One Step Forward, Six Steps Back - Mega Man Star Force Retrospective Review Thing

One Step Forward, Six Steps Back - Mega Man Star Force Retrospective Review Thing


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@knijohn3581 - 24.06.2023 07:26


I've had people tell me that there are those weird contest spam bots showing up in this comments section and pretending to be me. They are not. It's some info stealing scam or something. Please feel free to block these bots and ignore them!

@ThePageofRage - 11.03.2025 16:39

If I had a nickel every time Mega Man was in a love triangle, i'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot of money but weird that it happened twice.

@monkeykingw - 09.03.2025 23:44

Man, the moment I had learned about the Best Combo feature, you know I tried to use the Sword cards together to create a makeshift Life Sword Program Advanced card.

@midshipman8654 - 03.03.2025 05:37

this is s really good quality video, i can see you put a lot of effort into it.

@midshipman8654 - 03.03.2025 03:33

i really liked its story about loneliness, grief, and isolation and dealing with that in a grade school age environment. learning how to open up a bit and all. i think that really hit home to me when i first played it in grade school as well. i think it was the first game to make me a little melancholy and effect me deeper on a more emotional level.

I do remember the fighting and random encounters being tedious as all hell though. Though I also remember the diologue being pretty decent.

i kinda get the relapse into lonelyness part. i think thats pretty natural for someone who deals with these kind of things. i think its important for Geo to meat with someone who DOES betray his trust. maybe its a retread in terms of narritive arc, but it is very true to life for someone to revert back once there is a snag like this. I do kind of respect it for that.

@Appl3forPFP - 27.02.2025 00:07

To be perfectly fair to Geo; if he had just zapped the truck with Luna and Zack in it, not only would they have gotten fried, but they probably would’ve just crashed into the brick wall in front of the school anyways. The problem being; cars are designed to crumple to disperse the force of the thing crashing into it, but walls aren’t. If the wall doesn’t crumple, you will.

So yeah, if you have to choose between crashing into a car or crashing into a solid wall, choose the car.

@radfordra - 22.02.2025 22:54

To be fair i knew cignus was a thing long before this game was a gleam its creators eye.

Then again im old and a nerd. Which is why when this series came put and there was a quiz asking how many questions are in the solar system and i answered 9 and this fucking series tells me im wrong and i have to look up the actual answer on the internet.

I will never forget or forgive Niel Degrass Tyson for the betrayal to feel.

@misterghost539 - 15.02.2025 01:46

I dont agree that is the same as battle Network 1, because the 1 is just bad, the battle Network 1 is just half cook in everything and it was rushed, i mean just look the difference between the time of launch of this games and it obviously that BN 1 is more like a beta rather than is own game

@AliGomes93 - 06.02.2025 05:00

Cygnus is not goose constelation, its swan constelation

@AliGomes93 - 06.02.2025 04:46

"Xis" is the way we call the letter X here in brazil.
So oMEGA-Xis is literally Mega X

@aznmayne6041 - 31.01.2025 22:59

Waiting on the sf2 video

@dearickangelonej.legaspi6686 - 29.01.2025 08:54

The fact that you missed the connection to megaman X in Omega-Xis is sad, alot of megaman X themes are found in the Star Force games and its most obvious in how the enemies are typically Animal themed creatures linked to an element.

@SemiSpartan - 22.01.2025 09:17

so I'm a year late to this video, only just getting back into my beloved Megaman Battle Network phase (and re-living all of the story through these video deep dives!)

I actually joined a Facebook fan group back in the day for the specific purpose of friending people online for the Brother codes. I came into the Starforce series with game #2, and I met some random dude in the UK over Facebook that I'm still friends with TO THIS DAY!!! Will always remind me of a time I consider "peak" internet, or at least extremely nostalgic days

@MarquinchMogule - 20.01.2025 20:59

One of the greats. You had to be there

@johaniesantana8327 - 12.01.2025 00:09

yo what is your codes for brother stuff i got into this already i wanna get this extra stuff

@mightypancake2211 - 03.01.2025 22:54

I will agree. base Starforce you play for the story. you play the fan patch DX for the story and the game play.

Starforce 2 at least mitigates the issues of the first starforce by at least allowing you to double tribe.
however, you can't get tribe king on single player unless you somehow get a brother band with someone that has the last tribe you need (Ninja in my case.) And I don't think starforce 2 has a DX version as of now or will ever since I think the modders have moved away from Starforce. The other option is using the card system which isn't too hard to learn where to put the code points once you learn the page. You either input ninja which starts you off as ninja from the start of the battle, and the other is you start off as tribe king. which tribe king is a I win button since it is the most op form that they have had for a megaman for a long time; Equal with the ultimate armor in megaman X the two times it is ultimate armor.

As for the last one. Starforce 3 doesn't have the same issues. Its more a do you want flying power or do you want crushing power. Since black ace and red joker are the only difference which is basically what super noise form you will take in combat. Besides noise changes. (Style changes) Does make me wish that they could have continued with starforce 4 and on; But seems like the creator left the company so unless someone or group come up with a good starforce story. Starforce 4 is likely not going to happen.

@greygremlin1248 - 01.01.2025 07:26

This wasn't so bad

@crynosinso8324 - 14.12.2024 13:14

Love the Starforce Games. I wish they'd get a Legacy Collection. I'd sooooo love that. Especially if they're like the Battle Network collection with the different versions being in a little cycle thing and you can add your other versions of the game as brothers.

@cageman301 - 03.12.2024 17:29

The gameplay wasn't great I admit, but the writing felt like it was made for an introverted kid like me who struggled to connect to people. Watching Geo grow throughout the game was a pleasure.

@yuyesyu8339 - 16.11.2024 07:17

Unfortunately i have to disagree with the last bit, k really enjoy starforce 1 and 2 but not so much on 3, could be i need a replay on it but im doing it rn starting from 1(just finish it earlier)

@Shadowsedge_the_Black_Dragon - 08.11.2024 06:00

2 is kind of trash, i started playing them in college, i got 2, 3, then 1. 1 has an EXCELLENT music score, and despite the early 2000s ds gimmicks it was overall fun. 2, honestly, just felt like a chore to play. After my initial playthrough i just couldnt do it again. 3 though, holy shit, the music, the mechanics, it just feels overall good to play. Its one of those good rpgs where no matter what, you skeays have options and youre akways doing something during combat.

@DPowered2 - 04.11.2024 10:01

ended up reading up on the megaman games because i got the collection. Its so weird how fast and eager they were to cannibalize their own games. A year turn around with someone constantly telling you what to do and then not making a BN7 because someone else wanted to make this instead for the new game system. I remember loving BN6 so much and wishing we got a BN7

@emiwisp9277 - 07.10.2024 10:02

That opening joke about Star Rail has aged so nicely since I picked it up last month. So funny.

@CallMeNoa - 03.10.2024 05:15

Star Force's combat may be a downgrade from Battle Network's but I always thought the writing was a dramatic mprovement. The characters feel more three dimensional and Geo develops from a depressed loner to a strong core propping up their group over the trilogy. 2 is a fumble for sure but 1 and especially 3's stories are very dear to me.

@ForceEdge47 - 24.09.2024 03:54

I've never played this game but damn I have to admit that soundtrack is absolute flames. I'm like sitting here tearing up and I have no idea what's going on haha

@uwanapiecaham - 19.09.2024 04:27

I feel megaman starforce is for geeks! Whereas battle network is for the cool sophisticated nerds!

@bigjohnsbreakfastlog5819 - 16.09.2024 20:05

"The next sadtastic morning..."

@Philip47382 - 15.09.2024 05:03

“What the F**k is a Genshin Impact?!”

I laugh way harder than needed. That delivery man.😂

Edit: Never mind, “This is the best day ever.” is now the funniest thing I’ve heard in this video.😂😂

@christianq8934 - 13.09.2024 01:06

Evil spacce poultry xD

@theamazingwrabbit - 10.09.2024 02:40

i can't get over the pronunciation of "omega-Xis"
wym it's "omega cis" and not "omega exis"

@poelogan - 02.09.2024 08:06

The writing for the last 3 games were sooooo much better.’

@alexanderperez5636 - 30.08.2024 05:47

Great video dude! Gives me KingK/Nerrel vibes. you won a sub!

@gbgmari9622 - 27.08.2024 02:30

The megaman star force series is prolly my favorite megaman the story tellin and emotions and gameplay is too clean

@0rangaStang - 16.08.2024 18:27

What game is he playing at the start of the video?

@sllc1081 - 14.08.2024 07:07

Please get an finish 3

It is really the best in series even BN included could be argued

@naurmael - 09.08.2024 08:38

Two work shifts of binging later and im all caught up...for now. Great work!

@0xPRIMEgs - 06.08.2024 06:48

Have you done a video like this for Star Force 2 and 3 yet? also how is 1's post game? is it mmbn 2+ good, or more like mmbn1?

@_Banjo_ - 26.07.2024 16:45

I like how the first boss is Dex/Gutsman... but also mixed with our usual torchman / fire dude tutorial boss. What a way to subvert expectations

@theroyalsparrow6034 - 18.07.2024 00:40

I enjoyed the boss introductions on the field right before the battle starts. Gives them personality instead of a text box.

@maxmendez9989 - 25.06.2024 02:33

😂 bro your vids are hilarious, never stop!! 😂😂😂

@AmartharDrakestone - 17.06.2024 20:18

To be fair, the DX is probably as close as we're going to get to what the developer intended as the decision to split 1 game into 3 was probably made by management, not by developers.

@yuugael4010 - 16.06.2024 14:55

Best megaman game for me

@ZX-Gear - 03.06.2024 04:17

I think the biggest fumble of Star Force is Duo never came back with his space ciggies to say hi. And to judge all of Humanity.

@s0fiance999 - 31.05.2024 23:52

Just finished the game. Left astonished and happy with what this game offered me.
I only knew this license by playing (and finishing the game more than 3 times) Star Force 2. I just finished this video and I wonder : will you make a review of Star Force 2 ?
