Cyberpunk 2077 Has Changed FOREVER! Patch 1.6 In-Depth and Expansion Gameplay (Phantom Liberty)

Cyberpunk 2077 Has Changed FOREVER! Patch 1.6 In-Depth and Expansion Gameplay (Phantom Liberty)

Open World Games

1 год назад

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Gleck O. Dunn
Gleck O. Dunn - 22.02.2023 02:36

driving feels more realistic even on old gen. The cars have weight

conspiracykill - 26.10.2022 18:51

LIES. he still fidgets, clothes still effects stats and look dumb, you cant change V's face only his hair and accessories. WHY LIE?!? like we wont play it and see for ourselves.

TsuyoKami - 26.10.2022 18:09

Cyberpunk 2077 is like No Man's Sky: Horrible at launch, a masterpiece after months.

what if
what if - 22.10.2022 16:35

I play on last generation(XboxoneX) theres little niche things they need to fix before leaving last generation. its simple bugs that break the game. Like Delamain call window not going away, or enemies phasing through vehicles. Then leave last generation i don't think CDPR should get off the hook that easy by using next gen as an excuse to not do it.

Nightmaremaster7 - 21.10.2022 10:06

I was thinking about the level cap on that game if they made it where you can maximize all your attributes it would have to stop at 79 which would be very unlikely maybe in the next update maybe they will actually expand the level cap to level 80 adding one more perk where the sixth attribute tree is Or just take the level cap off in general and make that into a mastery tree and that would be very cool especially if they add a new game plus plus

Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith - 25.09.2022 15:56

Not surprised there’s no ng+ they failed to implement tons of things games have been doing for decades.

Jaq Hass
Jaq Hass - 25.09.2022 01:33

If the vehicle to vehicle combat includes cars and bikes then they have chosen one of the most challenging system they could have. Not from a techincal aspect ofcourse. Buuuut others have tried it before and it always fell flat no matter the optimization or however seamless it's been.

Sean Gotts
Sean Gotts - 24.09.2022 21:24

ohh its for console peasants ... waves at the poor ppl

Theiscariotsin - 24.09.2022 17:59

“Name one company that’s put in as much most release work as CDPR?”

R6s fans: “now you listen her mf”

J S - 24.09.2022 17:11

They should never have even bothered if they had no intention for new game plus. Looking at you other worlds.

Imahination - 24.09.2022 10:55

Third person POV will reinvigorate players to play this game again. Imagine seeing those cyberware in third person POV. Must be a hell of a sight to witness .

Jay Mack
Jay Mack - 24.09.2022 00:07

This is great but don’t drop a fucking unfinished game wtf. Left this game a year ago after returning to see the old “big patch”. I’ll swing back around if I hear it’s worth it I guess? Lame af and disappointed in CD for this. Expectations are zero now for W4

OnigoroshiZero - 23.09.2022 20:57

In other words, "Cyberpunk 2077 is nearing release quality 2+ years after its release, with only a few missing features left"...

Koji Kun
Koji Kun - 23.09.2022 15:47

is it actually good now?

SteveBMX01 - 23.09.2022 15:00

Unpopular opinion: Bought this on launch day as I had just gotten my new pc a few days prior. Had an absolute blast playing it over 6 months, and about 140 hours in that time. My favorite single player experience in the past few years. No game breaking bugs, nothing to ruin it for me. Story was super immersive, and even though I had some periods in which i didn't play, It all came back to me very fast.

Hunter Spencer
Hunter Spencer - 23.09.2022 14:42

Has this game been fixed?
I pre-ordered. Haven't touched it after I found it was unplayable. Don't fanboy.
Be honest.

JustAnotherHipHopHead - 23.09.2022 11:58

The game is literally still shit


Before you even get close to maxing out your stats you can run through everything in the game half asleep and hungover 😴

This game is an utter failure and an embarrassment

Captain Obvious
Captain Obvious - 23.09.2022 04:00

I doubt anyone is still trying to play this on base xbox or ps4, shit was rough lol

Rick Boy
Rick Boy - 22.09.2022 16:08

I never disliked Cyberpunk 2077. It just had a rocky launch. I waited for a proper next-gen patch for it before I bought it. Something told me this game was not going to run properly older consoles. Also, while It wasn't everything they promised, what we got was good. I just hope the game gets enough support so CDPR keeps pushing out content for it. I very much love the world they created.

I Bleed Mercury
I Bleed Mercury - 22.09.2022 14:09

3rd person would be great, never going to happen of course

Tiffany - 22.09.2022 09:12

With NG+ all they'd have to do for upgrades is have them initially unequipped and then allow selecting arm ones after the initial grip upgrade, then eye ones after the eye upgrade.

General Nukes
General Nukes - 22.09.2022 08:29

they need multiplayer man.

K K - 22.09.2022 05:05

NG+ isn't as complex as they're making it out to be. I don't think most people want the game to be rebalanced for NG+. Besides, that's what difficulty settings are for. The cyberware thing is easy - lock cyberware slots until you go to the ripperdoc in the story. Just leave owned parts in inventory. Don't worry about the skill checks - being able to pass these is part of the fun of NG+. Vehicles - just set a flag in the character's inventory so it doesn't give them a second one. Whatever they're doing at CDPR, I can pretty much guarantee that they're overthinking something incredibly simple.

Leone yamada
Leone yamada - 22.09.2022 04:10

i just wanna say.... to those who think getting cybernetics is scary... why? the hell is wrong with you... people do shit like this ALREADY in real life... ever seen a man with robot legs in a race? cuz thats an actual thing and its banned in olympics because they can run so much faster and further then normal people, the legs look weird tho. its just that but taken a good bit further. in edgerunners we see him get the implants and "it looks scary, look how much pain he is in" thats cuz doc made him do it with no anesthetic... in real world you would just fall asleep in a hospital and wake up hours later with better working lungs and a spine that will never get all funky from sitting at your pc all day.... there is NO downside other then if you take too much you go crazy.... but thats only if you take it too far... meaning for the average guy who has 1 maybe 2 implants like david at the start YOUR JUST A FLAT OUT BETTER HUMAN WITH NO DOWNSIDES

Arther Casillas
Arther Casillas - 22.09.2022 04:02

REDmod will save this game.

Marquay - 22.09.2022 03:06

3rd person. Case Closed

Charizard9000 - 22.09.2022 02:15

CP2077 Was great and all but please just gimmy witcher4 or Witcher3- ps5 at least

Swarlly - 22.09.2022 01:10

I'd love to go back and re-experience the game but I just don't have the time.

IceThatJaw - 22.09.2022 01:05

I was about 30% through last time I left it. The game is and has great character models and the story is good. It's just the driving is so generically awful and the NPC behavior and physics is not AAA. I think the gane is too ambitious would have have been served without the full open world and driving. They just don't have the talent to pull it off with consistent quality.

Merchant From Mars
Merchant From Mars - 21.09.2022 23:59

New gen? More like current gen

javismix - 21.09.2022 22:18

Can we get an update where Jackie never dies and he just hangs out with us through the whole story 😢

Duke and the Archipelago
Duke and the Archipelago - 21.09.2022 21:40

No old gen. Thats fing it! Never buing a game from them again..

Jordan Von Buse
Jordan Von Buse - 21.09.2022 19:52

Why say new gen? It's Current gen. My series x is almost 2 years old

Eric Noel
Eric Noel - 21.09.2022 19:45

Wish they had more kill animations for melee implants. Like I have gorilla arms I should be able to smush skulls, pull off limbs, flip cars.

Shane Arnold
Shane Arnold - 21.09.2022 17:03

I used a trainer on a new character to give myself 20 of every stat and 99999999 money to see if I can break the games story in any way. So far its handling it pretty good, other than iconic and quest based items I really dont see why NG+ would be so hard to make. Im essentially doing NG+ but without any items carried over, but nothing is breaking early game from me having stats I shouldnt have.

Ruben Camps
Ruben Camps - 21.09.2022 12:45

Worst AI ever encoutered in a game.Just not enough to be a good game.

Daniel ayris
Daniel ayris - 21.09.2022 12:21

I played it out of respect for cd project red. Still hate 1st person melee.

Daniel Kowalski
Daniel Kowalski - 21.09.2022 12:20

When this game is going to be playable?

Lucian - 21.09.2022 11:51

imagine paying full price for a game, not being able to get new gen consoles and the full price game just stops supporting your last gen console

Holly Skinner
Holly Skinner - 21.09.2022 11:17

Trash, anthem,outsiders, and now cyberpunk, you can't catch a literally promote all trash games

funkeybikemonkey - 21.09.2022 11:14

What I am hearing is. ... It's crap, still crap but they have handed it over to modders to fix it and put things in it? Cool... Just needed clarification.

ZX9RinHollywood - 21.09.2022 09:07

Why does this game play look like intense call of duty gun fights but when I play I just easily pick guys off in boring gun fights?

objective river
objective river - 21.09.2022 08:50

I love the game but even with everything lowered on it I still get super motion sick from it and it's the only game that does it which I hate cause it's been so fun for the short time I can play it

Fish Nexus
Fish Nexus - 21.09.2022 08:36

You do realize a bunch of games were delayed by other companies because, "we don't want to have a cyberpunk" you have quickly forgiven cdpr

Love - 21.09.2022 08:34

Would be amazing too if they can make a raid system possible like helping police assault buildings with hardcore criminals

Redscyte - 21.09.2022 08:20

So is the game in a good spot right jow? Like bugs fixed, working properly, etc?

Ragnar - 21.09.2022 07:33

I'll believe it when I see it in the actual game. I'll never listen to CDPR's promises ever again.

184Dadada - 21.09.2022 07:06

So treat this game like No Man's Sky and ignore it for 4 years so you can skip all the nonsense. Got it.
