Six Benefits of Incorporating in Dubai

Six Benefits of Incorporating in Dubai

Nomad Capitalist

2 года назад

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Fumble_ Brewski
Fumble_ Brewski - 21.10.2023 21:01

The UAE/Dubai continue to commit serious human rights violations, including arbitrary detention, cruel and inhuman treatment of detainees, suppression of freedom of expression, and violation of the right to privacy. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) continue to deprive stateless individuals of the right to nationality, impacting their access to a range of services. According to Human Rights Watch, the UAE detains those who criticize authorities, including hundreds of activists and academics, and Emirati laws discriminate against women, migrants and LGBT individuals. Flogging and stoning are legal forms of judicial punishment in the UAE due to Sharia courts. As a result, the UAE routinely ranks near the bottom of many international measures for human rights and press freedom. So if money is all you care about, then by all means live in Dubai/UAR. Just keep your opinions to yourself and you'll be fine.

Furqan Tarique
Furqan Tarique - 19.10.2023 09:43

I like Dubai

King of the Hill
King of the Hill - 09.08.2023 13:21

Moved our agency to Dubai this year. If you do the same thing you'll probably want to end it all after a few weeks. Why? The paperwork and intricate details of starting/moving your business to Dubai are extremely confusing and annoying. You cannot just buy an LLC like we do in the west. It was worth it as we pay zero tax now and the place is awesome, but still, good luck on setting up your business in there. Thankfully we found a business setup consulting company to handle everything for us, otherwise the process would take months I think.

JC Martin
JC Martin - 09.08.2023 11:50

Moved our business to Dubai this year. If you do the same thing you'll probably want to end it all after a few weeks. Why? The paperwork and intricate details of starting/moving your business to Dubai are extremely confusing and annoying. You cannot just buy an LLC like we do in the west. It was worth it as we pay zero tax now and the place is awesome, but still, good luck on setting up your business in there. Thankfully we found a business setup consulting company to handle everything for us, otherwise the process would take months I think.

Nenad Stojanovic
Nenad Stojanovic - 03.11.2022 05:05

Love the white angel behind you

Anthony - 07.10.2022 02:19

If I want to invest in Dubai real estate and international stocks, will I get taxed the corporate rate for holding these assets in a holding company?

Ntxhiav Xyooj
Ntxhiav Xyooj - 25.09.2022 15:32

Maybe it's best to travel to these places that Andrew mentions and stay there for 90 to 120 days as Visa passport allow to get the feel of these places, people and cultures. Traveling as a tourist than living there which will give you a choice of deciding whether it's a place to stay or do business or both. Now a day people from all over the globe wants to move to other places. I live here in the US became a citizen but now I'm also thinking of moving overseas. I had a friend that's moving to live in Dakar Senegal.

John Sharp
John Sharp - 17.08.2022 23:46

In my opinion, UAE is fantastic for residence if you work here or have personal wealth. It is a tad over complex for company incorporation. It is improving rapidly, though I am still not a fan of buying property here, compared to say Turkey, Northern Cyprus or Portugal.

Chimony Marketing Agency
Chimony Marketing Agency - 10.05.2022 09:21

Thank you for your video!

What would better free zone (JAFZA / Ajman / RAK) option to setup offshore UAE company for international payment services?

Vinay M
Vinay M - 30.04.2022 17:00

If you're an Indian citizen and you take a residence permit in UAE by opening up your business there, it is required that you stay in India only for 120 days in a year. Then you won't be taxed in India for your income accrued outside India (UAE). But if you exceed 120 days stay in India, your tax benefit is gone and you'll have to declare and pay tax in India for your income accrued outside India (UAE).

N£J - 18.04.2022 21:44

Could you please share your views on the Golden Visa for UAE and how attractive is this proposition?

Relaxandlivelife - 25.03.2022 23:45

It is a complete waste of money with everything inflated in price. Its hell on earth in the summer and most places are getting old and over used. Its on the grey with fatca and u have to pay with ZERO benefits absolutely NO BENEFITS!

Alvina Cloete
Alvina Cloete - 15.03.2022 17:25

You mentioned Labuan, what is the current situation regarding starting a company there, tax and residency?

Star Warz
Star Warz - 15.03.2022 02:13

Can you talk about the corporate taxes pros and cons between Dubai and Singapore for Canadian?

Guilherme Sales Ferreira da Costa
Guilherme Sales Ferreira da Costa - 14.03.2022 14:50

If your emirati company does business both inside and outside the country is it liable to the 9% tax?

Jeevan Joshi
Jeevan Joshi - 14.03.2022 10:08

UAE Government will always give priority to its nationals over temporary residents. Covid vaccinations were distributed in this order. It will never change. Hence the Govt has no policy about naturalization.

Baya N
Baya N - 13.03.2022 20:42

In addition uae is giving golden visas for expats which is an amazing step ...u can get 5 or 10 years golden visa to live if you are investor etc

Elisshar Elegance
Elisshar Elegance - 13.03.2022 20:21

Thank you. Dubai is one of the country’s on my radar!

Blissful Escapes
Blissful Escapes - 13.03.2022 14:45

Don't do it, if you screw up in business or in life you go to prison and be deported afterwards. It's not the safe haven you all believe it is.

Blaze Guitar Lessons
Blaze Guitar Lessons - 13.03.2022 11:10

One thing I've heard about Dubai is how incredibly safe it is even late at night.

Drăgăşan - 13.03.2022 10:42

To me, the idea of being okay with paying at least a little something is great as long as the money is efficiently paying for services or products needed to at least maintain the status quo of the nation. One of the reasons why I left the US is because I felt as though I was constantly being ripped off.

___________ - 13.03.2022 10:15

Dubai is actually awesome and is an emerging market

Yasin Nabi
Yasin Nabi - 13.03.2022 09:09

This is one the best video I have watched today, a wonderful channel . SUBBED and liked ! a fellow creator $$$

Diablotux - 13.03.2022 08:13

Thanks Andrew as usual! I just didn't understand one thing. Shouldn't I be spending at least 182 days in Dubai to be considered fiscally residence there? Meaning I can't just pop up two days a year and state that I pay my taxes in UAE right? Otherwise everyone would say live in Thailand and be a couple of days a year in Dubai: is that a possibility?

Hosam - 13.03.2022 08:11

only 2 problems 1-full of Indians ,,even hotels and supermarkets mostly Indian style and smell , 2- very hot weather from April to October ,I mean very hot ,,but amazing weather in winter

Richard Reyn Galver
Richard Reyn Galver - 13.03.2022 05:31

A big mall in the dessert......

Joshua Hull
Joshua Hull - 13.03.2022 05:30

Andrew, thoughts on the recent European pressures towards the Caribbean CIP passports?

jeff cahill
jeff cahill - 13.03.2022 04:38

Very informative and helpful, thanks Andrew. To be honest, Dubai was not on my radar before this video.

mm80134 - 13.03.2022 03:52

Please read this, ironically I started a company Nomads bnb, an LLC, during the pandemic I had liquidity issues, no assitance or delays, I had to break some contracts, I was personally held liable for all the company liabilities, I EVEN WENT TO JAIL FOR 12 days, and I am still paying those debts, I am banned from leaving the country and I am still being chased…

LLC laws do not protect you, they are a joke, there is no such thing as limited liability in UAE, they pierce the corporate veil, the laws and what really happens are not the same

Be very careful!!!

Rusty shackleford
Rusty shackleford - 13.03.2022 03:35

That's awful. All these millennials wanna go there. And they want to do things muslims do not like. In those countries you dont know if there can rise an uprising or take over. Or the rules can have you beheaded like other countries in the area. They all have been taken over by one. And they all followed the non western rules. Be careful moving there... they all have gone by same rules at one point. If you catch my drift. They would choices theirs before you. And their ways.

Fumble_ Brewski
Fumble_ Brewski - 13.03.2022 00:43

Dubai is a city in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the capital of the Emirate of Dubai. According to the most recent study conducted by Freedom House, the UAE has a rating of 17/100 (100 being the best), and as such is rated "NOT FREE." One may be able to incorporate there for certain tax reasons, but no one in their right mind would ever want to live there. You'd be better off living in Turkey or Jordan than living in Dubai.

ABDUL SHARIF - 12.03.2022 23:38

Great Video

Gonzo Jamie
Gonzo Jamie - 12.03.2022 22:31

UAE is interesting - very progressive - making all the right noises

AlRfree - 12.03.2022 22:28

Stop lying the people..... they can stay in Whatever country they want , and at the same time to have a company in another country and not be liable to pay tax for that company in the home country if the company have substance there! You are one of the fake "GURUS",which try to make a profit, because you think you're SMART....
Guys,just go and talk to real tax advisor, they will confirming you it is possible and 100% legal! Stop confusing people!

Gwendolyn Phillips de Ashborough, Ph.D
Gwendolyn Phillips de Ashborough, Ph.D - 12.03.2022 20:16

One should consider placing assets and Company under a TRUST.

Gwendolyn Phillips de Ashborough, Ph.D
Gwendolyn Phillips de Ashborough, Ph.D - 12.03.2022 20:16

Consideration to maybe 3 months out of the years, 6 Months in Switzerland, Montreau and the rest between Antwerp, Belgium and Texas.

Yana Binaev
Yana Binaev - 12.03.2022 19:21

Thank you for the video!

DC Gandawa
DC Gandawa - 12.03.2022 18:29

Hello Andrew , l am from a country without CFC rules , so is it possible to open a company in UAE and live in my country not paying tax?

Stranger’s Advice
Stranger’s Advice - 12.03.2022 18:16

The greylisting of the UAE recently makes it soon a KYC hell.

Edward Memarne
Edward Memarne - 12.03.2022 18:04


Edward Memarne
Edward Memarne - 12.03.2022 18:04

Thank you for your advice;(

Elvin Maldonado
Elvin Maldonado - 12.03.2022 17:52

Would be nice to move to the UAE.

Svetlana Erofeeva
Svetlana Erofeeva - 12.03.2022 17:49

Welcome to Dubai

Kayninho - 12.03.2022 16:56

How long would you have to visit per year to keep your residency valid?

Chuck Strickland
Chuck Strickland - 12.03.2022 16:53

🤘😎👍I've been to Dubai several times on my way to Afghanistan, which is a long 18-hour flight! It's a beautiful place, but the summers are brutally hot!

Boris the Slav
Boris the Slav - 12.03.2022 16:45

Can you set up a company in Sharjah free zone and live in Dubai? Or can you only live in the Emirate you incorporate in?

Peter - 12.03.2022 16:08

Now that the mask has slipped and the West has shown the ‘safe haven’ image is purely a myth, it’s looking like the UAE might be one of the main beneficiaries of fleeing wealth. Been trying to find some decent UAE ETF’s or other ways to invest, been not seeing much stand out.

Max G
Max G - 12.03.2022 16:04

Nice video.

David Pappoe jnr
David Pappoe jnr - 12.03.2022 16:00

Brilliant stuff
