The "Gods" from Sirius : Star of Origin?

The "Gods" from Sirius : Star of Origin?


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@dldlx5386 - 25.12.2023 18:20

Allah is the creator of all things, there is no god but him❤.

@freedomvsdeath2195 - 19.12.2023 02:57

GREECE 🇬🇷 Α-Ω of Everything.

@NobodieCro109 - 20.11.2023 13:49

I remember when I was on a guard duty and I didn't feel well, felt like my life was going down the drain and I remember looking up in the sky and seeing the this amazing bright start, that was shining beautiful spectrums of colors that just brought me some peace and calm for the moment, no other start was like it... I remember saying to my self this will be my star. I mean people are buying/own parts of moon and such, why couldn't I have a tiny bit of the night sky to my self. The problem was how will I know where it is on the sky, there are a lot of stars and it can be confusing...then I found the 3 starts that lined up and pointed directly to it so it made me finding it really easy.
Today after 6-7 years I learned that that star of "mine" is called Sirius, and the 3 stars that were helping me finding were part of Orion belt...
I don't know what to make of this, but It feels like there's more to it than what we are lead to believe.

@ERICANDYJASMINE - 15.10.2023 05:34


@Saganswrld2190 - 16.09.2023 10:09

The blue 🔵

@Saganswrld2190 - 16.09.2023 09:59

She zu na ka byue nuka. Pla ke na ta bleye she zyenyu

@SeanLawlorNelson - 04.09.2023 02:54

In his published works, Dr. Carl Sagan found the spiritual 'myths' regarding the hidden Sirius B to be scientifically convincing. A greater and more skeptical expert is hard to find.

@paletterock7 - 30.08.2023 20:46

Apologies but as per image do the Dogon (no god) have any relation 2 Castle Rock in Sedona? As a native of AZ that makes ideal sense. There r many crystal caverns, most closed now but oh so lovely!
Thk u 4 the affirmations...

@whynotcreatelove - 28.08.2023 06:49

our Sun is Binary with Sirius A,B,C in which we have a 26,800year orbit, being drawn towards Sirius for 12,400years, and away again for 12,400 years. This is the ages, as our Suns output varies, with more energy as we get closer, less as we move away. This is the explanation of the Golden age, and the Dark age. We have just turned the corner, now moving towards Sirius again, heading back to the Golden Age.....more light, more life energy.

@arthurnas3941 - 27.08.2023 05:08

Maybe they were in contact with the spiritual world which gave them information about the star as all those cultures worship pagan God's

@dorianmclean6755 - 30.04.2023 05:13

First saw Dogon sculpture...rock men, at an exhibit at Sacramento state in 74 or so.
They had holes in the tops of their heads.
This resonated with me so deeply, I set out to study as much as I could about
Sirius and the Dogon.
Seems to me as immortal soul, ...perhaps my original incarnation is from Sirius ?
I think they celebrate the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter every 60 years ?

Fascinating lives we are in.


@weezerr2d283 - 22.04.2023 17:22

Orbits every 60 years…one full revolution

@troutbassncat3025 - 14.03.2023 13:05

Excellent job. For some reason, zoo flashed in my mind while watching your video. As in living organisms, and animals being transplanted from other worlds by extraterrestrials over millions of years. With the worry that on their return, they'll be hardest on those causing the greatest problems, and will work to bring a return of some "balance" to the Earth, what do you think the odds are that they'll use a rolled up newspaper?

@Waynesification - 02.03.2023 09:32

In Egypt it describes how Osiris sails off to educate other people's in civilisation.

They collected meteor rocks for ornaments.

We are dealing with a very common history far away, far in the past. For instance, the Japanese could be describing something that happened far in the past, in the Near East, before they split off from indo Europeans and other groups (look up founder effect, and realise racial differences do not require evolution, and R1b y type haplogroup has least genetic diversity coming down the end of this founding effect, and are closely related to dark Indians). So, a certain person goes around in their submarine/submersible TIC TAC (look up the patents gurbtjst one), hops out in their armoured dive suite, so he doesn't get attacked, flashes off their Thunderbolt hammer, in the locals go "Ohh!", and they come from the land originally associated with Sirius, maybe as viewed from the direction of rising Sirius from another main land. The issue is, is there a y evidence of technology that can achieve this. There are many descriptions of such craft that have mercury features that mirror modern development stories, and a military patent. Armoured air-conditioned wet suits and advanced telescopes are easy compared to that, and you only need to float a telescope 60km or so up, to get a high definition image, which such a steady platform offers. What is at Sirius the they take such notice of it then is the question?

@darrylflynn6409 - 13.02.2023 04:38

Awesome video my man even though it can't be proved as they say by scientific methods all the similar anomalies u present in your video are to me at least ,are absolute proof that u r spot on ....

@allnpo - 10.02.2023 00:53

It's not rocket science people...we are spirits that dwell in a physical temporal house or 'machine-like` carcass- the human body.The clock is ticking...sooner or later we will depart from that body and realize we are souls.

Whatever happened in the garden of Eden...left us in a fallen state, full of ignorance and lack of understanding about our true identity as spirit beings identical to our creator. It takes a different kind of wisdom to put the pieces together and solve the puzzle.
I believe we have arrived at the information age...things are being revealed to us and they are mind-blowing. The question > Is mankind ready or matured enough to handle all this new information?
Ever watched the movie MATRIX...well it's not just a's reavealing or portraying a true scenario for each of us.

@avidnongetit8710 - 09.02.2023 00:22

Darn it! I wouldn't never admit to believing you in public since I might sound unreasonable, but I'm thinking you're on to something. Lots of UAP visits..

@avidnongetit8710 - 09.02.2023 00:19

Have you heard of the former head of the Israeli space agency who on retiring announced He worked with US government and had met aliens and we work with them? He also gave his reason for coming out. He said "I'm old, I've received my accolades, and there's nothing they can do to me now.". He's not been heard from since in public.

@burritocat5489 - 06.02.2023 21:31

Alien are from sirius

@heidipearson4609 - 01.02.2023 19:59

Thank you. Things are starting to make sense.

@OneDeepRadio - 22.01.2023 06:14

Only one so called race of people on this planet come from there. The most hated race.

@hansstepford7824 - 21.01.2023 23:59

The First English settlement in Canada was in an Island 50 miles from Quebec

@tuffgonggb3340 - 11.01.2023 10:11


@CodingExpress - 09.01.2023 09:36

These are falling angels coming to the earth demanding worship. It seems to me like these falling angel age with time and die

@chiquitayoung2030 - 02.01.2023 07:11

I got Sirius A

@-_-4624 - 23.12.2022 13:53

My only question is (assuming everything is true and they are aliens) why are they gone? Where did they go?

@MK-dn8oq - 11.12.2022 13:29

There's also Sirius C

@armandemsha1976 - 29.11.2022 05:09

Sirius in the past was seen as the seeing eye
But which country uses that word for the eye
In Albanian language Syri,Siri,Syni meaning The eye
Sun god - Ra in Albanian meaning Fall or Falls
Nephilim-In Albanian Ne fillim meaning in the beginning
Thoth - in Albanian Thot he that says
Odin- o Din meaning knowing
Zeus-Zë-us meaning Voice is
Zeus was the Thunder god thunder is loud and many more

@nuklkracker - 23.11.2022 18:33

The fact that they have zero tech means they were told and they regurgitate. The sky rock is probably pieces of the firmament. Metal that is inside but not mixed with clay...mmm pretty obvious, they even express themselves primitively, you are not make the right connections or asking the right questions.

@sskohli79 - 23.11.2022 15:33

And now with the new telescopes, why aren’t they finding Sirius C??

@price724 - 15.11.2022 22:50

You have cracked the Sirius code

@kevinjones414 - 15.11.2022 09:33

I know I am in this world but not of this world. I feel trap more and more each day.

@isakwilkinson2491 - 15.11.2022 07:13

Some of those figurines looks like they might have messed with human DNA to create either modern day humans in an effort to spread their DNA because they knew they were probably going to die off at some point. So they experimented with hypothesized this reptilians and Neanderthal man and modern-day humans. I don't know it sounds far-fetched even when I say it but you never know I'm not a DNA person so I couldn't really tell you

@John-Jenin - 31.10.2022 19:53

People worship sirius since thousands of years ago.

@jackal6902 - 17.10.2022 05:33

Well presented.

@AZA6819 - 08.10.2022 11:48

You should do a update. JWST

@ChantelStays - 05.10.2022 09:44

Myth was once truth.

@higherresolution4490 - 05.08.2022 02:25

You sure do an excellent job regarding both research and presentation, and also narration. Way to go! By the way, the statues in Japan go back 17,000 years. That's pretty much common knowledge in archeology, unless they've covered that one up too due to the constraints of neoliberal political narrative.

@nyahanidread4887 - 03.08.2022 05:36

How could you all discovered s stone on s statue , dont this tell you someone discovered it before ,

@Ch-thalassa - 12.07.2022 10:58

no wishy washy stuff here, nice video

@DubzCo - 05.07.2022 17:50

There’s speculation and then there’s common denominators

@CiaraRubin - 19.06.2022 17:12

My favorite yet!!

@eaglepasss3580 - 11.06.2022 22:18

The Idol worship around the world was diverse I guess dependent to which faction of the fallen ones and where onto earth they ended up inhabiting.

@alphaeusburton8248 - 03.06.2022 15:47

Don’t call us primitive we knew before you Europeans

@definitelynotjasonmomoa - 29.05.2022 03:28

I'm pretty all religions are nothing more than cargo cults

@bumble4342 - 27.05.2022 05:12

The common link is Atlantis.

Canary islands is west of Africa; 60 miles west. The Gaunches were Aryans, and they entered western Africa, prior to indigenous Africans coming out of the deeper parts of Africa.

Those Aryans are the "gods", and they passed along the information to the indigenous Africans, and those indigenous Africans discovered in the 1930's still practiced those ideas. They hadn't been subjected to modernity or Christianity, or Islam.

Atlantis is believed to have been in the Atlantic ocean, and when the great flood/s happened approx 10,000 years ago, from a natural disaster - not God - the survivors went on to build. South America is the least explored topography due to the immensely thick jungles, yet some evidence demonstrates sites as old as the ones found in Turkey.

@360susef8 - 29.04.2022 11:42

There is only 1 god

@pse4061 - 15.04.2022 08:07

Wouldn't be U without an cute snake. 🐍
