Donall and Conall Convince the Mormon Missionaries They're Going to Hell in 40.305 Seconds

Donall and Conall Convince the Mormon Missionaries They're Going to Hell in 40.305 Seconds


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@skyline193 - 19.11.2023 04:04

How long have you never been to Chattahoochee Donnelly Connell

@micah364 - 17.11.2023 23:55

you have earned my subscription

@madmech153 - 28.10.2023 23:57

The Bible never says we’re saved by faith alone.

@bowinghearts - 17.10.2023 00:08


@Jcdoyel - 03.10.2023 23:25

See how the Christians love one another? 🙄

@LittleMushroomGuy - 07.09.2023 18:36

Mormonism is just Rokkos Basilisk

@topazblahblah - 06.09.2023 19:36

"Endure to the end and thou shall be saved." "Be baptized and thou shall be baptized." You have to do all things Christ commanded. This video counters nothing but itself.

@baldwinthefourth4098 - 01.09.2023 23:29

Christ isn't the only person in history who was sinless. His Holy Mother was also sinless. All of your Reformers, Luther included, agreed

@jayegbert9864 - 31.08.2023 10:10

I believe there is a misunderstanding here, the Lord does not say to spend all your days solely in prayer or solely in service, though he did himself. He mentions lots of thing not explicitly either of those that we should do. This leads to the fallacy that all are doomed because we are not all mindless praying working automatons serving the one next to us. The lord gives inspiration to do more than that, so say the lord wants you to see a movie, he sees the value for your salvation in watching that movie, even if it is not one of the prior two given activities

@benextraanimates7398 - 29.08.2023 01:23

There voice is so calm...

@skyline193 - 29.08.2023 00:30

Donald and Connor Wright, Dad, Mormon bed and come back, don’t want to get a punch in the stupid face

@Procopius464 - 11.08.2023 20:33

Mormonism wrecked.

@nics4967 - 09.08.2023 05:32

Mostly, it just makes you Irish. I nearly died.

@ericagriebel7985 - 20.07.2023 06:24

And pretty much every other page of the Bible 😂😂💯

@ginaanelli9717 - 12.06.2023 00:56

Bible never says Faith Alone

@anenderwomanwithinternet - 06.06.2023 23:55

You got the "Mormon voice" perfect. It gave my ex-mormon butt flashbacks.

@Vintage_Recreations - 12.05.2023 02:47

Oh my Heck!

@spencer.eccles - 08.05.2023 11:36

So non-mormon christians have no reason to go to church or read the scriptures regularly because of grace. Sounds pretty gucci ngl

@kerosoldier - 16.04.2023 22:33

I used to live less than a block from a mormon ward while in mercedes, tx. My dad was a Lutheran pastor and we would be visited from time to time by mormon missionaries. Heres...the problem albeit a hilarous one. My dad would bring them in and try to save THEM. He did this so many times that the missionaries actively avoided our house. He took a bit of glee whenever they were over.

@bonjovi1612 - 14.04.2023 13:16

As a true Irish man I approve this message. Especially the fear of my mother.

@johnmcguire4635 - 13.04.2023 02:39

Yeah well see they think "all you can do" means "all the LDS authorities demand of you", it's all so twisted in knots

@ksink74 - 11.04.2023 19:44

So what about that bit where the Bible says ''See how a person is justified by works and not by faith alone'?

@baldwinthefourth4098 - 29.03.2023 22:04

Name me a single christian before the Reformation who taught this "By faith alone through grace alone" nonsense.

@batmaninc2793 - 17.03.2023 22:02

I mean, you did just prove the case of faith + works as laid out in St James 2:14-26.
Which Martil Luther wanted to burn, and, "Jimmy".

@joshuariston2924 - 20.02.2023 01:28

Spaulding and Rigdon. Those are the two authors of the Book of Mormon. That’s a fact.

Just like Joseph Smith was caught using seeing stones to get peoples money…he worked out a way with Rigdon to use it for the Book of Mormon and perpetuate erroneous doctrines, and stories. This is the very reason why the “Golden Plates” don’t exist and have never been found.

@zach415 - 10.12.2022 08:05

I don’t believe any religion as Christian when they teach that you become God of your own universe when you die. That’s not Christian, that’s ancestor worship

@jimcummings6819 - 04.11.2022 01:54

Very funny on all fronts. Sorry that it's not Catholic, or is it..? There is one Church that Christ started, or I could look to a person that wanted to remove 7 books of Sacred Scripture and removed all but one of the Seven Sacraments. Remember Patrick that Christ gave us a Church with a leader with the Keys to the kingdom, and those keys were also spoken of in Isaiah 22:22. Wait Patrick, did you know that 50 of the 95 thesis of Luther were heretical, and that the Church was working to clean up its act from clumsy humans running the show? Patrick, did you know that Eucharistic Miracles to show God's love and mercy are found all over the world. Patrick, I would look up Carlo Acutis and his documented Eucharistic Miracles he's cataloged. My favorites are Lanciano Italy in the year 700. The host became Human Heart Tissue from the left ventricle, and the blood (wine) formed into human blood... Weird right Patrick? Buenos Aires had a defiled Host that had blood on it. It was put in water for three years to dissolve, and Yikes, it also turned into Human Heart Tissue from the left ventricle, plus it had live human white blood cells when examined by Dr Zugibe around 1999. Patrick, you might want to check out the Church where salvation is its middle name.. Ha. PAX. Jim

@lynigirl1956 - 20.10.2022 13:24

_great teaching satire....👍👍👍💕💕💕

@curiaregis9479 - 04.09.2022 15:18

As a former Mormon missionary this video makes me sad. Not because I'm going to hell, as I became an atheist long ago and don't believe in hell, but because this entire conversation is absurd and stupid. "Sin" isn't real so there isn't need of "redemption from sin." There is no reason to believe either the Bible or the Book of Mormon are anything but constructs of ridiculous humans. Just read the Bible for yourself and if you have an IQ above room temperature it should be obvious. Also, if Mormons, among the most God-fearing, honest and civil people around, are going to hell because of some silly misinterpretation of the Bible, what kind of God is that? Perhaps the "God" that "tests" Abraham's mindless devotion by telling him to stab his own son? Perhaps the "God" who executes people on the spot for steadying his ark or turning to look at the "sinful" city he is destroying after he instructed not to? That "God"? The desert God with the book we adopted as holy due to historic circumstance having to do with the Roman empire. It's all so stupid.

@malachiosborn9452 - 02.09.2022 05:02

Mormons don't actually believe in hell but alright

@KyleRoth - 01.09.2022 14:13

As an exmormon I can tell you right now that Mormons have heard all of this before. What will any Christian do when you point out something in the scriptures that seems not to align with what they believe? Recontextualize it so it fits. What will a Mormon do when you point out something in the scriptures that seems to not align with what they believe? Recontextualize it so it fits.

This is how there are so many varieties of Christianity despite sharing mostly the same scriptural canon.

@kylerichardson1242 - 25.08.2022 12:25

Anybody here got any evidence that anything in the Bible is actually true? I mean, you can "just believe it" like Donall and Conall tell us to, but why should we? Do we have any reason to suspect that the authors of the Bible were telling the truth? Or even knew the truth?

@johnjacob5839 - 23.08.2022 11:50

It makes ya Irish, or Jewish.

@SpyridonJohn1633 - 22.08.2022 18:08

What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith, but does not have works? Can faith save him? If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, "depart in peace, be warmed and filled," but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.
But someone will say "you have faith, and I have works." Show me your faith without works, and I will show you my faith by my works. You believe that there is One God. You do well. Even the demons believe - and tremble!!
But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead? Was not Abraham our Father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect?
And the Scriptures was fulfilled which says, "Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness." And he was called a friend of God. You see then that a man is justified by works, not faith only. Likewise was not Rehab the harlot also justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out another way? For as the body with out the spirit dead, so faith without works is dead also. -James 2:14-26

"In as much as you did not do it to one of the least of these you did not do it to me" Matthew 25:45

"Now everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand:
And the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was it's fall." Matthew 7: 26&27.

Faith alone? Yeah, definitely a teaching of The Apostles....

@shadowolf6995 - 22.08.2022 04:14

With all respect, as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Sants, this don't hurt my faith at all, just show how other do think that understand the doctrine of god given by the olds and the news prophets and actualy don't, but dosen't matter, this should't be a man discution by knowleg and phylosophy, but by the Spirit of God, who Can light all truth. Sorry by my bad english, I am a brazilian, and we never Should discriminate no one by their faith, all of us are doing our best to recive the Grace of God that comes from the attoinment of Christ.

@cameronbennett1809 - 19.08.2022 06:24

Shark boy and lava girl!!! XD

@SaintOtter - 19.08.2022 00:31

Never gets old.
I've watched this like 4 times now I think.

@MeToo-py1tq - 16.08.2022 02:07

But Mormons do not believe in hell

@connertoennis1028 - 12.08.2022 23:25

Created grace😐

@TheOfficialAJGaming - 08.08.2022 02:36

Next Donal and ronall meet Critical race theorists!

@Barcodum - 07.08.2022 22:29

I was with ya all right up to the Sola Fide part. Oh and that being more afraid of your mother than the wrath of God meaning you’re Irish.

@johnhuffman9533 - 05.08.2022 23:39

Actually did invite in a couple of Mormons once when they came knocking. I asked one question they couldn't answer: "If, as you say, the Book of Mormon does not contradict the Old and New Testaments in any way, then why is it necessary? What element necessary for salvation is present within it that does not already sufficiently exist in the Bible?" They had nothing.

@Frostyshard - 03.08.2022 20:26

raised in sandy utah here, my mother frequently still says "oh my heck" I've not heard that phrase uttered by one of my own generation or younger, born 91'

@walleras - 01.08.2022 01:30

Or pick Judaism where a lifetime of sin is atoned for by repenting see the book of Jonah.

And also where people dont suffer for each others sins because that is neither just more merciful.

The christian god is a cruel bastard.

@hunterholaway6448 - 31.07.2022 21:17

They don’t believe in hell though
