Arcane Wizard - Deep Dive. How Good is it Really? KR5

Arcane Wizard - Deep Dive. How Good is it Really? KR5

Superjombombo Let's Play

7 месяцев назад

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@HitMan35-cr7ko - 04.08.2024 22:10

20 views in 11 min bro blew up 💀

@markomurisic1354 - 04.08.2024 22:53

I love this tower

@rytold8471 - 04.08.2024 22:58

I really just use this later game as a buffing tower, it gives 40 percent damage to nearby towers!

@alialjiboury1682 - 04.08.2024 23:06

Bro's brain traveled back to frontiers with the "crossbow fort"

@yomani1533 - 04.08.2024 23:32

What makes the one shot great in this game is that all KRA abilities start off cooldown. Therefore you can level the disintegrate whenever you need to instantly kill an enemy of your choice.

@theshard5697 - 05.08.2024 01:44

Third level tower does 48-80 damage aka 64 average, not 54, then the efficiency is exactly 4.

@Superjombombothree - 05.08.2024 02:21

Thank you @theshard5697. He let me know I made a mistake! 3rd tier dmg is 64 not 54, making EFF 4.0 Which makes a lot of sense! :)
