ОтветитьWhen company are being sold, data included to asset list that value of a company interest to buyer. What potential buyer would do with data unknown act. Everyone abides by the data privacy.. common evil policy may run into it.
ОтветитьWhen company are being sold, data included to asset list that value of a company interest to buyer. What potential buyer would do with data unknown act. Everyone abides by the data privacy.. common evil policy may run into it.
ОтветитьWhy is data an asset?
Data has a number of characteristics that make it valuable asset - the more a data asset is used, the easier is for an organization to keep using it- It is highly reusable multiple times for a variety of uses such as information analysis by business analysis, analitical models. Etc.
26 jun 2023
I looked at 23andme when they became popular and immediately concluded that it was taking advantage of people at best and had the potential to cause serious harm.
They preyed upon the common practice of individuals accepting terms without reading and understanding them.
There are two sides to every transaction. What did the company get? The fee and the DNA test results to be used under certain restrictions, with those restrictions allowed to be changed in the future. This means they got the dara with no conditions and your money. The money didn't even cover the cost of the test and was trivial to the company. This was always clear in the financial results. Charging the customer made the customer think they were getting something of value rather than providing the product of value. Similar to Amazon charging a small amount for a device that customers use to buy from Amazon.
What did the customer receive? The experience of browsing the website, completing the test and browsing the website some more. Some may have believed they were doing humanity a solid or some similar illusion. The information actually provided to consumers was not proprietary. Genealogy has been a thing throughout history. When they tried to make a new revenue stream they created a subscription to provide the same information to you in a different format.
The founder wanted data. She claims to want to do good with that data, but she still only wants the data. With her background and personal circles I can understand why she wants the data so badly.
She doesn't care if the business is completely dissolved in bankruptcy. She will either buy the data or let it be sold to someone she knows in the bankruptcy since she knows everyone that wants the data. She will then have access to the data forever.
Alright so how can I have 23andMe delete my data before something like this happens?
ОтветитьI truly dont care lol
ОтветитьYeah this is fucking atrocious omfg
ОтветитьWe might be cooked 💀
ОтветитьA mega conglomerate absorbing them, is a great legal workaround, for harvesting people's genetic data. All while not technically violating the original privacy policy.
ОтветитьAnother layer of personalization , what a surprise… Someone should give this advice to the Insurance and health providers, imagine if through their lobbyists in Congress, they allege the need to have more transparency and require YOU , the client , to deliver your DNA , before applying 🤣🤣🤣