SCP: OVERLORD tribute - we are soldiers

SCP: OVERLORD tribute - we are soldiers

pablo, o aleatorio

2 года назад

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@ChaosInsurgencyC653 - 28.11.2023 22:48

Welp here goes my Reputation.

@krzeszewski - 26.11.2023 15:39

polish flag is great camo

@LinchenyuLinchenyu - 13.11.2023 01:57

SCP Gus di dalam rumah tangga yang hampir sama dengan jumlah yang Bagus SCP SCP SCP g jg tidak ada komentar uty karena ya yang Bagus

@quyphu2948 - 02.11.2023 03:14

Póknsjjjjisjzojso số sớm vậy siêu quậy siêu

@user-tx2eu2ob7f - 01.11.2023 19:52

here is my story for my OC: Alphx ( Alphx, a white 12-year-old human male, stands outside the school entrance, wearing his custom life support armor designed to resemble his old Mobile Task Force commander armor. Alphx is an ex-Mobile Task Force commander and the son of O5-1. He is about to attend his first day of school after being released from the SCP Foundation as part of the integration program)

Alphx: (whispering) No... not another loss.
[Alphx takes a moment to gather himself, knowing that he must honor his fallen comrade properly. He contacts the school administration to inform them of the situation and requests permission to organize a military funeral in honor of the fallen agent. The school administration agrees, recognizing the significance of paying tribute to a hero.]
[Scene transition: The day of the military funeral at the school]
[The entire school community gathers in solemn silence, dressed in black attire, as they pay their respects to the fallen agent. Alphx stands at attention, wearing his custom life support armor, serving as a symbol of strength and remembrance.]
Alphx: (addressing the crowd) Today, we gather here to honor and remember our fallen comrade who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to others. Let us pay tribute to their bravery and dedication.
[The school band begins playing "Taps," a hauntingly beautiful melody that fills the air with solemnity. Alphx leads a 21-gun salute, firing three volleys with precision and respect. The sound echoes through the silent atmosphere, serving as a final salute to their fallen comrade.]
[As the echoes fade away, Alphx steps forward and leads an honor guard consisting of fellow students who carry the casket draped in an American flag towards its final resting place. The procession moves slowly and solemnly, with Alphx's presence commanding respect and reverence from all who witness it.]
[At the gravesite, Alphx stands tall and delivers a heartfelt eulogy, expressing gratitude for their comrade's service and sacrifice. The school community listens in silence, their hearts heavy with grief and admiration.]
Alphx: (with a solemn tone) We will forever remember our fallen comrade's courage, dedication, and selflessness. They have left an indelible mark on our lives and have shown us the true meaning of sacrifice. Let us carry their memory forward, cherishing the values they embodied and striving to make a positive impact in our own lives.
[As Alphx finishes his eulogy, a moment of silence envelops the crowd. Tears are shed, and hearts ache with the weight of loss.]
[The football team, standing nearby, prepares for their part in the ceremony. With precision and unity, they fire a 21-gun salute on the field, honoring their fallen comrade alongside Alphx and the rest of the school community.]
[As the final shot reverberates through the air, Alphx steps forward once again, leading the honor guard in a slow and solemn procession towards the gravesite. With utmost care and respect, they lower the casket into its final resting place.]
[The school community gathers around the gravesite, offering their final farewells through tears and heartfelt words. Alphx stands tall, his presence a symbol of strength and remembrance for all who witness this solemn moment.]
[As the ceremony comes to a close, Alphx salutes one last time, paying his final respects to his fallen comrade. The crowd follows suit, showing their gratitude and reverence for the sacrifice made by their fellow student and hero.]
[With heavy hearts but a renewed sense of purpose, the school community begins to disperse, carrying with them the memory of their fallen comrade and a commitment to honor their legacy in their own lives.]
And that concludes the additional scene where Alphx receives news of a fallen Mobile Task Force agent and organizes a military funeral at the school. The ceremony includes a 21-gun salute led by Alphx, taps played by the school band, a football team salute on the field, and an honor guard led by Alphx carrying the casket to its final resting place. It is a solemn and poignant moment of remembrance, honoring the sacrifice and bravery of their fallen comrade.

@meireles4ya - 30.10.2023 02:57

esta pessoa é portuguesa

@user-fq1gv2mb2d - 27.10.2023 18:28


@78france - 09.10.2023 01:00

You cant call them ez kill after all they fight giants monster's and contain a few guardian

@zanecruz2992 - 01.10.2023 21:38

It a nice song i listen to it 24/7

@quyphu2948 - 25.09.2023 03:29


@LinchenyuLinchenyu - 24.09.2023 04:46

SCP operasi

@quyphu2948 - 23.09.2023 08:14

Sáp náo

@quyphu2948 - 20.09.2023 03:38


@quyphu2948 - 20.09.2023 03:36


@Doomguy8291 - 12.09.2023 07:35

Getting ready and going to school be like

@user-tx2eu2ob7f - 08.09.2023 21:49

to those who surved with the foundation and the army this is for you

@user-tx2eu2ob7f - 08.09.2023 20:59

this song is perfect for my story:

[Transcript Log]

School Bell Rings

Scene: Alphx enters the classroom. All students are seated. The teacher, Mr. Johnson, stands in front of the class.

Alphx: (whispering to himself) Alright, here goes nothing.

Mr. Johnson: (spots Alphx entering) Oh, it seems we have a new student joining us today, everyone. Please welcome Alphx.

Students: (murmuring amongst themselves)

Alphx: (nervously) Uh, hi everyone. Nice to meet you all.

Mr. Johnson: (smiling) Now, class, I have an exciting update to share. Alphx has formed a special wing squadron, known as the Silver Squadron, consisting of students who are dedicated to protecting our school and our planet. They'll work together to ensure the safety and well-being of our community.

Students: (surprised and intrigued)

Alphx: (standing tall) That's right, everyone. The Silver Squadron is open to those who are willing to commit to this noble cause. We'll undergo training, develop our skills, and be ready to respond to any challenge that may arise.

Student 1: (excitedly) Count me in! I've always wanted to make a difference.

Student 2: (nodding) Same here! Let's join forces, protect our school, and become real-life superheroes!

Other students start expressing their interest and enthusiasm, forming a buzz of excitement in the classroom.

Mr. Johnson: (laughing) Excellent! It warms my heart to see such dedication and determination. Alphx will provide further information on how you can become part of the Silver Squadron.

Class Continues

Scene: Alphx shares details about the Silver Squadron, explaining the training sessions, teamwork activities, and the importance of responsibility and integrity.

Alphx: (inspiring the students) Remember, being a member of the Silver Squadron means putting the needs of others above our own. Together, we'll create a safer, better world.


Scene: Students scatter, some discussing the Silver Squadron with excitement, while others consider joining.

Alphx: (approached by interested students) Hey, I'm glad you're interested in the Silver Squadron! Let's meet tomorrow after school to get started.

Student 3: (eager) I can't wait! This is going to be amazing.

Student 4: (smiling) Thank you, Alphx, for giving us this opportunity to make a difference.

Alphx: (grateful) No problem at all. It's an honor to have you all on board. Get ready for an incredible journey.

As Alphx leaves the school, he reflects on the day's events. Forming the Silver Squadron has given him a chance to blend in with his classmates while still embracing his past and making a positive impact on others.

[End of Transcript Log]

[Transcript Log]

Mission Day

Scene: Alphx and the Silver Squadron prepare for a critical mission to protect Earth from a looming threat.

Silver-11: (determined) We've trained for this, squad. Let's give it everything we've got.

Alphx: (nodding) Stay focused, everyone. Our mission is to ensure the safety of Earth. We're counting on each other.

The Silver Squadron sets off on their mission, displaying exceptional teamwork and bravery.

Scene: Intense battle against the enemy forces.

Silver-11: (over the comm) Alphx, I've got an idea. I'll distract the star destroyer while you continue the main mission. Buy us some time!

Alphx: (concerned) Silver-11, are you sure? It's risky.

Silver-11: (determined) Trust me, Alphx. Just go. Earth needs you.

Alphx: (reluctant) Alright, be careful. We'll regroup after.

Scene: Silver-11 maneuvers his spacecraft, diverting the attention of the star destroyer.

Silver-11: (talking to himself) This is for Earth. For the Silver Squadron.

Silver-11 successfully executes his plan but sacrifices himself in the process, crashing into the star destroyer and preventing an imminent threat to Earth.


Scene: The Silver Squadron returns to Earth, grieving the loss of their friend and teammate.

Alphx: (voice filled with sorrow) Silver-11 was a true hero. His sacrifice saved us all.

Mr. Johnson: (addressing the school) Today, we gather to honor the memory of Silver-11, a brave member of the Silver Squadron who laid down his life to protect Earth. We owe him a debt of gratitude.

The school organizes a military funeral for Silver-11, paying tribute to his selfless act.

Scene: The funeral ceremony at the school grounds. Taps are played, and the Silver Squadron stands in formation, showing solemn respect.

Silver Squadron: (standing tall, unified)

Alphx: (voice cracking) Silver-11, we will never forget your sacrifice, your unwavering courage. We'll continue our mission in your honor.

As the 21-gun salute echoes through the air, the Silver Squadron solemnly says their final goodbye to their fallen comrade.

[End of Transcript Log]

[Transcript Log]

School Military Funeral - Silver-11

Scene: The school grounds are adorned with flags at half-mast. The solemn atmosphere fills the air as the entire school community gathers for Silver-11's military funeral.

Mr. Johnson: (standing at a podium) Today, we gather to honor the memory of Silver-11, a brave pilot and cherished member of the Silver Squadron. His selfless sacrifice will forever be remembered.

Scene: A replica of Silver-11's X-wing stands at the center, adorned with flags and flowers. The Silver Squadron pilots, dressed in their flight suits, stand nearby.

Taps Begin

Scene: The sound of a lone bugle playing Taps reverberates through the air, casting a somber tone over the crowd.

Taps: (echoing, evoking feelings of loss and remembrance)

The crowd observes a moment of silence as they pay their respects to Silver-11's bravery and sacrifice.

21-Gun Salute

Scene: A military honor guard stands ready at the firing area, with rifles raised.

Honor Guard: (in unison) Ready! Aim! Fire!

The synchronized sound of the 21-gun salute fills the air, honoring Silver-11's heroism and military service.

Scene: The Silver Squadron pilots step forward, heading towards the replica X-wing, their faces reflecting a mix of determination and sadness.

Mission Man Formation

Scene: With precision, the Silver Squadron pilots line up in a formation known as the "Mission Man," paying tribute to their fallen comrade.

Alphx: (firm voice) Silver-11, your legacy lives on in each of us. We vow to carry the torch and protect Earth with unwavering dedication.

Silver Squadron Pilots: (in unison) For Silver-11!

Scene: With a mixture of pride and sorrow, the Silver Squadron pilots execute a perfectly synchronized flyover, leaving a trail of colored smoke behind. The trails converge, forming an image of Silver-11's X-wing in the sky.

Final Farewell

Scene: The ceremony concludes with students and faculty members laying flowers at the base of the replica X-wing, paying their individual respects.

Alphx: (spoken softly, looking up at the X-wing) Rest in peace, my friend. Your bravery will forever inspire us.

As the crowd disperses, the presence of Silver-11's spirit and the impact of his sacrifice linger, reminding everyone of the extraordinary heroism exhibited by those who protect and defend.

[End of Transcript Log]

[Transcript Log]

Scene: After the conclusion of the military funeral, Alphx, the leader of the Silver Squadron, approaches Silver-11's grieving family, holding a piece of Silver-11's X-wing that he received during the mission.

Alphx: (softly) Mrs. Anderson, Mr. Anderson, I wanted to give you something. This is a piece of Silver-11's X-wing, recovered from the mission.

Mrs. Anderson: (teary-eyed) Thank you, Alphx. It means a lot to us.

Mr. Anderson: (voice trembling) Our son was so proud to be part of the Silver Squadron. This... this means everything.

Alphx delicately places the piece of the X-wing in Mrs. Anderson's hands, offering a moment of solace and remembrance.

Alphx: Silver-11 was an exceptional pilot, a true hero. We couldn't have asked for a better teammate. He saved us all.

Mrs. Anderson: (squeezing the piece of X-wing) He loved flying, protecting others. Thank you for honoring his memory.

Alphx: (with sincerity) It's the least we can do. The Silver Squadron will always remember him, and we'll continue to fight in his name.

As the Silver-11's family clasps the X-wing fragment tightly, the bond between them and the Silver Squadron grows stronger, united in their grief and determination to carry on Silver-11's legacy.

[End of Transcript Log]

@geraldwarnock6803 - 04.09.2023 22:13

Same tk of village idiots died ib the film slaute

@joseantonio8148 - 27.08.2023 22:20

Po que um deles tem o sibolo da ati fudacao scp

@deathkorpsofkreig6493 - 23.08.2023 19:10


@thatoddcanadian9837 - 11.08.2023 23:02

why cant I save this to a playlist? :(

@alejandrobonaparte4802 - 04.08.2023 19:36

god song the scp is great

@user-bs4rx7ff1s - 10.07.2023 03:53

M50 gas mask

@user-bs4rx7ff1s - 10.07.2023 03:52

I like the gear

@user-gp4fv1ni9i - 10.07.2023 02:22

We rule the night soldiers

@hammerdownnu7 - 04.07.2023 20:25

This is cool

@roblox........... - 29.06.2023 06:19

We die in the dark,so you can live in the light"-S.C.P FOUNDATION

@roblox........... - 29.06.2023 06:18


@luctlkbot8859 - 13.06.2023 01:29

some people says that men are not uselles but we are useful we are like them we are SOLDIERS so we still useful

@Ghost_CaptureOrKill - 27.05.2023 03:37

𐌕𐌉𐌌𐌄 𐌕Ꝋ 𐌊𐌉𐌋𐌋 𐌅𐌵𐌐𐌐𐌉𐌄𐌔.

@VIPER-el3jr - 20.05.2023 03:14

"we die in the dark, so you can live in the light" - S.C.P. foundation

@Narutouzumaki045 - 30.04.2023 09:57

That person a civilian

@arcanejassenabadilla854 - 25.04.2023 13:53

Scp army: omg is attack us shoot it!!

@304SS - 24.04.2023 03:24

it hurts me how low quality the audio is in this video

@ymxontaping9249 - 22.04.2023 09:13

So good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@quickschaked3061 - 17.04.2023 18:46

E-11 I think

@henzotorres-ts2ii - 23.03.2023 21:30

3spieos8wppqpwwpwpskidieke8rorkrkrkrlrdrmpdscpskdkrknrlokoex3firk3kmrkrdirirririr8r8r8rr8rrrrrrrddddddddee99r8r8e8e8r8r8r8r8r8r8r8r88rir8rrik3dspawpwpwpwpwppwpwpwp2p2pwppwpwpwpwppwwppwpwpwpwppwixi3kdjrmieidoseo3lroo3o4l4oroeoeoepwwetwwwwww2w2wwww22ww2wixjdjeidk3kdkdjemrmrmdmrmrl1l23l4lleorko2o3ok3o o93o😂o😂o😂oeor8r😮😮d 😅e 8😊😅e o 9🎉😢9😢lf9d949😂😅🎉9🎉😊🎉que 😢😅😅😮😂😂😂😅😂😂😊❤😊😊❤😢😢or9doerk3orkrodoeoeisodkdodlldlrkr83😅🎉😅😅🎉😅não ifozokzksmdmxkmedmmdldldldelskdms🎉msmsmsmsksksk❤lemes.msmemms

@henzotorres-ts2ii - 23.03.2023 04:14


@oanhoanh7106 - 07.03.2023 05:22


@oanhoanh7106 - 28.02.2023 07:06

SCP-SITE-19 what you

@kalditv1301 - 04.02.2023 13:57


@freechong80 - 29.01.2023 00:02


@SillySoldierCrusher - 26.01.2023 04:51

My fellow citizen. If you are hearing this tape, then the world as we knew it has finished. The sky has broken, the ground heaves with the tramp of terrible feet, and all the horror and madness from the dark corners of the world has broken free to exact its vengeance on the world of Man. Those who sought to contain them are killed or scattered, and we soon learnt that to attempt to fight these creatures is almost invariably to face one’s death. Countless billions have been slaughtered in their attempt to sate their endless appetite for death, and there is nothing-was nothing- we could do to stop them. Evil has raised its bloody flag upon all nations of the world and crowed its unholy victory to the broken sky. Yes, this is the end.

But there is a new hope.

Welcome to UnLondon, a city of the survivors, a city of the free. Together, fellow citizen, we will wait and prepare for the new beginning, the grand new world that is soon to come. Let the world above burn. We will endure. Let the monsters have their world. We will prepare. And let the ground tremble with a new Armageddon, as evil consumes itself, for I tell you, citizen, upon the day of the ruination of Man, their insatiable appetites will turn them against one another in their endless lust for death. We will wait.

And I tell you, citizen, that there will be a new morning. And you will emerge from UnLondon, and stand blinking in the sun, as our children play and laugh in the bones of horrors long dead. And you will walk, hand in hand, to the sea, our faces skywards, as the rising sun ushers in the new age of Man. And you will gather, citizen, at my feet as I summon UnLondon from its rest, and it shall burst, phoenix-like, from the ashes of the old. And on that day, citizen, there shall be a new order, as we raise the Union Flag over the entire world.

I welcome you to UnLondon, the Last City.

@blackismyfavcolor - 01.01.2023 11:03

the thing that fbi is against the scp foundation is so dumb

@jessicag1535 - 23.12.2022 20:59

people like to copy right stuff like the SCP-096 song and like all of those other ones...

@darkgamer_3148 - 23.12.2022 02:43

the MTF in this video were scared but faught shoulder to shoulder with bravery

@loyalfox2476 - 05.12.2022 01:03

B_7 or E_11

@artanhysa7851 - 27.11.2022 18:57

me and the bois finding who created math


@patrickmurphy1705 - 25.11.2022 06:45

such amzing music kep it up

@patrickmurphy1705 - 25.11.2022 06:27

eh its good but I pefer mafia music
