All Christian denominations explained in 12 minutes

All Christian denominations explained in 12 minutes

Redeemed Zoomer

1 год назад

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Dr. Zippy Mcscoots
Dr. Zippy Mcscoots - 24.09.2023 08:21

Would be nice to get rid of churches and temples. Free up a lot of real estate for business and housing. We wouldn't have to pay their fuckin property taxes because of the religions bullshit tax exemption. Why do i have to pay for their religion? Why do others want to force their "god" on me? Pay for their own damn temples and churches. If religion ended tomorrow whoopty fuckin doo.

Jason Ulriksen
Jason Ulriksen - 24.09.2023 07:16

The church having authority isn’t for me. I feel like the bible really can’t have been changed or influenced, while the church can, given the church is human

ABEKMONY - 23.09.2023 21:50

You’ll also find it really helpful to know that all denominations other than Orthodox are wrong and mislead folks by the millions. May have something to do with current trends. Maybe. 🙄

Montana Burr
Montana Burr - 23.09.2023 19:43

Mormons actually have beliefs similar to Methodism and Catholicism.
Like Catholicism, Mormons believe in a line of authority going back to Jesus - but that this line sort of discontinued with the death of the last of Jesus' original 12 Apostles and then sort of restarted in 1847 with the ordination of Joseph Smith by the hand of the Apostle Peter.
Mormons also believe faith and works are necessary elements to gain the highest reward - not salvation, but exaltation (said to be better than salvation alone)
Like the Methodists, Mormons believe in a sort of "path" to exaltation. They call it a "covenant path."

Dest - 23.09.2023 19:06

Does that mean Eastern Orthodox are Nestroirans?

bawdyquibble - 23.09.2023 02:55

You sound like Ben Shapiro

Maria Tsampazi
Maria Tsampazi - 23.09.2023 02:46

orthodox christianity is not a denomination. It is the faith of the apostles. the rest are.

Musical Seizure Guy
Musical Seizure Guy - 23.09.2023 00:59

I was “Evangelical” for a while, after a huge crime I did in high school. Not sure what branch that came from but they accepted speaking tongues and having holy seizures (that I always felt was fake and didn’t do any myself)… But, we got a great chance to go on a church trip to be baptized in a good river near us. Sounds like a few religions combined, I mean my church leader told me I could sin hourly as long as I said “Yes Jesus died for my sins and I love him” right before I died 😂
Oh well, today my religion is the complete galaxy! Sure a God was here once but space time is insane and to him it’s only been a few years since he started us. Maybe he started others before us, after us, same time as us! Others failed, others are advanced enough to maybe truly see God and maybe some are still in tribes and thinking everything circles their planet lol 🤪🤓

Tiger58 - 22.09.2023 23:17

I'm baptist, and while nothing you said about baptists is wrong, I think it's worth mentioning that while we value the Bible's teachings heavily over the influence of the Church and its leaders, the regular meeting of the congregation and having strong spiritual leadership is still central to how we act on our belief in God. I appreciate the information on other denominations!

Alicio Garcia
Alicio Garcia - 22.09.2023 16:40

Good next topic suggestion: Holy Bible translation evolution.

Tyler Gryffindor
Tyler Gryffindor - 22.09.2023 04:05

I'm a Lutheran. I can't speak for all Lutheran denominations, but in the WELS (Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod) we definitely would NEVER claim that baptism saves. Only believing in Jesus as your Savior from all of your sins gets you saved. When new members/adults are baptized they are asked questions about their faith in front of the church to show and demonstrate their belief. Then they are baptized. We believe baptism is essentially calling/praying upon the Holy Spirit (third person of the Trinity) to grow their faith and knowledge in Jesus and the Bible.

When we baptize babies/children obviously they don't ask/answer questions. It is just the act of calling upon/praying to the Holy Spirit to plant the seed of faith in their heart and to grow their faith and knowledge in Jesus and the Bible.

I can't speak for all Lutheran denominations, but the WELS would NEVER claim that baptism saves.

Jesus told the criminal on the cross that today he would be in Paradise. Was he baptized? Probably not, but he went to Heaven because accepted his need for a savior and recognized/believed in Jesus as his Savior from all of his sins.

Dan A.
Dan A. - 22.09.2023 03:10

Anyone else here just to read the salty Mormon comments?

(Real Christian Music) & Exhortation
(Real Christian Music) & Exhortation - 22.09.2023 01:23

Independent fundamental Baptist here, I appreciate how spot-on you were. I have noticed the same thing about a lot of the nondenominational churches, that they are basically Baptist but they just don't practice separation, the rest of those kinds of churches are usually Pentecostal.

NYce - 22.09.2023 00:52

As an SDA i can say we do believe in the essentials of Christianity. SDA is actually an offshoot of the Methodist Church.

Mike Westerfield
Mike Westerfield - 21.09.2023 19:58

Loved this! The only disagreement I have is that the Church of Christ/Christian Churches believe in the essentials of the faith, or what we’d call Mere Christianity. I used to be a minister in the Church of Christ. But awesome presentation!

Julianne - 21.09.2023 10:04

It's the religions are what's different. We all can rid demons any religion, some are just scared over that. They all worship the way they like but if a church is not using the Holy Bible to read scriptures and speak on it. It has nothing to offer you. The gospel is the most important part preaching.. ❤

Travis Ongley
Travis Ongley - 21.09.2023 07:54

Too many.

Joseph Dykes
Joseph Dykes - 21.09.2023 05:15

Thank you. It's good to know that most of the fundamentals of our beliefs are the same

spare_tuck - 21.09.2023 00:02

As a penticostal i love all my brothers and sisters and god bless you all❤❤❤

Kayleen N
Kayleen N - 20.09.2023 19:32

Me trying to figure out which kinda church to go to > 😮😵‍💫🫠

Ted Paulus
Ted Paulus - 20.09.2023 09:07

What font would Jesus choose? Comic sans!

Azer S
Azer S - 20.09.2023 00:47

Great video ! But incomplete, as not all christian believe in Jesus's divinity (Jehova witness, Mormons,...), but great video anyway ! Thanks a lot !

HDB - 19.09.2023 23:04

That everyone believes in "the essentials" does not make them true.

Envixity - 19.09.2023 22:09

"A house divided against itself cannot stand!"

-Abraham Lincon

Esthetic Terrestrial
Esthetic Terrestrial - 19.09.2023 22:00

Crash Course in Christianity seems a more appropriate title.

Thank You for the video, though disappointed that you didn't expound further on the "fencesitting" and "heretical" denominations.

Abby's World
Abby's World - 19.09.2023 15:03

I’m Christian, something I found out about my parent’s marriage is that my moms mom thought that my mom and dad’s relationship went against God cuz my dad grew up Catholic, he isn’t Catholic anymore,idk when he stopped being Catholic but he said he was never big on the Catholic Church

Dog-Dog - 19.09.2023 11:22

Welp in actual truth this other religions is the result of Luther the father of protestantism then kind of mitosis to other religions like i heard 2000 now

iharten - 19.09.2023 05:12

And the Arians........?

Jay Dee
Jay Dee - 19.09.2023 02:17

Infant baptism is not in the Bible, anywhere.

William Cook
William Cook - 18.09.2023 23:03

Cant wait till ue speaks of his own atheist product.

S R Leeming
S R Leeming - 18.09.2023 15:58

I’m evangelical, you didn’t mention that one

zoe soulioti
zoe soulioti - 18.09.2023 15:45

They are not Christian denominations!They are Protestant denominations! They are three Christian dogmas: Orthodoxy Catholic and Protestant with at least 22 denominations

Tom Evans
Tom Evans - 18.09.2023 07:54

The assessment of Catholics is pretty much entirely accurate, but to be clear, we don't believe that formal participation in the Church herself is a necessity for salvation; we do believe that non-Catholics - even non-Christians - who live lives of virtue can reach heaven, since (almost) everyone reaches purgatory.

Chris De León
Chris De León - 18.09.2023 06:48

What denomination is the guy who made the video I wonder 🤔

D Wise
D Wise - 18.09.2023 04:43

I’m still confused 😐

ChristianUSAcross - 17.09.2023 17:23

Since the Islamic world is out of control and violent can Christianity have a golden age? Can Christians around the world do Art. Mathematics medicine and maybe some science?

Joanna S
Joanna S - 17.09.2023 11:39

@RAYMOND4346 YT rejected my comment!
"Maybe you have not found the right people to teach you about Islam". May God show you the right path.

Stephanie Parrott
Stephanie Parrott - 16.09.2023 20:17

This was an amazing video, thank you. I do wonder however, as a bible studying Christian, am I the only one that watches this and realizes that scripture clears ALL of this up and these denominations are pointless?

Froggy - 16.09.2023 16:24

The orthodox church is the original church of Jesus. You forgot to mention that

aabi fauzi
aabi fauzi - 16.09.2023 04:53

i am still not fan they are just do harassment because they found others like me as vonrebal

maxi paw 0311
maxi paw 0311 - 16.09.2023 01:24

I can explain all of them in one word "BRAINWASHED".

Pam Acourt
Pam Acourt - 16.09.2023 00:29

I am a recent reborn Christian. I used to be Catholic, but I feel I don’t fit anymore. I have no idea what I am. Listening to this I think I’m Presbyterian? I follow evangelical preachers, whom I love and follow the Gospels and scriptures. Idk. I just love the Holy Spirit, Jesus and God💟✝️🙏

Kailey Elizabeth
Kailey Elizabeth - 15.09.2023 23:56

love this video

JG777 - 15.09.2023 09:15

Who is a Christian? In the New Testament we don't find any denominations. Most churches don't consider baptism as significant at all. Certainly not salvational.

A randumb player
A randumb player - 15.09.2023 08:22

What about the Jehovah witnesses?

RamuelBamuel - 15.09.2023 07:19

I do not think denominations should matter. I am catholic but I believe that the only thing that should matter is a persons faith in God, not what denomination they are.
