Oh my god this is amazing, wish I'd seen it sooner! I've also messed around with the White Huns a bit recently (for fun, not a video) and Spet Xyons are easily my favourite horse archers now, mainly because you don't have to use them as horse archers lol
ОтветитьHe released a new video, you are obligated now
ОтветитьYou still alive? Am worried something bad happened!
ОтветитьSo......He released a new Video. You coming back soon too?
ОтветитьAlright, Yrridian came back, so you're coming back too, right? Right?
ОтветитьWhere video?
Ответитьdo some videos again pls i beg you.....
ОтветитьSorry if this is a dumb question but where the hell is he?
ОтветитьMay I ask, where did you get this music? It's amazing!
ОтветитьAnd just like yrridan, he too vanished from us
ОтветитьMore videos please!
ОтветитьGods always abandon believers
ОтветитьAnybody else still waiting here for another TWW experience video?
ОтветитьGlorious absolutely glorious this should be put into a time capsule Incase the world goes bang. Preserve this master piece
ОтветитьI need you to come back to me, father.
ОтветитьWe really need Kislev to get reworked into being a fun campaign so that the long-awaited Kislev Experience comes out
ОтветитьWhen the world needed him most....
Ответить🥲when back notify pls
ОтветитьEgypt: Burns down
The Pyramids: This is fine
Rip dad
Ответитьwhere did bro go
ОтветитьMy run at year 410:
-Won every manual battle
-Kept separated the hordes so they don't have rivalries
-My entire bloodline died because of my incompetent agents
-I sack and raze every sasanid puppet state that I encounter only by finding that sasanids march with 4 armies at a time and it's impossible to defeat them with my hordes being split up
-My mouse gave up so now I have to select by group my units and not by simply making a square selection on the screen which makes it harder in battles
-The western huns hate me because I'm a great power but mf I'm only 14th strongest
-Somehow I destroyed two lakhmids armies and I have good relationships with them because I raze every other puppet state
-Armenia has somehow more armies than the sasanids but they move singularly so ez win
All of this at normal difficulty. Also horse archers above light suck, so anything at medium is pointless. Also why tf are Uar archers even an option?
What's the song at the very end? We only got like 5 seconds of it but I already love it!🤣
Edit: I found it! It's from near the end of Black Thunder, same band.
I love Attila. It's my favorite Total War game.
ОтветитьI can only rewatch Empire Experience so many times. Wen next vidya?
ОтветитьSo no wh3 videos coz of siege battles. Just play ogres 5head🤓😎
ОтветитьHe forgor his password again💀
Ответитьgod i miss the total war warhammer experience videos
Ответитьwhen are the immortal empire empire video plz
ОтветитьI soooo hope yo uare working on new immortal empires content
ОтветитьI was wondering which one of you did it first, guess this settles it but I still enjoy watching you both. You have very distinct styles of doing it and I enjoy them both very much! I am looking forward to the Warhammer 3 Experience videos :3
ОтветитьWe're good 👍
ОтветитьMuito bom
ОтветитьNow do when Robertus Maximus makes a video
ОтветитьWhere did you go? Simpy boy :-)
ОтветитьSo you are shock cavalry, horse archers or melee cavalry?
Spet Xion archers: y e s
ОтветитьThe hu!!!
ОтветитьHu made this song.
ОтветитьThe hu band is 👌👌
ОтветитьVery epic video and nice "tribute/~reference". I remember finding out about Yrridians channel and loving every part of it, literally watching the entire channel. I found yours later and also watched everything. Only found pilps channel after that and his is also amazing but haven't seen all of his as the combined watch time of his videos is considerably more. Although still real high quality and only 1 year of videos so I should be able to catch up.
Anyway like I said another wonderful upload and I just do drop everything whenever you guys upload. (or at least once I go through the notifications). The only thing I don't get is why Yrridian removed all his videos from his home page, gives me a heart attack whenever I go and check whether I missed one. Especially the 1st time after he changed it.
Any man who can horse micro is a force to be reckoned with. Yriddian and Robertus are great examples of what you can do with cav
ОтветитьMate you are givving me more joy than my girlfriend <3 great work !!!
ОтветитьFun fact: this is also how you play the Parthians in Rome II
ОтветитьIt's beautiful...
ОтветитьTHE HU! Robert My man you are a man of culture!
ОтветитьAnd it's amazing every time.
Ответитьi expect Yrridian video of Skarbrand