4 Ways to Create EXCEPTIONAL NPCS in Dungeons & Dragons

4 Ways to Create EXCEPTIONAL NPCS in Dungeons & Dragons

the DM Lair

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Berserker Sam
Berserker Sam - 22.08.2023 18:22

The White Knights in this portrayal sound a lot like the White Cloaks from Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time books a lot of what the White Knights were described as doing I could see the White Cloaks doing as well. Several tips I found helpful in this video as I try to make a homebrew campaign for my family members to enjoy.

THE KING OF GAMES - 12.08.2023 01:51

I had an idea I plan to use, he is a traveler type character who used to want to be an adventurer but after a grim fate and losing everything dear to him he was (after some bad decisions) cursed to watch over the adventures of all the adventurers in history spreading across every multiverse not helping or hurting no participation just watching

Logan Frandrup
Logan Frandrup - 27.07.2023 09:35

This honestly gives me the idea to help use Gorge, the Lupine Bulldog Bard, as an NPC companion.
1. He has a goofy deep voice that is a bit muddled becuase of his stature and his large jowles.
2. He does have a few secrest actually. He has a crush on a nobleman's daughter that the father dose not approve of but she still wants to be with him(which is a little less of a secret) but he also has had several rumors around him, such as him being bread with a crushed snout like a pug, him being a devil worshiper beacuse of his music of choice(he plays metal using a violin), but the one that is actually ture and one that people are more hushed about is that he is actually an Oblex Spawn who has all the memories, thoughts and emotions of the orginal Gorge and wishes to just live as Gorge the Bard and not as an Oblex.
3. In comparison to some things around him, Gorge is fairly week, though he is helpful as he is able to be supportive and is really good ad picking locks(mainly do to him being an Ooze in disguise and he can just pick them with no tools), so he would very rarely resort to fighting and instead just help with his music. Plus he does need the players help as he wants to prove to the nobleman and himself that he is such a good performer that he can infact bring in money enough to live off of. In fact the players can actually help him by finding the remains of his great-great-grandfather and finding his golden-fiddle, which was a magic item that was barried with him.
4. Hopfully this character works out that my characters might like him. He is a big nice fluff ball that just wants to play music for others to enjoy and he just needs a little help getting his music off the ground.

Fitz - 20.03.2023 05:28

I've been thinking of getting dScryb as a service and see a lot of ads for it through the people I follow, but they hardly ever give examples of what is actually said. Great ad. I'm not a fan of ads, but great ad.

Glisca Radu
Glisca Radu - 13.03.2023 14:53

So gaslight the players? Got it.

James - 08.01.2023 00:37

I wonder if your Granny Titchwillow is related to the Old Sally Titchwillow in my campaign? Those random name generators are a great creativity aid.

PityPotato11 - 05.01.2023 07:15

Not the grannyy just adding blood to bone divination and being considered evil 💀

KuJo TV - 08.10.2022 19:16

Facts! I wanted to DM for fun one time, then after that I was so worried I wasn't entertaining my players enough so I told them about how much I've studied and learned how to make better encounters. One of told me "dude, we just wanna play." I've been a DM for 12 years now and I never get to play 😅

Padraig Walsh
Padraig Walsh - 25.09.2022 00:11

"Until you die or the editor kills you"
Losing my mind over this😂

William Tovo
William Tovo - 07.09.2022 22:57

Enjoyed your video

Benjamin Small
Benjamin Small - 30.07.2022 18:49

Your a genuis my homie

Ndow Roccus
Ndow Roccus - 18.07.2022 02:59

Npc - base them initially on an actor/actress/cartoon character/someone you know….and then add one or more “traits” (like slight stutter, greedy, angry, elder, etc)…

Akali xEvelynn
Akali xEvelynn - 22.06.2022 00:36

algorithm feeding commence

chiepah2 - 20.04.2022 22:44

Here's a tip, the worse you are at voices the better, that way you don't have to come up with a unique voice. You can have a voice for your NPC and the note says "Sounds like Braveheart," now you know that means "sounds like Mel Gibson as William Wallace," but what comes out sounds nothing like that... good. Now your NPC has a unique voice that no one can say "Oh, that sounds like something!" and an easy index for finding that voice again.

Ehound 1
Ehound 1 - 15.04.2022 14:16

One of my favorite npcs to run was Evelyn the ranger she was mute and communicated via sign language or her adopted daughter translating her she helped the group out of situations if it got too rough or was just helpful to them

Wayne Robinson
Wayne Robinson - 15.03.2022 22:20

Awesome videos. I wish I could do voices.

hart's squire
hart's squire - 03.02.2022 05:22

I've learned that I just need to skip the intro and your videos are super useful but your intro gags draw on for way too long

Eli In the Wolverine State
Eli In the Wolverine State - 27.12.2021 17:53

We expect a hired cleric domain of love to shoot a bow. We gave dm shit about that one. Finally Brother Love learned to shoot a bow like cupid.

Hickory Bane
Hickory Bane - 24.11.2021 06:51

I also have a friendly-ish hag just hanging around my world waiting for a plot hook. Guess who's sister was just killed by a punch of uppity paladins...

Jimi G
Jimi G - 22.11.2021 09:44

My players love Gaylen the Kobold.
His voice is basically Disney's Stitch on helium, and his mastery of common is, shall we say lacking?
Giant Rats = Squeak Squeaks.
Giant Centipedes = Scurries.
Bats = Flap Squeaks.
Giant Spider = The Trapper.

Player: how many legs does the trapper have?
Gaylen: Ten. <Holds up 8 fingers because my kobolds have 4 on each hand>
