Why the HTML number input is the worst

Why the HTML number input is the worst

Software Developer Diaries

1 год назад

1,035 Просмотров

Ссылки и html тэги не поддерживаются


@OleksandrDanylchenko2k - 31.10.2022 09:06

Whoa 😳
I didn't know about the +5+2===''

@sourav_96 - 24.10.2022 12:05

I am facing this issue in current project☹️

@chrisalexthomas - 12.10.2022 00:54

it's so bizarre that in HTML form elements are using the operating system user interface which causes all sorts of weird look and feel issues, on top of why not just create a custom ui which can be completely styled with css and also completely handled with validation etc, etc. I don't really understand why they did that tbh. Maybe a legacy issue they never had a chance to fix. But I think they could do it today and people would be happy with it
