Net Worth and Income of Top 1%, 5%, 10% and 20% in America

Net Worth and Income of Top 1%, 5%, 10% and 20% in America

Diane LuTran

1 год назад

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@EddieLoboNunez - 25.01.2024 02:10

I’m too 5% but I will always live like in the 90% I guess some expending habits never change lol. Thanks mom!!! Made me extremely frugal

@leehaskins307 - 09.01.2024 08:18

The wealth number and income lever really depends on ones age…. a 21 year old is not going to make more then a 50 year old…. I’d prefer to see these averages spread out of age groups…. I’m in my 50s I certainly make more then when I was in my 20s… age bracket wealth is so much more important.. would love to see a video on that...

@bradleyw3771 - 08.01.2024 20:56

SO, where am I at? Single 72 year old make, retired, with an annual income of $72,000.00 per year, and a Net Worth of $1.8million?

@ebeyslough - 08.01.2024 03:17

No one feels rich in this inflationary environment unless your net worth hits $10M.

@kb3byu - 07.01.2024 21:33

While you focused on the income of the top 20%. And above as evidence of wealth disparity you need to also look at the total percentage of income taxes they pay

@mantisnorth3519 - 06.01.2024 20:11

top1 is hard to reach

@onwisconsin2362 - 06.01.2024 19:43

A financial "guru" should know the difference between median and mean. This one DOESN'T.

@Skynet573 - 06.01.2024 03:44

Wages never keeping up to cost of living . One reason is inflation the hidden tax. This causes a wider gap wealthy and poor. Most middle and poor just buy depreciating products vs owning a business or stocks that are assets that make depreciating products. I am a retired physician who invested young in index funds that grew yearly and compounded yearly. Many of my friends owned a few homes as rentals which makes a home a real asset vs a liability. Live below your means, understand wants vs needs. I grew up when credit cards were not invented. So many people use credit to subside their income. With high inflation now, high interest rates, and more debt people paying more dollars past debt with less dollars for the future. Inflation during past 3 years has been terrible and compounds yearly. Many want to own a home but a home is more than just the monthly mortgage, it’s property taxes, maintenance, and insurance costs. Your maintaining the home, paying water bills and electric bills. If you miss a few monthly mortgage payments the bank takes it back. Thank you. If you can not finance a new car for less than 3 years probably too muchz if an older car should be able to pay cash or at least save enough to allow lower interest rate and monthly payments.

@BF-sb5zs - 03.01.2024 21:03

according to these stats we are probably top 15% but it sure doesn't feel like it

@rgarri6396 - 03.01.2024 19:50

I have a net worth of around seven million but only have an income of 160k. Net worth and income have no correlation to me.

@BtFromLa - 31.12.2023 07:00

annual income is income before taxes and expenses?

@mikeh5629 - 28.12.2023 13:16

A million dollars just ain’t what it used to be. Inflation of the past few years has reduced its value significantly. Keep saving!

@leviathansparrow6244 - 27.12.2023 00:22

You had me at "bottom 20%".

@leviathansparrow6244 - 27.12.2023 00:20

"Do you ever wonder if you're rich?" Uh, haha, no. No, I don't.

@mekrobar7872 - 26.12.2023 09:30

I find it helps to be obsessed with money/wealth. I spend a great deal of the day learning about taxes and alternative ways to invest and then reinvest profits.

@joesmith9330 - 26.12.2023 07:23


@dexagalapagos - 25.12.2023 03:53

I think a decamillionaire today is basically a redefined term for what a millionaire was in the 1900s. I've a net worth of a few mil and don't feel wealthy at all. I might be able to double it in the next few years, at which point I would feel "comfortable" but not wealthy. Being a millionaire doesn't mean much these days.

@neildepoy7329 - 24.12.2023 14:54

Obsession over wealth is a fools errand,when you die it means diddly squat.

@simplerway489 - 24.12.2023 11:38

This Vietnamese American lady doesn't sound anything like what many would portray as a Vietnamese accent. I have worked with so many Vietnamese nurses and have never met one that sounds as awful as many of these bigoted groups (which oddly enough happened to be other minority groups) want to convince the broader public.

@rorycolgan - 24.12.2023 09:42

Im not in these groups, but as mamma said, im still her favorite youngest born😂

@Judynowakowski - 24.12.2023 02:25

You work for 40yrs to have $1m in your retirement, meanwhile some people are putting just $10k in a meme coin for just few months and now they're multimillionaires. I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life

@H0DLTHED0R - 23.12.2023 18:15

❤ Diane is Hawt! ❤

@cusodha1 - 22.12.2023 11:43

Forget all this...If you are in the highest bracket of income tax than you are rich. Simple.

@Ckawauchi35 - 22.12.2023 10:46

My husband made really good money before he retired and invested heavily in our 401K since day one. There was a time when we lost our homes, cars, jewelry, and other investments bc of his addiction to gambling which spanned about 15 years. Well, we lost everything! Fortunately, he wasn't able to touch our 401K so we still came out as winners despite that past. I taught him the value of frugality and we have maintained this lifestyle. We may not have been able to recover all the money we lost, but maxing out our contribution to 401K (besides different pensions from his two careers and other sources) is a game-changer. We are at a stage in our lives where we have financial security and are content with what we have. Be thankful for your blessings and don't spend money like the Joneses!

@XChannel77777 - 22.12.2023 06:44

You interchangeably use individuals and households. Hard to tell if your numbers are for individuals or a family unit. It will be great to clarify.

@AR-el1km - 21.12.2023 21:36


@wendellhanes1 - 21.12.2023 16:00

If you don’t feel rich at 10 mil retrain your brain and go blow some money on trips vacations and and fun otherwise your kids will blow it for you

@teams3345 - 21.12.2023 04:26

I started contributing to my 401k my second paycheck out of college. It was tough with a mortgage, student loans, etc. I worked six days a week as an Engineer. In those days we got OT on everything over 40 hours. Then I met my partner (now 35 years together) he was into saving/investing as well. By the time we retired we were saving 35 percent of our income . He retired at 63 and I was 57. Saving/Investing on autopilot works.

@life.on.mars. - 20.12.2023 19:57

How many poor people in the US? Sounds like you might know something about that working at the WB.

@farmerzaoshu5826 - 20.12.2023 18:28

Your data are 2 or 3 years ago, not 2022 or 2023

@christopherconcept926 - 20.12.2023 17:20

I’m in the top 10% but that’s poor in the Bay Area

@spocksvulcanbrain - 20.12.2023 15:57

One point I strongly disagree with in your analysis is the 1%ers. When you outlined them you called them decamillionaires and then immediately jumped to those with hundreds of millions as examples. CEOs, Owners of huge corporations, etc while showing Buffett, Gates etc. That's a fantasy and doesn't show the vast majority of decamillionaires. There's a huge gap between 10 million and hundreds of millionaires let alone billionaires. I'll bet there is a huge number of those with assets closer to 10 million (say between 10 and 25) who are NOT in any way those you mentioned but just really good at saving, investing, and living a frugal lifestyle while having a good job. For example, I have over 10 million in assets but never made more than $235K/year. And that was for only a few years before retiring. Many of my coworkers had the same outcome. My point is that even non-CEO workers in good-paying fields can obtain net assets over 10 million by the time they retire - especially if in a dual-income situation. I did it alone. How many of those 22 million millionaires are closer to 10 than to 100 million in assets?

@dhui777 - 20.12.2023 11:09

When she says income, she means net income after income tax, property taxes, and job-related expenses. So $173k net income means more than $300k earning per year in expensive metropolitan areas.

@sonder007 - 20.12.2023 06:01

Anh yeu em

@ElJefe360 - 20.12.2023 05:10

I’m going to turn 50 next month and have a net worth of almost $2.5 million and I don’t feel a millionaire 😢

@bpuryea - 20.12.2023 01:37

Would like to see you and others like you address the mobility of the American population across income and net worth quintiles over time.

When I was 20 I was in the bottom 20% quintile earning minimum wage at a full time job, paying for college and had essentially a zero net worth.

At 58, I am in the top 20% for income and in the top 5% for net worth.

The fact is that most of the population is mobile over their lives and do not permanently occupy that bottom - and here's the secret a lot of people don't understand the top 20% - for long periods of time.

Income inequality is a poisonous and loaded term and it assumes too many things that simply aren't true:
1. That most people in the bottom and top quintiles are permanent residents of those income/net worth levels.
2. That the inequality is the fault of the hard working and successful at the expense of the poor. (I know - it is a logical fallacy as well as being completely untrue. Poor people are poor because of behavior and the same is true of wealthy people)
- 2a. Most wealthy people in fact do not inherit their wealth, they build it on their own.
3. That if the wealthy weren't so greedy, the poor wouldn't be so poor.
- 3a. No amount of whining and moaning is going to make it moral or desirable to steal the fruits of Peter's labor to give to Paul through the coercion of any Local, State, or Federal government. Theft is theft whether your neighbor comes and steals your property or some government lacky does it. The WHY simply doesn't matter.

Let's focus on the behaviors, habits, and outlooks of the successful and promulgate those traits across society rather than talking about "wealth inequality"

@ethan998 - 19.12.2023 21:52

Are you sure this number is individual or household?

@bigegames2019 - 19.12.2023 21:02

Replace the word "individual" with "household" everytime she says it. As these results where based on household numbers, some that had 2 or more income earners in the household. And while generally single individuals do make more, the often work more and spend less until they are 50+ so statistics can be leveraged anyway we want to make them tell the story we want to see. The reverse needs to be shown more often, 80% of American households make under 60k a year, so congrats, your watching this and are likely the norm. There is nothing wrong with that.

@vladseva2327 - 19.12.2023 20:57

Is it by individual or by household ??

@hugohabicht9957 - 19.12.2023 11:01

For the top 5 the net worth barely 3 times annual income. Where does all the money go?

@leonplanken5506 - 19.12.2023 04:21

Well actually i am 48 and have a net worth of $15mln. It all depends on your spending and the yield on your net worth. I feel very comfortable and we can do everything we want, but we can't fly private and have 3 houses. But we can spend about $30k a month. So its very very comfortable

@DewTime - 19.12.2023 04:14

$1.6MM here at 35 years old

@mikeyluk5113 - 19.12.2023 01:45

Dollar cost average in sp500….not that hard. People spend too much on wants instead of needs…..

@OperationNonsense - 18.12.2023 23:56

Those numbers and stats are completely useless because they are heavily brought down by extreme low income areas and outlier demographics. In reality, you will not find those numbers to be a relatable reality in cities where most people actually live. Basically all those figures need to be doubled if you live in a tier 1 major cities in the US such as LA, SF, SEA, DEN, CHI, NYC, BOS, and DC. At least doubled, if not more.

@JohnLee-db9zt - 18.12.2023 23:39

Where’s the top 0.001%. I feel excluded. 😂

@oahuguy3918 - 18.12.2023 22:11

These numbers seem low, but I think it's because it's not broken down by age.

@CryptoCafe2012 - 18.12.2023 19:25

Am top 5%? It doesn't feel like it🤔

@gene4094 - 18.12.2023 18:27

As a 75 yo, it is a little late for me to strive to accumulate a large wealth. I have always wanted to make this world a better place to live. The most crucial problem to solve is finding a new source of energy. Having a career in Analytical Chemistry, after retiring I found a high probability of finding a new source of energy. It is a reaction at the quantum scale, for splitting water.
