23.09.2023 16:18

Lebanon TN was a peaceful city, not anymore people everywhere. And the prices are higer. I am ready to move.

spokes28 - 22.09.2023 04:36

Unfortunately due to some city officials being developers or being connected to developers, the construction of apartments, townhouses, and single family homes is taking priority over infrastructure. Let’s add 20,000 cars this year, but no, let’s don’t add any new roads.

D Hale
D Hale - 16.09.2023 00:29

Do not move to Tennessee the Democrats just won Nashville and the woke and broke are coming GTF out of here asap.

Pat Howell
Pat Howell - 14.09.2023 12:34

I found this to be very informative. Even though my family has lived in Nashville for over 200 years, this was very interesting. Nice work!

gdavew63 - 12.09.2023 21:07

I've been here since 1966. If you're coming from CA, NY, IL and other blue places, leave it behind please...

Spedkidbiggy - 11.09.2023 11:50

And I thought WA was bad with its 8.9% sales tax.

Laura Rivero
Laura Rivero - 10.09.2023 23:05

How’s Sparta? What’s the weather like?

Matthew Brunette
Matthew Brunette - 04.09.2023 22:25

I’m thinking about escaping Colorado to move to Tennessee because my values are more on the conservative side.

Mr Digit
Mr Digit - 04.09.2023 00:11

A Damn Yankee Comings And Stays !

Roland Tiu
Roland Tiu - 01.09.2023 07:54


Samson Crosswood
Samson Crosswood - 27.08.2023 22:20

Con: it won’t feel like TN for much longer. Too many people from the coasts with no interest in the history or culture - or in keeping the cost of living here low. Some do, too few I fear.

Mike Sparks
Mike Sparks - 23.08.2023 14:51

Most folks I’ve met from California were very nice. We just listed our home in Smyrna at 114 Woodland Drive…Keep us in mind on our 2400 square foot home, one of the top magnet schools is a black away and so is the public libray.

Sophia Christian
Sophia Christian - 23.08.2023 12:46

Lol!!! I live on $740 a month on SS. I'm retired and live alone here in eastern Tennessee. I receive no help from anyone however I survive. I would have liked to have owned my own home with a garden and a few chickens ,but ,sadly, i rent a house instead. Luckily my rent is cheap $600 a month with no gov funding. It's clean and decorated with things I love. I drive a 93 Chevy truck my only vehicle. I'm not complaining. Life is what u make of it. I paint paintings, love my cat, hike, yard sale, go camping and have food on the table. It may not be steak nor meat every nite but I eat. I receive a few food stamps but since I have SS income its not as much. My town has a population of 3500. Im thankful for what I have tho. As long as I'm capable of taking care of myself I hope to live out my life here God willing lol .

Richard Shagrin
Richard Shagrin - 21.08.2023 17:27

You get to see a lot of Tennis. That is why it is Tennis see.

Tennessee Tater
Tennessee Tater - 19.08.2023 23:13

It's HORRIBLE. I grew up in Nashville & Northeast TN. Highly recommend looking to move elsewhere. Tennessee is awful!

IamElectricTN - 17.08.2023 23:43

If been here for 42 years. A TN native. TN, Nashville specifically was amazing 20 years ago. Those days are long gone. We are truning into California. Good luck finding a home anywhere in Williamson, Davidson, Rutherford, Wilson for under 500k that isnt in the hood. Sure you can goto Memphis on the cheap but i wouldn't recommend it. Murfreesboro is ridiculous just like Nashville. Extremely overcrowded and inflated prices. Avoid middle TN is what im saying. Unless you enjoy paying out the butt and extreme traffic and congestion. Im moving myself. Goodbye middle TN!

Edit: Covid ruined TN along with the New Yorkers and Californians. Exactly why prices are so high.

ianamctavish - 14.08.2023 17:14

My wife and I are Canadian (living in south-western Ontario) and we both work for the same employer. Our company also has a location in Manchester TN. Life in our province, and country has just become miserable. Our borders have become open floodgates without the infrastructure to support it, so homes and properties are stupidly expensive. Tennessee seems like it has a favorable climate and great real estate prices (compared to what we are looking at here in Canada). The biggest factor is that our employer would be more then willing to transfer us south of the boarder and have our seniority come with us... My wife is originally from Costa Rica.... Can anyone talk me out of making the move to the Manchester area, or is it a no brainer?

The Tanz
The Tanz - 14.08.2023 14:52

Here's a secret however that I've been seeing in private groups, a good chunk of people born and raised in Tn, is sick of everyone from out of state moving into Tennessee.

vern wallen
vern wallen - 13.08.2023 17:49

BEWARE of the THUGS that operate city hall in Kingsport TN.They will try too rob you of everything you own.Mayor,clerks,cops(hi-way robbers)judges et al.😜😜😜

Tyrel McMahan
Tyrel McMahan - 10.08.2023 15:33

Wrong about humidity! You have grossly understated it. Memphis is horrible. The humidity is absolutely off the charts, sticky, and offensive! I hate it. It's almost impossible to do anything during the "best" part of the summer. Also, we have LOtS of severe weather! We have severe thunderstorms, flash floods, and tornadoes. OFTEN! I am a storm spotter. We have teams over here in Memphis track it all.

Sharon Bee
Sharon Bee - 09.08.2023 20:19

We moved to middle Tennessee 5 years ago and love everything about it! I lived in Illinois and California before that, so this was a huge change that I didn’t know I needed. Life here is so much less stressful and the people here are so much nicer.

sbnsbaker1 - 07.08.2023 17:36

You forgot to add that if a Make America Great Again hat makes you go Spastic, then Do Not move to Tennessee!!!!!!

KnoxNut - 06.08.2023 22:50

Con is the way people drive here. Pro my truck is bigger than yours.

Appalachian Man
Appalachian Man - 05.08.2023 00:17

Our property tax is super low. About $850 a year for a $375000 home ! In Michigan I would be paying almost $4000 for the same. That makes your house payment significantly lower. When I lived in Texas, which I also loved, Property taxes were like Michigan. Great video. Thanks.

Lisa Johnson
Lisa Johnson - 03.08.2023 21:51

I have friends that are moving to just north of Nashville. They are conservative, but an LGTBQ couple. I have not heard anyone or comments negative to that effect, but I know that they are a little worried. Should they be?

LawnMower_gaming1 - 01.08.2023 06:40

Pros: Tennessee
Cons: it isn’t bigger

James Barrow
James Barrow - 31.07.2023 17:35

I moved to southern middle TN 9 months ago because this is where I want to live out my remaining time on earth. I was the very first generation born outside of TN 57 years ago as my mom's family is from eastern TN, dads family from west TN. I now live in a very wooded hilltop area which is beautiful every which way you look. Although I live an hour south of Nashville, I have to work in and around Nashville which is a long commute in extremely heavy traffic every morning and afternoon. The reward of course is when I arrive home in Lewis County which is beautiful every where you look. As for cost of living and especially insurance, it is outrageously high but I've made up my mind that my life is much better down here versus the rat race I lived up in Indiana. I should've moved here decades ago but I was so busy with work that there was no time to think about upending my life and moving south. Well I finally did it and thrilled with my new life and job. I hit the ground running when I moved here but sadly I'm only making 1/3rd the income I was used to and that is the price I had to pay and have to live with. I don't have the resources I was used to but now I have a life which I never had before due to work and approaching my 60's, it was an acceptable trade-off. I'm in a good place now and I'm happy.

Man Mountain Metals
Man Mountain Metals - 25.07.2023 20:25

Pro: best BBQ ever. Con: worst schools in America 🇺🇸 😢

Vernon Meyer
Vernon Meyer - 23.07.2023 22:57

OK Now I have lived in this state twice now. I lived here about 35 yrs ago and worked for American Eagle At BNA Nashville. I was Fired for wearing a Union Cap, not agents company regs in any way. 13 other employees working same shift , same cap [ Nothing ] My wife and I just needed to get our family out of Las Vegas so we transferred to Nashville. Prior to moving here I he'd have 18 yrs total between A.E., and Southwest Airlines. From the moment I got to BNA I Could Feel the Hostile Work Environment as my old boss from LAS that I never trusted working for there. After being wrote up for things that Company Regulations , Union Contract, and even being Verbally Sexually Hit On by a SWA CS agent. I was Terminated for Throwing Bags. Well since I'v been a Baggage Handler for 18.5 yrs, sorry but there is a little throwing with the Millions of Baggage Handers in the WORLD.I could Not Believe the Pure Stupidity , and Reckless ARROGANCE some of the Management had. After paying union dues finish
ing up again by paying United Transport Union 555 for almost 18.5 yrs they called me up, and said [ We Can't Do Anything For You] Nothing More. We Choose Very Very Poorly coming to Tn. as the Right To Work Laws just lets companies like SWA to FIRE ANY Employee at anytime for any reason. TOTAL BS . and the people seem to be real nice and all but I live 30 miles north of Nashville which is Still after all this truth being put in front of there face, they still Kiss Ok let's talk about the folks around me a little. I live 30 miles out of Nashville, so it's all republicans around here except for my wife and I and my 2 neighbors I'm both embarrassed and ashamed to be from Tn. as there are so many Trumptards Ass Lickers here.These people Have No Common Sense . I went to the Nashville Swap meet yesterday, It made me sick to see all the Trump flags and stickers. I started asking the venders for anything trashy they could sell me on Trump I would Pay Double. No Sales, just pissed off venders

JR - 23.07.2023 16:44

Two pros I would add. Tennessee is a common sense red state, (with the exception of Memphis). I've live in Tennessee since 1991 and Governor Bill Lee is the best Governor I've seen. Number 2 is the food. The variety is vast based on what part of the state you're in but all is good. People in Tennessee love to eat. 🙂

Stuart Warren
Stuart Warren - 23.07.2023 15:08

You left off crime rate... and concealed carry / constitutional carry... There are two levels of CCW permits allowed in TN and if you have a CCW in another state and move to TN, you need to pass a TN CCW test within 6 months.

Johan Charpentier
Johan Charpentier - 23.07.2023 01:48

We like low property tax. No state income tax.

Mary St Pierre
Mary St Pierre - 22.07.2023 04:50

That’s discouraging about Union City area. My friend moved south of town by outskirts. 1 acre of land and fixer. The neighbors have been super nice mowing his lawn before he moved in and the other neighbor has some cattle and garden grown food he sells him. Seemed like nice people.

c103110a - 20.07.2023 17:48

Sales tax is fair, because EVERYONE pays: residents, nonresidents, workers, unemployed, drug dealers, illegal aliens, etc. If TN relied on an income tax, only WORKERS pay!

63tnbadboy - 20.07.2023 10:31

Living and growing up in Knoxville area all my 54 years. the thing of being land locked from the ocean, we never have to worry about hurricane. There is things like the pollen count can be horrible at times, but just roll with it and it doesn't last forever. To speak from being in East Tennessee, we're courteous towards visitors, The reality is tourism is huge here and lots of money to be made. Leave your communism and democratic whining up north and just spend your money here. Take pictures, be careful on our lakes, and take a beautiful hike in our glorious "Rocky Top" mountains. We are a very gun friendly state, normally the only thing that makes our guns unsafe is some stranger with bad intentions. Be careful on our roads they belong to the deer as well. By the way Norris Lake is beautiful and you can rent a boat at many of our marinas.

Wesley Stevens
Wesley Stevens - 20.07.2023 07:53

From all accounts… stay the heck away from Memphis. It is a fallen, failed, ultra-high in crime city. Terrible.

DADAS GARAGE - 20.07.2023 00:12

We go to Tennessee every year. Love it over there got to get away from the big city in Miami and just cool back in the mountains.

Jimmy Walters
Jimmy Walters - 17.07.2023 01:19

Does TN have a personal property tax on automobiles like VA ?

NoName - 16.07.2023 00:26

Spent 2022 in Hermitage (super close to Nashville) and being a guy from Southern California, I didnt enjoy my time out there.

Infrastructure is ancient, most streets are 2 lanes wide at most if not 1 lane each way. Generally only 1 way to get somewhere, highway speed limits change every few miles.

Bugs are EVERYWHERE all Spring & Summer and I dont know where any of the "Southern Hospitality" was.

I interacted with a lot of Native locals of all ages and they were just as nice or rude as I've seen in any other state
