How to Transfer your Wix Website to WordPress

How to Transfer your Wix Website to WordPress

Tony Teaches Tech

2 года назад

25,890 Просмотров

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Jose Falconett
Jose Falconett - 23.09.2023 02:41

After signing up for the trial it still makes you pay $20 minimum in order to actually use the generated site and bring it over to your main hosting platform or into wordpress itself

Tmath - 03.09.2023 07:57

it wont let me get this option its litterally just asking me to migrate my 10web site? wtf

Tmath - 02.09.2023 03:13

wait. can you do the other option? lmao

Andy H. Tu
Andy H. Tu - 03.08.2023 19:17

Wix and Wodpress looks so different from each other though. Would this completely destroy the look of the site? My site has a ton of visual content on it, both on the pages and the blogs. Can the blog traffic on it redirect to the new page?

Zuzana Torbiková
Zuzana Torbiková - 19.06.2023 15:50

May I convert alsso multilingual website?

Jamie B
Jamie B - 11.01.2023 17:01

amazing content... you are showing up in so many of my YT searches and so far everything has worked !!

Liam O'Connor
Liam O'Connor - 01.11.2022 13:54

Do you have a video on the 2nd option mentioned in this video? If someone were to change a Wix website to WordPress, and then hosting with Kinsta for example.

Deniz Çiftci
Deniz Çiftci - 21.09.2022 04:30

How about the domain? It's not staying the same right?

3rd Twirl
3rd Twirl - 22.08.2022 11:18

What about the migration . I dont see anything about this

Lovinspaces - 01.04.2022 03:35

Hi Tony - i followed everything and site is transferred however can't get the "Edit With10web Builder"... Do I have to sign up for it? When I click on it in Dashboard it states that I can get it free for 30days. I figured maybe that has changed

Ronnie Fairley
Ronnie Fairley - 13.03.2022 08:44

Funny, I was searching for the exact opposite, which was WordPress to Wix, but I still found this video informative, thanks!

Djene Bravo da Rosa
Djene Bravo da Rosa - 04.03.2022 19:45

what if my website has animations will it work after the treansfer?

M. E.
M. E. - 13.02.2022 07:43

Will this work for a Wix site that contains a few hundred blog posts? If not, do you have any alternative recommendations?

e-scraper.соm service. [Data Extraction]
e-scraper.соm service. [Data Extraction] - 15.12.2021 17:01

awesome, also to move product from Wix Website to WordPress user can through web scraping.

T-Bug - 20.10.2021 20:39

Don't know how I bumped onto this. Anyway Awesome video 🙌🙌. I also have been watching those rather similar from MStarTutorials and kinda wonder how you guys make these vids. MSTAR TUTORIALS also had amazing information about similiar money making things on his channel.

shraze - 14.10.2021 05:14

Hi Tony, thank you for all your amazing videos, I have learned from you more than anywhere else.

Инженер головного мозга
Инженер головного мозга - 13.10.2021 17:14

Tony I wonder how to make a WP site to process my own AJAX scripts to dynamically add new objects to DOM. Could you please explain it? Sorry for my English.

JSA Music Society
JSA Music Society - 13.10.2021 14:44

Hi Tony could you help me with my raspberry pi? I create a webserver but I don't know how to update my IP on google domains automatically...Do you have some script to do it? Could you tell me where I can fid my user and password on google domains?
