I swiped on tinder 143,489 times. Here’s what happened

I swiped on tinder 143,489 times. Here’s what happened

Evan Edinger

2 года назад

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@stevenalderley9036 - 28.11.2023 22:13

The problem with online dating is that hardly anyone on the sites and apps is realistic. A lot of average looking people...myself probably included, who dont care to match with someone just as averagely looking because they believe they can do better and will hold out for prince charming no matter what. When you're up against that type of mindset, it becomes very difficult to get anywhere. Obviously there needs to be some level of attraction, but a lot of people on these apps are being totally unrealistic. Then again if you are after a serious relationship as a long term goal, and certain others are after a guy or girl with model like appearance...you're probably better off.

@Vinyl_Dave - 22.11.2023 17:25

The Beatles said it all 60 years ago - Money can't buy me love!
Hell! 60 years!

@Ryanscraft - 28.10.2023 20:28

I’ve never used a dating app

@dieZera - 20.10.2023 03:13

Interesting statistics.
I met my husband online 20 years ago, on some local messaging board which wasn't for dating. The good old days...

Don't cut your hair, men gotta have long hair ❤.

@mmm-mmm - 12.10.2023 19:00

"unless you give tinder money" implies that giving them money increases your chances of meeting someone. not true. the only you get is an empty wallet.
you really should expect that you'll get "hey :)" messages on bumble. the 'girls message first' means that you'll get low-effort messages because the girls don't expect to do any work (i know this is a generalization, not all girls are like that).

@gg41r - 07.10.2023 17:14

I have been using dating sites/apps since i became single in 2003. Here is my experience.
From 2003 till around 2010 ish (im aged 32 to 39 during this time), i was never short of female interest in the dating sites. Then, I turned 40 and that all changed overnight. Interest from females dried up, almost completely. No matter what i tried, after 2010, i got pretty much zero interest. That remains true to this day.
I pretty much cut my losses about 4 years ago. I realised i was wasting my time. I am blessed tho, as while it would be nice to have a spicy senorita in my life, i happen to function pretty well on my own.

This past 4 yrs or so, i will jump on tinder or facebook dating, every 6 months or so, just for a look, to see whos about. Much of the time, its the same faces i been seeing for many years.
In fact, there was a new member on facebook last time i was on. I recognised the profile picture straight away. The girl in question, was using the same picture, on Plenty Of Fish, prior to 2010!!! Yeah, thats what we are dealing with here!! Nah, genuine guys are best steering well clear of online dating sites. It is a demoralising experience. Trust me, i know

@pedroRodriguesMD - 06.10.2023 13:02

Most man are so blind with testoesterone, that they dont realize. Tinder is a SCAM, because you will only pay if you are not getting results, so you wont get them, and you will pay (I never did, in 10 years, and went and deleted my account, then erased the app TODAY). It is a rigged game to make you pay. I dont know if this is true, but I heard that woman dont even pay, and they can pick and choose. So, lets to the world of lonely man a favour and delete your accounts.

@GhanYt - 28.09.2023 05:12

When he remarked, "Whether I'm correct or mistaken, whether the market rises or falls, it doesn't affect my situation," I found it quite perplexing. Many individuals are experiencing substantial financial losses in the current circumstances. Personally, I've been investing in stocks since the start of the year, and yet, I haven't seen any improvement. On the contrary, I've come across articles about people who are still in the same market and have managed to generate over $350,000 in just a couple of months. The situation is undeniably challenging.

@remitifromhell - 15.09.2023 12:34

"Hey depressed boy, open the app" is such gold

@cameronrogers256 - 11.09.2023 18:43

The solution is to fly to a country where women value a quality man and don’t want tattoos and a criminal record.

@ikilleduku - 11.09.2023 02:13

This guy is below average and his getting better results than I do

@bronsonbamnallen1633 - 23.08.2023 05:17

I was on Tinder for, idk, a decade. Met two people, never went anywhere. Never got laid never got a second date. Both of them were in cities I was traveling to, and not in my local area. I paid for Gold and Plus on multiple occasions, for years, and had no success.
Bumble is the same. No, worse. The rare matches I did get would never talk to me and expire. I even paid for their upgraded package and it was just as useless or more so than Tinder.
Hinge was a very moderate success for the brief time I was on there. Then I got banned and to this day have no idea why. Its not like I was being a creep or sending dick pics. I really dont get it. I gave up a couple months ago.
Even though you feel like you werent very successful, from my perspective I think you did pretty well. You had a lot of conversations, matches, dates and even gained a relationship from it.
Hope your current relationship works out.

@itwasanewdayyesterday2586 - 11.08.2023 16:25

lol i know why you dont get matches, get a haircut and go the the gym

@memandylov - 07.08.2023 08:41

I met my last boyfriend through tinder and it was a rollercoaster from start to finish. At the time I matched with him, I was doing a bit of an experiment to see how many people I would match with if I weren't so picky, so I just swiped right for everyone without even looking at their profile. Turns out, I somehow get a LOT of matches when I'm not being picky. I got over 200 matches in just a few days, but most of them didn't really stand out to me.
One day, I get a notification that says "Sexy Squidward sent you a message" and my immediate reaction was wtf??? The message was just a gif of Squidward twerking. I couldn't resist responding to that nonsense, and we ended up talking all night and into the next day. I wish I could say we lived happily ever after, but shit happens, spot we broke up a little over a year later. Still, it was my longest and most successful relationship, and I learned a lot from the time I spent with him, so it kinda worked out well for me anyway.
It just blows my mind that out of all the men I had available, I chose Sexy Squidward

@liopleurodon155 - 06.08.2023 23:53

Irl approach stats:
3 girls approached -> 1 taken
-> 1 got number & ghosted
-> 1 long term relationship of 1 1/2 years

Approaching in real life as a (slightly above) average is still king.

@lillyarchive - 03.08.2023 21:14

I thought it was 38.99 a week not a month?

@maaripoim9049 - 01.08.2023 20:43

I actually really love the Editor Evan shirt which matches and actually enhances his ginger beard and hair.

@QuickZ_ - 26.07.2023 15:21

Its true that hinge algoritm is quite agressive. In the beginning it was really good. It suggested people that i liked sometimes and at the same time had a Hugh chance to like me. But now the algoritm is so stuck in its inaccurate tunnelvision and I cant get out of it. A lot less matches and its making me less picky eventually. And having matches that dont generate any chats

@QuickZ_ - 26.07.2023 15:13

200 swipes a day for women with 33% matchrate. That means women in general match with 66 guys a day. That is a insane and very illogical number. Cant be correct

@tothmatyasbalint3841 - 22.07.2023 12:46

It's just easier in real life

@michaelowino228 - 19.07.2023 14:47

Good video.

@She_tech - 11.07.2023 12:29

Just downloaded tinder yesterday after a friend suggested it, now seeing this ,I feel pity for my fingers,so much swiping.

@hazelhazelton1346 - 26.06.2023 21:08

Damn, you actually did pretty well on tinder compared to most men...

@pumpkingamebox - 26.06.2023 16:42

On tinder you have to pay to get on top of the feed? Isn't this prostitution then? Or Pimping?

I'm here just for fun. I never once used a dating app.

@tdtm82 - 05.06.2023 00:59

From all the single dudes out there struggling on dating apps; we thank you hombre. The other trick is to uninstall and re-install as fresh accounts get higher hits of local women. There's also lots of bots on dating apps and with AI advances it's only going to get worse.

@Kueytwo - 31.05.2023 13:07

I broke Bumble, ran out of swipes so many times.

@Kueytwo - 31.05.2023 13:03

My experience of Bumble app is negative, but I live in hope. Only had one date so far with a man who was clearly not interested in getting to know me yet he was listed as a good match in Bumble.
Even now I can not figure out why. I am not sure if the matches are an AI mistake or people who are just making it up as they go along. I am a woman of colour and middle aged, age appropriate to me is 40 to about 55. Almost all of the age appropriate middle-aged men, are openly looking for a 30 year old. Way too many of the men are not attractive with the hygiene/teeth, live in other distant countries, short in height under 5 foot 8 inches, look like a weather-beaten and wrinkle-ravaged Father Christmases, looking for something casual while lying about wanting a relationship, smoker (ashtray breath), fudging photos and age, or saying something that flags red in the profile app message statement. You have to pay to see the people who find you attractive, so you have to swipe left consistently. The worst thing that happens is GHOSTING; so rude, lazy, and cowardly. Most of the good looking men don't make an effort to woo The AI algorithm could maybe guess who I like in a million years; doesn't know how to filter timewasters, and just wants older women (over 40) to waste money. Anyway ladies, Bumble is way better than Tinder, so good luck.

@kay78901 - 29.05.2023 22:55

While I don't mind just a hey and will try to have conversation anyway, I noticed that everyone I asked on a date, started with more than a hey.
In my experience ladies that start with just a hey are more difficult too have fun conversation with.

@pointmaker8833 - 29.05.2023 00:53

I’ve had hinge for 7 months, never received a like, average guy, average profile, girls don’t like on hinge

@Jay-ef2ii - 18.05.2023 02:55

Attention: I think the host should have shorter hair, cool rectangular Gucci glasses, no beard, and wear the same outfits thta he is wearing in this video, and he would get more matches on Hinge and he would make a splash on Tinder. Tinder is for Chads! So the host of the show too has to Gym Maxx--he has to get stacked and jacked. You know? Get a Six Pack! May 17, 2023. USA.

@thedude5295 - 19.04.2023 21:09

Dating in modern times sounds like a freakin' nightmare. You poor kids.

@Tyrannosaurus_Wrexx - 15.04.2023 23:47

I’d tried all of these, with varying levels of success, for ten years. Strangely, I was ready to stop trying once Facebook entered the game, but I gave it a go, and got a message from my current boyfriend. It’s been three years we’ve been together, and we have NEVER had an argument, either. I love it here!

@jackwalker4874 - 20.03.2023 03:17

I found that the issue with Hinge's algorithm was that in a sparsely populated area, the same profiles keep coming around. I've a feeling that some people have received several 'first' messages from me because the profiles came back around again.

@coolattack77 - 06.03.2023 07:07

At one swipe a second that’s 40 hours of swiping…. Omg 😂

@sheanlee2089 - 28.02.2023 18:12

dating apps are a gimic load of crap they dont work

@R91ellaK - 18.02.2023 18:23

Me hearing Tinder platinum price: yep, that‘s a monthly subscription of Netflix, Prime and Disney + combined…says it all! 😅😅😄😄

@xSunnyDaysx - 17.02.2023 21:25

This one time on the train i saw a serial swiper chick. Damn. The whole train ride she was eating some type of bread which she held in her right hand and the left hand she held her phone,
she was swiping every 0.5 second. I don’t remember which side. It was like she was counting something. She didn’t even bother reading their bio.

I was standing on the deck by the doors and she was sitting inside. I was the only one to see her phone.

I’m guessing she probably swiped a good 500 times 😅.

@PenelopeNess - 14.02.2023 11:16

I'm gonna try out hinge, I've been on tinder for years but I barely open it because it just feels pointless. I think I've only dated one person I matched with on there and that was about 5 years ago.

I'm bi so I also use Grindr but it's basically all the depressing feel of Tinder but with the addition of random dick pics.

@marynorth235 - 07.02.2023 09:42

I was banned from tinder less than 24 hours after I joined. I was using my real pictures (no nudes) and hadn't even sent a message to anybody. They wouldn't reverse the ban even after I wrote to them multiple times.

@davidnadeau4123 - 07.02.2023 09:27

Thank you for this. This is what I needed to finally justify ditching Tinder for good. Good riddance.

@timmy5876 - 06.02.2023 19:46

in fairness the payment model is smart, over a year u pay under £10 a month which is basically what you’d pay for netflix or spotify monthly, so it’s not that bad. The problem is a lot of people won’t use it all year. In my head i don’t think i’ll be single for 6 months+ i’d rather be with someone in that time so i may use the app then be in a relationship after say 3 months of using it then if we’re together 9 months i won’t be using it so it cost more. The monthly cost being so much is smart but painful as it can help u get a lot more matches in that time but it’s basically gonna cost u £400 over a year of having it

@Kikiranka - 31.01.2023 03:45

You did so good ad for Hinge, and I just see it's not available in my country 🤣

@lukazupie7220 - 24.01.2023 16:18

Wow 140k 😮
If someone asked me how many females i think is there on tinder and from USA i would probably guess less than 140.000.
Or can you swipe a person more than once?

@SSGGraphics - 17.01.2023 04:06

As a guy who's a bit socially awkward and nervous as hell to talk to women this is all I really do when I'm not doing fuck else I've gotten in total 3 numbers that didn't lead absolutely anywhere. ( don't know why I thought they would) I also feel like if you're not the top 1% of attractive guys not many girls are gonna swipe on you. Also you tend to get blocked alot more for simply not being attractive it's the most pretentious shit ever. Also being someone who doesn't have his license yet and is a shit driver that makes things alot more difficult

@Varun-hw2yr - 13.01.2023 02:38

Evan: My swipe right ratio is 1 in 3. I am a picky man.
Women: Hold my beer.

@davincimemes3631 - 06.01.2023 08:03

I'd swipe right for you!

@saschasstorychamber - 05.01.2023 18:01

How does the app know if you hooked up or not? It's not like you answer a questionnaire after you meet up 😅

@krioda-internationaldating - 04.01.2023 11:39

Interesting statistics made independently. And unfortunately so few dates, only 12. Yes, he was too selective, but congratulations on finding a relationship. This is the purpose of such dating apps. Everyone sets their goals when they sign up for Tinder, Bumble, or Hinge.
It often happens that I am just for fun, but it turns into a serious relationship and marriage. Therefore, do not lose heart, but give online dating a try.

@keithvlogs1 - 03.01.2023 14:45

Your opening message Should be some made up shit :D

Cause girls find you boring if you're actually interested in their day. LLOL
