How to Heal Like a PRO With Pip! (Paladins)

How to Heal Like a PRO With Pip! (Paladins)


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Zyhkk - 25.11.2023 06:31

Pip gaming? 10/10 champion and video

Jonathn Poindexter
Jonathn Poindexter - 25.11.2023 03:24

I love pip he is one of my favorite champions, but its something about combat medic that I don't like but im honesty not sure. I usually just run his first talent. Im typically a very aggressive healer, depending on the situation I try to always have the shrewd move card in all my decks which is why I can get away with averaging about 56000 healing per/match. It still depends on how long the match is during the longer matches(25-30min) Id say average between 80k &100k. Ps A regular match of siege is about 15 to 20mins

HD.ASTRIXX - 25.11.2023 02:29

seris getting more damage than octavia is amazing

Carlo Guerrero
Carlo Guerrero - 24.11.2023 22:47

Am an old pip main and I find it interesting how you used medicinal excellence at 5 (the radius boost on healing potion). Never ran it so high as I focused on survival and reposition in my decks. You make a good argument for using it with double tanks though. Lotsa shields mean less cauterize. But in that case the card Reload (cooldown reduction on healing potion) is a little high imo since you're consistently hitting a lot of people

Hells Decendents
Hells Decendents - 24.11.2023 21:18

I just lose 14 ranked matches in a row. Even when I get 20+ kills and 150-200k damage in a game. Only 3 wins away from inventor pip but I still lost 14 times. This game is teasing me bro I’m done with paladins for a few weeks lol.

Grand Ruby
Grand Ruby - 24.11.2023 21:01

Coming back to the game I realized just how good combat medic is for solo healing, although I do wish there could be something more given to the talent Mega Potion to make it more viable, maybe a CD reduction or an extra charge, because when you pick that talent and your entire team decides to split up, it makes healing that much harder.

I’m definitely going to try working casting potions off mid air while I’m grinding for Golden Pip and the inventor skin, lvl 39, but only got around 10ish wins, so it’s gonna be a grind, but I’m for sure going to get some good learning moments along the way.

RandomGuy36 J
RandomGuy36 J - 24.11.2023 20:08

haha rip once you get into deadzone 😂

Black_Star - 24.11.2023 18:40

Pip is my fav champ in this game and pipflank is underrated
But there is 2 problems with pip
1 - trust me when i say people don't know to get healed by pip
2 - any champ can headshot (andro) well kill pip very quick

Græs - 24.11.2023 18:13

Like if you think that pip is so underrated

Mohammed Abdullah
Mohammed Abdullah - 24.11.2023 18:09

اكثر شخص ينزل عن اللعبة ماشاء الله

Marian Scheul
Marian Scheul - 24.11.2023 18:05

Thanks for the tutorial

Mark - 24.11.2023 18:01

This guy is the only reason I play this game and the only reason why this game is still good

mizu - 24.11.2023 18:00

