Snip3down speaks out after playing Ranked with MnK vs Controller..

Snip3down speaks out after playing Ranked with MnK vs Controller..


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@renon6487 - 26.03.2023 06:00

I'm a master apex player, master in ow2, and imm3 in val. Tons of aim training experience too. In no mnk game will a low level player beat me in an even fight. But in apex, I've been 1 clipped by no skin low levels who prob are slumped in their chair with cheeto dust on their dusty ass shirt.

Lmao, but for real, controller has a big advantage in this game compared to mnk in the aim department. It's not uncommon for a new player to just randomly 1 clip you with an SMg on accident, which should never happen in a competitive game

@darkinertia2 - 18.03.2023 05:40

yeah and it took hal 2 days and he wins algs and gets mvp and in consideration for one of the best controller players lol

@vlads.3192 - 27.02.2023 11:44

"It's annoying" Ofc it is when 100% of everything has to be done manually... There is no help from brother AI robot helping you by 40% to track opponents... THe harders is to track while the target is changing strafe sides... this is totally canceled on roller since it is done by you while you can just focus on moving left to right and holding the trigger...

@Smallville1219 - 10.02.2023 03:59

Any game that has aim asst controller is better but if there’s no aim asst like r6 then mnk better ….that’s why ppl cheat on r6 with mnk on console

@CradleOfDeath666 - 30.01.2023 07:27

I’m better at aim on mouse but my movement and all the other heal actions I’m a bot on MNK. Yeah I’m firing range I can tap strafe but I can’t even think while in a fight to use that I just dead slide and look like an idiot or forget how to switch to secondary or put away my gun to run, movement is the hard part for me on MNK

@nogoodcharlesgaming - 30.01.2023 05:41

I think everything he's missing when he makes the comparison at the end is that if two people who had never played video games before started playing on the same day one using a mouse and the other on controller, the controller player would become far better far faster.. There's no comparison when it comes to average skill gaps and ceilings.

@nogoodcharlesgaming - 30.01.2023 05:38

I switch back and forth between a PS5 controller and mouse. I can easily say that the registration is way different on controller because of the automatic micro adjustments. Basically once you get your Crosshair on the person you can just hold the trigger and if they move left or right it's going to aim for you. Mouse and keyboard is way harder and takes way more skill because you can't just run like a coward and then hold a corner. As soon as somebody comes around the corner the Crosshair Picks Them Up and they automatically get one clipped whereas with a mouse you actually have to have insane reaction time and tracing abilities.

@user-xj5tc6yw7e - 30.01.2023 04:00

Snipe:i have maybe a thousand hours on mnk
Me who barely has 100 hours on controller after swapping from 4k hour mnk i got over 2k kills

@allisterfield6028 - 30.01.2023 02:10

ppl making as big a deal out of a difference of 40% - 60% aim assist, (basically a setting difference of 2/5 - 3/5) and saying "the controller aims for you" when it doesnt even matter. both controller and MnK have their advantages and disadvantages, if you've aim trained alot on MnK its a lot more accurate than controller because you can micromanage the recoil and your recovery rate from a mistake is totally based upon your own skill. controller recoil is harder to micromanage with the limited axis of the joysticks but has a 20% increase on aim assist which allows for more room for error when aiming.
that said a great Controller player will win the 1v1 in a fight with a great MnK player out in the open, but a great MnK player will win the 1v1 against a great controller player in small spaces that allow for movement tech. there's so much shit that goes into this that is so much more than just a 20% difference on aim assist.

@die642r - 29.01.2023 22:09

This is the aim of someone with pro level game sense and pro level insight in the mechanics of the game. Now compare that to a random guy with 1k hours on mnk vs a roller with 1k hours.

It's obvious to me that at some point roller players just kill for free

@HUNTER-A1 - 29.01.2023 19:57

That's why controller player have no aim skill... Becoz they know only one thing just press tha controller button hit all the shot.....mnk player have 100 % aim skill... No computer assist

@donedying1048 - 29.01.2023 19:24

There is alot of arguments for controllers being broken in terms of how much aim assist gives you a leg up against MnK by making your aim magnatize on enemies, but has this issue not already been adressed by Respawn a couple years ago? I thought that the aim assist on Apex had been adusted to actually have a lower nuerical value to the amount it will magnatize compared to other games that use game-pads. I was under the impression that everyone had outgrown the controller nerf a while ago and skill level was just naturally going up with time.

Genuinely, is there more that can be done? Should there be different changes, or just keep decreasing the aim assist values?

Personally, I've played on handhelds since the release of the Gameboy Advance SP when I was 6 years old. I don't play on MnK because I'm 25 now and have only ever used a controller since that's what I'm used to and become good at with all those years staying on controller-esque hardware.

If I were to suddenly not be able to use a controller, I just really couldn't even play the game anymore and would have to give up on competative FPSs. It's not because I chose the easy way of the controller, I've just always been on a controller and grown up familiarising myself with many game consoles. When I try MnK, now it hurts my hands reaching keys, fumbling for the right key without looking on occasion and holding them down, plus, I get tired from having correct, restrictive posture and finding the desk space to play with all the peripherals. Maybe I just need to get over it, but it causes me really bad discomfort and pain and it doesn't help that I have smaller hands so I'm always straining for the keys.

FPSs are some of my favourite genres for longer playing sessions, but when I bought Black Ops 4 and realised there was no aim assist, I could only give it my best go, but it was unplayable without any aim assist. Controllers truly do the that system in place to even function for precision. I haven't touched Black Ops 4 since it came out because it's invalidated all my years of gaming expiriences, deeming me an undesirable person to even play the game.

Is there a solution to this? I know people want to complain, but I can really think of no answers and would be interested in knowing if there is a solution that doesn't have me quit, or git gud on MnK. I'll never catch up the skill level of MnK players at this point without a huge investment of free time re-learning how to play everything, so please don't be dismissive. This is a real problem, especially for people like me who feel like the Apex community hates them for wanting to play games with them. The problems need solutions instead of all the hate that people wish on me for wanting to have the same fun as them.

@JM1992 - 29.01.2023 19:02

I seen Genburten still put people down on MnK

@piranha4362 - 29.01.2023 18:47

getting rly good at a game has a lot to do with ur mindset. thats why nerfing controller would not lead to pros loosing their jobs

@Snugglelol - 29.01.2023 18:04

funny how the opposite is the true when mnk players try controller and they laser shots they would never on mnk and surprise themselves

@andythoms8130 - 29.01.2023 17:05

Funny controller players get so butthurt when people point out the obvious. Would be interesting to see what his controller play without aa looks like .

@holung1772 - 29.01.2023 16:40

He want to say AA so bad but holf it back😂

@nguyenhanguyen876 - 29.01.2023 15:57

If AA get nerfed then lots of pro will lose their job

@gavinr5576 - 29.01.2023 14:20

He would be exactly 60% as good on MNK as he is on Controller...

@cl1m4x_420 - 29.01.2023 14:03

even with mnk he still looks like he’s on roller

@narty4586 - 29.01.2023 13:58

He's not abusing recoil smoothing.. dude is just standing still while aiming. Hopefully he can master it. And the thing about playing on MnK is that you need to be consistent, meaning you have to be playing almost all the time to strengthen your muscle memory and aim. If you quit for a week or so, you can see how your aim will deteriorate.

@Cube27177 - 29.01.2023 13:18

Imagine needing ai to control your aim 😂 pathetic

@HexxuSz - 29.01.2023 13:12

look at all the side to side tracking you have to do yourself :D

@BallStretcher - 29.01.2023 12:59


@j33k83 - 29.01.2023 11:37

LOL as an M&K player that strafing right to left rapidly while ADS at close range will miss you alot. Now you know M&K will get beat down by an aim asssist in close quarter battle. The technique used there when ads is to strafe on one direction all the way while adjusting your aim.

@ghsty95 - 29.01.2023 11:32


@ManMang0 - 29.01.2023 11:26

It's just an insane concept to me that high end players in an FPS would choose a controller over a mouse, it's undeniable evidence that controller is busted and needs fixing.

The real issue is that crappy low skill kids wouldn't play if they didn't feel good about themselves so it will remain...

@faldeus_ - 29.01.2023 11:16

used to mnk for years, but when i tried controller i started beaming people. it's genuinely more fun

@bakwardzzman - 29.01.2023 09:51

he 100% starts stuttering when he realizes how easy controller beams are lol

@Gygsd - 29.01.2023 09:43

Half the controller players would be bots if they nerfed aim assist that’s a fact

@prodbrann - 29.01.2023 09:29

damn i use both

@notsogood2576 - 29.01.2023 08:43

If Snipe is already a decent, better than the average controller player then I think he has the ability to be good on MnK within a short amount of time. I think this is because you already learn how to snap to targets, tracking and all the basics of aiming that you just need to get used to using your whole hands and arm to move and shoot instead of your thumbs. For example: at season 0-2 I could barely get 200 damage on MnK, then I stopped and played again but on controller on my PS4 for 6 seasons, season 6 to 12. The first season was hard like on MnK, 220 damage was my average. Then I got better as time goes and finally got my first 4k 20bomb in season 9. I then got a gaming PC during the 11th season of Apex and tried MnK. I did sucked at first but after about 4 weeks I was getting 2ks and over every 4-10 matches on MnK. It may just me though, and maybe some other people that I know in my Discord friends list that I've played with.

@RuMaow - 29.01.2023 08:31

the stuttering when called out he actually had to aim in MnK lmao

@MistyShadows - 29.01.2023 08:20

Lol I felt this when I tried controller, except sometimes the AA would take over and I'd hit beams I'd never hit on M&K.

@Septurez - 29.01.2023 08:16

lmaooo get good snipe

@rodrik076 - 29.01.2023 08:04

mfers can't aim. The AI does all the job

@deki5616 - 29.01.2023 07:47

I have like a 50 hrs in controller and im beaming lol tf he switching in mnk? 😂

@Sunnyside845 - 29.01.2023 07:28

I have fun with mnk but you can feel the roller roast.

@rumbajuice - 29.01.2023 07:01

There's nothing wrong, with being an MnK in this game if you have ample amount of experience and good game sense. Contesting Aim Assist is annoying, but not to the point where it is unplayable.

The difference is for a young, inexperienced player who play this game. If they had no background in either inputs and decide to try MnK, they'd soon realize that it's not worth it for a game with aim assist. They would either switch or they'd branch out to a game like Valorant or R6, and then completely forget Apex. And even when they decide to come back, the games are so much different that they'd have a hard time adjusting.

That's what it means when we say MnK is a dying breed.

@ngnl_irisoul - 29.01.2023 06:45

It's harder to be pro for 20 years on MnK tho, it hurts ur arm more from what I know

@dirtmesumshii1092 - 29.01.2023 06:26

He isn't wrong I've been on mnk since 2017 so I get it I just can't use controller

@awttygaming2510 - 29.01.2023 06:22

ppl that say its all aimassit are actually brain dead butt hurt children that are hardstuck golds 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

@justkidding6482 - 29.01.2023 06:16

nerf aim assist

@awareparsely7182 - 29.01.2023 06:06

6 minustes ago says im 1st but prob 5th hi
