5 Ways to INSTANTLY Improve Your LANING as Support

5 Ways to INSTANTLY Improve Your LANING as Support

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@moonyx7548 - 04.12.2023 13:19

I am main Support
I was watching now tons of videos about how to be a better support after I startet playing ranked again..
I went to silver now, and all of these tips are not working, because my adc knows nothing about that all.. that’s so.. disappointing.. and, if there is someone that knows what to do do, I am so „unfocused“ of what to do, cause most of the time, the most players are playing wrong from the beginning makes me always in a baaaaad 1vs2 position where we 100% would win the fight/lane.. ☹️

@Binichmoses2 - 29.12.2022 20:59

I wanna try something.
As apparently a lot of people watching these Videos want to get better, myself included, but complain about their Teammates not knowing about basic stuff like the lvl 2 Spike how about this:

Add me in League and lets get better together! No Toxic bored Players though. Be friendly and committed to offering Feedback not Rage.
My Main Role is bot, mostly ADC > Support.
In Game Name is:
(i have a Dominion Tower as Icon) and i have a mic.
See you on Summoners Rift!

@bronze- - 16.12.2022 09:17

Tip 4 pissed me off because I knew it was right but I constantly get flamed for it

@noahr.7144 - 13.11.2022 12:16

For the things where youre saying "its probably clear to everyone... ... Is the vest thing to do rn" could you maybe make a video on things like that? Things you think are obnoxiously obvious, cus usually thats where I f up in game. Idk why but I think since everyone assumes its obvision for me like it is for them I never run into advice on it. Coming frm a non famer stantpoint I couldnt even move my character properly, I didnt know you couldnt duo top ect ect

@jeevaneshs.509 - 13.08.2022 05:08

Goddamnit i love league

@breadguy2224 - 14.07.2022 22:01

Cool but what do I do if I have an auto filled adc that has chosen yasuo and tries to all in every time he has his ult?

@user-yc3fl5zd2b - 23.05.2022 11:26

If i subscribe can i watch videos in different languages like italian or it is available just english? Tanks.

@TheGarfield1337 - 29.03.2022 16:11

"2 minutes is a long time where everyone on your team can int" Those are the true words that need to be remembered!

@jaobidan2358 - 29.03.2022 14:14

In raka's defense, she was standing still thinking cait was going to freeze the wave which would've been the best thing to do as it would've allowed them to gain an exp advantage and tighten the gold gap. It also could've set up a potential jg gank that could've guaranteed lane dominance in their favor. I think calling raka useless in that particular instance was wrong...Other than that? Good stuff.

@Reddotzebra - 07.01.2022 04:07

Plus two more things in that first clip, Sona is up against Soraka, which means that any trade she would attempt there would very likely end in Chiquita girl's favor thanks to the way their Q starts differ. Soraka recovers health and slows enemies by landing hers, and Sona is in prime territory to be punished for positioning entirely wrong. On top of that, an inexperienced Sona player would be very likely to miss one of the enemy laners with her Q, having the second bolt go for a minion. In that position, she would steal CS from her ADC and probably die horribly from Caitlyn and Soraka focusing her.

That's such a free kill that I don't believe this player has ever gone support before.
Edit: High ELO? I am the ultra scrublord level support and I still consider that a free hit. The only sad thing about that trade was the whiffed Soraka Q, she obviously expected Sona to continue and try to greed all the way into AA range.
Further Edit: Or not, I guess the enemy Soraka is even worse at playing support than I am...

@oriannasmom - 03.01.2022 17:24

And then there are my iron lobbys where my ADCs ping me when I try to help them get their farm quicker

@RStories. - 28.12.2021 18:37

I watched all of this and liked it but the thing all these people making guides like this don't realize that our teammates are potatoes, and that it doesn't matter

@samuel9607 - 22.12.2021 16:04

A bad recall might setup for your own death 1-2 minutes later just so you know.

@krzycki9688 - 11.12.2021 00:44

League is like chess, but far more complicated and complex, but one think didn't changed at all, you need to think ahead your opponent

@SorcererUB - 08.12.2021 17:29

Low elo adcs piss and moan if you hi t their minions.
Most actively discourage "help" farming. It isn't Soraka being incompetent, it is the general adc incompetence at low elo

@rs-os4ks - 06.12.2021 12:05

Does anyone know what support is in the thumbnail? I can only recognize Jinx and Blitz..

@user-ko5us7sy9h - 06.12.2021 06:19

Honestly Skill Capped is the best LoL Channel

@godofm3tal1 - 06.12.2021 04:50

this kind of stuff is like the armchair sweatlords guide to the game. quarterbacking the plays after the fact when nobody is out there strategizing that hard in the moment. i counted off about 4-5 seconds between the level 1-2 changeover between the blue vs red teams. thats expecting them to dodge the incoming aoe and destroy both people in 5 seconds on a planned engagement on the fly. and thats assuming they knew they had 5 seconds to begin with. hindsight quarterbacking like that isnt a genuine reflection of what happens in game. is anyone out there mentally calculating how many minions people have been in range to get xp from died to actually make an educated guess on when the opponent is going to level? i never want to meet said individual.

@aymanbahi6398 - 06.12.2021 04:49

Are your guides able to get challenger elo? im a master player and I dont know if with your anual plan I can get more than masters+ or this is just for diamond players and below

@rustygray5058 - 05.12.2021 21:29

"You don't want to rely on your enemies to be bad to win lane"
Also "Don't worry, this will always work because your enemies are bad"

@strelkovv - 05.12.2021 17:02

Laning phase as support? whats that?

@foxiey - 05.12.2021 12:07

This fucking hurts my eyes I hate low elo even tho I'm eloinflated master at least I know what to do and when

@sauvagess - 05.12.2021 07:50

"If you're not winning lane, you can't ever expect to gain LP."

I used to. Before season 9, losing lane then winning the game was what I was known for in solo queue.

@TheRaphidou - 05.12.2021 06:02

I rarely comment but always watch your videos and I always recommend them to English speakers because it's just that good!
I can't afford to spend money on lol to get better but your videos are making me better for free !
I truly suggest to get to skill capped if you can offer it. It's such a huge high-quality content!

@kazzardiusthetomato7968 - 05.12.2021 05:53

People saying that skill capped are to Harsh. All I can say is Dimond players make the same mistakes and its infuriating when someone doesn't play properly. Masters is slightly better but some people are autopiloting and therefore playing like goldplayers.

@zroyal_nemo2498 - 05.12.2021 05:22

As a bronze myself I must say from all your Videos I‘ve seen in the last few days the best tip to recall instead of tryharding for platings. Very helpful Videos, thank you

@clarkkentmalabanan5626 - 05.12.2021 04:51

Can't carry with yasuo support

@Yuri-qr7ml - 05.12.2021 00:34

I still watch this stuff if there is things that I miss, but honestly try to find a player up to low diamond that would freeze wave as ADC. It's rare, both in EUW, EUNE, LAN and NA, played all those regions and you barely see it happen

@FireFox2382 - 04.12.2021 23:15

I think trying out other role is very important to supplement your main role. The thing he points out about sona not helping cs; Sona is probably a support main that never played adc to understand the concept. I main adc but I would have a smurf in low plat/ gold where I play top/jg. It really helped me understand how to manage waves and predict jungle pathing early on.

@BBBrasil - 04.12.2021 23:09

I do all this as main support and I can tell you, this is bs video for supports IN LOW ELO.

Why? bcs the ADC will not play for level-2 spike, ADC will stay to get plates, and will rage quit bcs you are hitting his minions (he doesn't know which ones the turret will hit first, will loose cs and blame you). Save the very valuable advices for when you reach plat or dia.

@JohnHandle- - 04.12.2021 22:31

This video answered so many of my questions and pointed stuff out to me that was obvious but I didn't realize it. I feel like this video clicked with me in a way that a lot of the other videos on this channel haven't.

@michaelbeard4883 - 04.12.2021 22:29

As someone who played in seasons 1-4 and just got back into it the amount of small things pros have worked out for minuscule advantages is crazy it used to be just last hitting being the most important

@SeaFazzer - 04.12.2021 21:11

For someone who was hard stuck in gold for 3 years, I'm proud to say this channel got me to plat 1, almost diamond... but I fell all the way down to plat 4, and believe me when I say I went on a 20 game losing spree because of my team literally being 0-10 before 10 minutes.. if this ever happens to you uninstall the game and reinstall.. it kinda fixed the issue of me getting cursed with doodoo silver players in plat

@cjrbandit4801 - 04.12.2021 20:01

What to do when adc has no idea what they are doing

@deathtoexistance - 04.12.2021 19:55

I don't exactly agree with the starting point, for this particular game example. While yes positioning 2v1 is bad and there wasn't much point to what sona was doing, caitlyn and soraka did try to contest it a little, even if slightly late. Fact is they don't have great tools to pressure sona outside of autos, and as most of your guides say you need the push advantage in almost all match ups botlane if you can get it. I feel like their first mistake was not securing the push, as even with a sona tristanas level 2 is so strong that as long as sona helps secure it they can get easy kills or at least big chunks and free recalls. Which leads to the second point, while they didn't pressure as hard as they should have and didn't seem to know they'd hit 2 first, they still got kills off of hitting 2 first, and by the time caitlyn equalised it she gave up her positioning too hard to win or go even, so while the theory behind the first two points is correct it didn't really apply this game. I also dislike the framing of who is ahead, as trist and sona are ahead. They need to recall true, but cait can't buy anything and so isn't really ahead even if she teleported to Lane, she'd be down xp still. I feel like the main mistake here that wasn't talked about was the "bad trade" they took that led to a successful gank with two kills for cait. The mistake here is clear, tristana felt pressured by sona to go far too far up and waste her w while not landing on a champion, meaning her e didn't get fully charged and she didn't get a reset, and then both of them were far too far up. This is actually common for supports that get leads, if you do the right thing after getting kills, pushing the wave in and basing, you can freeze afterwards and if the enemy walks up especially on trist you just kill them. A lot of supports pressure too hard in this scenario, forcing plays with max range skillshots against enemies who can't last hit cause they're out of range due to the freeze. The lane losing mistakes here are not recalling on the crash when you can't get a plate pre 5 minutes anyway, and overforcing your lead when you can have a secure freeze and threaten if they actually get in range to try to break it. The gank here gave cait 2 kills, but even without the gank the play wouldnt chunk them hard enough, they'd likely trade even, and trist would lose her freeze and Cs in the process to the tower. For a minor improvement to the lane before they get the level 2 kill, sona should help secure the push from the allied ranged minions guaranteeing the level 2 spike and cheater recall at minimum, then she just has to stay next to tristana and be ready to trade all lane if the enemy lanes step up.

@1Akanan1 - 04.12.2021 19:35

Then you spend all this time to gather this knowledge. So you recall after your kill but your support stay anyway and take a plate for itself, die and then you are stuck 1v2 in lane.

@TheClanBlade - 04.12.2021 18:46

Gold player: breathes

Skill Capped: I diagnose you with incorrect lane mechanics

@jacaro4183 - 04.12.2021 18:18

supports are usually worse than 4 other players in team, it's boosted role with huge impact if someone now the basics. When Im tired of playing mid/adc i' play support to climb

@Oozy007 - 04.12.2021 18:01

Supports lane instead of Perma roam? Damn

@Williams-jn1iy - 04.12.2021 17:45

Nice video

@isaac2986 - 04.12.2021 17:44

Sounded like senna when you said Sona super quick lol

@coolbrotherf127 - 04.12.2021 17:40

I wish I could make all my random supports watch this video. I was fortunate enough learn a lot of this stuff early from a Skillcapped coach, but there are still way too many people who don't even know the basics of wave management and only play for kills. Kills are good for gold, but don't really get you much XP so getting a kill but having to base with a bad lane state isn't worth the kill if you end up missing like 2 or 3 minion waves.
