The Maya Civilization Explained in 11 Minutes

The Maya Civilization Explained in 11 Minutes

Captivating History

4 года назад

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@SA-gs2ib - 19.11.2023 17:58

What I got from this is just how evil religion is, and always has been. Catholics whipped out an entire society all because of religion and greed. Surprise surprise. Religion, all religions, and greed are the root of all evil.

@benjamingregersen9777 - 13.11.2023 13:44

This history can be read in the Book of Mormon.

@AndreaHernandez-7722 - 29.10.2023 10:46


@nibiruresearch - 21.10.2023 18:38

You also could start reading the history book of the Hopi: "The history of the Hopi from their origin in Lemuria". This book describes that the Hopi migrated from Lemuria, the sunken continent in the PAcific Ocean, to the America's about 30,000 years ago! They claim to be the ancestors of the Maya and they wandered from Central to North America and back.

@user-lf1wn5oz6q - 15.10.2023 07:31

Mayan K'iche here!!! 😊😊

@user-mn8rv3bv5n - 22.09.2023 04:53

Thank you so much for explain
I love for nepal ❤

@user-xb4ul8co9h - 20.09.2023 21:09

Mayans are not gone!!

@madzen112 - 15.09.2023 09:49

In case you wonder why they built those pyramids, it's simply because the chief wanted them built

@ivanflores4283 - 10.09.2023 20:54

The mayan calendar ? Why don’t just use real
Images? Don’t borrow Aztec stuff please , makes your information so confusing and lack
Of trust

@Angie-kb3vx - 15.08.2023 20:55

I'm adopted and never got to know much about my Guatemalan background. Im not too sure if im Mayan but ive been told i looked like im one due to my nose and forehead. Videos like these make me so happy and proud to be Guatemalan. Thank you :]

@SAME_TO_YOU_AND_TO_YOUR_FAMILY - 25.06.2023 08:42

☝🏻☝🏻☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼video is gd.I dedicate thumbnail,caption and the video to u,inlawsFUNK SURESH yadhav,FUNK MURALI yadav,PRO chaitanya Munde,PRO SHANTA KUMARI munde,PRO akshaya munde & Funk d venkateshwarulu yadav💩👌🏻👍🏻👌🏻👍🏻👌🏻👍🏻😅😂😂💃🏻💃🏻

@SAME_TO_YOU_AND_TO_YOUR_FAMILY - 25.06.2023 08:42

its LIK SELF motivational video....enjoy yourself🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻

@Romania324 - 24.06.2023 06:02

Their history culture is similar to olden One community called Nagas in India where their ancestor were headhunters, sacrificing humans to their God for their crops fertility and many similarities .. 💕

@saintmarkwise499 - 19.06.2023 04:17

The Old Testament……

@saintmarkwise499 - 19.06.2023 04:16

I am a mayah out of cape verde or cap vert

@olivernavarro4765 - 14.06.2023 11:34

A lot of poor people down there. Poor children I hate how the USA uses these “third world” countries

@justaviewer2023 - 19.05.2023 04:53


@solomonking5097 - 16.05.2023 19:29

Mayan calendar was started after Mahabharata War in Asia which took over 2 billions lives over 5000 years ago..

@magillax2665 - 15.05.2023 04:17

Didn't get past the BCE, you insult my cultural history.

@HanumanJi.. - 07.05.2023 17:18

When I read History, I literally feel proud that India, Japan, China literally saved thier culture.
Africa, Indonesia, Malaysia lost to Abrahamic Culture, American and Australia Continents lost to European.
We may never understand the level of courage in these people who saved thier culture and history.

@ishahaha00 - 16.04.2023 19:17

When do we know we have to use 'Maya' or 'Mayan' ?

@aleksandrowicz4577 - 16.04.2023 04:53

There are only few things that can be called correct in this program, and these are mostly anthropology not Maya history. For all intents and purposes this is incorrect information presented incorrectly.

@rhythmwavessa9013 - 15.04.2023 18:51

Thank you for making it more clear for me as I’m writing an assignment about this Maya Civilisation.🙏🏾

@yalonyun2785 - 08.04.2023 13:51

The Aztecs and Mayans did not fail to unite against a common threat! The real threat were the Aztecs towards the Mayans. The Aztecs practiced savage human sacrifices and cannibalism. The Spaniards were the tribes' saviors who but with a handful of men and their tribal allies managed to overthrow the cruel Aztecs. The excavations in Mexico DC have uncovered walls built with hundreds of human skulls. The Spanish had families with natives, producing a sincretism of genes and cultures. Most inhabitants today in Mexico, Meso America, Peru, Bolivia etc have native blood, unlike in the US where natives descendants are no where to be seen except in reservations. 

@batman.2022 - 20.03.2023 10:31

I survived 2012

@william2496 - 10.03.2023 23:41

‘Olmec civilisation’ isn’t real. Olmec is a very loose term used simply to refer to a few unknown archeological discoveries that don’t have a known origin and for all we know are as related to each other as European countries are (so to an ignorant American, perhaps Olmec is a civilisation).

@siniestro0239 - 09.03.2023 18:46

Too bad US schools don't teach the real American history, American history didn't start in 1607 or with Columbus in 1492.

@MikaJarvi86 - 23.02.2023 01:28

Thank god that the white men arrived and put an end to these barbaric human sacrifice rituals.

@Ihatelifefasho - 20.02.2023 09:31

The land bridge theory can not be scientifically proven, how are you going to walk thousands of miles from somewhere from Asia to Mexico? Not everybody has the same nationality.

@parmykumar8592 - 14.02.2023 12:36

India's Cultural Link with Ancient America 💜

Swami Vivekananda once said about the God Shiva that he had traveled from India, on the one side, to Sumatra, Borneo, Celebes, Australia, as far as the shores of America, and on the other side, this old Shiva battened his bull in Tibet, Japan and as far as Siberia … Right from the peroid of first Spanish historist Mr. Fray Shahaun (1515AD) till today, a number of scholars have worked over the life of native Americans and some of them almost came to the conclusion that in ancient times people from India and the Indiana archipelago migrated to America and developed a great civilization there. In his book 'A Compact History of Mexico', Mr. Ignacio Bernall states that people from Asia entered America some thirty-five thousand years before, whereas Mr. Arcio Nuns, a Brazilian nuclear scientist, mentions about the Dravidians of Asia with America as old as eleven thousand years.
An article published in the 'Hindu' of 27th Sept. 1985 writes about the discovery made by Dr. Harry Fell, renowned epigraphist of USA goes to suggest that the early merchant settlers of South-East Asia had sailed to far off lands in pursuit of their profession, whose presence in Mexico is available in the form of inscriptions. Dr. Fell has deciphered the Indic inscription from Tihosuco which reads that merchant Vusaluna, the captain of the ship, sailing along the coast line, had got the inscription engraved on the stone slab in the month of July of the year 845. It is assumed that year mentioned is of Saka era.

Cultural Links:
Worship - The archaeologists found many Hindu deities like Shiva, Shiv-Linga, Ganesh, Kali, Sun, Buddha etc. (in similar or slightly different forms) which were worshipped in ancient America.
The Hindu God of luck, the Ganesh, was worshipped in Central-South America. Idols of Ganesh have been excavated in plenty in Mexico. This God of the Elephant's trunk is frequently depicted in Mexican manuscripts and in the temple ruins in Central America as the God with a proboscis-like horn, whence water is squirting, and his head is most frequently portrayed on the corners of temple walls, which are always built with reference to the original points. And idol of 'Ekdant Ganesh' was noticed in the temple at Kopan by great Indonologist late Dr. W.S. Wakankar.
An idol of Hanuman called by the name 'Wilka Huemana' and measuring 50 feet in height and 12 feet in breadth was found in Guatemala. Similar idol was found during an excavation of an Aztec temple in Mexico city and was known as 'Euhectal', a wind God, a monkey God. Buddhism also had a vast influence on pre-Colombian America. Professor F.W. Putnam found in the jungles of Honduras a sculpture which greatly resembles Buddha. According to the July, 1901 issue of American Harper's magazine, it has been proved with evidence that five Buddhist monks had reached Mexico in ancient times, via Alaska.

Ceremonies, Beliefs and Customs :
Hindu culture, civilization, custom and belief also dominated ancient America to some extent. Ancient Americans believed in legendary cataclysm, rebirth, four yugas and the concept of two planets like Rahu and Ketu causing solar eclipse. The Hindu doctrine of the ages is preserved in a stone monolith popularly known as the Aztec calendar. This remarkable piece of stone carving is in the form of an immense disc 12 feet in diameter and weights over 20 tons. A festival called Sita-Ram (Situa-Raimi) was celebrated in Mexico during Nav-Ratri or Desserah's period which has been described on page 5867 in the book 'Hamsworth History of the World'. Both in Central and South America, there are found Sati-Cremation, priesthood, Gurukul system, Yagnya, birth, marriage and death ceremonies to some extent similar to the Hindus.

Social life :
The ancient American's dresses (male and female) were simple and similar to those of Hindu dresses. Mexican face types were found to be similar to those of Asam, Naga, Nepal and Haryana people. Even their reddish brown skin complexion bear distinct similarity with those of Nepalies and Nagas. If an Indian is shown a Maya lady of Yucatan province from Mexico, he will recognize her as a Jat Lady of Haryana. Ayar Inoa King used to wear a turban, earring and a trishul type trident in his hand.
Today there live native red Indians of America in the states of California, Arizona, New Mexico who are now left only few 100'000 in number. These tribes are still vegetarians. Similarly, only 200'000 natives are survived in Canada who are still called as 'Indians'. Their lifestyle, customs, and beliefs are identical to those of red Indians, so similar to Bhartiya.

Trade :
Goldsmiths from Peru and Mexico prevailed working style similar to Indian traditional goldsmiths. Mr. Michael Long of the National Geographic Society was surprised to see the back strap weaving method in Handloom at Santa Rosa of Peru. This is used to separate thread. It is very well known that cotton is a gift given by Indians to the whole world.

Professor Raman Mena, curator of the National Museum of Mexico, said that the general appearance of Maya's writing is considered of oriental origin. According to scholar Orozco V. Berra, Maya and other languages are of Sanskrit origin. A few Sanskrit and Quichua words are given here to show their similarity and origin.

Quichua                 Sanskrit
A hina (also)           ena (also)
Killa (moon)            Kil (shining)
Illapi (chant)          lap (to speak)
Paksa (fortnight)       Paksha (Fortnight)

The word 'Wara', a unit of measurement, was also used by Maya people. They used to call Antyas as Antis. Professor Hug Fox of Michigan State University found a strange mix of Tamil and local American languages in use some millennia ago. For example, shasta, Indiana, Arevada, Utah, Guyana etc. Mr. Arcio Nuns, from the Federal University of Brazil, found evidence of our Gorani language in the form of Bruhi language during his long research work conducted in South America. 'Gorani' language was practiced thousands of years before in Tamilnandu as per Arcio Nuns. This language is still used in the Adi-Chandlur tribal area of Tamilnanadu and shows similarity to the Bruhi language being practiced in South America. It is also believed that Quichua's (language of Peruvians) characteristic of mouth transmission is derived from Indians. Writing mathematical figures by using vertical and horizontal straight lines was a system commonly practiced by Indians and Mayas

Shilpa :
Southern and Central American excavations revealed ancient cities, forts, bridges, tanks, canals, houses, and pyramids which indicated the high state of civilization and what is found that some sculptures of those archaeological remnants are similar in form and design to that found in Indian sculptural monuments. 'Supporting the buildings over the arms of Yaksha' is an Indian art. Similar types of construction was found in ancient Mexico. Similarly, sculptures of human figures with headgear similar to Tamilians, sculptures of Indian style ornamentation of elephants were found in Copan (Honduras) and Palenque. Thousands of ancient baked-clay bricks were found in Comalcalco in Mexico over which Pali scripts were engraved and these were used in the construction of pyramid temples which were similar to the pyramid temple in the Chidambaram village situated on the Coromondal coast in Southern India. In an article written by scholar Ronald Shiller named 'Unsolved Mysteries of! the Incas' appeared in Reader's Digest of August 1982, he claims to have seen the imprints of South-East Asian culture over the sculptures found in Peru dating to the second century BC. I hope my findings will help the scholars to study the influence of Indian Culture over the Meso-American culture, so as to bring before the world the universality of great Vedic culture in the past.

(Arun Chinchmalatpure)

@kerrybutler6404 - 13.02.2023 01:21

My tribe, called Muscogee, is purported to have a third to half of the same words in our language as Maya. When I was a child, my Grandmother told me that our tribe came from Mexico. We were the only North American tribe that wore a mustache, and the men had short hair.

@jeffnavarro2563 - 13.02.2023 01:06

Salutations from a House of Xela'ju, of Quetzaltenango. I am a Guatemalan Man (1st generation USA/Taldera) both my parents are Maya and I would like to thank you for sharing this video. Keep up the good works.

@sharrodkenney548 - 12.02.2023 01:22

If you dont have Khoisan dna you not Mayans I’m Mayan

@sharrodkenney548 - 12.02.2023 01:20

Khoisan is the origins of Mayans,Mayans was colored ppl not fake 5 dollar Indians I’m Khoisan I’m Original Mayans if not colored you was created in a lab by yakub the colored scientist man only have 6000 years Khoisan been here for millions of years

@nelsonlopez879 - 11.02.2023 00:22

I dont know why he gotta say mayans came from other continents 😑

@madmanmunch9142 - 28.01.2023 15:53

This video is very inaccurate, no mention of the Toltec, wrong perspective of Spanish conquest and bad nuances in general

@josecanche8290 - 20.01.2023 09:54

Aqui porque el profe me mando jsjsjssjsj

@isaihernandez3459 - 18.01.2023 06:23

Spain never won! At least talking about warfares, even though they had better weapons, mayan always won, so you're probably thinking what ´erradicate´ to the mayas? Well, the answer is all the new diseases. There are theories that say "If not for the diseases, Spain never had won"

@joserobertoportillo9179 - 18.01.2023 04:21

European kill the history we will never know how the pyramids was built. Indians mayan already have a calendar agricultural buildings and many, more 3 thousands years later on modern times we have on guatemala we have people don't even know reading, soo sad.

@ergicomani - 17.01.2023 20:43

Maya = 🇦🇱 Mbi Yje 🇦🇱 = Above The Stars

@Goosewitdajuice317 - 12.01.2023 15:28

Came here after watching apocalypto because I felt they portrayed the mayans as your normal evil group.

@suskeuchiha4608 - 05.01.2023 23:15

This prove the savige side of eourpian

@YenkammaNe - 03.01.2023 23:19

Totoise worship by ancient Mayans is a close parallel to Kurma Avatar of Lord Vishnu .. Snakes and Tortoises are found in alomost all Mayan temples - Ekbalam ,Uxmal, Kabah, Tulum... may be many more .. all Anicent Native Americans (Mayans, Aztecs, Incas,...etc) and Asian Hindus are CONNECTED by Divinity, faith and spirit, religion, knowledge of Math, geometry, Temple architectures.. eating rice, vegetables.. since BC times..

@albertsantoyo975 - 02.01.2023 08:07

The calendar Is Aztec calendar not Mayan!

@GloriousIllyria - 15.12.2022 13:12

Albanian Language Is Older Than Time 🇦🇱
Proof —>
Pelasgians = Prej Ylli Gjindtë = People From The Star
Pelasgians In Ancient Egyptian Were Called Peleset / Pulasati: Pel, Pul = Prej Ylli = From The Star
Illyria = Yll Rri = Star Dwellers
Albania = Yll Banorë = The Dwellers Of The Star
Etruscans = Tosks = Tosk Albanians
Epirus = I Epërm / Është Prej Ra = Upper Land / It’s From The Egyptian God Ra
Bardylis = Bardhë Ylli = White Star
Gentius = Gjindtë = People
Teuta = Të Ujit = Of The Waters
Agron = Ag, Agoj, Agon, Agim = Dawn
Alexander The Great = Ai Ka Lindur Si Ëndërr = He Was Born Like A Dream
Myrtale = Mirë Ti Ke Lindur = You Were Born Well
Olympias = Ylli Mbi = The Star Above / The Star In The Sky
Polyxena = Prej Ylli Si Hëna = From The Star Like The Moon
Olympus = Ylli Mbi = The Star Above / The Star In The Sky
Aphrodite = Afër Dita = Near Day / Dawn
Dorians = Të Dorës = Strong, Hardworking People
Peloponnese = Prej Ylli, Prej Hëne = From The Star, From The Moon
Graeculus = Gratë E Yllit = Women Of The Star / Women From The Star
Hera = Era = Wind
Apollo = Ai Prej Yllit = He Is From The Star
Rhea = Re = Cloud
Zeus = Zot = God
Pegasus = Prej Nga Zeusi = Comes From Zeus
Ares = Ai Rrihet = He Fights
Selene = Si Yll Hëne / Si Ylli I Hënës = Like The Moon’s Star
Demeter = Dimër = Winter
Hestia = Vjeshta = Autumn
Persephone = E Para Prej Hëne = The First From The Moon
Triton = Dritë / Drejton = Light / He Leads
Thetis = Deti = Sea
Cronus = Krijoj = Create
Amalthea = Ajo Mal Dhia = She Is A Goat From The Mountains
Adamanthea = Atë E Mban Dhia = The Goat Nurses Him
Cleopatra = Nga Ylli Pati Ardhur = She Had Come From The Star
Archimedes = Ar Ke Mendjen = Your Mind Is Gold
Hippocrates = Hapi Krahët = Spread Your Wings
Socrates = Zok Me Krahë = Bird With Wings
Hippocrates Socrates = Hapi Zoku Krahët = The Bird Spread Its Wings
Democrates = Dem Me Krahë = Bull With Wings
Callicrates = Kalë Me Krahë = Horse With Wings
Prometheus = I Pari Mbi Dhe = The First Over The Earth
Herodotus = Era E Ditës = Day’s Wind
Aristotle = Ari Do Të Lind = Gold Shall He Born
Antisthenes = Ngjan Ti Si Hëna = You Resemble The Moon
Elena = Ylli Dhe Hëna = The Star And The Moon
Parthenon = Të Parët Jeni = You Are The First / You Are The Ancestors
Artemis = Ardhësit E Mi = My Predecessors
Paris = I Pari = The First
Pericles = I Pari Ka Lindur = He Was Born The First
Asclepius = Ai Nga Ylli Erdhi = He Came From The Star
Achilles = Ai Ky Ylli = He Is This Star
Amazon = Jam E Zonja = I Am A Strong Woman
Acropolis = Ai Ka Rënë Prej Yllit = It Has Fallen From The Star
Heracleidae = Erdhe Nga Ylli Ti = You Came From The Star
Hercules = Erdhi Nga Ylli = He Came From The Star
Pallas = Prej Ylli = From The Star
Bia = Prej Yjeve = From The Stars
Zelus = Zëri I Yllit = The Voice Of The Star
Medusa = Me Hardhuca = With Lizards
Pandora = Pa Në Dorë / I Pa Dorën = She Saw Her Fate In Her Hand
Odysseus = Udhësi = The Guider
Odessa = E Dashur = Beloved
Ajax = Gjak = Blood
Athena = Ti Je Hëna = You Are The Moon
Cassandra = Ka Sa Ëndrra = Many Dreams
Penelope = Prej Hëne, Prej Yllit = From The Moon, From The Star
Hermes / Hermopolis = Erdhëm Prej Yllit = We Came From The Star
Mercury = Mbi Erë Ky Rri = Above The Wind He Stays
Priam = Pari Jam / Prijës = I Am The First / Descendant
Siren = Sir = Magic
Oracle = Ai Ra Nga Ylli = It Has Fallen From The Star
Delphi = Ti Yll Je = You Are A Star
Pythia = Prej Ylli Ti Je = You’re From The Star

Ancient Egyptians Were Albanians 🇦🇱
Proof —>
Pyramid = Prej Ylli Ra Mbi Dhe = From The Star It Fell On The Ground
Sekhmet = Sheh Qametin = Sees Doomsday
Thoth = Zot = God
Hapi = Ha Pi = Eat Drink (Hapi Is The God Of Nile)
Iteru = I Tërë Ujë = All Water
Nile = Një Yll = A Star
Nut = Natë = Night
Horus = Ora = Time
Shu = Shiu = Rain
Cleopatra = Nga Ylli Pati Ardhur = She Had Come From The Star
The Masculine Version Of Cleopatra’s Name:
Cleopater = Nga Ylli Pati Ardhur = He Had Come From The Star
Nefertari Meritmut = Afër Tek Ari Më Rrite Mua Ti = Close To Gold You Raised Me
Nefertiti = Afërdita = Aphrodite / Near Day
Pharaoh = Pari Ai Është = He Is The First
Sphinx = Sa Përngjajnë = How Similar They Look Alike

Mayans, Sumerians And Other Ancient Civilizations Spoke Albanian 🇦🇱
Proof —>
Maya = Mbi Yje = Above The Air From The Moon
Cuanhtemallan = Ky Është Hëna, Ti Mbi Ylli Dhe Hënë = He Is The Moon, You Are Above The Star And The Moon
Tikal = Ti Ky Ylli = You Are This Star
Inca = Yll Nga Ke Ardhur = You Came From The Star
Lakota = Ylli Ky Ti = You Are This Star
Alien = Yll Jeni = You Are The Star / You Come From The Star
Camazotz = Që Jam Zot = Which I Am God
Nephilim = Ne Prej Yllit Jemi = We Come From The Star
Sumer = Shumë Herët = Way Early
Kengir = Nga Hëna Ka Hyrë = He Has Entered The Moon
Anu = Hëna = Moon
Ilu = Ylli = Star
En = Hënë = Moon
Enlil = Hëna Dhe Ylli = The Moon And The Star
Enki = Hënë Ky Ylli / Hënë Ky / Hënë Dhe Qiell = This Star Is The Moon / He Is The Moon / The Moon And The Sky
Etana = E Ti Hëna = You Are The Moon
Babylon = Bubullon = Thunder
History = Ish Tek Ora = Before The Time / Long Time Ago
Dragon = Vra Gojë / Vret Me Gojë = It Kills With Its Mouth
Vampire = Dhëmb Pirës = Teeth Drinker
Mammoth = Më I Madhi = The Largest
Penguin = Pinë Nga Uji = They Drink From The Water
Hippopotamus = Hipën Ti Mbi Ujë = You Stay On The Water
Baal = Bëhet Yll = Becomes A Star
Tokyo = Toka Jonë = Our Land
Raphael / Rafael = Ra Prej Yllit = He Fell From The Star
Rachel = Ra Ky Ylli = This Star Fell
Miriam = Mirë Jam = I Am Well
Joel = Je Yll = You Are A Star
Ariel = U Ra Ylli = The Star Fell
Gabriel = Ka Brirë Ylli = The Star Has Horns
Hanna = Hëna = Moon
Suzana = Sy Zana = Eyes Like A Fairy / Fairy-Eyed
Deborah = Dëbora = Snow

Spartans Were Albanians 🇦🇱
Proof —>
Sparta = Shpatë = Sword
Lycurgus = Ligji = Law
Theopompus = Dheu I Popullit = Nation Land
Doryssus = I Dorës = Strong, Hardworking Person
Demaratus = Si Dem Ai Rrihet = He Fights Like A Bull
Klenymos = Ky Lindi Ndihmues = Born A Helper
Cleombrotus = Ky Lindi Mbrojtje = Born A Shild / Born Protective
Kleodaios = Ky Lindi I Dijes = Born All Knowing
Alcamenes = Yll Ka Mendjen = His Mind Is A Star
Eurykrates = E T’u Rritshin Krahët = May You Grow Big Shoulders
Eurypon = E U Rritsh Prej Hëne = May You Grow From The Moon To Here
Eurysthenes = E U Rritsh Sa Te Hëna = May You Grow To The Moon
Eurydamas = E U Rritsh Demi = May The Bull Grow
Pausanias = Pasuri = Wealth
Hippocratidas = Hapi Krahët = Spread Your Wings
Hippomedon = Hap Mendjen = Think Wise
Ariston = Arritur = Reached (Success)
Labotas = Lindur Prej Botës = Born From Earth
Anaxandridas = I Ngjan Dritës = Resembles The Light
Anaxilas = I Ngjan Yjeve = Resembles The Stars
Anaxander = I Ngjan Ëndrrës = Resembles A Dream
Anaxidamus = I Ngjan Demit = Resembles A Bull
Zeuxidamus = Zërin Si Demi = The Voice Like A Bull
Arehidamus = Ai Rrihet Si Demi = He Fights Like A Bull
Menares = Mendo = Think Wise
Echestratus = Udhës Drejtë = The Right Way
Nicomedes = Një Komb = One Nation

Ancient Romans Were Albanians 🇦🇱
Proof —>
Italy / Víteliú = Vijnë Tek Ylli / Vijnë Prej Yllit = They Come From The Star
Fortuna = Fat Tek Unë Ose Fati Ynë = Luck To Me Or Our Luck
Romulus = Rroj Mbi Yll = I Live Above The Star
Stella = Yll = Star
Primavera = Pranvera = Spring
Diana = Dija E Hënës / Zana / Zë Hëna = The Knowledge Of The Moon / Fairy / Voice Like The Moon
Vesta = Vjeshta = Autumn
Caelestis = Ky Yll Është = He Is A Star
Mercury = Mbi Erë Ky Rri = Above The Wind He Stays
Faunus / Fauna = Prej Hëne = From The Moon
Augustus = Ag, Agoj, Agon, Agim = Dawn
Pompeii = Po Më Pëlqen = I Like It
Pescara = Peshk = Fish
Sicily = Si Ylli = Like The Star
Siculi = Si Ylli = Like The Star
Sicani = Si Hëna = Like The Moon
Elymians = Ylli Mbi Hënë = The Star Above The Moon
Julius Caesar’s Name Means:
Julius = Je Yll = You Are A Star

@ameliamccaul - 14.12.2022 22:57

I love this!
