How to Use Wikipedia Wisely

How to Use Wikipedia Wisely

Digital Inquiry Group

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Truth Defender
Truth Defender - 23.08.2023 01:51

be wise, support AMERICAN COLLAGE OF PEDIATRICIANS against LGBTQABCXYZ+ propaganda :)

sentinel nightcrawler
sentinel nightcrawler - 15.07.2023 22:59

How to use Wikipedia wisely

Step 1: don't

DanWi - 05.06.2023 17:35

Wikipedia is information presented from a biased and far-left perspective. They decide what is science or pseudoscience. They present information and then decide for you if something is valid or correct or acceptable. Just like Disney and the FBI, I doubt Wikipedia is going to survive the upcoming woke-purge. But then the opportunity will present itself for something better; in all three cases.

Ma1q - 20.02.2023 18:20

How are the ACPeds anti lgbtq just because they don’t want to gays adopting.

Children need both a man and female figure in their life

Heng Chenglin
Heng Chenglin - 15.02.2023 18:19

Wikipedia បានទទួលការព្យាបាលនៃជំងឺបេះដូងចំពោះ

Filips Jankovskis
Filips Jankovskis - 14.12.2022 09:53

It's better to also look for sources not listed in Wikipedia for any particular subject too!

Sam Ellis
Sam Ellis - 13.10.2022 02:16

Love your work SHEG. I've been helping turn the wikipedia ban around. Can you please edit the transcript at 2.17 'and fact checkers don't just examined one source' to 'examine'!

Mobile empire
Mobile empire - 10.06.2022 15:45

How do I get Wikipedia to read to me in audio ?

Ek-Katherina-Phoniexes Line
Ek-Katherina-Phoniexes Line - 18.12.2021 17:24

Can you please make a video about Encyclopedia Britannica, it seems like there is some bias.

mustard man
mustard man - 13.12.2021 00:11

But there is no using Wikipedia correctly

dwabtremi2345 - 15.11.2021 21:50

i know

BLUE_beep BLUE_beep
BLUE_beep BLUE_beep - 25.09.2021 16:13

Don't read the NERDS propaganda... Think for yourself... Try editing a wrong or incomplete page, and see how it discriminates against normal people... Wikipedia is the world according to those that never get out of their pizza filled unit... IT IS WRONG...

sutterismine - 21.09.2021 20:38

Finally someone says this! I'm so tired of all the wikipedia hate

Armor of Truth
Armor of Truth - 10.12.2020 21:14

Can't help but notice how biased those Wikipedia administrators seem to be. Just read the Hunter Biden entry. Clearly not objective. EVERYTHING has been politicized - especially on the internet. Beware. Love of Truth is at an all-time low. Bernaysian propaganda is the big dog now.

Mugsys - 24.09.2020 18:57

who fact checks the fact-checkers? We're just supposed to blindly trust that the fact-checkers also have no agenda? This is specifically seen through the recent Twitter and Facebook controversies "fact-checking" many conservative opinions, and Twitter itself is a self-proclaimed Liberal, leftist organization. Is this the kind of naivety Stanford is encouraging among undergraduate students?

Rev Jaws
Rev Jaws - 09.09.2020 22:17

do you not see the inherent issue with "fact-checkers" or are you too blinded by stupidity?
