This is EndWar -EndWar OST

This is EndWar -EndWar OST


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This is the song played during the credits of Tom Clancey's EndWar by Ben Houge & 99 Men

Before it began
And the signal scrambled every piece of your plan
From a promise to a lie
You couldnt believe
It could happen here, then the fighting forced you to leave
And you watched that future die

But youve got a chance
You can wrest control, you can alter your circumstance
See the world through different eyes
And all that you need
Is a will of steel, unafraid to struggle and bleed
Just one option: strategize

From above
It must seem so peaceful
A mirror of
How it used to be
But in the distance a virus-like winnowing fire
In a satellite feed consumes all you see

But now youre down in it
And what you feel from down here
Doesnt keep your conscience so clear anymore
Cause this is EndWar
Yeah, this is EndWar
And youre here to win it
So take a stand where you can
Because you cant count on the same plan as before
Cause this is EndWar
Yeah, this is EndWar

Its yours to command
As the battles rage, whats at stake is your motherland
Every soldier plays a role
The cry of defeat
As the fire erupts into chaos out in the street
Says youve got to take control

From the sky
You can push a button
And thousands die
In a split second
But in the trenches great flames of apocalypse rain
From an angel of death come to recon

But now youre down in it
And what you feel from down here
Doesnt keep your conscience so clear anymore
Cause this is EndWar
Yeah, this is EndWar
And youre here to win it
So take a stand where you can
Because you cant count on the same plan as before
Cause this is EndWar
Yeah, this is EndWar
Cause this is EndWar


#EndWar #Tom_Clancey #Ubisoft #SGB #EU #USA
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@TheGoodGman95 - 20.10.2023 23:27

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
War does not determine who is right — only who is left."

@quintonquewezance1453 - 24.07.2023 23:58

Been playing Hardcore Campaign for the past few years. Perfecting my skills and strategies. I enjoy the game mechanics. There should've been a sequel. EFEC is my favorite faction, then the SGB, and lastly the JSF.

Commentary concerning ToW Endwar units' interactions. Skirmish isn't the same game, due to rank cap.

EFEC Kommandoes, are the fastest uplink capturing and most damaging Riflemen. Arguably the best Riflemen, despite their low HP. They can easily defend Uplinks, and if they are a high rank, from other Riflemen or the Combat Chain vehicles. High Rank 3HP SGB Wolves have a hard time unless the Wolves have covering fire. Karl Haider's Kommandoes are even more capable at dealing with the SGB Wolves, nevermind the JSF Ghosts. The reduced HP is noticeable though. If supported with EMP, Haider's Grenade Launcher Kommandoes can, at close range, properly defeat armor. Although, Kommandoes require covering fire to defeat Ogres faster. A EFEC Riflemen rush is a valid tactic.

Riflemen Comparison
The SGB Wolves are very sturdy for Riflemen. They Storm Building better than other Riflemen. Their damage is good enough. The Grenade Launcher upgrade is what gives them the required edge to take Uplinks promptly from other Riflemen. Without it, or not actually being used properly, the Wolves are just not effective, despite having good HP upgrades. The JSF Ghosts have access to better Sniping positions, due to reduced detection range than the other two Riflemen. The JSF Ghosts only advantage, in a battle against the Kommandoes, is if they remain outside of Stealth Detection range and snipe a few times or have covering fire when they move in. Other than that both the SGB and JSF Riflemen can't usually take an Uplink from high rank EFEC Kommandoes.

EFEC Grenadiers, are the least effective Engineers due to Squad Taser's range, similar to the SGB Bears' Flamethrower. Their Taser doesn't scratch SGB vehicles at full HP, yet, starts the damage to them. They interact with Uplinks quicker than some Riflemen and Engineers. Which is good. Their Minefields are somewhat good, due to recharging. The Ogres and Schwartzkopfs, due to their HP, can sometimes survive and remove Minefields. If the Enemy Armor is sent at a proper time during the Minefields' recharge time. So remember that. Thierry Dubois' Grenadiers are worth using, if you know how to use them properly. They can have proper battles with SGB Ogres and win.

Engineer Comparison
The SGB Bears are the best Engineers. High Damage, High HP, and Anti-Tank Grenades, are too good. Anti-Tank Grenades have an explosive area of effect and do great damage. They can't target Gunships though. Unexpectedly on one occasion, I have been able to target and damage Gunships with Anti-Tank Grenades. The Flamethrower, despite it's low range and high damage, is only good for damaging Riflemen, hitting Gunships at close range, and burning cover. I'd rather use Anti-Tank Grenades, but to each their own. The Schwartzkopfs are the reason for Anti-Tank Grenades preference. The JSF Pioneers are very good Engineers. At Recruit Rank, they have increased anti-air range and interact with Uplinks quickly. They are worth deploying at the start of a match. They'd be the best of the Engineers for Anti-Airing. The SGB Bears and JSF Pioneers, both have Anti-Air Minefields. Which are better than regular Minefields. Use if necessary.

EFEC Badgers, are so good, arguably the best. Definitely, the best at early game uplink acquisition and chasing Gunships after a Support EMP. Alexis Matz and Hans Jaeger, Blitzkreig much? Lukas Farber's Badgers, at high rank, are good for surviving secondary attacks without losing a vehicle. I wouldn't worry about the reduced damage. Tim Schwider's battalion is meant for an actual challenge by not having a effective boost for the other units.
Ubisoft Shanghai could've made Schwider's battalion more effective with an "Engineers +5% Damage" OR "Engineers -5% Damage, +10% HP" OR "Engineers +10% HP" boost instead. A proper challenge was probably more worth it. I can see why.

IFV Comparison
Yes I'm well aware of the SGB Cockroaches ability to do devastating damage. I consider the 'roaches arguably the best IFV, IF used properly. Infantry-loaded Cockroaches with +10% Damage, -5% HP, in Fyodor Savilov's case, at max rank and all upgrades, are hard to ignore for ANY opposing Endwar unit. Yet, that doesn't negate the strengths of the Badgers. The Cockroaches can't be thrown into a fray against a proper formation though. Their slow speed, when retreating from a hotzone, is the major weakness of the 'roaches. The JSF Fastbacks are honestly probably the worst IFV, not by much though. They have accurate long ranged Anti-Air damage. One Support EMP can be devastating to Fastbacks. So tread carefully. Their "Remote Weapon" defensive weapon can damage and slow all EW Units, as well as, prevent keep shields from recharging. Even if calling for Evac.

EFEC Panthers, are the second best Tanks. If they had a damage upgrade, they might be best. The Panthers Tank-speed is unmatched, the THEL vs SGB Ogres, and the shield-destroying Vircator. Aforementioned details, especially the Vircator, make it hard for the SGB and JSF to hold a position, an uplink, or an entire group of units, in some cases. Lars Beckenbauer's Panthers are good. A bit underrated but they make short work of SGB Cockroaches. They should've had a 7th upgrade for damage. It might've made them too overpowered though. Especially for Alexis' or Lars' battalions. Do Not Underestimate Vircator Tanks.

Tank Comparison
The JSF Schwarzkopfs, with their far ranged hard-hitting cannons and BLOS, are the best Tanks. That could be argued though as range doesn't always dictate the win. Their ability to destroy Garrisoned Infantry, without taking damage, is nothing to scoff at. The SGB Ogres, on the other hand, can beat the Schwarzkopfs and Panthers. Yet, not at close range, which is a key flaw of the Ogres. The Ogres do extreme damage against all vehicles. Even Garrisoned Engineers can't withstand sustained fire. At Veteran Rank or higher, the Ogres can support Anti-Air efforts. Ogres, with Artillery support fire, level buildings in about 30-90 seconds. They are incredibly slow though. Which is why Aleksei Tatarev's Ogres have -5% Damage, +10% HP. So they can remain effective longer. The Ogres can't just be sent anywhere or they won't return intact, due to their slow speed. Use them properly and they'll destroy the opposition.

EFEC Cheetahs, are easily the best Gunships IMO. When used properly, they invalidate all units except Engineers In Cover, Command Vehicles, Fast Attack Vehicles, and IFVs. Not even Gunships are safe. With that being said, the Cheetahs have to be trained in air to air maneuvers to get full benefits from their speed. The Cheetahs struggle to do damage without their 7th upgrade though. Antonio Maldini's Cheetahs, depending on both sides ranks, usually retain all choppers when hit from secondary attacks. Guillaume Delas' Cheetahs, with full offense upgrades at high ranks and full HP, are so strong that they melt Tanks and Artillery. Not to be underestimated.

Gunship Comparison
The SGB Howler Gunships can reliably battle Garrisoned Riflemen. I was thinking that giving the Howlers another shield upgrade might've made them easily the best Gunships, albeit slow. Their damage is unrivalled. Don't leave them in battle for too long without a shield recharge. The JSF Blackfoot Gunships are similar to the EFEC Cheetahs, except slightly slower, more HP, and farther attack range. They are easy to maneuver compared to the Cheetahs. Their Incendiary ammo burns trees, removing cover from infantry.

EFEC Marksman, offensively and defensively, are the weakest Artillery with the least range. However, what makes them so good is the speed to move key locations then quickly begin a bombardment, as well as reposition when necessary. Alain Du Barry's Marksman, do good damage to ground units and easily remove obstacles. At high ranks, depending on the obstacles or buildings, it takes anywhere from 10 seconds to a minute or two to remove obstructions. Which allows for quicker travelling routes or to remove buildings.

Artillery Comparison
The other Artillery do the job quicker and from further ranges. The SGB Zhukovs are too slow for my liking. With that being said, they can be counted on to sustain devastating damage, even while under enemy fire. Especially in Leonid Vilkov's batallion. Valentin Ershov's Zhukovs are overkill. The JSF Spartans are good, with their long firing range and decent speed. Their shields prevent auto targeting but are weak.

The EFEC Charlemagne, is arguably the worst Command Vehicle. Low damage, low HP, and the low range on the Archers' ARV THEL isn't usually worth using. Good speed for rushing to locations though. The Charlemagne is fast yet requires Support EMPs to remain healthy, if in the fray against vehicles. The Dragonfly UAV is decent. A LV2/3 Support EMP, is the only way to get to the Archers' ARV THEL to work effectively. Not worth it to be honest. Try it at your own risk. It's regular Archers are good enough.

Command Vehicle Comparison
The JSF Archon, is easily the best Command Vehicle, best Drones, and best UAV. Use it and you'll realize what I mean. The Rottweiler Drones and the Hunter Killer UAV do more damage and are harder to detect as per the JSF Faction advantage of reduced detection range. The SGB King Spider, is very slow, same with it's powerful Bodyguards. It's combat power is good at higher ranks. The Vulture UAV is decent. A theory is that if the Bodyguards could travel via IFV, that would make the Cockroaches too overpowered.

Obviously, the EFEC don't have tanky vehicles. That's why they require a competent player to use effectively. There's little room for mistake. One could wager that goes for all factions though.

@ronnielpabustan5202 - 25.07.2022 02:39

this will be the theme of WWIII

@jileskorey1105 - 23.04.2022 21:58

This song is corny as hell and I love it!

@theultralight - 18.03.2022 04:28


@HeVsuit - 06.03.2022 11:26

After years and years, the algorythm recommends me this old gem ost. How fitting for the current events

@TylanDetinate - 25.02.2022 11:35

First comment in like two years? Well, it is currently the February 25th, 2022. Good luck, future.

@apunkfox3479 - 02.01.2022 09:49

This playing this shit in 2022, wish muiltiplayer worked for Xbox.

@gdirifleman6721 - 04.06.2021 02:11

JSF 8th Assault Battalion ftw

@gdirifleman6721 - 04.06.2021 02:07


@xxvaltielxx1789 - 01.07.2020 09:47

Corona is a Forgotten Army bio weapon, calling it!

@crustynut4275 - 21.05.2020 18:34

Mane I grew up playing up this game and hearing this one more time makes wanna cry 🥺😭

@jesterknight3837 - 17.04.2020 17:18

I remember when I play as russia and wipe out entire Europe LOL 😂America is invade from the West and Russia invade from the East
Why this game not popular 😟

@centurionzen1005 - 18.11.2019 03:27

"Death to Tyrants"

@gariepdammerleclerq4807 - 01.04.2019 00:50

Need to bring this game back! Best strategy game ever!

@itsjustforest2533 - 31.03.2019 06:12

Fuck with the BEST DIE like the REST JSF for the win always and forever get obliterated by the tanks and transport vehicles

@johnnywhite13 - 06.03.2019 08:47

They should make a sequel or fix up and bring back tom Clancy endwar online!

@RogueOne066 - 23.12.2018 19:51

Pas un seul français qui joue a ce jeux ? Il est génial 😍 je suis vainqueur a chaque fois 😎✌️

@animeshkantibiswas4155 - 26.07.2018 14:42

Well my remarkable fight was the 3 battle in Paris it was like do or die.

@Asderkink - 18.05.2017 20:26

Best days of my life

@superninjaxx6793 - 31.08.2016 20:23

Bloody brilliant game

@sebastianoscapost9226 - 10.07.2016 03:38


@TLDAsmodaeus - 26.05.2016 17:00

Alpha brigade is the best.

@hunterthebonebreaker4955 - 25.05.2016 16:50

End war was my favorite RTS because it was badass and new

@YThePhantom1989Y - 28.02.2016 07:33

It's works again online for ps3

@RevOwOlutionary - 29.08.2015 10:01

Finally finishing the campaign after ending the final hard battle with the Russians and then seeing the glorious European victory screen is a good feeling. Then being able to see an awesome montage with this simply amazing song is just... the best.

@xxvaltielxx1789 - 12.08.2015 21:07

This game needs a sequel ipso facto, but with new factions like the forgotten army and the Chinese Expeditionary Force. We are getting Palo Wars 2 sooo get on it!!! >:D

@gluever54 - 03.07.2015 16:18

This has got to be the cheesiest song in an Strategy game ever. Not that it's a bad thing

@1LERS1 - 09.06.2015 02:00

Don't mess with Russian Spetsnaz.
I wonder, if Russian army will be like this one in the future.

@noahbusch7542 - 01.04.2015 22:28

Does any won play this game I do and I love it

@ajrickman9520 - 22.02.2015 04:15

Am I the only one who plays this game in 2015? I feel like this game was highly underrated. It's got good mechanics and it feels tense when u play the game because u see the war up close which think is a brilliant feature in the game this game should've got more attention

@maxnovoselov2915 - 18.10.2014 07:26

Russian bears, go for your ass.

@commanderbeepo8066 - 13.09.2014 05:48

23rd mechanized battalion Hell in a helmet

@legocobragunsmith - 13.08.2014 14:20

love this game, i play it pretty much every year and i always play as Russia. i finally completed it on expert (i am dreading doing it on hardcore as i am only really good at battles)

@MyShadowOfTheNight - 27.07.2014 18:35

its funny i still play this game regularly even today and europe in my opinion was the best faction as it was the only one i could wipe out both russia and usa on hardcore.

@MikeP5830 - 15.04.2014 23:52

I could listen to this all day while defending DC from some vengeful Russians. I actually won i on hardcore once upon a time.

@guyonacomputer1261 - 13.04.2014 09:29

I love this game. I have won WWIII twice (USA and Russia, in Normal and Expert respectively) and am starting a third time (Europe on Hardcore). Both times had the most fucking epic conclusions there could be:

JSF: Focusing solely on offense, Western and half of Eastern Europe were under American control, but also about half of the East Coast fell to the Enforcer Corp. I had three elite infantry divisions (all were Legendary), the Phantoms, the Ghosts, and the Creepers. The Ghosts died midway through the war on an assault on Paris, and the Creepers took their place, therefore achieving Legendary status after securing Paris. Now, on the final assault for Moscow (well, the second of three battles), all went to shit. My elite battalion, the best the US Military had to offer, has wiped out on the streets of Moscow. All, except the Phantoms. Sneaking around the various troops, they called for evacuation and survived. I myself (in the command vehicle) evacuated too, I had no reserves left. Staying wouldn't do me any good. But, not before launching a Kinetic Rod and blowing the Kremlin to a thousand pieces. The screen froze as Russian Tanks and infantry marched on the streets. The one Great Defeat of my battalion (8th Assault), would cost me the war. Now I only had new Recruits against an elite Spetsnaz Unit. I was doomed. Or so I thought. I caused so much damage in Moscow, that all the other operations were successes. I had the majority of the World under my control, I had won. And, while I focused on taking Moscow, the Enforcers attacked Washington D.C.. We sent them running. 

Spetsnaz: Using a harder difficulty, the 27th Assault Battalion invaded each capital twice, and successfully defended Moscow for several months against America and Europe. Early in the game and assault on the US secured everything north of D.C., but the Europeans (and later the Americans) retook it, but not Pennsylvania and/or New York. (I took Paris in a second battle without mush trouble) Anyway, after a careful operation in which I had to run a complex infiltration and assault mission (artillery for cover, and slip all units behind enemy lines to break havoc), I retook Sevastopol, and from there did what I could to launch a second invasion of America. Only controlling one territory at a time, I fought my way to Washington, but my elite infantry, the Snowdogs, died on the last stretch, as we pushed the Americans back into the city. They died before they knew we won. Almost as if reinvigorated and inspired to avenge them, my troops swept Washington clean in record time, despite the disaster that the first battle earlier in the war was. I won in Turn 41, after almost losing and barely holding the line many times (Not to mention many, many failed operations (6 is many, right? (when your defeats cost you 4 simultaneous battles, then yes))). I skipped the credits as America, so after (real world) weeks of fighting a war of attrition, I won, and was rewarded with this badass song. As well, as General Sergei's admiration, not a bad thing, considering the man's main hobby is ordering executions to Colonels who fail his orders...

@syphonfillter - 20.12.2013 19:19

The most memorable battle I had was in America, my Spetsnaz crushed the JSF after an intense battle, with me literally screaming the orders into my mic. We cut it close, but I managed to wipe the enemy units off the screen and the thing comes up 'Hostile annihilation in 9, 8, 7 ect' And I fly my Camera to their deployment zone so I can be ready to crush them if they call in any more units last second, and it hits zero, does the freeze frame style thing and I am looking at the American deployment zone (Which I had dropped and airstrike on their transports as they deployed a few moments ago, then mopped up with gunship) strewn with destroyed tanks and dead soldiers and the Russian General says 
"The cowboys are in boot hill"
That made me feel epic.

@ThatGuy-ll4wo - 06.12.2013 06:58

funny this is I got a book that tells me about the events that leads up to it lol

@Exodon2020 - 04.11.2013 21:53

I caught myself running up and down before my TV set while shouting orders into the mike... Feels actually more immersive when playing a commander that sitting before a screen

@dmandog0566 - 21.10.2013 05:08

USMC DF(JSF) Marines never give up!!!

@BoonThran2 - 09.10.2013 02:13


@dimakrupchov4680 - 02.10.2013 02:22

no spaznaz would kick avery ones ass and kill all

@ShadowFalcon - 26.09.2013 21:41

EFEC Battlegroup 20 (Assault). United in Battle.

@yoshisan9510 - 04.09.2013 11:46

Never give an inch ! Jsf tactial battalion

@thekaiseriswiser4451 - 26.08.2013 07:38

JSF 15th armored battalion "Guardians of freedom"

@allahini - 11.08.2013 16:24

13th Airborne. You CYKA should all be running now.

@ravenks1sr15 - 19.07.2013 18:29


@xXNavStt - 18.07.2013 03:06

Now i see why Americans don't believe in evolution.

@LordCybot - 17.07.2013 07:43

15 spec ops FTW! The tip of America's spear!
