Stacer - The Ultimate Linux System Optimizer and Monitoring

Stacer - The Ultimate Linux System Optimizer and Monitoring

Chris Titus Tech

4 года назад

57,034 Просмотров

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Killertruth186 - 03.06.2021 21:47

Wouldn't it be better to ALSO monitor the GPU?!?!?!??!?

Midi Magic
Midi Magic - 03.04.2021 14:30

yeh but HOW do you INSTALL it.

Zero 01111010
Zero 01111010 - 03.12.2020 14:13

So its strange I thought it was just the one KDE comes with that didn't have data for GPUs. But this one doesn't either. I come from windows what is with that? Windows 10 separates even integretated GPUs in their task manager.

Full Stack Dave
Full Stack Dave - 25.11.2020 23:38

Just installed this yesterday. I am liking it so far.

Dexter Lanning
Dexter Lanning - 26.08.2020 17:29

I used stacer my first time installing pop os and accidentally had it delete some system files and broke everything and now I’m scared to death of it.

gene heard
gene heard - 04.07.2020 02:59

very similar but better than CCLEANER for window.

Kyle Norris
Kyle Norris - 18.05.2020 01:01

That should add fan control to it

Ruben Dragan
Ruben Dragan - 17.05.2020 01:40

So then is stacer better than bleachbit?i've been using bleachbit for the last years.

Avirup Das
Avirup Das - 14.05.2020 13:40

Would you let me know the whats that running on the monitor behind you below the "matrix" movie like screensaver? That seems cool.

Kaerith Mallock
Kaerith Mallock - 03.03.2020 18:04

27gb removed, I hope nothing is broken oO

Norman Pedersen
Norman Pedersen - 14.02.2020 04:35

Don't want your network manager to run - tick it off.

~mjh - 20.01.2020 13:21

What kind of linux distro do you use in this video

CyberJJC - 18.01.2020 09:23

I wasnt able to use PPA Repository for this. says that a release file was not yet released. What?! I am only a day old in Linux though.

cimbakahn - 18.01.2020 00:03

Chris Titus Tech: How much system resources does Stacer use? Does it search files on your computer like catfish does?

Marek Niewiadomski
Marek Niewiadomski - 13.01.2020 17:24

What distribution is it and what desktop?

Motley Jester
Motley Jester - 12.01.2020 19:32

Is this n00b hour? C'mon man... it's hardly better than a cell-phone task-manager/cache cleaner. GTFO. You call yourself a Linux geek? Pfft.

flinx101 - 10.01.2020 18:25

Awesome thanx

Nicolas Cake
Nicolas Cake - 10.01.2020 15:51

Everyone knows top but glances is top on steroid. It can do standalone, client/server, or web.

Panagiotis Tabakis
Panagiotis Tabakis - 10.01.2020 05:04

Handy app, thanks. What is your global theme? Plasma style? Colors? Icons?

Ryan Zmuda
Ryan Zmuda - 10.01.2020 04:32

Great find. Is there something like this to monitor hardware raid. I have a system that has raid and the manufacturer dies t have a utility for Ubuntu. Under windows there was a web server like one

Roberto Hrast
Roberto Hrast - 10.01.2020 00:41

Fantastic. Thank you for this pearl...

Worst Chicken
Worst Chicken - 09.01.2020 21:49

Noob(as it's been years) linux user here. Currently running mint(web browsing, media center) to get re-use to linux, eventually going to try arch(gaming). All that's aside, when I used windows 7, I had a program called Core Temp to monitor usage and temps. Is there anything like this for mint/arch/et al? Also are there some type of gadget like in windows for linux?(where it just runs on the desktop and isn't a window) Thanks for any suggestions in advance.

ron guin
ron guin - 09.01.2020 05:53

I put Stacer on my mint 19.3 game rig and had to take it off. It would crash when I started lutris

BrunoDSL - 08.01.2020 19:16

A system optimizer that's an electron app...Why would you trust a tool that claims to optimize your system when the tool itself is not even a native app?

Tukoz Aki
Tukoz Aki - 08.01.2020 06:49

Stacer looks super nice on top on having a bunch of functions, but it taxes (well) over 10% CPU usage on my Core I3 @3.3GHz, encourages newbies to delete their journal, Xorg and other applications log files... Needs a setting to deactivate the later don't you think?

Artiom Lukianov
Artiom Lukianov - 07.01.2020 22:29

Chris which Windows Manager you are using?

Aaron Yourk
Aaron Yourk - 06.01.2020 00:47

I like the the GKRellM suite.

Aroop Roelofs
Aroop Roelofs - 05.01.2020 14:55

Stacer looks really interesting.
It does a lot of stuff I now run like 5 or 6 different utils for in 1 place.

TheOnlyEpsilonAlpha - 05.01.2020 11:38

Sry but the Title is here more on the clickbait side. Calling that the „Ultimate“ Optimizer is a bit odd since it does nothing special or out of the ordinary. And especially nothing which can‘t be done with the buildins of Linux

Toro Mac
Toro Mac - 05.01.2020 11:30

I like to use Grafana with Prometheus, however it doesn't give you control over services etc

rwl0323 - 05.01.2020 08:27

Chris Titus: "The Screen Savers" for those of us in the Linux crowd! Thank you Sir!

Mr. Tech Guy
Mr. Tech Guy - 05.01.2020 07:31

So, stacer is much much better than Bleach Bit...

meeravali nawab
meeravali nawab - 05.01.2020 07:16

Sometimes I want to call you without 'U' in your name

Royal With Cheese
Royal With Cheese - 05.01.2020 06:49

Is that gnome you are running? I like the simple and clean look.

Marlo Mitchell
Marlo Mitchell - 05.01.2020 06:03

How do i install drivers for my AMD graphics card on Fedora 31

John Mal
John Mal - 05.01.2020 03:27

I used this awhile back and ended up removing it. I did that just because it really doesn't add any new features that I did not already have. Nothing wrong with the software works as it should, very modern looking as well and it is very nicely laid out. It's really just a matter of is the eye candy important to you.

Michael Riley
Michael Riley - 05.01.2020 02:03

Chris, have you ever done a video on finding duplicate files across many drives? I have 7 hardrives and over the years, I have created many backups with many duplicates.

WV1SWL - 04.01.2020 22:52

I'm still very new to Linux (using Mint). And I've accumulated some questions these past couple of weeks. For examples: I'm not really finding all that much in the way of programs available that I have much, if any use at all for, unfortunately. Are all Linux distros the same as Mint, basically having the same program packages, or do different distros have more package varieties available. Another question is, would this optimizer work on Mint? Not that I likely need it given that I don't have very much stuff installed... A lot of things about Linux is a bit confusing. Still, seems better than Win 10 OS, despite the lack of programs.

Wellington - 04.01.2020 21:33

Wow, congratulations on the video your content is very good.
Well, I need an application like this that monitors all connections where it can show the addresses accessed, since Euro block these addresses because of google ADS, today for me to watch a tutorial I have to be required to See four ads before watching the tutorial, so I have to stop watching the video sometimes because of these ads and I end up looking in the Linux distros forums or doc files or manuals, because watching videos is unbearable.

Allan Kobelansky
Allan Kobelansky - 04.01.2020 18:52

“Heads up” vs “in your face” display. Not so subtlety different. Unless a utility is ubiquitously available on every system, such as “vi”, your brain starts to atrophy. Nice utility for young sysadmins.

SaroDracon - 04.01.2020 17:36

Heeey, that's pretty good.

Abdallah Tarek
Abdallah Tarek - 04.01.2020 17:05

Hi. I installed Windows 10 2019
1903 x32bit Home on my laptop
After I installed it doesn't say activate your windows
Is it mean Windows 10 is now free to all users

heard3001 - 04.01.2020 16:04

What your thoughts on DLive and Bittorrent good or bad thanks

ebn - 04.01.2020 15:20

Pointless bloatware.

Maria Veenema
Maria Veenema - 04.01.2020 15:01

I noticed your terminal, mine's a lot more bland looking. I recognise you have a different distro, of course. But is there a way to customise the terminal?

Ian Croasdell
Ian Croasdell - 04.01.2020 14:56

Awesome 👍

Joseph La Motta
Joseph La Motta - 04.01.2020 14:06

Hi I used Tron v10 8.8 as suggested by your april 20 2019 utube to remove a virus - I am very annoyed - after spending 7 hours at this, Tron v10 8.8 did not remove virus "Win ERX03", please help - 4th Jan 2020

✨Michael Hathaway✨
✨Michael Hathaway✨ - 04.01.2020 12:44

I would like to see a video on your studio setup. I know you have a link in the description to Amazon, but this does not show all of your current gear that you use in the studio. I am curious to know what you use for microphone and capture devices, to the programs you use for editing, broadcast.

jawbreaker - 04.01.2020 12:40

In linux why you do not get to choose where to install your programs? For example in windows I use small SSD as boot drive and another one as program files location and and all programs go to s:\program files ... I also have drive for games which install there and so on... on linux it looks like it will install everything in the boot drive???
