5 Tips to Be an Osu! Pro FAST! | A Very Serious Guide to Osu Improvement

5 Tips to Be an Osu! Pro FAST! | A Very Serious Guide to Osu Improvement


2 года назад

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- 24.09.2023 11:40

i would watch more of these videos if you changed the thumbnails 💀

allen - 30.07.2023 22:17

deaf people: 😁
Blind People: 💀☠

Grandest TTV
Grandest TTV - 30.05.2023 17:46

This is a really bad beginner's guide... This is more like a guide on how to get hard stuck 5 digit.

Vowa - 10.04.2023 17:52

Thanks for the tips, I'm new to this game and have no idea and still learning about it but this helped me so thank you

Glitch_God - 22.02.2023 15:19

"it takes time to be good at osu"

goose - 13.02.2023 19:28

was searching for osu tip videos and this came up, tbh the phrasing "a very serious guide" should have been my first clue but i thought it was serious, until tip 2 lmao

10/10 made me laugh

xlimit - 02.02.2023 06:23

Is this a joke

Elizarr - 23.12.2022 05:28

Blessed to have a teacher like you, went from 80k to 160k and a week

Yonichi - 18.11.2022 02:01

« Pp💀 »

Neon Troghy
Neon Troghy - 01.11.2022 16:06

Du bisch a Österreicher?

Yusuf Gül
Yusuf Gül - 27.10.2022 20:22

mein kumpel ist schlauer............

Sky - 18.09.2022 07:43

mrekk beats the crap out of his keyboard so i guess i gotta do that to

ItzSmi 34
ItzSmi 34 - 15.09.2022 09:38

Griding and focusing on pp doesn't make you better.

Alex - 04.08.2022 07:47

I want Improvement not pp

jun - 13.07.2022 01:45

practicing unfocused on pp is helpful for improvement because you're not focused on gaining pp and you're focused on improvement. i use this as a strategy myself and it helped me reach 4 digit and i definitely recommend it. dont focus on your rank until you get the hang of it at 5 stars, first play easier maps and move through the harder ones progressively. - coming from a mania player and someone who used to farm pp lolol

Olof Kjölstad
Olof Kjölstad - 02.07.2022 17:49

Look, I appreciate that you have the passion to make guides about helping new people get better at the game, and some videos I've seen from you does have some pretty good tips, like the acc video you mentioned in this video. However, sadly I can't say that this video has good tips for begginers. Like, I seriously thought that this video was some sort of an April fools joke. That's how confused I was. And please, read through this and you'll understand why. As someone who has basically done these tips, I can tell that they actually hindered me from getting better at the game and gaining pp. Remember, this is not a hate comment. I just want to explain why I think that these are very poorly thought through. These points I'm making are from my experience, but also from a lot of top players like DigitalHypno, idke and also from my previous osu! coach Spazza17 which peaked at #86 back in 2019.

Tip 1

Playing unranked maps are usually recommended by top players for not only new players, but ALL players in general. The concept of playing unranked maps instead of ranked maps is that they are usually so hard and weird that they more times than not actually HELPS getting better at the game because they are so weird and awkward thet if you play them enough, you will get so used to them that ranked maps will probably feel very easy compared to unranked maps due to the fact that you have gotten used to it. Also it is very important to play unranked maps to get a more diverse skillset. And in all honesty, not playing unranked maps is just and excuse pp farmers use because they don't get more pp from these maps.

Tip 2

Focusing on pp is a very tempting idea because we all love pp, myself included. Like pp farming is fun, extremely fun. But just focusing on pp is actually a VERY big hinderance from getting better at the game. For example if you just play pp farm maps, which usually are these short Sotarks easy jump spam that doesn't contain that much stream or even bursts for that matter. This kind of makes you locked in this circle where you don't know how to play anything else really other than these 5-6 star jump spam maps. Instead of just focusing on pp, it is a lot better to play a variety of different types of beatmaps like tech, speed, stamina, streams, alterating dt maps(look these up if you haven't, they are very useful for getting better finger control) and much more. Having a diverse skillset means not only that you get opened to whole new array of different beatmaps, but also that you probably have an easier time to gain more pp because you can play more maps than just farmy jump maps. Remember, pp doesn't nessesarily mean that you are a better player at all times, which will make a lot of sense in the next point I'm making.

Tip 3

Well, that's bad. It is true that maps like Hidamari can get you a lot of pp from just gaining high combo without getting high accuracy. But Hidamari is known for getting high amounts of pp by mashing these high bpm streams. But that doesn't mean that it is a good play or that you performed well. I mean we all know that gaining high accuracy is a way, way, WAY better way to gain high ammounts of pp and it is a lot more prestigous. Focusing on high acc is very important if you want to get better at the game because it means that it will get easier for you to both stay alive but also get more pp. Also just because you have an 82% acc fc instead of a 98% 3 miss doesn't really mean that it is a cooler or better play.

Tip 4

Sure, I agree with this to some extent. Copying some stuff from a pros setting like turning off storyboards and videos, turning up background dim to 100% and turning up gamma to a higher value could help with reading higher ar or different patterns in general. I fully agree with this. But copying everything is a very bad idea because in the end it all comes down to preference in the end. The reason WhiteCat, mrekk and Vaxei and everyone else in the top 100 plays as good as they do is because they stick to their own preferences. And also because they have a lot of talent. You might like their settings, but not everyone will. For example, mrekk has a relatively small area, drags, uses a four finger grip and plays middle index, he's number 1 atm. WhiteCat uses a pretty big area, hovers, uses a three finger grasp grip and uses ring index, he was number 1 a year ago. This goes to show that not everyone likes each others settings. Like it's rule 1, find something that you are comfortable with. Equipment is true to some extent. Playing with a mechanical keyboard is probably a lot easier than playing with membrane switches. But also not everyone likes the same tablet, in fact some people doesn't even like playing with tablet, for example NyanPotato, im a fancy lad and FunOrange. These are all insane players that use a mouse instead of a tablet.

Tip 5

Playing longer maps is actually one of the best ways in my opinion to improve at the game because by playing longer maps you kinda get the same effect of playing unranked maps in the way that you get used to playing for a longer time which could help you get better consistency if it's for example easy for you to get consistent 1-2 misses or even fcs. If you do that, short maps will probably feel very easy compared to longer maps because you are used to play a whole map for 3-4 minutes. That's why playing longer maps will probably help you improve faster than by playing short maps in the long run.

Saint_Noodles - 30.06.2022 03:42

lmao 🤣

CUBINGAxolotl - 18.06.2022 18:07

Tips for Tap X without the X players or android s pen players:
Wear a glove. Like a glove so your hand can glide.

RiZe Bandog
RiZe Bandog - 24.05.2022 01:24

Ya for real ? Answer me and i will try my best with your Methods i Just got a New Tablet the Veikk vk 430 yeah i know its Bad but i Had the wacom one bevore and omg its horrible (my oppinion pls dont drown me for that) (and its huge i only use Like.... Yeah you know what i mean

Hot cop
Hot cop - 14.03.2022 14:08

The thumbnail doe ;)

w ej
w ej - 01.02.2022 23:16

Best thing to do is quit osu it will be better for you than playing and suffering trust me.

aleck - 29.01.2022 19:20

Dude thank you so much a few days ago I was struggling a lot this, guide helped me so much I found a top player that plays on pillow and I laptop I copied his setup now I’m so much better 5 digit here I come the pp gains are too good.

Sam Jeremy
Sam Jeremy - 27.01.2022 22:36

OHHH NOOO i do the OPOSITE of all tips

Al3sh4 - 27.01.2022 10:43

scoer>pp. Play long maps for scoer. for a some plays u can get 300m scoer and not even 200pp

ninj - 27.01.2022 08:54

Sczer reimu crossover 😱😱😱

harsh shelar
harsh shelar - 27.01.2022 07:30

So sorry but the thing is just because of osu i dont think some people including me will by tablets and good keyboard
i mean i play osu with a chicklet style wireless keyboard and a mouse worth 350 ruppes (4.66 dollers) so ya thats the thing

Sricknal - 27.01.2022 05:10

Thanks for the 5 tips to become an so pro fast! very serious guide on improvement

Authenticiti - 27.01.2022 01:24

This video is just pure facts

sakamata2 - 27.01.2022 00:28

short term improvement video

James Bond Gaming
James Bond Gaming - 26.01.2022 23:32

Thanks for the tips. Time to get hard stuck at 300k rank.

Codebreaker_ - 26.01.2022 23:07

Alternative title: 5 Tips to Be an Pro DT player fast!

noobnub - 26.01.2022 23:02


Kalatshi - カラチ
Kalatshi - カラチ - 26.01.2022 22:55

Like what on earth who became a good player just at night and suck all day that's me, don't ask me how

ashi khaam
ashi khaam - 26.01.2022 22:51

