Apple's Developer Transition Kit is a faceless iPad, and we want one

Apple's Developer Transition Kit is a faceless iPad, and we want one


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@danimoosakhan - 19.08.2020 05:51

it has Coronavirus vaccine inside. 🤫

@ecamormex - 13.08.2020 23:33

I am in desperate need for a new computer. I have a 2008 Mac Pro, but I can't upgrade from El Capitan now. A lot of my software is no longer being supported. I want a Mac Mini, but I don't want one until Apple Silicon comes in it. When can we expect a consumer Mac Mini with the Apple processor?

@johndude70 - 15.07.2020 13:33

I want to run it on my iPad Pro instead, too many devices when travelling, especially when basically same cpu, memory, ssd.

@slipoch6635 - 13.07.2020 04:41

Your 2018 mac pro is using tech that's 5-7 years old.
When running independent benchmarks the a12x was flogged in single and multi-core benchmarks compared to pcs from 2018. My little i7 2-in-1 from 2016 actually gets higher floating point calculation scores than the iPad achieved.

@mi1400 - 11.07.2020 01:48

Apple's ARM are powerful because Snapdragon has pathetic design to release schedules (selection of month, tech shows etc) and act/behave as some govt dept. Entry of Fujitsu (already having most powerful server ARM) , Microsoft (most powerful eye-wear cpu), Google (MS like know-how to make android run on scattered ARMs) , Tesla (ARM supercomputer on wheels) or Sony (Bravia engine to QN1 to PS to PSP) ... [but not from Intel, AMD, Amazon etc; understable cuz of market segment] could end this dominance if qualcom doesnt want to reform/behave.

@jan_phd - 08.07.2020 15:27

The best developer hardware is to buy a 2009 iMac, take off the screen and extend the cable to hang it behind the horizontally held main body, and use everything on the logic board to prototype devices. I've made all kinds of PCIex interfaces I run parallel Raspberry Pi protoboards connected to test points on the Mac logic... this whole 'gotta have the newest thing' is a ruse, a sham, part of the Apple money making machine... practical prototyping is the way to go.

@FlyWithTyson - 04.07.2020 11:51

Mines on its way! I’m so excited!

@user-wg9hc5pf2r - 30.06.2020 15:21

A Mac mini with ARM chip will be likely to replace Apple TV. I think.

@rasalas91 - 29.06.2020 20:27

waaat $500 for repurposed parts and you have to give it back? AND you might have to sign an NDA? wtf?
Why would "small" devs do that?

@techzone2009 - 29.06.2020 16:31

apple make mac os to iPad os with a different name and SSD 500GB

@loves2tinker - 29.06.2020 00:19

I'm not sure if the green halos in your glasses are from an accent ring light but it looks like perhaps you need to mount it higher and an angle pointing down so it is not shining in your glasses. It can be a bit distracting when you are talking. Thank you for your informative video.

@Jay_Script - 28.06.2020 23:02

The requirements for this DTK is strict, you need to own a MacOS app on the MacOS app store along with other strict criteria. And it's all in secrecy, even I as a developer if get chosen won't leak it out because it's strict. Will the new silicon chips be good? Yes they are, and it's why we need to recompile or recode our new apps for those Silicon running CPUs

@retrogaminga1072 - 28.06.2020 16:59

I wish that Apple’s ARM chips will be faster than intel’s , but I’m not optimistic. And that’s because we know that silicon’s technology has reached its limits... But I do hope that these chips will bring some advancements in power consumption and thermal production areas ... I can’t wait to see..

@RamLaska - 28.06.2020 15:10

10 Years of Motorola 680x0 macs
12 years of PowerPC macs
14 years of Intel macs
?? Years of ARM macs

This feels weird. Sadly, I’ve jumped ship already. Apple already makes the Mac far too locked-down, far too iPad-like. Now that they will make their own silicon, there’s nothing to stop them from making the Mac just as locked-down as the iPad. No option to run windows or Linux unless they specifically grant you the privilege, and they can limit your access to the hardware however they want.
So, it’s basically a PlayStation.

No thanks.

Also, I don’t think Big Sur is really worthy of the first new major version number in 18 years.

@tchatelet - 28.06.2020 13:39

One comment of Craig Federighi stroke me: he said that the A12Z won’t be in any Mac and that the developer kit was just a sneak peak at what an Apple Silicon could do in a Mac and macOS without even trying... ^^
However, the specs you described worried me just a bit: no Thunderbolt port. Is it because they were not even trying or is there incompatibilities between ARM chips and Thunderbolt I’m not aware of?

@zheil9152 - 28.06.2020 08:53

The DTK is not supposed to be your toy to play with, nor is it meant to be taken at any sort of product value. It is merely a test bench to make sure your programs function as expected on a new architecture. There is not, nor will ever be a Mac running the A13Z. It’s a chip that was readily available from a manufacture standpoint that has the standard feature set for chips to come. You running synthetic benchmarks on a chip they threw in there because they didn’t want to prematurely release their own PC-caliber silicon makes about as much sense as duct-taping an office chair on top of an engine block because you heard a new engine was faster and want to take a test drive, but the car isn’t developed yet.

@pranavtumminkatti9373 - 28.06.2020 05:50

people who have the mac mini are not allowed to run benchmarks on it or share any benchmarks to the public

@smonkey001 - 27.06.2020 00:31

Good luck getting a free replacement. It's Tim Cook in charge now not Steve Jobs. You're only paying $500, not $1000 in 2006.

@sonygoup - 26.06.2020 23:01

In a year or two we'll see em pop up on eBay

@boomer5394 - 26.06.2020 22:46

I’ve gotten my application accepted. I might be able to bring mine over when it arrives for stress testing the machine. I am also pumped to see what it can do! Feel free to respond to my comment.

@ferrellsl - 26.06.2020 22:28

Good, grief....what a ridiculous fan boy video. I have an Android set top box that has more horsepower and features than this piece of crap.

@w1599 - 26.06.2020 19:32

I was accepted to get one and had to pay the $500, but their terms said you can photograph video or share any details about the kit. I ended up declining because I didn’t want to rent it for a year for $500. Though I didn’t know about the Mac DTK that devs were offered a first gen..... kind of kicking myself now.

@protonneutron9046 - 26.06.2020 19:05

LOL! Apple is going back to the model that caused their first collapse. You guys are too young to know much about the BUSINESS of s/w Dev.

@walterbrown6383 - 26.06.2020 17:22

Hi I have one getting shipped to me from apple I’m happy to send it to you guys for a few days yo play around if you like

@joseabraham777 - 26.06.2020 17:16

I would love to see a Geekbench of that Mac ❤️

@markb1935 - 26.06.2020 14:34

Happy birthday :-)

@poikatiikeri - 26.06.2020 14:08

Do you think pro apps will finally come to iPad like full photoshop and illustrator?

@hi9580 - 26.06.2020 13:08

Apple has on rule on it that you’re not allowed to do a tear down or run benchmarks. It can only be used for dev purposes.

@expensivetechnology9963 - 26.06.2020 11:25

Your genuine enthusiasm grabbed my attention throughout this video.

@WarriorsPhoto - 26.06.2020 07:52

I hope you find that development kit one day sir. (:

@carlosandres7006 - 26.06.2020 03:37

Now how small the new Mac mini could be? 😲

@AlejandroLZuvic - 25.06.2020 21:51

Pffff those things will be NDAd to Neptune, the emptiness beyond and back. No way a developer will risk it.
Remember, you not only need to pay the $99 fee of entrance and $500 for the "lease" of the machine, Apple also needs to approve your request. I don't think it's a hard process but I'm sure as hell they won't give it to a fresh new developer with no record of working with Apple products at all.

@leerutter5040 - 25.06.2020 21:23

I think the most interesting twist is that Apple is finally able to put the Mac OS on basically, an iPad! All Apple needs to do is to allow touch capability for the Mac and you would basically have a Mac as a tablet that for the most part, could run for 8-10 hours and run iPad apps. I would LOVE to see how this runs against an Intel i5 or i7 processor. I think that is key for all of us.

I noticed, too, that Apple has a hard time promoting the Intel Processor except on their website but they really do enjoy talking about the iPad and iPhone processors. This is going to be a huge success for Apple as now they will really promote excitement over advances from one year to the next and Apple is the only company that has really been able to convey what the new enhancements means to the end user. Steve Jobs made that a point in one of his earliest speeches - when he talked about components he made a decision to talk about what it would do for the consumer. It's all about how can the consumer use the extra speed, memory, boost in processing, etc.

The ecosystem that has been created is actually a really good one for students who want to learn programming and writing code. The support is there along with so many tools and for the first time ever, a Mac, iPad, and iPhone will have nearly the same code.

Microsoft, I am sure, is learning from this. They were able to take Excel, Word and PowerPoint and convert it over to Apple's CPU in just a few days and make further enhancements over a course of a few weeks. Anyone recently used Excel on the iPhone or iPad? It's actually a lot of fun and so many features are there. Last night, my partner handed me a sheet of paper that had a table of answers for a test she is studying for. After fifteen minutes keeping my thumb on the next answer as she goes through her questions, I decided to pull out the iPhone, take a picture of the table within the Excel app, the OCR happened really quick and within a couple of minutes I had a spreadsheet I was working in. As she called out the letter, I would mark it off on the spreadsheet and those she got wrong, would tag by changing the text color to red. While she was going through the study, I was able to format the spreadsheet and give her grade at the end! The questions she missed, she would use dictate on her phone to add the questions on a flashcard app so that she can study once again!

Microsoft is also working on providing Windows for ARM. Their first iteration doesn't run all programs and from what I hear, it is not that fast. Microsoft has been engineering their version of the ARM processor so I am sure in about 3-4 years Intel will go by the wayside like Motorola did. Remember how much more advanced the 68000 CPU's were over x86? Apple and Atari used them and with success.

I am for this move and have applied for the Developer Transition Kit. The application is under review. End of this year isn't too far from now. By then, developers will begin sharing some of the tests for speed, thermals, battery endurance, and comparison between it and the current MacBook and iMac computers with the latest processors from Intel.

For those in video production who are working with HEVC, will appreciate this CPU. I can attest that the iPhone handles 4k 60fps HEVC video quite nicely and I can records for couple hours at a time with no thermal issues, etc. unless I am in the blaring heat. HEVC takes a lot of processing and Intel 7th generation and back cannot handle encoding HEVC video. It took me two years to figure all of that out! I currently am rendering all my past videos to HEVC to save on storage space and it still takes time with the newest iMac.

Lastly, now that Apple is capable of running a Mac on the iPad CPU, don't be surprised if in 2021 and beyond all Macs with that CPU will have 5g capability.

@flamesword300 - 25.06.2020 21:00

Now if only Apple would work on something like Samsung Dex but for IPhones.

@Doug923 - 25.06.2020 19:39

BTW, you might have already aware that all A series chips in iDevices are confined by passive cooling. But in mac mini chassis, this A12Z could pair with a heatsink and a fan. So at boost clock speed, this DTK could significantly outperform a 2020 iPad Pro. With 16GB of ram shared by CPU and GPU, this DTK could also significantly outperform xBox One X.

@anthonybrazzle - 25.06.2020 19:14

MAHALIA!? Can you say

T ✨ A 🎶 S ✨ T 🎶 E

@serialtoon - 25.06.2020 17:58

Popular reddit application developer Christian Selig (Apollo) was selected for the transition kit.

@spikelau - 25.06.2020 17:26

now it becomes very certain that running macOS on iPad is not a dream.
it's just a matter of whether Apple would allow this to happen.

@js986 - 25.06.2020 17:12

A12X/Z is an SoC, not a chipset. Please stop using these terms interchangeably, they're not the same thing.

@abdullahdeshmukh99 - 25.06.2020 16:13

Why don't you make more videos? I really miss your videos.

@youtubevideos415 - 25.06.2020 16:11

Why is this all sunny shiny fanboying? How about some critical thoughts? Right now i can buy a Mac with a cheap low and CPU and swap it to a high end CPU myself. That will never be possible with Apple chips. So if you buy a Mac Pro you can't just save some tenthousand bucks buying the entry level model and cheaply upgrade it yourself. You want high end? You need to pay them 60K. And why is it "cool" that they used a two year old iPad CPU? This thing doesn't even have Thunderbolt. Could it be, that the future Macs will have a huge performance downgrade?

@litjellyfish - 25.06.2020 16:08

Just a question. I hear a lot of people among how they chip would perform in a MacBook Pro with fan cooling. But who is saying that it will have fan cooling. I thought the whole point is that we don’t want any fan cooling in a MacBook Pro with the new ARM chip.

Or am I missing something?

@Sacchidanand - 25.06.2020 15:48

Happy birthday dude 🎂🎂

@joevose6601 - 25.06.2020 15:38

Imagine how small you could make the Mac mini with an A series chip set.

@LNSLateNightSaturday - 25.06.2020 15:21

I like your new haircut, Chris! (Good vid, too...) ;)

@homeape. - 25.06.2020 15:11

happy birthday my dude

@2-da3333 - 25.06.2020 14:27

I’m sure they will have to sign an NDA so we won’t know until it’s officially out.

@Rafayel06 - 25.06.2020 14:20

Happy Birthday Man!
