Signs That Something is Wrong In Your Aquarium - Don't Ignore These!

Signs That Something is Wrong In Your Aquarium - Don't Ignore These!

Aquarium Co-Op

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Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 10.11.2022 01:41

What tell-tale signs do you look for to tell you something is wrong with your aquarium?

Worldbiss - 20.11.2023 17:15

ya true, our Oscars won't eat when lights are too bright, they will shy away until we dim it then they will swim towards the food..

uniseine - 09.11.2023 10:50

1) if fish are not hitting food at the surface, I change water. 2) opening the food lest in moisture, especially if the food is refrigerated. 3)refreezing food causes slow freezing which forms large ice crystals which breaks open all the cells, which leak nutrients before the fish can eat the food.

mike - 25.10.2023 08:04

Ive never seen algae as a bad thing

EveeLover - 18.10.2023 05:31

A straightforward list of things to look for would be helpful

talkingalwayz - 17.10.2023 00:26

Gotta guppy that has white stringy poop. Is now not eating and is just hanging out at the top away from the females. I treated with levamisole and flubendazole (at different times obviously). Still hasnt helped helped. According to the fresh/new test strips my water is great! I just ordered ich-x and paraguard, will be here Wednesday. I read you can use those together, is this true? The more time that goes on, the weaker my purple mosaic male gets. Can you offer some advice?

Stasia Marie
Stasia Marie - 10.10.2023 02:57


thanura dayal
thanura dayal - 28.08.2023 20:36

After l fed my bettas from brine shrimps next day I so bubbles top of water what should I do. Do i need to add some fresh water.

Earthsbounty farm
Earthsbounty farm - 12.08.2023 00:30

Can you help. me out my new pond is producing crazy froaty bubble clamping on the side I already bought pond conditioners, anti ammonia, etc. stops for few days and comesback again they said it's a new tank syndrome but i really want to get rid of the bubbles might also purchase test kit later

Barry James
Barry James - 30.07.2023 20:30

Dry food should hold nutrients for a lot longer than a month. If it is losing nutrients at such exponential rates, maybe you have bugs, or rats?

Breazy Lee
Breazy Lee - 24.07.2023 07:38

Yep, I noticed I had a bunch of bubbles on the top of my tank, and next 3 days 8 fish died. Id had this tank going for 4 years. I just did a complete water change.

BreakerInc - 17.07.2023 23:54

Poor Larry. o.o

Leviathan - 11.07.2023 01:36

Poor Larry

Rythmjunky - 15.06.2023 02:43

So I recently set up a new 30 gallon tank,with everything transferred from my old 29 gallon(tidal 55 with four sponges,two medium sponge filters,plants,driftwood,rocks),the only thing different was a thin layer of black sand over the old aqua soil,that I rinsed about ten times before I added and filled the tank.
I ended up with loads of brown bubbles around the edges of the surface,as the trumpet snails moved the substrate around and released air pockets.
I understand it will take some time for the tank walls to be covered with beneficial bacteria,but wondering how long it would take for the tank to be considered “established” as well as the old one was?(it had been running for 8 years,and filters running for 3).

-FLY- - 03.06.2023 12:12

My beta makes bubble nests all the time so bubbles are not really helpful

Cityboy_ss - 01.06.2023 21:32

So what can we use for the bubbles ?

outdoorfr3ak - 20.05.2023 08:42

Unless you have a betta fish then it's just making a bubble nest and you most likely have a male

JCoutDOORS - 12.05.2023 05:44

This happened to me when I added root tabs

Pedro Magalhães
Pedro Magalhães - 30.04.2023 13:43

I find it complex to find the sweet spot regarding water surface agitation. Should I have or not air pump in a community tank with Pandas and Betta? This causes some turbulence in the water. If I dont have it, bubbles start appearing which makes me feel I should have air pump.

Nox - 30.04.2023 09:06

Just stop using toxic products

Yellowswift3 - 30.04.2023 05:11

Loved the moment when you fed the discus, and they swarmed in on the food. Great video. :)

Clayton Bigsby
Clayton Bigsby - 25.04.2023 21:35

Would a lack of enough surface agitation cause foamy bubbles, possibly due to a lack of gas exchange? I'm still getting the hang of this. Water parameters are good, my hob doesn't really cause any surface agitation though. Was wondering if maybe adding a sponge filter to get that surface agitation would make any difference (other than adding more surface area for bacteria)?

Ty Ray
Ty Ray - 24.04.2023 05:28

Idk how but one time I had an opened bag of cheeto puffs still be good almost a month and a half after I opened it

7 tips media
7 tips media - 19.04.2023 13:22

tooo much talking , talking . be specific and straight to the point dude. whats this.bye. unsubscribed

Kate Smiles
Kate Smiles - 12.04.2023 05:59

Bubbles a problem? Not in my tank .. i have a paradise fish who is continually covering an entire corner with his nest bubbles 🤣

Ram Ram
Ram Ram - 11.04.2023 00:49

I appreciate these videos as I learn how to be a better fish keeper. One thing I do is sit in front of my aquarium every day, some times many times a day especially if I have a concern, and just observe.

evocativeswine - 22.03.2023 13:42

I have an air stone. New fish tank it is cycled. .25 ammonia,0 nitrite 20 ppm nitrate. I did a 50% water change added aquarium salts! Then got scared so I did another water change two days later to reduce salt contents. The small ammonia spike is because I just added 2 new fish? But 15 - 20 percent of the top of water is covered in bubbles. Could a lot of prime cause bubbles

David King
David King - 26.02.2023 23:43

Will adding a beneficial bacteria drop cause it?

Sohaib Qargha
Sohaib Qargha - 24.02.2023 22:11

Good video

Rachel Witherell
Rachel Witherell - 24.02.2023 05:03

What kind of foods can you stick to the glass like that?

Stanley Doran
Stanley Doran - 21.02.2023 21:28

I'm not going to lie to you when I watched one of ur videos for the first time I thought, oh here's another guy youtubing his basement fish farm. Skip. But then I didn't lol I watched ur video and many many since and now I find when I absolutely need an answer to a question idk I skip past countless videos till I see ur face then I'm like wow back up there we go I'll get the answer here. That's my way of saying you really do know the business of fish keeping. And you are very talented at it. Thank you for sharing such valuable knowledge. Your advice has personally saved two of my tanks in my fish room in the past thank you

Josip Matic
Josip Matic - 20.02.2023 17:11

I wish a new this ammonia and bubbles correlation before. :( I had bubbles in my aquarium so I think there is something wrong with my filter.. so I cleaned it ... and that made everything 10x worse. Since then I have educated myself and learned about stuff like beneficial bacteria, ammonia, nitrates, nitrites....

Jason Folk
Jason Folk - 11.02.2023 00:50

More fertilizer is better but expect a bloom sometime soon lol I know that all to well took me 2 months to get rid of my algae completely it was covering everything bad. I had many days with no lights on and more to help ahaha what a pain

Lightspeed Tutorials
Lightspeed Tutorials - 17.01.2023 10:29

Chips are good forever. You can dig up an open pack of fossilized chips from ice-age and they will be good to go.

Blooky - 10.01.2023 01:54

My fish one time didnt eat but from stress and temperature change due to a big water change but once the heater warmed up the water, the next day they were fine.

James Dumond
James Dumond - 23.12.2022 01:18

Hi I am new to the hobby and I have had my tank for 2 and half years no issues and in that time we've had to upgrade from a 10 gallon tank to a 20 that was about a year ago maybe a little more than a year and everything was fine until about a month and a half ago my heater went out it took me a few days to get replace it everything was good after I replaced it and then I started noticing my blue neon tetras we're very dark in color and I lost three out of the four the one that's still alive and every other fish in the tank now had like a fungus or something going on I treated it with Tetra lifeguard and they've improved however it's treatment cycle is a done it's been three more days and they're still not done with the recovering what should I do next

Kn May
Kn May - 22.12.2022 09:29

I stopped dosing easy green in my 10 gallon and the green hair algae got way worse. I have no flipping idea what’s happening

AlexIsModded - 18.12.2022 06:23

What you say about frozen food is so important for people to realize. Keeping frozen rats for my boa constrictor is how I learned that you absolutely do not unfreeze and refreeze food for exotic animals. That frozen food is frozen because it's dead. The second it thaws, the clock starts ticking and it begins to decay. The longer it is thawed, even just twenty minutes like you mentioned, the more bacteria it can grow.

Begzod Ismailov
Begzod Ismailov - 16.12.2022 22:01

I buy large packs of food. The day I open it, I put 80% of the food in multiple zip lock bags. I usually tripple bag them. Take out new packets as I need. When you take out the food, remember to let it reach room temp before opening the zip lock, or else you will have condensation on the food.

Ozz Leoni
Ozz Leoni - 13.12.2022 02:22

Bubbles in liquids are formed by dynamic surface tension, not viscosity.

Tiger 844
Tiger 844 - 07.12.2022 22:43

I seriously love this channel so much. I can't wait to visit the shop some day. I live in oregon!

maboleth - 05.12.2022 18:13

Shout out to that Larry in the corner! We love you and you will feed too. ^_^

Dylan Neff
Dylan Neff - 02.12.2022 19:04

Love these old video reboots!

David Valenta
David Valenta - 28.11.2022 20:18

`would be interesting to suggest to mfr's to repackage accordingly; a shaker bottle/tube, and shelf-stable packets.
it'd take some serious marketing & re-education.
...and yeah: as a one-tank person, I'm likely going to toss a few things, even though there's longevity on my fish & it's staying pretty balanced/established.
I had a dog who'd let me know that a batch of dry wasn't up to par, so I stopped buying 35# bags & kept to 15#'s ..

BlackHeart28 - 28.11.2022 08:48

Great advise

rustyturtles - 27.11.2022 14:59

My heater failed overnight (locked on) and I came downstairs in the morning and all but my plecos had unalived due to o2 Depletion

DTO - 27.11.2022 10:42

Okay, so I have a micro aquarium (20*20*40 cm) with a betta fish in there. He eat once or twice a day.
How am I supposed to use up all the food I bought in one month!? I already bought the smallest package of 50g and it lasted me for almost 3 years now.

The RazzmatazzKaty
The RazzmatazzKaty - 27.11.2022 02:31

Where’d you get the Kuhli loach plush?

Amanda Fredette
Amanda Fredette - 26.11.2022 22:50

I had the bubble problem!!! I thought my female bettas were making bubble nests but, I don’t think I ever saw them doing this…thank you!💗
