Putin facing calls to take peace deal as military stock piles deplete | Mark Galeotti

Putin facing calls to take peace deal as military stock piles deplete | Mark Galeotti

Times Radio

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@Calmama - 08.03.2025 09:35

Let Europe figure it out …. No more US tax payers money for this proxy war

@milerkos - 08.03.2025 06:20


@saumyacow4435 - 07.03.2025 10:50

There will be no "Trump" deal. Europe may facilitate a peace deal but not before Putin knows he has been defeated.

@mikebicycle7005 - 07.03.2025 06:19

it seems puty still has donkys and horses camels left

@markjefferies55 - 06.03.2025 08:11

EUROPE now has too wake up its alone.
The big Question is can it
Look a the EU takes ages for anything to happen
It cant agree on anything
I think Russia must be delighte

@markjefferies55 - 06.03.2025 08:07

My feeling is Trump doesnt Give a damn about the Eu / EUROPE not a bit we can go down the shute.....
We are too left for him far left
Its the US that matters
I think he will regret it The US will be isolated
Big time in fact

@brmnyc1984 - 03.03.2025 23:24

We are living in a real "Manchurian Candidate" scenario.

@ianpickett8420 - 03.03.2025 07:33

Putin a good guy ? His wife , lovers . cronies , joe jing ping and that drop kick Nth Korean leader love him . The rest of the world ......... and there are a billion of us ..... recon he needs a rapid shortening of his time on this planet . When are the rest of us going to get together and make this happen ???

@chrismitchell4622 - 03.03.2025 07:08

Putin can withdraw at any time for peace, but the Trump deal has to include him (how much)?

@kevinbailey3384 - 02.03.2025 17:37

The Russians Understand Military Power ...T R U M P

@mikebicycle7005 - 02.03.2025 17:21

trump and maga apposed america support of Ukraine,all of a sudden he is the worlds peace god,give me a break

@mikebicycle7005 - 02.03.2025 17:19

putin cant last for too much longer,the daily russian body count is enormous,its been mainly 2000 ruskies per day,some days it went over 2500 per day,now its hovering around 1000 ruskies per day.all warsare brutal but this one is on another level due to the type of weapons being used,trump does not want to get involved he just wants everyones money,nope any peace deal with russia will fail,good luck with that one,trump is all talk,putin is all talk,Ukraine just gets the job done,putins ambitions go well beyond Ukraine

@Symmetry77 - 02.03.2025 12:09

You will struggle to find a more gullible 'leader' in world politics than Trump right now. Theres no way hes a credible peace maker

@RockCorley-im1si - 01.03.2025 22:37

Only Zelenskyy doesn't want peace!

@jorose7293 - 01.03.2025 06:47

Why do you always have a sermon at the end? Most of us are bright enough to get it you know. But no never. Is this an American thing...stories with a Sermon?

@Takster - 01.03.2025 04:56

This aged well. Zelensky can always go back to comedy as it looks like his days of grifting American taxpayers are over.

@jacquirathner2806 - 01.03.2025 03:50

Who Donald are the really bad people you’ve dealt with? Jeffrey Epstein? Your friend? Oy! Such hubris. Let’s see how magical you are? How long can your administration last like your “performance” this month & today with Zelensky….

@51madmitch - 01.03.2025 02:12

Pootin invaded a sovereign country, Ukraine 🇺🇦, if he wants peace,!!?!!?LEAVE Ukraine 💪🇺🇦🇺🇦💪

@mariarevell3584 - 01.03.2025 00:09

Someone take putin out 🎉❤🎉

@satanihelvetet - 28.02.2025 22:28

If he don't wanna give security guaranties he shouldn't have the deal. Let Europe have the deal if you let them be responible for the security.

@violetaburgos2566 - 28.02.2025 22:03

Trumptin is a dictator like Putin. Americans have to be very careful because Trumpin and his cabinet is awful people.

@michaeldmusiccanada - 28.02.2025 21:21

Teslas 75% off will help?

@MickyChowMein69 - 28.02.2025 21:16

How dare trump and vance talk to President Zelenskyy like that. Zelenskyy is ten times the man either of them are. That has made me seethe with primal rage that has. What did they invite him there for? To belittle him? In front of the worlds cameras? I am proud that Zelenskyy kept his cool because I most likely would have made Trumpo the clowns face feel the wrath of my pugilistic rage

@James-cz5hf - 28.02.2025 20:50

Putin is not worried. He's about to become POTUS.

@debkohler6249 - 28.02.2025 20:45

45 is such a loser. Lucky Ukraine has an intelligent and strong leader.

@rossvoss5408 - 28.02.2025 20:41

Trump is such an insecure con artist that he desperately wants validation from an indicted war criminal. His cabinet of mediocrities will merrily go along with his lies and betrayals.

@carllingelbach2441 - 28.02.2025 20:24

Problem is Russia isn't a state it's just the Mafia.

@scottyoung1489 - 28.02.2025 20:23

34 Convicted Felon Trump can Never be trusted. I’d like to know what pharmaceuticals Trump & Musk are taking. How about just simply honor the Budapest Memorandum Agreement? I’d also like to know who does Trump’s 78 year old hair, absolutely fabulous! I think I might have the Trump-Worm in my brain.

@marviwilson1853 - 28.02.2025 20:13

A deal is impossible. Putin will want Ukrainian forces to withdraw from the annexed Ukrainian territories incorporated into the Russian Federation. It's the only way he can spin a victory for the SMO to the folks back home. Zelensky will refuse and even refuse if Trump says that to do so would bring the American military onboard. Zelensky knows that Trump cannot be seen to fail in Ukraine given he has said he can "end the war in a day". Zelensky holds all the cards. Trump will be forced to come onboard on terms dictated by Kiev.

@timkirk6445 - 28.02.2025 20:05

Russia doesn't want peace. It wants a cease fire to rearm. Anyone with a brain stem can figure this out.

@ninemoonplanet - 28.02.2025 19:48

Sorry, but I pushed past the current US president speaking, can't stand listening or watching him.
Watching all of this middle is both revealing and confusing. The end result is there's no solid ground, it's all shifting sands under different houses and we don't know which will fall first.

@rogersutton1768 - 28.02.2025 19:41

I bet Chump thinks the "good rare earth" in Ukraine is for growing crops...

@ianmidwinter6745 - 28.02.2025 19:27

forget about NATO ? what is he saying ? he is clearly deluded. WHO IS HE TO MAKE A DEAL ? ITS NOT EVEN HIS COUNTRY . AMERICANS MUST BE REGRETING VOTE HIM IN POWER NOW.
SING THE SAME STORY DONALD IF THE USSR INVADE NEW YORK . ok lets make a deal ? you can have half of brooklyn .
Really ?

@peteelliott9373 - 28.02.2025 19:21

The only man I listen to .. he talks like he's talking to the working man/ women. .

@priknahmplah8282 - 28.02.2025 19:15

Kammerad Krasnov

@leeharrison2722 - 28.02.2025 19:02

Not only are military stocks depleting, the Russian Armies (the one inside Ukraine is different in both composition and command from the one fighting in Kursk) appear to be in desperate condition now, and beyond that Ukrainian long-range drone attacks are starting to truly destroy Russia's future.

Russia has 31 large oil refineries. Of these Ukraine has already struck 20 in the last 3 months, with varying results. Another 5 are within known Ukrainian range. The principal question about strikes is "are they hitting the refining processes... or just peripheral storage tanks?" The latter produce spectacular fires and burn the stored product, but storage tanks are relatively easy to replace. Repairing/replacing the refinery "stuff" can take more than a year and a LOT of $$$, even under good conditions (with western assistance, not embargoed, and not having to do many simultaneously). The damage-assessment evidence is slow to public disclosure, but it is clear that Ukraine has crippled total refinery production at least 10% already, and that Ukraine is rapidly getting better at hitting the key bits. Ryazan, one of Russia's biggest, is now acknowledged to be entirely off-line. This is fast-creeping annihilation of Russia's military and civilian existence. Everything comes to a stop without refined fuels. If Russia cannot stop this destruction the results will be long-term catastrophic for Russia within a very few months, destruction that lasts for years even after "peace."

There is widespread speculation that Trump is a controlled Russian asset. There's no direct evidence for this I know of, but it's the duck test: walks like a duck, quacks, like a duck ... it's a duck. Why is Trump so desperate for "peace?" Why does Trump cry crocodile tears for "all the young men lost?" If you claim it is his beatific love of humanity everyone starts to guffaw. Whatever the reasons, Trump is desperate for an armistice and "peace" to save Putin and Russia. That won't be any enduring peace -- just a pause while Putin repairs, rearms, and remans. Bluntly folks, this is not in the USA's interests, and particularly not in Ukraine's and Europe's interest.

@dannybagley9424 - 28.02.2025 18:46

In other words, Vladimir Putin is forcing Donald Trump to bail him out because of whatever Putin has on him.

@FredPhillippe - 28.02.2025 18:43

Russians need to act like a civilized country and get out of Ukraine. Put Putin jail and try to rejoin the rest of the world and live in peace. Russia took themselves back in world relationships 50 years ago.

@spoozerd - 28.02.2025 18:36

Source trust me bro

@Baldnesz - 28.02.2025 18:29

Russia has now become a world leader in the use of military drones. UK needs to catch up and develop our AI drone military. Thats the future.

@truthwarrior2149 - 28.02.2025 17:54

Germany has already stated they’re not gonna accept any piece deal that involves Russia staying in Ukraine. Europeans have been fairly clear about that as well. If NATO makes a big push, put boots on the ground with anti-aircraft systems to protect Kyiv and the major cities. The Ukrainians can free up forces and with the right weapons push a now exhausted Russian army right out of Ukraine. To strike a peace deal now would be the surrender while you’re on the verge of potential victory. It would be a cowardly act that will eventually lead to a world war.

@SCVC123 - 28.02.2025 17:52

Putin is going to negotiate himself out of a peace deal. He will refuse to make any concessions. Refuse Ukraine joining NATO, refuse to return stolen land. I doubt he will even accept a straight up ceasefire until the situation is so bad that he NEEDS it. But at that point, Ukraine won't accept a ceasefire.

@3rdPartyPresident - 28.02.2025 17:51

These interpretations sound naive.

@FunkMaster-r7g - 28.02.2025 17:47

stop calling putin "president" he is a psychotic dictator

@mrbr0skii923 - 28.02.2025 17:44

Given how bad you guys are at calling things. I'd imagine this might go on for a few more years yet

@markstrickland8736 - 28.02.2025 17:40

No problem.Trump is throwing Putin a life line.

@bonaldisillico - 28.02.2025 17:40

EDITOR !!!! Who the f*ck is Reginald D Hunter who is credited in the video. FFS what are we dealing with here?

@samlos354 - 28.02.2025 17:36

Trump is such a liar. It’s was before Biden NATO was going to Ukraine

@MrBudgiejoe - 28.02.2025 17:23

I had to laugh when Trump said Putin’s reason for starting the war was “probably” because of NATO. The reason he used probably in the sentence is because he knew it was a lie. The war had nothing whatsoever to do with NATO. Nothing!!
Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦
