Prom Culture Has Gotten OUT OF CONTROL

Prom Culture Has Gotten OUT OF CONTROL

Toni Bryanne TV

55 лет назад

189,904 Просмотров

Prom just 10 years ago is MUCH different than prom today. Due to social media, societal pressures, and peer pressure, it seems the prom has turned into the Met Gala for some communities. In this video, I will be discussing how prom culture has gotten out of control.

S O C I A L M E D I A:
INSTAGRAM: tonibryannetv and tonitalkstv
TIKTOK: tonibryannetv and tonitalktv
SNAPCHAT: tonitalkstv

M E D I A/B U S I N E S S I N Q U I R I E S: [email protected]

M U S I C B Y: Vinlisa - Stuck on You -


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