How To Trade With Discipline & Without Emotion

How To Trade With Discipline & Without Emotion

Financial Wisdom

1 год назад

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Andreas Ultimate
Andreas Ultimate - 17.09.2023 08:02

I dont understand why these self-proclaimed profitable traders sell courses, open yt channel subscription, or sell books if they can actually extract infinite amount of capital from trading.

Torres Juan Jose
Torres Juan Jose - 15.09.2023 20:46

I have a 3 fund portfolio consisting of 33% S&P, 33% Total stock, and 33% international. I feel a need to focus on complete growth so I went 100% stocks, but does the SP500 and TSM overlap too much to make sense holding both? However I’ve been in the red for a month now. I work hard for my money, so investing is making me a nervous sad wreck. I don’t know if I should sell everything, sit and just wait but watching my portfolio of $450k dwindle away is such an eye -sore.

Brandon Weber
Brandon Weber - 14.09.2023 07:25

I have a 3 fund portfolio consisting of 33% S&P, 33% Total stock, and 33% international. I feel a need to focus on complete growth so I went 100% stocks, but does the SP500 and TSM overlap too much to make sense holding both? However I’ve been in the red for a month now. I work hard for my money, so investing is making me a nervous sad wreck. I don’t know if I should sell everything, sit and just wait but watching my portfolio of $450k dwindle away is such an eye -sore.

Mr. Franco
Mr. Franco - 10.09.2023 19:55

In terms of trading with discipline, Taking less trades would be way more effective because it is less likely for you to make mistakes and your concentrations are relatively high.

John Park
John Park - 10.09.2023 04:13

I think your trading videos are great but you talk about Douglas and his theories on this subject matter... I just dont know why you treat him with such disrespect ... He died on 2015 and yet all you do is just show a tombstone picture.... Is it bc an American has taught something a Brit could not do???? If so how disgusting, pathetic, and revealing about you .... Oh let guess you do that to all....

Williams Robert
Williams Robert - 05.09.2023 08:08

I began my investment journey at the age of 38, primarily through hard work and dedication. Now at the age of 42, I am thrilled to share that my passive income exceeded $100k in a single month for the first time. This success reinforces the importance of the advice mentioned earlier. It is not about achieving quick wealth, but rather ensuring long-term financial prosperity.

Shelly lofgren
Shelly lofgren - 05.09.2023 00:48

Thank you. Just what I needed to watch. My hubby and I are directors of our farm business and own property, plus small pensions. I am nearly 52, hubby is 55. We have started to save to retire from the farm, and possibly live on rental income, I'd really appreciate you go LIVE and talk about how to earn passive income online and retire comfortably, let’s say $1M.

thelastunicorn1987 - 31.08.2023 23:32

The current market/economy is unnecessarily tougher for boomers/senior citizens, I’m used to just buying and holding assets which doesn’t seem applicable to the current rollercoaster market plus inflation is catching up with my portfolio of $2m. I’m really worried about survival after retirement.

Benson christopher
Benson christopher - 28.08.2023 23:55

Managing money is different from accumulating wealth, and the lack of investment education in schools may explain why people struggle to maintain their financial gains. The examples you provided are relevant, and I personally benefited from the market crisis, as I embrace challenging times while others tend to avoid them. Well, at least my advisor does too, jokingly.

Venkatesh Ramammorthy
Venkatesh Ramammorthy - 25.08.2023 18:29

This title opt for me one recent trade///

Christopher Green
Christopher Green - 25.08.2023 15:02

Great video! I really do have a question. For someone with less than $10,000 to invest, how would you recommend we enter the crypto market? I am looking at studying some traders and copying their strategy rather than investing myself and losing money emotionally. What’s your take on this approach?

liu zhang
liu zhang - 20.08.2023 13:39

I was advised to diversify my portfolio among several assets such as stocks and bonds since this can protect my portfolio for retirement. I'm seeking to invest $200K across markets but don't know where to start.

Miguel Cruz
Miguel Cruz - 19.08.2023 03:50

It’s important to know your investment goals and what sort of returns you aim for. It is easy to find constant low risk investments options that keep up with or slightly pass inflation, but anything above that comes at the cost of more risk. Are you a fundamental or technical guy? Day trader, swing trader, buy and hold? Are you willing to take safer lower investment income over riskier higher income? Do you believe in market indicators? Can you recognize if you are trading out of greed, or if you are trading with a plan and purpose with stops put in place? That all takes time to learn and we all know that the economy and the markets are not the same thing.

Fadhil Hashim
Fadhil Hashim - 17.08.2023 13:55

One of the best techniques to get consistency profit is to always make backtesting on the past market. It’ll activate your subconscious mind. Trading is like drive a car. We should to look behind through side mirror. If not we will trouble with eccident. like being slaughtered with the market.

Walter Kovalskiy
Walter Kovalskiy - 11.08.2023 03:31

I came here to learn how to invest after listening to a guy on radio talk about the importance of investing and how he made $460,000 in 4 months from $160k, somehow this video has helped shed light on some things, but I'm still confused, I'm a newbie and I'm open to ideas.

arin nfc
arin nfc - 09.08.2023 10:49

the importance of maintaining emotional stability when trading, fadhillah ahmad also teaches this material in clear forex nfc.

Matt Anderson
Matt Anderson - 08.08.2023 23:44

Thank you

Alex Collins
Alex Collins - 03.08.2023 02:10

Ich bin froh, dass ich mein Portfolio letzten Monat in meinem Portemonnaie von 17.000 auf 100.000 erhöht habe, ohne jemandem einen Cent zu schicken, dank der Hilfe von Herrn Harrison Scott

Annette Hein
Annette Hein - 01.08.2023 21:42

I will be forever grateful to you, you changed my whole life and I will continue to preach on your behalf for the whole world to hear you saved me from huge financial debt with just a small investment, thank you Mrs Rita Sanchez.

Bina Bina
Bina Bina - 28.07.2023 17:30

You do this by practicing long enough. Not by trading for a few months hoping for that Lamborghini.

Giller Heston
Giller Heston - 27.07.2023 04:54

Once upon a time, I was an eager investor. With high hopes and dreams, I diligently built my investment portfolio over the years. But as the tides of the market turned against me, my once-promising investments began to crumble. Stock prices plummeted, bonds defaulted, and my hopes faded away. With each passing day, my portfolio dwindled, mirroring the sinking feeling in my heart. I watched helplessly as my hard-earned savings vanished, leaving behind a lingering sadness and a stark reminder of the unpredictability of the financial world. I'm here again because I want to get back on track.I need ideas to get on on a recovery process.

Edna - 24.07.2023 10:54

Becoming a good trade takes time and patience. When i first got into trading i was liquidated twice, and lost my entire mortgage deposit. I could have given up, but decided to learn how to trade and put it into practice. 4 years later and i am glad i made that decision.

K3 Breezy
K3 Breezy - 22.07.2023 19:59

You guys have a discord ?

Martin S
Martin S - 15.07.2023 11:56

Beautifully presented, so concise.

Zahair O'Brian
Zahair O'Brian - 10.07.2023 00:03

The erosion of my financial reserves due to inflation adds to my concerns. At this point, I'm still at a crossroad regarding whether or not to liquidate my $138k stock portfolio. What’s the best way to take advantage of this current market?

M M - 05.07.2023 01:25

Hi. Do you have a video on what are the various statistics to track? And how to go about collecting data, building calculators etc. for such metrics? It would be really helpful. Thanks.

K P - 02.07.2023 09:25

PREDICTABLE trading? Hilarious. Don't waste to watch it.

Christoph - 28.06.2023 18:59

Also, you could basically move any of those losing trades worse than -10, upto being -10, because no one trading "professionally" should be allowing their losers such a loose leash... I believe Minnervini and anyone following in the footsteps of O'Neil, like David Ryan, tend to keep their losers at 7-10% max, but will cut them even sooner if the chart starts to look off.

Sony Douang
Sony Douang - 14.06.2023 00:10

Can we keep glowing chips of computer a way of spending for Rollbotz!🌐💻🖥️💠🔹👾🦠🌹♻️🤖 The types of cotameanated?

Stanley Edwin
Stanley Edwin - 29.05.2023 16:11

Currently I'm just being smart and frugal with my money, I'm in the green 47% over the last 13 months and l've accumulated over $700K in pure profits from DCA’ing into dividends paying blue chip stocks, ETFs, index and mutual funds. However I’ve been in the red for a while now. I work hard for my money, so investing is making me a nervous sad wreck. I don’t know if I should sell everything, sit and just wait.

parku supremo
parku supremo - 28.05.2023 14:47

one of the best trading videos i have ever watched..

parku supremo
parku supremo - 28.05.2023 14:42

this is gold,, i needed this video

Perpetual Prosperity
Perpetual Prosperity - 27.05.2023 19:38

Psychology matters most & this video does gives the guidelines to the proper psychology in trading.

John - 22.05.2023 23:48

Tried and true, well-grounded message we all need to hear from time to time. Impressive video production skills.

Mark Bird
Mark Bird - 15.05.2023 05:21

Fantastic video.

Ken Nguyen
Ken Nguyen - 08.05.2023 03:17

This is a great video ,I learn a lot watching your videos and it has been helpful to me. Building a steady income is quite difficult for newbies...Thanks to Mrs. Betty K Cargill for improving my portfolio. Keep up with the good videos.

dima - 02.05.2023 08:14

very helpful!

tradewitdw - 22.04.2023 23:46

Mark Douglas is legendary trader, my psychology mostly build by his books.
You can check some of my videos and my system, one thing I understand in trading, as more simple technical analysis you have, as more profitable it becomes.

Commandant McCormick
Commandant McCormick - 21.04.2023 12:15

Mark Douglas changed my life. I watched his 6 hour workshop 60 times, until every fiber in my body was aligned with the content Mark provided. You actually don't need another guru, he says it all, right then and there.

ellvis fernaandes
ellvis fernaandes - 20.04.2023 15:05

awesome character for the market guy lol.👿👿

Yukon Jackson
Yukon Jackson - 20.04.2023 12:21

I love trading knowledge

Patricia Carlos
Patricia Carlos - 20.04.2023 03:06

Roughly £120k in my portfolio are in tech/TSLA stocks, can I get an advice on any other stocks that I can acquire to diversify my reserve across multiple markets while creating a comprehensive portfolio allocation that balances my concerns of risk aversion and returns that meet yearly inflation.

Maxwell Uche
Maxwell Uche - 19.04.2023 05:26

I’m impressed, thanks Soo much,learnt alot

JOSE BAEZ - 08.04.2023 21:25

I want to buy your book, is it only pdf?

Graham Buckingham
Graham Buckingham - 06.04.2023 18:36

Very good.😊

Terry Lee
Terry Lee - 02.04.2023 08:01

Try and error is best way. Many loss with painful experiences is must come first
