Why Collegeboard is the Worst Company in America

Why Collegeboard is the Worst Company in America

Storytime With Jeff

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jhon klan
jhon klan - 03.10.2023 20:06

They DO indicate academic achievement, even when controlling for income. Gen Z has a problem of only reading headlines. SAT is as good a predictor of college performance as GPA is but is an even stronger predictor when used with GPA.

Thomas Meeson
Thomas Meeson - 30.09.2023 22:47

As a Brit I am so glad we have proper tests that 'mostly' test our skills rather than anything else and aren't entirely detrimental when failed

Raven Cebulla
Raven Cebulla - 27.09.2023 05:50

I've been here since I looked for someone who did "venting about collegeboard" true justice in 2020. I'm all caught up now :) I can't wait for more content!

« Iced Tea »
« Iced Tea » - 11.09.2023 00:28

I currently have over 100 unread emails, and i can assure you that 95% of them are college board giving my email to like 5 random colleges that paid them a few bucks.

hahaha no
hahaha no - 10.09.2023 23:58

It's funny with you complain about observed, if "out of fashion" reality, using "in fashion" propaganda.

Cuomo stan
Cuomo stan - 06.09.2023 04:01

I remember that each time the college board website auto saved, it would automatically scroll back to the top. When you are trying to focus, it is really annoying. Makes you wonder where the money that college board makes is going to.

Nicholas Martin
Nicholas Martin - 26.08.2023 18:02

I was kicked out of an SAT because my phone went off before the exam even began. It was ultimately my fault for not being 100% sure it was turned off, but not only did they boot me with no chance of even a refund, but they threatened to cancel everyone else's exam too. Some crazy rules they got going on.

Indiana Olson
Indiana Olson - 21.08.2023 08:25

OF COURSE it comes back to the Bell Curve.

Life Beautiful
Life Beautiful - 16.08.2023 22:32

omg that twitter ban is insane. collegeboard be pulling some strings

Ricardo Ely
Ricardo Ely - 16.08.2023 07:21

It’s refreshing to hear, students and teachers alike, despise Collegeboard. Because ALL throughout my high school, taking AP classes and getting 4/5 on an exam was treated like a mark of superior intellect. If you’re a high school student, you need to hear this: your scores don’t tell you anything about your potential.

A.B - 06.08.2023 06:31

“Apologies for the language, again” 🤓🤓

Scoot - 30.07.2023 03:15

This guy is such a bullshiter. Pathetic video can’t believe half the things he says

Yasmine B
Yasmine B - 22.07.2023 20:32

I understand all the arguments, but can I just say that as someone facing huge setbacks like race, income, and being from an immigrant household with no support system or college guide, this institution helped me more than anyone could have. it was the worst experiences academically, but mastering the system allowed me to gain the visibility i needed to get a full ride to a T10 school… I was given awards for my performance that turned into additional aid; I do see the many problems in this model of standardized practice, but people need to stop acting like it is completely ineffective. If anything, point your frustration towards the college system in America, elitism, classism, etc., as it is part of a much much bigger problem. You can’t be surprised that an institution with the premise of college preparation comes with the same sneaky antics that the entire system perpetuates. I knew the system was corrupt so I took advantage of it, like it was of me, to get to where I am and be able to give back to my family and community one day. This mentality allowed me to detach myself completely after getting my acceptance letter, meanwhile the comment section is filled with people who are still holding on to contempt. I’m not saying to accept injustice, but understand it is everywhere we go. At the end of the day, it’s still a huge privilege to even be involved with it, from the perspective of someone who could have lived in a third world country. I hope it gets better for future generations, but there’s nothing to do but wait and see.

AlanDSi - 21.07.2023 17:53

This should have been in my recommended 4 months ago

Francesco Costanzo
Francesco Costanzo - 20.07.2023 07:23

Also dont support twittee

CrownRightsAdvocate - 17.07.2023 02:37

College in America is a blatant scam. It's depressing seeing all these teenagers spending thousands of dollars that they dont have, all for a promise of good jobs that dont exist.

Absolute Foot
Absolute Foot - 12.07.2023 19:31

AP language exams are entirely different beasts.
As a junior, I took AP German and failed. I still had senior year left, and I was convinced that with another year of studying that I could pass it the second time, especially with the claim that it would be "easier." I fail it again, go figure.
Unless one has a spectacular background in the language, many have to guess through almost the entirety of the multiple choice because of how unfairly advanced the vocabulary is.

When the native German - speaking teachers find the exam incredibly difficult you know there's something wrong.

pilot Nicholas
pilot Nicholas - 12.07.2023 10:37

I have never heard anything more right with regards to these people.

KPOP MASTER - 11.07.2023 18:42

I hope this gets big again. I’m seeing it after all this time hopefully it breaks through!

woodlefoof2 - 09.07.2023 16:28

Based on the thumbnail I’m going to assume Collegeboard is a completely harmless community that only misinformed people dislike.

JamCliche - 07.07.2023 21:56

Me when I get my SAT scores back:

Noah - 07.07.2023 01:19

US, the land of the exploited

That theatre kid
That theatre kid - 06.07.2023 21:43

My cousin was denied a make-up for the SAT because she was at a funeral for her mom.

MamaStingray - 06.07.2023 18:09

College board actually won't let me use the AP credits I earned under my dead name and transfer those credits over to my current legally changed name. Meaning I have multiple credits I earned by paying extra money for AP courses but can't use them because they're under a different name. Learning the history of the SAT is unsurprising to me after going through that headache and getting nowhere.

Eddie Redmann
Eddie Redmann - 06.07.2023 18:08

I mean, it's been well-known for decades that the SAT was intended to be an IQ test rather than an actual reflection of what students had learned like the French baccalaureat exams. But of course they can't call it that because that would be illegal.

But I still contend that the SAT is a more fair system than just letting college administrators decide who gets into universities. Because let's be real: the other things that colleges look at favor rich, white kids even more than the SAT does. Extracurriculars? You'd better believe you need money for most of them. Sports? All the sports that poor kids tend to play are fiercely competitive. Volunteer opportunities? Do you think anyone other than rich people has time to do stuff for free? Being a legacy admission? You'd better believe those kids are rich as hell. You could argue for people overcoming adversity, but some of these rich kids are real good at making themselves sound oppressed.

There should be a better system, but the bigger issue is the income, wealth, and educational-opportunity inequalities that exist in this country. Until those are improved dramatically, there's not a test in the world that won't favor rich, white students.

Thomas Orsini
Thomas Orsini - 06.07.2023 17:37

The AP Psych test in 2023 included questions on topics that weren’t even in the curriculum. The AP World test in 2021 included a DBQ on the Mexican Revolution, even tho there was hardly any content on it within the curriculum

Blue Squadron
Blue Squadron - 05.07.2023 23:07

Everyone told me I would fail my sat because I didnt use a study book or hire a tutor. I got one of the highest scores that year.

yasmine - 05.07.2023 20:51

watching this after ap scores were released to feel better

Evan Click
Evan Click - 05.07.2023 20:32

I completely agree after having dealt with college board it is a horrible company but saying it made 900 million dollars doesn’t mean it can’t be a not for profit. They have to be reinvesting it into their field at the same rate they are getting it or they will be fined. If you can show where there money goes after they get it you might have an interesting follow up video.

Atom Attwood
Atom Attwood - 05.07.2023 00:09

this is the first video I've watched, but that orangutan line? I like this.

chikun nugitz
chikun nugitz - 04.07.2023 17:47

I’ve always hated the SAT because it has nothing to do with how smart someone is and far more about how much money someone is able to shell into a tutor. And this is coming from someone who benefited on the test from tutoring. I’ve never understood why IQ tests couldn’t be used for colleges. They’re about the same price as SAT tests and they test actual intelligence rather than test taking skills. Plus there is nearly no benefit from preparing for it which means low income students aren’t disadvantaged by the test

William Gregory
William Gregory - 03.07.2023 22:00

I never took the SAT (I took the ACT) and I only took one AP class.

I refused to but into the lies told by the SAT.

Dou_gh_Boi - 03.07.2023 19:58

helps getting unblocked games on my chromebook tho

Laughing Man
Laughing Man - 03.07.2023 19:13

Nice. So the SAT is based.

Repete - 03.07.2023 19:00

by far the worst “education” business I’ve seen. I took my AP Tests during Covid with courses like APUSH and AP Lang the test scores were completely arbitrary. I didn’t pass either of them and was completely dumbfounded but I saved what I had and sent it to my teachers who said it was 4 if not 5 worthy. What’s funnier is that even having to retake the classes in college my professors often said my knowledge and writing skills were above most but hey I guess college board knows me better than actual professors. All this is to say don’t look at whatever this organization tries to peddle as indicative of anything about academics

LT - 03.07.2023 18:01

I HATE this company so much. They do nothing themselves, all they do is administer them and trust schools to get their own teachers to proctor them and hand them out correctly.

When I took the SAT, everyone’s tests almost got voided because one person had an earbud in. I was scared because that test was so stressful, I didn’t want to have to pay to take it again

Cristina Álvarez
Cristina Álvarez - 03.07.2023 10:27

It's funny that they used the word "Anglo-Saxon" when real Anglo Saxon medicine involved the idea that having diseases meant being posessed by demons

Julian - 03.07.2023 01:04

so what your saying is
we should give ample evidence to the us government and legal system to give a proper anti-monopoly action

Zawadul Hoque
Zawadul Hoque - 02.07.2023 16:16

Literally 1984

Froggiepie - 02.07.2023 14:30

The ap tests don’t even make sense with their language. You have to really read between the lines to figure out what they’re actually asking. There’s sooo many problems with collageboard.
also oh no if the length tends to matter more than the actual content of your essay because I’m someone who tries to get all my points down and explain them as efficiently as possible and don’t see the point in fluff. welp! at least I don’t have any more actual tests to take from them.

Clairavoya - 02.07.2023 07:30

I never had any ridiculous experiences with teachers who were there to monitor tests, though that's probably because at the school I went to the management probably would've crucified them if they did. Though I already had a sneaking suspicion that CollgeBoard was profiting off of all that bs.

Cacti Chris
Cacti Chris - 02.07.2023 03:09

The Us history exam had questions on it before the United States was even around(and had nothing to do with its creation) plus had no question , either multiple choice or long answer questions about any war whatsoever. How is it an US history test, that doesn’t ask about any war? No revolution, 1812, spainish American, civil war, French and Indian, ww1, ww2, or cold war. Etc 😂

Cacti Chris
Cacti Chris - 02.07.2023 03:02

When I took my ap chem test my nose was so runny that I couldn’t focus on the test at all, they had no tissues, and I wasn’t allowed to go to the bathroom to blow my nose either…. I just gave up on the last part of it and left it blank 🫠

Hilal Genc
Hilal Genc - 02.07.2023 00:45

Never heard of ETS?

Echonox 31
Echonox 31 - 02.07.2023 00:41

You think Collegeboard is bad for those reasons? White supremacy is the last thing they stand for. I will admit they're racist, though. Collegeboard has sent me emails offering me opportunities because 1, I placed high enough on the PSAT, and 2, I'm not white or Asian. I'm not assuming anything. They directly said it was exclusive to hispanic, native American, and African people. Why do I get better opportunities than the white or Asian people who I know for a fact get better scores than me? If that's not racist, I don't know what is.

Peter Doroshenko
Peter Doroshenko - 01.07.2023 21:46

This doesn't even go into detail on how much they abuse the companies that write a lot of their tests.

Megan Wright
Megan Wright - 01.07.2023 01:45

My U.S. history teacher used to teach APUSH but switched to SUPA U.S. History because he disliked AP courses and the test/collegeboard

bean flower
bean flower - 30.06.2023 18:58

im glad that in the year 2023 a lot of colleges decided that the SAT was bogus and i didn't have to take it at all to get in to a public college with a great eengineering programme

paperl - 30.06.2023 16:56

The AP Literature exam annoys me so much. There are questions with answers that bait kids who have actually read the entire book the text is from; you can only draw conclusions from the text in front of you. Obviously they can’t expect students to read every book, but they should put in trick answers!
Also approximately 45 minutes per Free Response Question is insane… skim reading a passage, then writing and turning in a rushed first draft is so far from what students actually need to be able to do to interpret literature… editing is a part of the writing process, but in the AP Lit exam, it’s a death sentence — you don’t have time for that. In my college course, we were given the prompt and the text weeks in advance. We could choose to take a timed test in person, but we were able to think through and plot out our arguments in advance. The AP Lit exam isn’t like a real college test, it discourages important writing skills, and it tries to trick students at every turn… I hate it
