How Many Sets Do You Really Need to Build Muscle?

How Many Sets Do You Really Need to Build Muscle?

Jeremy Ethier

8 месяцев назад

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@Dachamp2001 - 25.01.2024 05:19

I typically do 7-12 sets a week & mostly do pyramid style lifting. But once i hit that plateau & just stuck i will switch over to higher volume with slightly lower weight 15-20 rpm 3-4 sets. Then mix in pyramids.

@charleshill5196 - 24.01.2024 22:37

Cardio is essential to your weight training. 3-4 days of cardio will energize your body along with your mind because of more blood flowing to all parts of your organs. Cardio in my opinion will only increase your energy and your recovery time.

@jasontindell6734 - 24.01.2024 02:47

Jesus Loves you all very much!!!! God Bless everyone!!!!

@ashishverma-mj1kl - 23.01.2024 15:29

do u have simian lines?

@TheBrokeBoyMycologist - 22.01.2024 21:21

Since muscle groups have different heads does that exact isolation matter? Like 20 sets for upper chest, mid chest, lower chest for example

@beast._gohan - 22.01.2024 18:38

Can someone say in short

@MAtildaMortuaryserver - 22.01.2024 14:46

After a car accident that left me with whiplash, years later I still have a spot in my back that gets really painful to the point of eating aspirin and staying in bed. I was in the hospital 2 months in 2021 and admission weight was 167, discharge weight was 127. I am six feet so this is not acceptable, but to regain that weight and even add some meant a lot of working out with lighter weights. I do three sets of 30 reps for several upper body muscles, and unfortunately can't do much with the legs following bypass surgery. But in the upper body I have seen a lot of progress going two days on and one day off with this routine. The one thing I never do is work to failure, I know from experience that if I do I will quit for long periods, last time was nearly a year. You do not need to work to failure to build muscle and gain weight. Maybe you do if your goal is to compete in Mr. Universe, but otherwise avoid it.

@stayontrack - 21.01.2024 18:26

do they count warmup sets or only working sets?

@damianadeangelis7425 - 21.01.2024 17:11

you said the workout would be free but instead it costs a lot

@pamirsahak - 21.01.2024 15:23

Great information however i am a little bit confused. What is a group of muscles for example is back one group of muscle of 4 group of muscle (Traps, upper, lats, lower)?

@user-fo6xt9ij8p - 21.01.2024 08:44

Am I crazy for thinking 3 hours for Arnold’s chest day seems like a long ass time? For how little sets he was doing

@Hyperborean_2 - 21.01.2024 07:48

Why per week?
Because of the moon phases?

@gopherstate777 - 20.01.2024 10:59

3 total sets. 2 exercises.
1) Incline Dumbell Curl 2sets 8-12 reps
2) Underhand Chin or Underhand Lat pulldown 1 set to failure (under 15 peps) to a burnout. And add 3 negatives fighting all the way down.
Do not rest longer than 60 seconds between sets. Don't move your elbows on inclines EVER!
If you get stale on Inclines do Hammer curls or Spider curls off the opposite end of a preacher bench. The important thing is to not cheat on your reps or use momentum. Do heavy negatives and static holds and work quickly.
You want to take no longer than 5 minutes or you are just wasting your time.
Power is work divided by time, not times time. Do a massive amount of work within a limited moment in time so that you can fully recover from your workout if you are natural. Drug takers can get away with long drawn out low-intensity workouts but you can't.

Body by Bake

PS- For Triceps I would do 2 sets of Tricep Pushdowns 8-12 reps
And 1 set of Dipps to failure and the same principles as the Bicep routine.

Don't worry about your breathing and you don't need a warmup set because you cannot use a heavy enough weight to hurt yourself. I trained a bodybuilder with 20-inch arms who regularly used 60-75 pounds in his seated curls for 6 sets working up in weight. He could not complete the workout I listed with 25 lbs in the incline curl and he did zero chin-ups. His ring finger on each hand became numb and he dropped both dumbells after 11 reps. His training partner made him keep his elbows back and perpendicular to the floor. He tried to cheat as he always had done. Then when he dropped the weights he tried to run to the drinking fountain but we both made him stay seated because the second set was coming in 60 seconds. On his second set, he quit at 5 reps and stopped. He was unable to get more because it was too hard. We did not train arms again for four days and by then he was ready to give a maximum effort. He did better.
Everybody can go if you give them a long lazy rest. But that burns energy in the liver and that cuts into our natural recovery.
What you should be trying to do is to exhaust the stored energy in your muscles and leave the stored energy in your liver for recovery. All of you who read this work hard. Most of you can't recover and overtrain. That's why Bodybuilders take drugs.
If you are natural and have no interest in taking drugs do my routine. But even drug takers have to retrain their muscles to hold more glycogen in their muscles to perform at this high level.

@freetorhyme1234 - 19.01.2024 15:57

The 5 day/week free workout says it is 14 sets per week but only does Biceps/Triceps 1 day per week.

Total 4 sets for biceps
Total 5 sets for triceps

@ervinreyes6302 - 19.01.2024 10:26

Euceda ain't natty thou

@herculesrockefeller4584 - 18.01.2024 19:23

I could use some advice. I currently train Jiu jitsu 4 times a week and do an upper/lower split 4 days a week. Per week I get 180 reps for my legs, 120 reps for chest and back and do a lower rep range for shoulders and biceps/triceps. Due to time and wanting to focus more on jj, I am considering doing a PPL and only lifting three days a week, while adding a day of jj. The only volume I’ll lose is in the legs. Going from 180 reps to 160. Is this enough? Is it ok to lift just once a week per body part? I use the weights to compliment my sport, not powerlift of bodybuild. Any advice is appreciated.

@suryakantapradhan6935 - 17.01.2024 18:33

Jeremy brother, I do 1 set each day total 7 set in 1 week although I get tired and take longer rest period. Although this is very informative video

@woznytv3141 - 17.01.2024 14:49

I am on gym around 3 month, so I'm still beginner, but on my training plan I have around 15 sets on chest or 15 sets for back, but then I have less for biceps and triceps is this good or I need to change it?

@fitsumtekle5371 - 16.01.2024 04:37

Now you’re saying good. but last time I heard you, you said less sets per muscle part you will get huge muscle gain. I said that time this guy said wrong. So you correct now.

@backfromliberia6553 - 15.01.2024 18:57

Im a newb here... How many "reps" is considered a "set"?

@hackerprofesional5584 - 15.01.2024 18:09

Guys i wnna ask. What about isolation movement is that count as 1 set or not?
Bc my back are inbalance, so i use isolation pulldown and cable row on the first set when i hit the gym (each 5set)

Pls help me im confuse
After that isolate, i continue with compount movement latpulldown and cable row each 5 sets

@doctorartphd6463 - 15.01.2024 09:48

I imagine weight and number of sets work together. Higher weight, lower sets ?????

@PINGU008 - 14.01.2024 22:49

I always do 2 sets on chest,arms,back, shoulders ,3 on neck and forearms.

@GMA2991 - 14.01.2024 21:58

I did not understand anything you said
10 reps for each muscle per week
This is soo stupid
It means you need to stay in gym 24/7

@miguelbanda3209 - 14.01.2024 20:26

I work every muscle over 30 series per week and i look great

@Cd3 - 14.01.2024 09:30

"this long"? It's been 10 minutes.......?

@backfromliberia6553 - 14.01.2024 06:03

Dumb question..... like really dumb.... how many "reps" is he considering a "set"?

@aminkhaliqi - 14.01.2024 01:17

Fitness is not a game play every things is belongs to the person who is well done and get good protein and do better excerssise it's not belongs to how money sets to do every day every one knows that we all doing this 12 sets it's standard men.

@wexlbex - 13.01.2024 21:54

Isn't it possible that all these studies had a different definition one "one set"? The execution of "one set" can vary sooo much.

@KrishnaSingh-ow1ie - 13.01.2024 14:53

I found out the less I workout the more bigger I look

@JAYJAYBEBE - 13.01.2024 00:57

"There may be some type of upper limit"

Ground breaking! We never knew about junk volume...Sorry for being a dick, this video is actually good lol

@Chiseled-Freak - 12.01.2024 23:36

I've grown just doing 3-6 sets per week for each muscle group.

@F82M4yvr - 12.01.2024 11:03

I've always gone by Dorian Yates' blood and guts guidelines, 1 to 2 "warmup" sets where you do 10 to 12 reps with moderate effort and then 1 working set where you have to kick your own ass just to get 6 to 8 reps and fail somewhere in that range.

@ajwadyusuf9581 - 12.01.2024 04:42

What I understand from this is that it depends on volume, intensity and rest time. If you do lower volume, you’d have to increase intensity and rest time. Vice versa

@princeicio - 11.01.2024 14:06

We are so lucky to have vids like this today

@bennettblackmon2858 - 11.01.2024 05:41

The best advice is do what works for you. Whether that’s training 3 days a week or 7. Doing 2 sets per exercise or 6. Everyone is different so more volume could work for some and less volume could work for others. The main points that are the same for everyone is nutrition, sleep and giving your body quality rest.

@felixthecat3n2 - 11.01.2024 02:29

I love that all advice is backed by science. Subscribed, thank you.

@TOP-G-Records - 10.01.2024 22:09

You are Over Complicating the things 😂💀
Just Symplified and Do Some Workout

@herpaderppa3297 - 09.01.2024 14:35

what's a set? how often does someone have to lift a weight for 1 set. 10x ? 20x? 300x?

@xNeverlandxx - 09.01.2024 13:02

Ive experienced this with my arms. A friend of mine said that my arms had so much more defenition in a short time and he asked : what did you do to reach that ? I just said : I trained less biceps.

@luv.2dc - 08.01.2024 18:15

I want to try your free workout plans, but I only have a set of dumbells with no bench and I cant go gym

@rjnaive4825 - 08.01.2024 14:11

So Mike Mentzer was right! Yet, a lot of people criticize him just because other Mr. Os said otherwise.

@dakkitoto3467 - 08.01.2024 04:02

Please stop using the term "Time Under Tension" since it has no value what so ever in hypertrophy, other than that, good vid!

@ankitsrivastava9101 - 07.01.2024 09:14

You need to define what you mean by volume vs number of sets. Because to me volume means higher weights and there is no mention of number of reps per set depending on volume.

If people looked up Mike Mentzer they'll have a much better idea. I just think you didnt explain all that well.

@wanderer13__ - 06.01.2024 23:17

I don't believe Max Euceda is a natural bodybuilder -_-
Looking like the Arnold in his 22? C'mon.

@Daemon1995_ - 06.01.2024 20:07

consistency!! do it for years and youll get gains as long that you have good form and mind muscle connection

@sunnyshakya4379 - 06.01.2024 07:34

I have your workout program but arm workout will be enough per the science base to grow a bigger arm...

@beardedelvis - 06.01.2024 06:19

Stimulate the muscle do it right 2 warmup sets and one highly intensity and heavy duty and rest a lot

@RPCTVPhilippines - 05.01.2024 20:45

But still depends on the BODY CONDITION ,because not all has the same body build form. Like me as asian,compare to the western
