The 'Golden Age' of Piracy Explained: Privateers, Pirates and Blackbeard

The 'Golden Age' of Piracy Explained: Privateers, Pirates and Blackbeard

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1 год назад

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@russellmaroonshoatz9938 - 19.04.2024 11:45

With all due respect THANK YOU!!!! For this video... Yet so many facts that are unknown... From my research most pirates were at war with the colonial forces/the state and slave owners. Black Bart was actually a Black free man/navigator from Europe. Most history about pirates excludes slave ship rebellions. Its not a mutiny these slave /pirates have stole a colonizer's ship and without question are some of the bravest of all pirates. The freedom fighter "Pro Se" lawyer Sengbe Pieh (Cinque) of The Amistad uprising(1839) Stole the ship went to the supreme court WON and returned to Africa. The little George uprising of (1730) was well documented by the captain who speaks about the pirates/slave ingenuity...

@derekdreke4990 - 24.04.2024 04:09

The drake 👎's down part killed me

@derekdreke4990 - 24.04.2024 04:11

So my thoughts as i have stated before is the best ships where the one's that worked together ! Being lazy is probably what got some of them caught ie jack rackum etc ! I feel some of them had it figured out pretty good and worked great just like any team should. Unfortunately the navy eventually came around and that was the end of it as well as hunting down the rest

- 08.05.2024 21:58

Is this a One Piece reference?

@Jolene007 - 16.05.2024 07:56

It’s actually hilarious how bafflingly stupid you are when it comes to art and its use

@shakyleg5929 - 21.05.2024 06:16

Horseshit they're hiding the booty and it will be found

@Mitharan23 - 21.05.2024 16:31

Seems fitting that on a video of pirates, you use midjourney and steal from the artists. Though maybe don't act like it's a good thing.

@godofrock - 22.05.2024 17:22

Eye patches were because of the eye damage from staring at the sun for daylight navigation. Ruby lenses would filter the sun so sextants with these ruby or emerald filters were highly prized because you wouldn’t go blind using them. You would rotate out of being the navigator when you lost your sight so the next able seaman would become the navigator and the old navigator would get compensation for the loss for as long as you sailed. Being a navigator was a pay raise and a mark of advancement. Sailing with a bunch of one eyed men ensures you are on a very skilled ship. This make more money.

@jalenikezeue4114 - 09.06.2024 21:11

Pirates are Nothing But Cut Throat Goons that will do anything to get rich Quick

@overdosisbringslife - 10.06.2024 20:04

This guy looks like he is the offspring of Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy.

@1SaG - 12.06.2024 10:38

Given the harsh conditions of life for the vast majority of people back then, the only thing that surprises me is that not even more folks became pirates. Doesn't much matter if you run the risk of death or serious injury while serving on a RN vessel for little pay or as member of a pirate crew where you'd get a fixed share of the profits and had a say in who should captain the ship. And while I think I have little illusions about the whole idea of the "romantic" life of pirates, I've always found it fascinating that there were people living in deeply authoritarian and generally repressive times who didn't dream about some sort of more egalitarian utopia but who actually established a system aboard their ships that was, in many ways, well ahead of its time. Doesn't matter to me that they probably came up with these rules mostly out of necessity and not because of some lofty, philanthropic ideals they held - I think it's more important and interesting that such systems actually existed at the time.

@kubamazurkiewicz6511 - 26.06.2024 21:58

They aaaaaaaaare XD

@hockeygrrlmuse - 31.07.2024 07:33

Can't help feeling like at any moment this guy's gonna tell me that he does NOT look like Chicken Little

@richchadbourne9533 - 02.08.2024 03:47

We have like 800k more viewers for another pirate movie 🎉

@Atowntrekkie - 03.08.2024 07:43

I find it disappointingly ironic that a history channel talking about piracy proudly proclaims its use of AI generated art, which pirates art from real artists. I cannot understate how disappointed I am about this. Even if it's hard to find historical artwork, it's no excuse to not support other content creators through commissions and the like. I want to like this channel, I really do, but using AI art seriously undercuts the channel's credibility.

@jamiemorris9079 - 04.08.2024 23:30

Was capt Flint real?

@jamesmassa1999 - 16.08.2024 14:06

Had to click of this, couldn't take one more minute of the commutator, poor choice.

@jonathangodin4775 - 18.08.2024 21:29

Fun fact about the buccaneers! They originated as hunters and traders of mostly French origin in the Caribbean! They would hunt pigs, lizards and other animals on the islands, smoke the meat and sell it to passing ships to help them restock their provisions! This is where they’re earned the name “boucanier” or literally smoker in English! Anyways these men where crazy pirates! They formed communities on the small sloops and fishing boats they lived on and
Often banded togeather to take our large full masted ships! The buccaneer belief was that 8 muskets equaled 1 cannon and they where AMAZING marksmen to boot! The average shot/min of even an experienced infantryman from a great European power was about 3 shots/min the buccaneers used to grease the inside of their barells, hold their balls in their mouth, spit a ball into the rifle and smack the butt on the ground to drive it home! They perfected this and it gave them a fire rate of 8-10 shots a minute! Although it ruined the guns very quickly

@CreamDelacream-sk8jm - 18.08.2024 22:30

Bro was ahead of his time with that drake joke

@elliotmydude - 19.08.2024 16:14

i prefer the historical drawings over ai slop that draws from all the flawed pirate myths and flawed media you debunked in *this video*. Using ai is cringe and lazy for a video like this.

@Julius123456789 - 04.09.2024 15:22

"... the fate of Bonny remained unknown." Nonsense. Everyone knows she joined the Assassins!

@captainbenzie - 27.09.2024 02:18

Oh lord the inaccuracies in this... I'm sorry, it plays like someone who read a few articles and accepted it.

Wooden legs were common. Losing a leg on a ship was easy, and men with one were still good sailors. They'd just rarely be used in boarding a target vessel. Buccaneers were primarily french and land based, named buccaneers (from bouquanier) after a type of barbecuing. Corsairs are very distinct from buccaneers, sailing completely different oceans... And it does go on from there.

I love the style of video, the editing is great, the presentation is fun and awesome... It's just not particularly accurate 😅

@brettjensen5195 - 30.09.2024 08:31

This 12 year old explaining a well-established historical fact is depressing.

@Jim.Simpson - 02.10.2024 20:20

Anne Bonnie is a fictional character. She was created by an author known to be a liar. There is zero testimony of her existence anywhere other than the writings of one man.

@Wazuhuzu - 16.10.2024 18:43

There are fishing cultures in the netherlands that indeed wore earnings to pay for funerals

@bjh7924 - 21.10.2024 21:42

Dunno about Captain Kidd...the over-acting made feel like I was watching kids TV 🤨

@Internet_Clown2008 - 26.10.2024 14:41

Blackbeard stuck weed in his hair, not gunpowder

@Rudraj-if5jz - 11.11.2024 14:24

One Piece Fans researching on real pirates.🗣️

"One Piece Is REAL!!"

@dmhq-administration - 27.11.2024 12:02

I'm watching this, listening, rather, while eating spicy egg ramen and trying to create a female pirate avatar on My phone! 🤔😁👍🏻

@audiobooks447 - 07.12.2024 17:30

• Pirates: Independent criminals who attacked and plundered ships without any legal authority.
• Buccaneers: Primarily pirates who targeted Spanish shipping in the Caribbean during the early Golden Age of piracy; later, the term also referred to privateers.
• Privateers: Sailors given legal permission (via a “letter of marque”) by a government to attack enemy ships during wartime, effectively acting as state-sanctioned pirates.

@RewindRevival - 11.12.2024 16:02

The sound effects are a bit much, feel like im watching toddler tv

@Noblerot1830 - 19.12.2024 02:06

Turned off
Not 5 years old.

@Anonymous_Shadow911 - 22.12.2024 06:22

When it's convenient for empires piracy or privateering it's fine

@wahabalqattan9089 - 23.12.2024 17:01

I think pirates are freemen, Free from 🔺 laws
and free from formal standards of the sheep community let’s leave the stealing from poor people and focus on the mindset,the word pirate makes u feel like a toddler, but there mindset to today people they are like Native American & etc..or a famous people like 2 pac, unfortunately the videos of the golden age pirates talk more about treasures, clothes, blackbeard and errr, and leave the mindset and what did they experience to say they want to be pirate(freemen)& I’ll give u a quote from black beard before he dies it sound childesh but here’s the meaning(i hope to go straight to hell if I show u mercy or u show me one) go find the original quote.

@Scottmiller1974ohio - 31.12.2024 08:03

Some pirates Did wear ererings .adopting native customs the same with tattoos..

@Scottmiller1974ohio - 31.12.2024 08:33

The only description of blackbeard ..EVER was a tall sparce man with a black beard ..that's it ..a tall thin guy with a black beard ..and that is from a sorce that is questionable.. and even if accurate .. ( tall ) is subjective ..the average height of a man in the early 1700s was around 5'8 anything beyond that description is speculation..

@HoratiuGabrielDragne - 03.01.2025 13:28

Save private Ryan changed to save the ships captain.

@HoratiuGabrielDragne - 03.01.2025 13:34

How to disguise a woman as a girl.

@kal7rider780 - 16.01.2025 20:04

Does ANYONE know how I can find the background music used in the introduction? It's not in the description.

@challengersam100 - 22.01.2025 00:29

Who else saw the connections between the famous pirates and one piece characters?

@kzrlgo - 08.02.2025 12:55

Your mum is a keyboard warrior… “bashing away”, I’m sure 😏

@theresacrubaugh2095 - 21.02.2025 09:26

I've been researching my ancestry and have stumbled upon the US "Navy" - sanctioned privateering. I never knew this about our navy until I found a few privateer ancestors. I would love to see you do a documentary on the beginning of the US Navy. It's an interesting topic that isn't covered in US schools.

@andyberger1934 - 28.02.2025 10:18

There is a record for mary reid in jamaica or anne bonnet

@emmabradshaw4652 - 01.03.2025 09:15

Please don't use AI, Id rather see a blank screen tbh. It's hurting the humanities, please don't contribute to it no matter how "easy" it is
