What is that hugeassophone the tuba player has? My lord, that’s a big tuba!
ОтветитьPlayed this for three years in high school. Will always love it.
ОтветитьHow did you realize the vocal parts?
ОтветитьWe played this beautiful piece my senior year of HS. I can’t remember playing a better piece of basic or with a better group of musicians. The timpani part was phenomenal.
Ответитьok but playing timpani in this piece is just 😤 👌
ОтветитьMost beautiful piece of music and fantastically performed. Hearing it with choir makes it all the more special. Great work. Thanks for sharing that with us.
ОтветитьWell done ! Go trombones! Brings back Memories, I played this song with Riverside Community College years 1998-2003 under the Direction of Kevin Mayse, and we played the hell out it. This was nice to hear! Thanks! Brilliant!
ОтветитьI played it; I conducted it, I ❤️ it! Michael McClary
ОтветитьWe played this in my high school bands Christmas concert. Love this
ОтветитьLovely, deep and beautiful. It would be wonderful if we could restore harmony and love through music rather than separating countries and their peoples through war❄️❤️🎹🎹🎼
ОтветитьWell played and sung! I've played this in college band (oboe) and with the Boulder (Colorado) Concert Band (without choir). The English horn solos are especially fine here.
ОтветитьHappy Russian Christmas 2023! 🇷🇺✝️🔔🇷🇺✝️🎺🇷🇺✝️📯
ОтветитьThis was one of our shows in Marching Band. I think we got second place though.
ОтветитьA powerful piece to be for sure. A friend of mine and I saw the Shreveport Community Band play this in a theater in downtown Shreveport, LA about 10 years ago. It was powerful, as it was in this performance.
ОтветитьNow that Zelenskyy is moving Christmas to January 7th, do we transpose it up a seventh?
ОтветитьBells should've been positioned UP on the French Horns. Missed opportunity. Otherwise, an overall great job.
ОтветитьHow true!
ОтветитьI played the tympanis for this in 1972 and still remember the part by heart. My favorite piece of music!
ОтветитьThis is some seriously hair raising stuff. Bravo!
ОтветитьI played "Russian Xmas Music 🎵 & Conducted it at Northeastern Illinois University.- Michael McClary, Professor of Trumpet 🎺, Georgia Perimeter College & GSU
ОтветитьThis piece is a "Universal Beauty!"- Michael McClary DMA-Trumpet
ОтветитьEnglish Horn Player is Magnificent!- Michael McClary 😂🎉
ОтветитьI added Organ, Antiphonal Chimes- Michael McClary, Professor of Trumpet 🎺, Georgia Perimeter College and GSU 🎉🎉❤❤😂
ОтветитьMy buddy John Scott played Yamaha Soprano Sax in place of English Horn 🎉
ОтветитьWhat a Masterpiece!!!😂
ОтветитьAlfred Reed is not only a Great Composer, he is a Master Orchestrator!- Michael McClary 😢😂❤❤🎉
ОтветитьEvery Serious musician should play this piece. Every serious Conductor should Conduct this piece.!- Michael McClary 😂😂❤🎉
ОтветитьI played Tuba in high school. Whitmer High School, Toledo, Ohio. We played this every year at Christmas, was in school 86-90.
ОтветитьTHE Most beautiful work for Wind Ensemble ever written ❤🎉😢
ОтветитьThe English Horn player deserves a Grammy!😂❤
ОтветитьThis is an esoteric comment, but some may understand. This is such a splendid performance of a piece dear to the heart of everyone who has been in the Crossmen, as I was.
ОтветитьPlayed this in Symphonic Band Senior Year of High School. My all time fav piece. Beautiful.
ОтветитьThe Conductor is Great! Who is he?😂🎉
ОтветитьYeah Glockenspiel!😂❤🎉
ОтветитьWhen I played this at Augusta State, I borrowed 5 sets of chimes, arranged them antiphonaly. WOW!😢❤
ОтветитьThis the first time I have heard it with vocals.
ОтветитьCathedral Chorus 😭 😭 😭 👏 👏 😭
ОтветитьIt's been a long time between posts here, but I have to say this is more than wonderful. The musicians and chorus combine to share a beautiful and moving performance. As a former UMASS wind ensemble and marching band french horn player, I appreciate this, and my heart sings. Thank you.
Ответитьi never heard it before ... great to listen while having Christmas breakfeast. Volume 10
ОтветитьWhitmer High in Toledo! How are you doing?!- Michael McClary, Professor of Trumpet 🎺, Georgia Perimeter College and GSU (Elmwood High School Class of 72- Bloomdale OH)😂🎉❤❤
ОтветитьEnglish Horn is a Nasty instrument to play! This Guy deserves a Raise!😂🎉
ОтветитьCómo puedo conseguir la parte coral?
I played an excerpt of this with the marching band my freshman year in college. At one point we had the entire tuba line—13 of us!—front and center, on one knee, playing up to the press box. What an amazing experience!
ОтветитьAmazing! I've played it several times with the Catskill Valley Wind Ensemble. Never heard it before with choir. It's awesome. I love how the clarinets (I play clarinet) are featured.
ОтветитьWhat a masterful arrangement. Wish they had mic'd the bass line during that interlude.