Forminator - Create Conditional Calculated Logic Forms for Free

Forminator - Create Conditional Calculated Logic Forms for Free

Web Squadron

2 года назад

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Franky Giuffrida
Franky Giuffrida - 22.10.2023 16:30

How do you hide the send button?

Meggo Kayzee
Meggo Kayzee - 08.09.2023 19:33

How do i add the form in elementor pro po up? I have a multistep form with page break and is displaying the pagination twice

Hernandez Video Services
Hernandez Video Services - 29.07.2023 01:22

Great video. I can't get the field label and the actual related field are on the same line instead of the label located above the field. Anything you can offer would be helpful.

arturweb - 09.07.2023 16:13

How to set my own prefered countries for phone field with international option ?

crayon - 26.06.2023 15:34

save my day thankyouu 😭 and do you know how to make the behavior of polls to redirect url? maybe you have any tricks? cz redirect url behavior is only available in Form setting, neither polls or quiz

Davies theCoach
Davies theCoach - 11.06.2023 09:08

Wow brilliant. Wondering if this can be done with repeated field groups.

HakxxaW Official
HakxxaW Official - 20.05.2023 17:04

Very informative video and have a question. I customized my "username" field to be hidden when the user selects "no" on the "do you want to register" tab. However, on the username filed I had put a placeholder and value of "NA" such that when i print it's supposed to print NA on the hidden fields. Unfortunately the fields are empty. Kindly assist.

Nicole Potter
Nicole Potter - 11.04.2023 21:22

You're brilliant and this saved me hours, thank you so much!!!

Dee - 19.01.2023 05:34

If I have different costs for different countries am I right in thinking I need them to select the country first. Then I created groups of fields with each of the 4 items. Then visibility on each of those groups where the group is only visible when they have selected the country those prices apply? I just want to make sure I'm not making this more complicated than it should be.

Dj Arty MX
Dj Arty MX - 02.01.2023 06:43

Thanks Web Squadrron

unspecified - 24.12.2022 03:09

Their website now says "free for 30 days". It doesn't say anything about a "free" version, so I'm wondering what's included after 30 days are up? Any ideas?

lionel masoane
lionel masoane - 18.11.2022 12:25

formunator a best free plugin form for me now

Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar - 16.10.2022 10:28

Sir... V2 Captcha not showing up on the first attempt when someone fills up the form

ART BLOCKCHAIN + MAKEIT - 14.10.2022 12:57

Awesome video. But I have a little bit different situation. I have a service marketplace with one service where multiple service provider can give their quotes. But for this service I need to have postal code and send out mails according to the input of a range of postal code.
For example in the netherlands we use 4 digits and 2 letters as postal code. Is there a way i cna do this. for example postal code range: 2000-3000 will send out mail to 4-5 service providers which are just email inputs. Hope you understand what I mean. Hope you can help me out

Pedro Coimbra
Pedro Coimbra - 05.09.2022 00:28

Thanks mate, Forminator wasn't exactly made for conditional calculations (God knows why), specially with checkboxes since even its value is 0, by multiplying it with a positive number gave me that number instead of 0 for some reason , so this helped me. I also managed to always hide the temporary calculations and not ruining the conditional visibility/hiding of said calculations (hint: CSS)

@maestrotoy - 30.08.2022 22:09

so when will you publish that simple task ? lol

Sergio Grez Estudio Creativo
Sergio Grez Estudio Creativo - 22.08.2022 22:08

Can this be used for a company that sales paint for houses? For example, a calculator that helps the user to know how much paint they need for a certain ammount of square meters?

Savvy Tanjil
Savvy Tanjil - 23.06.2022 18:52

Decided to watch your most popular videos:)
So this is the video #15

Lenny Fredriksson
Lenny Fredriksson - 17.06.2022 08:39

How does it work if i like to have some page logic?? like if I have one part of the form with radio buttons? and if I pick 1 then I go to another part of the form. if I pick 2 then I go to another. like a flow in the form.

Carlos Laboy
Carlos Laboy - 03.06.2022 17:57

This is exactly what I needed! Thank you!

Random Channel
Random Channel - 31.05.2022 13:37

Thanks for the video, much appreciated. Please how do I add shipping fee of certain amount if subtotal is less than an amount. say it attracts $10 if subtotal is less $50.

Marisol Sauer
Marisol Sauer - 31.01.2022 20:19

Great Video! Love it! Thank you for sharing.
- Did you say it is possible to have a submit button and a PayPal button so they can choose to send a message or pay at that moment on the same form??

Agustín Bacigalupo
Agustín Bacigalupo - 12.01.2022 19:24

thanks !! clear and goog piece of information

Tony Picon
Tony Picon - 20.12.2021 07:23

Great concise video. Hopefully will be able to use for my website soon.

fredrik karlsson
fredrik karlsson - 21.11.2021 01:09

Does this works with woocommerce?

Ralf van de Sand
Ralf van de Sand - 15.11.2021 13:05

Brilliant. No more Gravity Forms for easy forms with conditional fields... I had no idea Forminator had this feature for free. How is Forminator doing optimization-wise? Is it bulky?

FANTIE - 14.11.2021 17:45

Thank You

Yasin Altintas
Yasin Altintas - 13.11.2021 19:07

Thank you very much for the video💯
