Sfumato Technique on Child Portraiture in Oil: Part 1 Underpainting and First Glaze

Sfumato Technique on Child Portraiture in Oil: Part 1 Underpainting and First Glaze


9 лет назад

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My blog Oil Painting Medic: http://rachel-shirley.blogspot.co.uk/

Sfumato can be applied to any portrait, old or new. Sfumato, by the way, is an Italian word meaning, like smoke. Leonardo Da Vinci used Sfumato on the Mona Lisa. Outlines cannot be seen, only shifts in tone. Here, I applied this technique to a twelve year girl Harriet.

The drawing was prepared earlier. Don’t worry about detail as lines will be concealed with the paint. Sfumato is more about tone than line.

Sfumato cannot be achieved in alla prima (one paint layer), as smooth blends and depth of tone will not match that of oil paint applied in successive glazes. This clip shows the groundwork of sfumato. This oil painting demonstration shows the underpainting and the first glaze. The underpainting consists of acrylic paint of burnt sienna and burnt umber. The first glaze consists of oil paint.

Really this first glaze should support the sfumato effects to be applied in the following glaze. Oil paints used for this first glaze are: titanium white, burnt sienna, burnt umber, cadmium yellow and ultramarine. The paint is applied as perfect as possible, but it will never be flawless. Avoid harsh tone shifts that will show through beneath the next paint layer.


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