Figma to Code | Build a Fullstack App with AWS Amplify Studio | Amazon Web Services

Figma to Code | Build a Fullstack App with AWS Amplify Studio | Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services

2 года назад

41,070 Просмотров

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alogonss - 25.10.2023 15:08

Great walkthrough!

Erlkonig24 - 05.09.2023 14:54

Too fast, sounds like the author takes a great pride in knowing this :(

A - 14.07.2023 05:31

Not user friendly at all

Morou - 14.06.2023 18:52

"O time tá uma merda, o quê podemos fazer para ajudar? Já sei, vamos parar o treino deles para dar um sermão"

Asdrúbal Perez
Asdrúbal Perez - 18.03.2023 19:44

my left ear enjoyed this

Ida B.
Ida B. - 17.01.2023 23:12

You may know your stuff but you have very limited abilities in transfering that knowledge to others. Useless.

Ezo Kewnuki
Ezo Kewnuki - 30.11.2022 00:42

Greatful for the walkthrough but man is this not very user friendly content.......slooooow down and be more descriptive in what your doing and where your clicking.

galeop - 15.09.2022 15:41

My sum-up of the steps in this video:
1) Amplify Studio:
1.1) Define the data model that will populate your UI components
1.2) [Backend] deploy that data model to provision its backend
1.3) [Optional] import UI components you designed in Figma for Amplify
1.4) Assemble your UI components, configure how they look, configure their data bindings (with the data model), and on-click actions.

2) Your laptop:
2.1) Import those {components, CSS themes and data models} (that you specified in Amplify Studio) to your front-end app project
2.2) Build your front-end page by assembling the UI components
2.3) Push to your Git repo, and let the CI/CD deploy your app to the Cloud (thanks to Amplify Hosting)

Shawn Mitchell
Shawn Mitchell - 29.08.2022 23:48

Can this output Typescript?

Karthik B
Karthik B - 16.07.2022 04:26

Thank you, I tried this for my demo. It worked!!

Clive Bird
Clive Bird - 10.07.2022 12:38

Thank you, this is so insightful it has inspired me to attempt building an app with AWS Amplify Studio. 🙂
