ONE TO RULE THEM ALL?: Niche Duo vs DF83 V2 Review!

ONE TO RULE THEM ALL?: Niche Duo vs DF83 V2 Review!

Lance Hedrick

1 год назад

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@t0bistr - 13.11.2023 16:18

hey guys, maybe you can help me. I still don't know if the DF83v2 is the right one for us.

My wife mostly likes espresso and cappuchino (medium - darker roasts, so more chocolaty than fruity). I also like espresso and cappuchino but mostly Café Creme. I guess I like all roasts in their own way. Means that I will also try lighter roasts from time to time. Can the DF83 handle these all in a good way? Many guys say it's better for lighter - medium roasts, but not for darker ones. And can it actually handle the grind size for Café Creme very well? (Should be higher than for espresso but lower than for filter, if I am right?)

Thank you very much!!!

@ebusive - 16.11.2023 22:22

Started with a grinder review, ended at a burr review

@Kidkosmos - 16.11.2023 23:17

And in the darkness GRIND them

@AndyPanda9 - 22.11.2023 22:20

I've been using an ancient Mazzer Major (83mm burrs) for years - one of the first Mazzer grinders to ever be imported to the USA by La Cara in San Francisco. About 20 years ago I installed new burrs and set it up for single dosing by building a base that tips it forward similar to how these are tipped. I tested several materials for the spout and ended up making a spout out of paper as that gives me the least trouble with static cling. Some day I would l like to rig up a motor speed control but I have been very happy with the grind I get and it is very low retention with the mods I made to it.

@andrescli - 25.11.2023 22:51

Great video Lance, love LOTR! I am gathering my pennies to buy a df83 right now. One question! Would the df83 cause any problem if used as a single dose in a commercial environment?

@MD-dj8bu - 26.11.2023 06:59

Hi Lance,
Are the Black burrs called DLC burrs and are they brew specific or burrs for espresso? You don't mention the name. I just bought a DF 83 and it came with DLC burrs but I want it for espresso. Not sure if i should return it. Pleeeease help? Hard to get the right answer.

@oly7744 - 01.12.2023 20:26

Being a noob ....what does a 83 grinder give me over a 64?

@kvncnls - 03.12.2023 21:10

That intro was cringe af. I love it. 😂

@klauskroker3925 - 07.12.2023 00:51

I know it’s a different price range but what’s your take on EtzMAX (esp the plus w)?

@fillflashdetailer8838 - 18.12.2023 19:39

Both machines are too big and bulky. At least the Niche has a bit of style to it, but the DF83 looks a metal drum with a bellows on top of it. There is no way on earth I'd ever put that monstrosity on my countertop.

@arkadigreen1219 - 18.12.2023 22:11

Thank you for your review and let me ask a question - what is better for Turkish coffee?

@endoalley680 - 20.12.2023 05:14

So, what is the best burr to put in a DF83 for predominantly expresso use?

@LasstUnsSpielen - 20.12.2023 20:36

Maybe I am weird but if I pay 700€ for a grinder, I don’t want to change the burrs.

@chasevogt2090 - 25.12.2023 06:14

Whaaaaat is a marker test or shim?? Do a video about THAT LANCE TEACH ME COFFEE!!

@robertusga - 26.12.2023 17:24

Why is 83 needed over 64?

@bradylabbie9789 - 26.12.2023 23:06

Hey Lance, I bought the DF83 V2 after watching this video. I’m having some issues with it, however. I’ve been dialing in at home for a while now and I work at a coffee shop, so I don’t think it’s any inexperience in that area. I find that my grind size will jump and I get very inconsistent shot times between shots even on the same grind setting. There’s a little sharpie mark inside the machine indicating that the people who sent it to me must have it aligned, at least enough to where I don’t have to marker test it. I’m a little frustrated with its performance after spending that much on it. Do you think I could be doing anything wrong that isn’t related to the grinder?

@sdcisaac - 28.12.2023 07:15

What is hansung? I’ve tried looking those up and all it takes me to is SSP. Thanks!

@milunbosiljcic - 29.12.2023 06:03

Well done. You work very hard to bring content. That's admirable. Thank you. We love you. ❤️

@milunbosiljcic - 29.12.2023 06:09

You should be wdt'g your shots face is a winner 😄

@benmulleady7266 - 08.01.2024 22:49

Really torn between these two. Had a zero before and ut was good but do find the niche a bit unexciting. If im going to drop £600 on something i want to be excited for it to arrive. That said im not sure the df ticks that box either...argh 😫😂

@mannyr8795 - 09.01.2024 16:35

Love flying by the seat of my pants 😅😅😅

@nivgraf8486 - 10.01.2024 01:23

Danke to you Lance from Austria, your content REALLY rocks 🤘!

@danielvervaet5137 - 10.01.2024 23:48

Why does the df83 v2 not sound as bad here as it does in other reviews??

@tom_nuyts - 23.01.2024 00:54

at first sight (or: sigh...): the ugliness of the penguin grew with the design steroids;-((( why don't the even do not offer black k feet??? I was so irritated that I had to stop the reel...

@tristam. - 26.01.2024 12:34

Hi Lance, not sure if you'll see this but figured I might as well try. I'm considering buying the Weber Key and I keep hearing that even if it's a conical grinder it has certain "flat burr like" properties. But which flat burr would be the closest to the 83 Mazzers in the Key in your opinion? Thanks!

@chrishulstein9896 - 18.02.2024 04:31

And in the darknesssssss GRIND THEM.

@Kraaketaer - 21.02.2024 11:55

I'm sorry, but seeing you not make the obvious "and in the darkness grind them" pun, I'm going to have to stop watching. Get it together, man.

@Toleot - 24.02.2024 08:11

The problem is... Niche Duo costed near US $1300 here in Indonesia, and Niche Zero is near US $900.

@GUMNUT. - 12.03.2024 20:42

Lance Honey. Shoot me straight. what espresso grinder is the best in your opinion? under 1,200 bucks or so. pretty please. show me some love

@tarekz9992 - 13.03.2024 15:26

Lance great video but lots of info. Any chance you can do a score card when comparing burrs? Compare on acidity, sweetness, texture, etc

@pogromcywgniecen4666 - 17.03.2024 20:27

My Only my precious 😂😂😂😂 My older daughter's reaction, great review. Greetings from Poland.

@gotjazz84 - 19.03.2024 23:15

a little more separation between burr sets would have made it easier to follow. often you pick one up and just call it "these"

@josweerdesteyn4251 - 04.04.2024 20:29

Hi Lance, great in depth video. Do you know how the 151g Mazzers compare to the 151f?

@erikhansen9125 - 06.04.2024 21:28

I bought a 2nd-hand Niche Duo that came with only the espresso burr set. I emailed Niche to ask about availability of additional burr sets for sale from Niche and they replied saying "We do not currently have plans to sell the burrs separately at this time, so we would recommend that if you want both burr sets in the future to order both burr sets now."
Hopefully, a 3rd party will offer compatible burr carriers for us to experiment with additional burr sets without separating the stock burrs from the stock burr carrier.

@karasong7701 - 29.04.2024 07:06

The "my precious" at the start was chef's kiss quality! Lance is an underrated beatboxer haha

@takenoshortcuts - 01.05.2024 19:01

You say you are just leaning towards the DF83 but I don't see any real advantage of the Niche so I'm surprised you don't just come out say the 83 is far better.

@fourteenfour1 - 26.05.2024 03:32

and here my problem with the Niche is I always felt like it should be main pop corn

@philindeblanc - 26.07.2024 07:48 hard to keep track of what to think with all the filter mixed with espresso, when all I care is espresso...Lance...lets do reviews by keeping the 2 as separate as possible...please! Its months now, and I still dont know what grinder to get, lol!!!

@boxrick1 - 02.08.2024 17:51

So much acronym hell...? Wdt RDTing the Wfming

@philindeblanc - 10.08.2024 01:35

The Niche looks like a cartoon character, thats why I cant have it on my counter, lol

@oliverbayani5301 - 12.08.2024 21:39

Can anyone comment about 83v vs 83 gen 2

@terr256 - 18.09.2024 04:51

Glad I found you haha gained a new subscriber!

@jgmelody - 22.11.2024 02:23

in the darkness bind them? why not, "in the morning, grind them"? big miss brother

@michaelevan9184 - 06.12.2024 16:51

Just "hot wire" the safety switch inside.

@torerognmo4311 - 16.12.2024 23:54


@bowstobourbon - 30.12.2024 07:00

awesome review, sounds like 64 is the way to go for light roast espresso

@theeoarsman921 - 01.02.2025 07:49

I don't know why a lot of these reviewers think the beans need to be wet while grinding. I spritz my beans but most of the moisture has evaporated by grinding time and I never have retention!

@camperista - 29.09.2023 14:12

Great video agaain, how do you manage to get so much content out? Contentaholic!
