Fallout 76 - The Low Health Unarmed Build

Fallout 76 - The Low Health Unarmed Build

Wiggle Plays

1 год назад

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@Tripthetrapper - 05.12.2023 19:18

Not sure why you have a bunch of non-melee perks on a melee build. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’m necro’ing, I know, but still.

Str 15
Ironfist 3 (lvl 5)
Barbarian 3 (lvl 14)
Martial Artist 3 (lvl 16)
Blocker 3 (lvl 21)
Incisor 3 (lvl 34)

Per 1
Glow Sight 1 (lvl 33)

End 4
Adamantium Skeleton 3 (lvl 21)
Radicool 1 (lvl 38)
(SUB) Homebody 2 (lvl 19)

Cha 6
Suppressor 3 (lvl 40)
Tenderizer 3 (lvl 46)
(SUB) Happy Camper 2 (lvl 3)
(SUB) Hard Bargain 3 (lvl 7)

Int 4
First Aid 1 (lvl 2)
Nerd Rage! 3 (lvl 46)
(SUB) Makeshift Warrior 4/5 (lvl 9)
(SUB) Armorer 3 (lvl 15)
(SUB) Scrapper 1 (lvl 15)
(SUB) Fix It Good 3 (lvl 27)
(SUB) Weapon Artisan 3 (lvl 40)

Agi 15
Action Boy 3 (lvl 2)
Moving Target 3 (lvl 5)
Dead Man Sprinting 2 (lvl 8)
Marathoner 3 (lvl 13)
Evasive 3 (lvl 17)
Escape Artist 1 (lvl 35)-or-Adrenaline 1 (lvl 49)
(SUB) Home Defense 3 (lvl 22)
(SUB) Goat Legs 2 (lvl 32)

Luck 11
Serendipity 3 (lvl 5)
Starched Genes 2 (lvl 30) Buy Serums
Bloody Mess 3 (lvl 42)
Class Freak 3 (lvl 46)
(SUB) Super Duper 3 (lvl 50)
*Grim Reaper’s Sprint 3 (lvl 33)

Legendary Perks
Exploding Palm, Collateral Damage, Legendary Str, Legendary Agi, Legendary End

(SUBS) are only for when crafting and such.

@DaspienofEpitaph - 04.11.2023 19:48

Giving this a try on my “Caveman” using the Unstoppable Monster.

@a_tremereandsomeblood_just3642 - 20.10.2023 20:00

It's a great and fun build. The fast swing speed makes up for the little less damage.

@wizology_ - 11.06.2023 01:12

Kinda the same build as mine , some perks are tweaked and I use a vss settlers gauntlet instead haha

@robertfreeman5054 - 03.06.2023 12:50

Not using vats as an unarmed build is a joke. Im sorry

@EnclaveOperator - 25.04.2023 13:33

Man i wish they would add the special attacks from fallout 4, you know the ones where you power attack while moving back or to the sides and you can flip, kick, and knock enemies down, Also Finisher moves on low health character.

@mrvilemaw1293 - 13.04.2023 14:01

A British person simulator. :D All you need now is a knife to shank people.

@DoctorJones1983 - 12.04.2023 00:32

Nice build

@Mr3ppozz - 11.04.2023 23:29

I love my melee toon... it's a lot of fun to run around with!

And like you I prefer melee outside of vats... I might take a peek at this build and copy some things over to my own melee and see if I can run it remotely similar

@GenuinelySeven - 11.04.2023 22:22

I expected bare fists from the title. I'm becoming convinced I'm the only person doing that in 76 lol.

@michalkuna1994 - 11.04.2023 22:16

Little human wiggles and punches to death Godzilla Behemoth :D

@brianrmc1963 - 11.04.2023 20:43

This is awesome.

@drinksfornerds - 11.04.2023 20:40

"If I punch things, it's cool if they explode" - Wiggle for President 2024

@ramethzer0646 - 11.04.2023 20:32

I love it! I carry with me Vamp knuckles on both of my toons just in case I ever run outta ammo. Also, unarmed is the most fun of all the melee builds, imo.

@FilthEffect - 11.04.2023 20:12

I have VSS knuckles, might try this build 🫡

@glaz_man8278 - 11.04.2023 20:10

Man, this build is just art. Everything from looks to dynamic of this build is perfect. Punching that behemoth to the crotch was icing on the cake.
