Improve your Descriptive Writing | EasyTeaching

Improve your Descriptive Writing | EasyTeaching


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Agentespino - 07.11.2023 16:44


Idktryme1 - 01.11.2023 03:13

it was a friday afternoon me and my brothers were running around on a isolacted beach while the sun was going down which gave off a orange yellow glow which gave off a peaceful aura while bright blue ocean was giving off a soft and relaxing breeze in which you could smell it was as iff you were to take a wiff of a bath bomb the only other thing to be heard was of the fishing shop owner closing up his big blue shop for the night

Vanessa Beltrán
Vanessa Beltrán - 31.10.2023 00:13

Vanessa Beltrán
Vanessa Beltrán - 31.10.2023 00:12


Zack Sutherland
Zack Sutherland - 22.10.2023 00:24

I like it

Zack Sutherland
Zack Sutherland - 22.10.2023 00:23


Talha Eumun
Talha Eumun - 21.10.2023 20:44

Thanks u helped a lot ^_^ i just hope i pass my exam :)

MaestroLYT - 18.10.2023 20:30

A calm and rainbow was almost covered by majority of purplish clouds in which create a blissful and lovely picture on sight. A long, extension of bridge which stretched from the base of the moist, sandy beach to the end of the fisherman's house. Though it was a long extent, it would be a challenge for wanderers walk on the thin, wooden planks with dull colours when they stamble across while they view the lovely mother nature of the atmosphere. A glimpse of fisherman's house could be seen on the reflective pond of water. Through the pond, a light blue sea is seemingly endless that as if it was an illusion.

Tellchristy Tellchristy
Tellchristy Tellchristy - 17.10.2023 22:09

The sea drifted along as I stood at the shore if the sea, the wind blew in all different directions creating quite a peaceful feeling. The taste of salt splashed on my lips a few times which later became annoying making it less tranquil for me , that cool calm feel in the air Kept me standing though.birds were speaking from different directions landing on the shore of the lake to perch on someons sandwich it looked over a day old.
The long wooden but rickety Bridge right next to tye lake caught my attention after meandering a bit on the shore and I began to walk, it was peaceful and calm it helped stretch my arms and legs my eyes met with the sky it looked calm but yet so angry. After a while I left the secluded environment it had served its purpose.

universe of music
universe of music - 26.09.2023 16:54

Can you tell 10 tips when writing a CREATIVE WRITING sir.

Isabella - 24.09.2023 18:17

Thank u soo much this helped me improve on my discriptive writing✨ ❤❤❤✨✌

Dawah Power
Dawah Power - 24.09.2023 01:16

I've been struggling in my own stories with descriptions of people, places, and objects. I think your video helped to open my mind. I will definitely be making lists of vivid verbs and precise adjectives when I get stuck in the future!

Here's my go at the prompt:

New Creater🎥
New Creater🎥 - 13.09.2023 06:56

Wonderful brother ❤️🤩

Sr N
Sr N - 13.09.2023 03:22

The time is 6 am and at 8 I had an exam 😂

LEGEND_SAHILBG - 29.08.2023 18:03


sapphridite but his personal account
sapphridite but his personal account - 26.08.2023 05:14

This video helped me a bit, here is a writing for a prompt i got.

When i stepped into the dentists office, the loud sounds of dentistry equipment buzzed and i felt my heart pumping and my legs and hands shaking in fear. As i sat down, the dentist carefully looked at my teeth and afterwards, gave me a diagnosis, my body was shaking as the dentist gave me the diagnosis. My teeth were fine and sparkling.

Aliyah Chery
Aliyah Chery - 24.08.2023 05:42

The sky a mixture of purple and blue tones meshing together creating a breathtaking array of colors in the sky as the sun begins to set. Tiny birds can be seen flying from afar most likely on the hunt for a place to rest. Feet padding through the sand i can feel the grains of sediment clinging to my toes after each gentle step. Approaching the shore, immediately the smell of salt is mixed into the freshness of the air the smell of the sea becoming even stronger. Standing about ankle deep into the glass like water i look at the long wooden pier the auburn color of the wood seeming to have begun to fade away with time. The waves roaring and crashing against the pier little droplets from each crash splashing on the few people standing along the pier enjoying the view. As the moon begins to come out of its shell the sky brings to morph into its regular midnight blue color signifying that night has officially fallen upon us.

Aida - 13.08.2023 08:06

The video tutorial was helpful, thank you!🤍 I'm from another country, I'm learning to write essays in English. Below is an essay I wrote as a practice. Please let me know if there is a mistake and advise.thank you

I will never forget that beautiful morning. Since that day, it has become a habit to see a smiling, bright day. That day I got up earlier than usual and took a cold shower. I put on my sports clothes and went out. It must be around five in the morning, the field is still dark, there is no soul, there are no cars that make noise day and night. Lights are lined up on the street. The morning breeze fanned my face. The heads of the grass dance a little. Trees also move slowly. At the same time, the sun rises slowly. The rising sun gave the blue sky a pink hue. As if the sunlight is illuminating the surroundings. The birds woke up and joined the morning chorus of their melodious calls. Pigeons, who were looking around, moved to their food. The roosters of the neighboring houses also wake up to the music. Across the street, the roosters crowed again. The sun that had just risen scattered the sun and brought it to the village.

jinglinxx - 08.08.2023 18:01

thank you so much for this video!
here's mine, didn't really follow the picture dot to dot, that's something I should work on.
There’s the beach. The gentle prickling of my skin from the winds thrashing through the sky; solace. The squawking flocks of birds seems lost in silence. The thin clusters of fabrics beneath the ominous void above, is mirrored with the scattered sparkles of whites below; dancing and chanting sirens on the wave. The infinite expanse of azure waters filled with suffocated packs of purple-blue crimson flowers, panting.. grasping…, destined to never resurface on the shore. The warm sand spilled out of the feathered grass embraced in moments.
I’m devoured by the embracing womb, my eyes unable to escape the entranced abyss of the echoing Scarlet sun; staring at me. Her muted howls syncing over my pulsing fragile heart; listening, bum.. bum…

umair gamer 👑 1st
umair gamer 👑 1st - 31.07.2023 15:58

Thankyou so much

ifscollin - 18.07.2023 16:24

How can i write a paragraph?😢

Ila Chauhan
Ila Chauhan - 08.07.2023 14:05

I am new to your video but its so useful and I am grateful. Thanks from UK

Mersh - 18.06.2023 01:38

Crysty dusty musty rusty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¡!!

mahhad shahzad
mahhad shahzad - 24.05.2023 16:31

Ding hard sndj

Ben Smith
Ben Smith - 06.05.2023 09:57

Humongous canopy of dark brown tree branches hung over the tangerine looking swing below it with satisfying greens and raindrops coming from it , looking out towards the beautiful colours of violet, magentas blues merged together creating a enormous colourful landscape, so satisfactory

Learn to lead with TasleemNZ
Learn to lead with TasleemNZ - 25.04.2023 11:17

A cloak of clouds covered the sky Over that a plethora of birds were chirping..The sounds of shore's and bird's chirping hits together made a peaceful music.the cool wind blowing hited my face .The veiw calmed me as like I'm setting in heaven.

Wilfred Prudenciano
Wilfred Prudenciano - 14.04.2023 00:22

Thanks for this very detailed video

Sardar Ismail
Sardar Ismail - 27.03.2023 11:39

TBH this video was super!!! It helped me a lot for my exams.
This is my descriptive text on the picture prompt (Hope its good):
The calm soothing waves thrashing back and forth. As the waves lapped across the bridge made of perched wooden planks. Day and night were having a duel against each other. As the Sun was falling back down beautiful birds scurried across the sky. At the end of the pier laid a fisherman's shack drifted around by a wooden fence, lurking towards the center of the gigantic alluring sea. As the soft waves lapped on to the shore the sky manifested a shade of pink fuchsia on the soft in-rolling beach sand. The soft in-rolling waves casted a scent and taste of salt amidst the air. :)

Ethan LaCaro
Ethan LaCaro - 18.03.2023 01:59

Jutting from the hushed coastline, a lonely shack balances on glassy water. The air is thick with a briny breeze that pierces the surrounding stillness. Lumbering clouds roll into infinity as the sun raises her sleepy head.

Pratyaksh Sharma
Pratyaksh Sharma - 10.03.2023 18:12

L video

Holly Donkin
Holly Donkin - 05.03.2023 18:17

The long, wooden, secluded pier stretches out across the sparkling, calm ocean. The tranquil waves meandering into the poles beneath the pier; slowly crawling onto the sand. A small, curious crab reaches out from beneath the ocean onto the soft sand as it rushes towards an old, moist, wooden tree log. The sound of hard rain engulfs the atmosphere as it penetrates the ocean causing ripples to flow throughout the water disturbing its peaceful slumber.

Star Engineering Kinetics
Star Engineering Kinetics - 02.03.2023 11:45


heaven playz
heaven playz - 01.03.2023 09:50

The blue cloudy sky depressing dim light the fragile bridge the half torn house standing the with respect the waves drafted to the shore the cool eveninv wind swirlling with drained leveas

Nadia Papadopoulou
Nadia Papadopoulou - 28.02.2023 12:19

As I treaded lightly toward the darkening, picturesque shore, the salty breeze blew over my face, flecking my hair with sand grains. I dipped the bare soles of my feet and felt the hesitant lap of the waves chill my ruddy flesh. Inching further into a cruel unknown. Toward the rickety house perched upon the creaking bridge, devoured by mossy algae. I watched in horror as the weakening sun retreated back into the murky clouds of cool violet blue, reflecting onto the glass-like surface of the waters. 

From Logos School Grade 7 students 2023 :)

Camalot - 26.02.2023 07:12

How is this descriptive writing?

The secluded and stormy winded skies, sat above the hushed sounds of nothing’s being played across my mind like a broken VHS tape. The piers were all I could remember from my last trotted adventure across the wet sand. I could still feel the muddy sensation from my feet that rose to my legs. The bitter taste of sea salt still echoing in my mouth like a forthcoming of new events. The picture painted versions of ourself still hanging in my memory, now only cracked by you leaving. This place was the best of you, but now it’s the worst for me.

Waning Crescent
Waning Crescent - 20.02.2023 02:51

The wood beneath my feet creaked as I stepped, the sudden sound frightening the birds perched upon the rails of the pier. The frigid breeze danced through the air around me as I rubbed my arms for warmth. Nothing more could be heard but the sound of calm waves smacking against the supports of the bridge. The ocean's aroma was so strong, I could feel the sensation of salt resting on my tongue as I stared out at the setting sun falling slowly behind the horizon. The sunset painted the sky a pleasant mixture of pink and blue hues, as grand clouds drifted high in the sky. My body felt like ice as I shifted to face the forest inferior to the yellow sand, small tides washing up and just as soon retreating. The lush, green woodlands swayed in the breeze as birds soared high in the vast blue heavens, causing a sense of jealousy to flow through me. Why can't I be free like the birds? Taking flight high through the sky, allowing the chilly winds to carry me anywhere? My desires twirled through my mind as I turned my head to look at the calm sea once again, one day, I'll soar higher than any bird. Higher than any cloud. I'll be free.

(Please give me any necessary constructive criticism! I've wanted to improve my writing so I'd appreciate any feedback!)

Elizabeth Dada
Elizabeth Dada - 05.02.2023 19:20

Here is my piece
Any feedback would be very much appreciated:

The long bridge reached out into the horizon as as the sea meadered in tranquilty. Grains of sand were embraced by the floating body of water. Whispering wind traveled across the secluded shore hugging the creaking bridge

qursum saeed ᴗ̈
qursum saeed ᴗ̈ - 01.02.2023 23:07

The outstretched clouds cruised across the sky, sailing slowly like boats on a calm sea. Caught in a picture-esque moment, the roaring sea was overcome by a gradual stillness. Under the great blue sky and over the quiet, deep sea, stood an old wooden house with two broken windows and a missing door. The windows creaked slowly as the gentle winter air whispered sweet nothings. The path leading up to the house was missing planks of wood in multiple places. A plank dangling on one end from the path, holding on for dear life, succumbed to a strong gale and was inevitably castaway to the warm embrace of the Pacific with a splash. The tranquility of the moment was finally broken as a single seagull flew by, wailing for it's flock. The squaking of the seagull was immediately followed by a wave that noisily crashed against the sand. The serenity that had momentarily settled over the dock could never last for long. The waves washed away footsteps and initials written with merry fingers as Helios finally dragged his chariot across the sky, leaving nothing but clouds and murkiness behind.

Amna Sayyed
Amna Sayyed - 31.01.2023 19:49

It really helped, yesterday the topic had started in class, and ma'am had given hw to write about an event, the video was helpful !!

Hritish - 24.01.2023 21:49

hi @EasyTeaching

so I have an assessment in a week and I have to use
zoom (focusing on one detail in the photo such as concentrating on the deck or the house thing and describing)
atmosphere( the surroundings of an area)
shift(changing the focus of something e.g: day to night or dead to alive)
one hit wonders( a sentence used as a paragraph for effect)

Can I use your litriture techniquies in my assessment? pls lemme know


belinda vermaak
belinda vermaak - 23.01.2023 21:42

The sun faded beyond the horizon as the moon slithered it's way into the ever growing darkness that consumed everything. The waves that once tickled the sea shore, now crashed with a vengeance. The sky roared, a single flash of blue illuminated the hand like branches that stretched away from the stormy seas, almost as if they were terrified. Goosebumps riddled through me, as i continued marching through the sheet of grey. My eyes were misty as i finally felt water crash against my legs.

"What was i doing here?".

An angelic voice cooed through the storm, urging me to let the dark depths consume my form. To embrace it. A part of me felt drawn, yet it's voice was laced with something. Poison veiled with beauty, like a thorned rose bud.

I shook my head, breaking out of the trance, and bolted to the nearest house. Not looking back. The creature retreated, it's eyes lingering before slipping into icy depths.

JahsehOnfroy FAN
JahsehOnfroy FAN - 16.01.2023 14:07

I am in Grade 6 I had my test tommorow but your video helped me a lot to understand the descriptive writing

jade.kirton - 11.01.2023 15:38

I'm years late but still going to put mine in the comments, I'm doing my GCSE's this year so if anyone has any feedback that would be so useful! (in an exam I would write more but for now I just did a short passage). Great, helpful video! :)

Beckoning me hypnotically, like the voice of a soft singing siren, the hazy water called out for me. As the sun began to fall further and further from my grasp, colours began to merge. The evening sky whistled in a saccharine, serene tone, strips of ashy grey clouds wrestled with the blotches of soulless purples and blues. Tickling my nose, the cold, crisp air penetrated my senses. Squelches of wet, sludgy, sand squirmed beneath my feet, the bitter wind laughed at my lonesomeness. As I lugged myself along the long, rickety, wooden pier, it were although even the warped wood couldn't bare my company - trembling as if it were going to break. I sat, my feet dangling into the chilling water - at that moment, staring into the mirror- like water, I realised I really was the epitome of lonely. Glacial tears fell from My face as the sinister sky spat as me.

Chima_3 - 10.01.2023 09:48

The sun is setting, causing sand by the shore to glow vividly. The bright blue sea crashes against the shore causing the wooden pier the crack. The lonely house sits along the end of the pier watching the waves drift across the sea. The taste of salt water wafted along the cold air. The mirror like water reflected the the threatening clouds above.

Night - 04.01.2023 22:31

nah im good

mazeyzz - 03.01.2023 12:18

I'm trying to break away from such dialog heavy writing. But my descriptive writing normally comes off so boring.
I need to expand my vocabulary with more colorful and interesting descriptors 😪

Ramakant Shukla
Ramakant Shukla - 02.01.2023 11:23

The darkening sky was splattered with the deep violet-valvet ink hiding the golden coin in its puffy cotton balls .The rippled seashore sand battering against crash of tidal waves ebbing in and out in its lapping lashes.I could not fathom or ponder or preoccupy my mind with anything other than this bliss of solitude that the happenstance gave me .The plier stretched to a small shack standing as a lighthouse .The scrumptious smoke of our evening dinner from the chimney emanated as a signal from my mother to alight from my sandy boat and bid adieu to the mellowing sun.

Raavanan - 31.12.2022 16:48


Benita Omomhenle
Benita Omomhenle - 22.12.2022 23:54

The cool evening breeze brushes past my ears, whispering like one's lover. The water stood still as the sky mirrored itself onto it, eminating a soft blue shade.
