Skyrim: 5 Spooky Theories Crazy Enough to be True - The Elder Scrolls 5 Lore (Part 8)

Skyrim: 5 Spooky Theories Crazy Enough to be True - The Elder Scrolls 5 Lore (Part 8)


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SquirrilahFish - 30.09.2023 00:44

My whole play through I assumed the "notes from a friend" were coming from the Greybeards. That's from me knowing NOTHING about TES. That was just my impression from playing.

Omar Arias
Omar Arias - 26.09.2023 23:05

Would have the dwarves been in line with certain dragons...being a reason why they were so technically advanced...or since they can go into different dimensions, maybe one dimension was actually the future or they met certain beings and they learned things from them and some how got either tricked or all willingly got sent to a different place...if tricked,could it be that they were all sacrificed

•∆The Everything Entity∆•
•∆The Everything Entity∆• - 24.09.2023 22:09

If the Friend in the "Letter from a Friend" were Delphine, Ebony Warrior, or Hermaus Mora, they'd stop after a certain point. Delphine would stop sending hers after the conversation with Esbern unless you kill Paarthurnax, Ebony Warrior would stop when he's killed, and Hermaus would stop after the Dragonborn questline after Miraak is defeated. The greybeards seem the most plausible, as they are actually friends of ours.

Solaireofastora 599
Solaireofastora 599 - 24.09.2023 14:55

I like the idea that the Forsworn have veen conspiring for decades to take back the Reach and they're all brought down, each tribe, each leader, each hideout, all brought down by someone that just illegally crossed the borders to Skyrim

SuperstitiousPre-literate PseudoscientificNonsense
SuperstitiousPre-literate PseudoscientificNonsense - 18.09.2023 14:05

In notes voice:
"Or, maybe another theory behind the matriarchs actual identity, is she secretly all along was really just Todd Ho-
And for our 6th entry: "

Travis Miller
Travis Miller - 26.08.2023 00:57

Greybeards name it clear they don't want the dragonborn using their ability in combat. The whole word of the voice and such. They're not the ones sending notes

Travis Miller
Travis Miller - 26.08.2023 00:44

Timeline doesn't fit for raeta and the vampire, plus in the vampires journal he says he's eating a soldier. She wasn't a soldier...

vinny noll
vinny noll - 16.08.2023 10:11

Another pretty big piece of evidence for Forsworn worshipping Daedra is that several Markarth residents call them “daedra worshippers”

Jacob Freeze
Jacob Freeze - 02.08.2023 09:36

Could the knights of the nine have become the blades?

Hayden Walker
Hayden Walker - 31.07.2023 10:11

Maybe Madanach is just a cover for the Matriarch so the Skyrim folk don’t know who the real leader is

SkyMan1247 - 19.07.2023 09:00

A friend will forever and always now be the ebony warrior in my head.

TriggerhappyNiet - 05.07.2023 20:10

I always thought Reyda died by drowning. Her foot tangled in the tall weeds & she couldnt get loose.

Ghost in a Jar
Ghost in a Jar - 24.06.2023 06:38

I sorta assumed Narfi was just like that and losing a family member just sorta made it worse. Like a breakdown of communication ability cause the only person who could really understand him was gone.

Viper - 22.06.2023 20:28

I think The Knights of the nine are still out there somewhere in Skyrim because I found two dead knights in a bandit camp,one of them had reinforced armor while the other one had the original crusader armor.Both are also shown in the video.The knights where also named,usually means they might be important in the game.Also I think it’s worth mentioning that once you loot their corpses it starts a quest called Pilgrim’s Path.

Derek Anon
Derek Anon - 22.06.2023 18:52

Lol the courier can end up in some pretty crazy places!
I have the clockwork castle mod installed, and the place is closed off from the outside world, only accessible by a teleporter that you have to fix.

Shortly after arriving to clockwork (I do it early in every playthrough, it's a cool player home) the poor courier appears in the courtyard and just kind of.. hangs out in the isolated mountain ruins. There's no exit to the cell, so I guess he's a permanent resident now! 😅

Honk Honk
Honk Honk - 18.06.2023 09:14

I bring up RDR 2 on an unrelated video related Skyrim theories because fxck it why not a bit of cross over never hurt, you've done Rockstar theory/lore/Easter egg videos and I'm finding more and more evidence that Rockstar's games universes have recently been getting or ALWAYS had it's own sort of gods/mythology. RDR games/L.A. Noir and the GTA games are not connected (hell not even all the GTA games universe are connected, they in sections from 2D to 3D to HD), and I would imagine Bully is a off-shoot universe of the GTA one where the children learn to become the POS NPCs they are in the GTA universe when they grow up lol, but nonetheless elements off each bleed into each other. Almost like they exist side by side in the cosmic blueprint. So it's safe to stay share they'd share similar gods or higher powered beings/themes/objects/concepts, like all game companies due as Easter eggs. CDPR being another with Cyberpunk & The Witcher, FromSoftware games, Bethesda, Konami etc.

Honk Honk
Honk Honk - 18.06.2023 08:57

The Forsworn worshipping the old gods and their nature of brutalist living/rituals has me thinking of in history/media similar cultures, like the Aztecs for example. To stick to videos and RDR 2. There's 3 unique and creepy gangs in the gang you can encounter than seem to focus around torture/rituals/almost worship of something. They are the Murfree Brood, the Night Folk and the Skinner Brothers. As well as where they're all located.

Skinners Brother: Ran by a bar of brothers up in the Tall Trees (Tall Trees even in the morning, but especially at night are terrifying and PERFECT for ambushes of unsuspecting caravans), but there's unique dialogue you can get if you sneak up on one of their camps there they appear to worship some entity.

Night Folk: Are just a group of African Americans that live in the swamps/bayou (also perfect for ambushes) that don't speak, use solely knives & machetes and where white skull face paint. There's no more lore or any indication of a god they worship, but looking up some Voodoo gods right now as type this and found one that might be it and also matches ANOTHER character that's in the series: Baron Samedi, the god of death. And based off what it says about him, he matches The Strange Man who appears in both RDR games. AND specifically in 2, there's a Strange Man cabin Easter egg in the Bayou.

Murfree Brood: Stereotypical hillbilly mutated inbred people that live in a cave deep in the forests of Roanoke Ridge (again, perfect for ambushes) and brutalize, (I would assume) grape and eat people. There's no indication that they worship anything, but in around the same area there exists a small town of harmless folk called Butcher's. The main story has a set of 3 missions that has us you interact with the town where the folk believe they are cursed by a demon only to find out it's a minding company that mined and hit arsenic and is populating their drinking water. Well in a small run down open shack at the edge of the town, if you wait until I think 12 or 3 am a red glowing pentagram will appear for a short while before disappearing. The town IS actually cursed by a demon, which, I don't know. If that wasn't enjoy, around the edges of the town as well can found 5 outhouses that on the side of each have tally marks 1 to 5. Drawing a line to each makes a pentagram around the WHOLE town on the map. And if that wasn't enough, there's only two houses in the town and one of them I've dubbed "The Witches house" because it fxcking looks like a witches house lol. It's red, but looks covered in blood, animal bones everywhere and in in the back secretly under the house in a small ditch there are some human skulls...

Honk Honk
Honk Honk - 18.06.2023 08:19

I actually kind of love when game worlds and RPGs are so big, you unknowingly solve unmarked quests or avenge people just by pay attention to details. Could be months later of playing and miles away after finding a random copse with a with a journal or using context to piece together what happened, you kill a random bandit or other named character during a quest or just exploring a location that was connected to to random corpse. So even though you might not know it, you just avenged that person's murder.

Similar theory in RDR 2. There's a cabin with two dead boys with a note from their mother saying she's going out to get the people that robbed them. Judging by the boys appearing to have starved to death, the mother didn't survive. There's a quest you can do with Javier at the camp that sees you can him kill and rob this small secluded family in the woods that speak in weird dialect and have their own language. It's been theorized that they are responsible. So while you might not have know it at the time, you've delivered out justice.

kain361 - 27.05.2023 08:02

I must say that during 2nd era the cult of Namira was highly prevalent in the reach and Ard Caddach, ruler of Markarth along with Arana openly comment on daedra worship as being normal. Arana goes even further claiming daedric princes are not evil, evil is mortal ambition.

Richie Torres
Richie Torres - 13.05.2023 07:36

I know “mod” but what’s the armor with the troll head shoulder pads. 🔥

Chibi Chan
Chibi Chan - 10.05.2023 05:04

Hmmm🤔 i have a theory about that “friend” who keeps sending u those letters is Ulfric Stormcloak

Jstar338 - 29.04.2023 04:18

The only issue with Venaris eating Rada is that vampires don't kill to feed. They usually just suck someone's blood and move on, wiping memory afterwards

KazTheHero 505
KazTheHero 505 - 23.04.2023 19:12

murdered her to death... hmm I wonder what could have killed her to death.

SteamTitan - 18.04.2023 23:21

I think its probably the Greybeards too since they have in game the ability to sense words of power locations for you already so why not just sent a note saying one over there go get it

The Voices Told Me To Again
The Voices Told Me To Again - 16.04.2023 09:10

An imperial vampire from sommerset isles? lol

Reptile - 31.03.2023 22:43

I’ve heard a theory that it was Narfi who murdered his sister, seeing as how for some reason he’s carrying human organs which he gifts to the player as a reward for completing the quest

caitlyn50315 - 16.03.2023 13:03

With the addition of the Markarth DLC in ESO, they confirm in dialogue with both Caddach (The Reach King) and Arana (a Reachmen/Forsworn witch) that they worship Daedra over the Aedra. Specifically 4 different princes, Boethia, Molag Bal, Namira, and Hircine, considering them as "The Old Gods"

Rory Tolmie
Rory Tolmie - 15.03.2023 18:25

Did anyone ever figure out what that Black Sacrament was all about south of Riften at the edge of the border, it's burned down with a ritual space on one side of the small, ruined house with a body.

Zestlord thuggery
Zestlord thuggery - 07.03.2023 01:26

The literal next line in that vampires diary is about the “meal” he’s going to eat. A soldier. Probably one of the guards. Do you research at all or just look up “Skyrim mystery lists”

I’m Magical
I’m Magical - 01.03.2023 10:47

I just stumbled upon your channel after what feels like millions of years, ahhh the memories
I’ve been quoting you near daily for all that time too XD
“Murdered to death” and “Elder Scrolls Five Skyrim” being my two most quoted quotes, i dunno, it’s just the way you’ve always said those two sentences XD
I wasn’t allowed to subscribe when I was watching your videos all those years ago so now that i am allowed ima finally do it

Ahmad Davoodnia
Ahmad Davoodnia - 26.02.2023 02:46

For fourth theory the wolfgar may enter dialogue with arngier to help us as we may side with blades and tells him something like "our purpose is helping dragon born not any thing else" so your theory about who is 'a friend ' is correct on my opinion

DoomedFenix - 17.02.2023 02:33

I had no idea the "letter from a friend" was a whole theory, i always thought it was just some schmuck from the town who overheard the town people getting upset and was a secret supporter, and didn't want to get outed as a supporter since magic is looked down upon, and since ulfric killed the high king so shouts are definitely looked down upon

Emiliano Mendoza
Emiliano Mendoza - 08.02.2023 20:51

Anyone know what ENB is used in this vid? Looks amazing

Matthew DeCoursey
Matthew DeCoursey - 07.02.2023 11:02

Big Dick..... pass me the banger we gon chalk em out i told em niggas speak no evil karma strike and the homicide squad gon chalk you out unless you have a BIG DICK pass me the lighter and im gon smoke it out puffin on the za these niggas all fake people im gon cut em out all i do is stack my paper she gonna let me hit cum inside the pussy im never pullin out dont care if i get that bitch pregnant with a baby the abortion gon drop it out.

GyronNax - 07.02.2023 10:45

I think the person who keeps send the latters to the dragonborn on where the word of power is Located is none other than. the dragonborn from the future ?
the Future The last dragonborn might know where all of the word of power is located and might know where the past dragonborn would be at the time he/she gets the latter.

Generic Profile
Generic Profile - 02.02.2023 07:47

how did they sacrifice children to namira if you cant even harm kids in skyrim?

Pyro the Silly
Pyro the Silly - 30.01.2023 22:56

Hold on you can kill madenach?

Skyler Johnson
Skyler Johnson - 26.01.2023 06:53

I say "a friend" that sends you those notes is Farengar Secret Fire in Whiterun.

Black_Hand - 25.01.2023 12:30

Lol it’s not even a theory that the Forsworn worship Deadra, it’s in the lore that they do lol. They worship specific Daedra just like the dark elves and a lot of other Elder Scrolls cultures do.

Laura Marjoram
Laura Marjoram - 25.01.2023 00:55

😁 sorry me again another detail, maybe back thousands of years ago when the forsworn's ancestors were in decline, they made a pact with the Haagraven's? So it could be both equally Madanach AND the Matriarch are in charge, they brought their clans together, and maybe the forsworn's with no presence of Haagraven's or hags, that forswarn group could be a splinter group not agreeing with the integration with the Haagraven's.

Laura Marjoram
Laura Marjoram - 25.01.2023 00:06

Detail, Sorry also:
What if the in the Elder Scrolls 6 we find a secret group of people (the Knights of the Nine) that fled there when the Thalmor were distracted with the Blades, knowing they would have all been slaughtered by them, maybe half of them already had and we find the survivor(s) 🤞

Laura Marjoram
Laura Marjoram - 24.01.2023 23:44

Little detail 😉:
I don't know if it was your video but I watched a deep dive into reyda's death, the timeline with the vampire doesn't match up and it looks like the nosey barkeep could have done it, I apologize as I'm on meds and can't remember why he did it but she helped him get items to sell from the draugr layer right near ivarstead and sell to the guy in riften, there at the pawned prawn is a note from nosey barkeep saying he can't sell anymore, 2 iron arrows are with the note, pawned prawn doesn't even sell iron arrows, funnily enough 2 iron arrows are set to spawn in with reyda's skeleton but the water drags them downstream and they glitch and float etc. No one in ivarstead uses iron arrows either. Maybe she found out he's hiding someone maven's son wants dead?
Sorry my morphine kills my memory and can't remember sh💩t XxX

The Wulf
The Wulf - 24.01.2023 18:43

The stranger loves me, I'm only level 30 right now and consistently get those letters. I'm not advanced far in the campaign so that might be why, but I've gotten multiple where I recieve the letter do the quest and after the quest from the letter I'll receive a new letter

Jay C
Jay C - 24.01.2023 18:10

A friend is just Todd Howard

Rusty Shackleford
Rusty Shackleford - 22.01.2023 11:22

One possible theory behind who exactly sends you letters after a shout is Alduin himself who for most of the game never openly attacks the Dragonborn. There are also questions behind his possible motives was he simply raising other dragons to help power up the dragonborn's Thum perhaps it is Alduin who was setting the true destroyer in motion the dragonborn His/Her self to potentially carry on his legacy when his inevitable end comes as the dragon conclave after his demise names you his successor while acknowledging your power. Did Alduin suspect your actual potential which was the exact reason he saved you at Helgen, the possible reasons why all of the daedra sought to contact the Dragonborn they sensed and feared your potential as Alduin did 🤔

Snokey 115
Snokey 115 - 20.01.2023 07:40

Here’s a drinking game, take a shot every time Nate says”knights of the nine”

🎶M!cM0v3s🎶 - 09.01.2023 19:09

The Iverstead theory is stronger than some cannon associations. I'm going with it.

Reed Larson
Reed Larson - 06.01.2023 01:13

Did any other musicians see that the symbol on the Vilemyr Inn is a treble clef on it's side?

Lelouch Kaimobttv
Lelouch Kaimobttv - 30.12.2022 05:43

I thought the knights of the 9 became the blades?

Orobus Edoza Ch. オロブス江戸座
Orobus Edoza Ch. オロブス江戸座 - 29.12.2022 03:42

I always thought that the friend was Akatosh helping you on your journey as the last Dragonborn
