How to Choose a College Major (switching 5+ times)

How to Choose a College Major (switching 5+ times)

Twenty Something

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Sariine - 20.08.2023 05:29


jay - 14.03.2023 00:45

Would love to reach out! Any social? In the same boat kind of and lost for direction

Levi Mungai-The Consistent Pythonista
Levi Mungai-The Consistent Pythonista - 12.01.2023 14:21

Am a math major sophomore... Thinking of going to Law.

MissGurl - 01.09.2022 20:55

OMFG YES! 👏👏👏I'm a junior and declared accounting which I already don't like😌It's only the first two weeks and it's so hard. So feeling really stuck 😅

itsJUSTme - 03.08.2022 19:26

Hey everyone in the comments, If someone read this, pls do leave a reply to my comment... Pls
So, I am a senior in hs, In my country, we have an official exam at the end of 12th grade, and for that, we need to register in the start of 12th grade with all the subjects that we want to give the exam for.. So initially, I chose Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and 2 language subjects... In the mid, I felt like I should switch one language subject with maths because in my country a lot of cources require maths as a subject to get into it.. So, I sent the application for my subject to change to maths, After a lot of days, it did change, it took like 2 months! But in this duration of 2 months, I realized that if I add maths onto my already existing combo, I would literally die of the burden, I already am failing one of these subjects in my mock test, and if maths is added onto it , then I am done for.. And I prayed to god everyday to decline my request of subject change, I even tried to ask the in charge if I could cancel my subject change request and they all denied ... And what I feared the most became true, My subject changed to maths... I honestly didn't know what to feel at that point, everyone was congractualting me for my subject change and that what I "wished" for finally came true, I stood there dazzled, Almost about to cry, I was cursing at myself from within, I was crying from within about how such a fool I am, why didn't I think this through ? Why didn't I take proper guidance beforehand.. And now I am stuck with maths... Idk what to do, I am afraid to tell my parents that I wanna go back to my previous subjects , they would kill me if I ask them again, And honestly, at this point, I wanna kill myself too because of how much of a freaking stupid idiotic indecisive person I am.. But at the end, I am just a stupid teen who is confused about his future and is looking for the best opportunity to make it better.

Raphael - 21.04.2022 03:36

Imagine asking advice from someone who changed major 5+ time. But OMG sis I chose my major the same way as you did! For me it was because I'm good at chemistry and I like being told that I'm good at chemistry. But that doesn't mean I liked it lol

RedArmy - 05.02.2022 04:22

Thank you for sharing. Your video is incredibly helpful. So inspiring and relatable

Nyctophile - 04.02.2022 12:16

At first I was an art major more specifically media science major with focus on advertising because I was interested in media side and more creative things. After that I changed to business and I love this major, business was my thing since ever. I will specialize in banking and finance. Best thing about business major is it teaches you everything from law to psych, programming to stats, economics to media everything.
Literally I also chose business major because I'm always that kid who wants to be in-charge of everything xD

Megan Dhingra
Megan Dhingra - 09.01.2022 00:11

I’m a current freshman at UC Berkeley and this was so helpful! Thank you sm for sharing your experience

mada 🫐
mada 🫐 - 05.12.2021 04:14

"I'm a ballet dancer I play music
like I actually practice and
that is not art yo" most relatable thing I've heard in a while

Cozmii - 29.10.2021 22:36

omg! now i m trying to find perfect major . God send me to this video ... omg ... i failed my computer science major and left ... and now i m so insecure ... first i didn t like what i did there ... i was stressed ...

Turquoise Cow
Turquoise Cow - 29.10.2021 17:31

Thank you so much.

Sammy - 17.09.2021 17:50

worth the watch, definitely more than helpful

Char Miller
Char Miller - 21.07.2021 05:37

I know this is kind of an old video, but did you ever think about double majoring with dance? How did you do ballet while in college? I'm a 16 year old ballet dancer and would love advice on how to keep dancing through college!

Rose Yimei Zhang
Rose Yimei Zhang - 07.07.2021 16:27

Thankyou so much for making this video! Was feeling so lost and overwhelmed and overall so sad because I had no idea what to pursue or study ! Just so glad to hear your advice <3

rhatid - 01.06.2021 19:26

I am a retired academic and I would concur entirely with what you said. Once on a bus to the university I heard a past student lamenting the amount of time she spent choosing units/program subjects (UK) to study advising the current student it really doesn't matter, it's more important to be able to enjoy what you are studying. I thought at the time that was such sensible advice and now you have developed that argument. Good work! Yeah and economics rocks! Especially Macroeconomics and Econometrics!

berry bread
berry bread - 05.04.2021 10:11

I’m really comforted by this video. I’m about to switch to Public Admin from Sociology after so many years of confusion. It’ll take a lot of work but now I feel better that I have a goal.

Amy Li
Amy Li - 15.02.2021 10:16

Fellow UC Berkeley student here who also switched majors who knows how many times. Came in as MCB, considered astrophysics or math, switched to Cognitive Science, switched to Conservation and Resource Studies, declared Public Health as a junior, and will be adding a second major in Data Science at the end of junior year.:) You truly described everything I've gone through, including all the indecision and anxiety.

Twenty Something
Twenty Something - 06.02.2021 06:31

Hey everyone! I am alive and well :) I'm currently a software engineer at Apple (despite being an econ major). I know a lot of you are very anxious and worried about college majors, salaries, and life in general. 2020-2021 are wild years but I hope you are all doing well! I haven't made a video in a while, still brainstorming, let me know if you have any suggestions~

ay ronron
ay ronron - 06.02.2021 04:54

This video was very useful and you have a good personality! Where your videos at Dx

VikTries - 19.01.2021 00:15

you should consider cs!

Pe Nus
Pe Nus - 05.01.2021 08:45

To anyone frustrated with choosing a major:
Don't worry most of the time what you want to do is there and the earlier you think about choosing a major the better it'll be, choose what you want to do, its hard to do something you're not interested

Tay Tay Broadway
Tay Tay Broadway - 29.12.2020 05:32

Yeah I can relate. I was first an education major, then undecided, and finally graphic design. However, I am not an artist and want to work behind the scenes in the arts, so I want to change it to arts leadership and management.

yourfriendrichard - 21.12.2020 09:14

Thank you so much for this helpful video, I feel very anxious about my major and career path. I have been feeling very nervous about choosing a different major because I’ve always thought that I wanted to be in one certain career for a while now. Hopefully I make up my mind soon!!

Mikaila Masterson
Mikaila Masterson - 08.12.2020 02:43

I am going through the same thing! Thank you for sharing you story!

Eli Grimaldi
Eli Grimaldi - 21.11.2020 08:37

math is art

Crudy Barfy
Crudy Barfy - 10.11.2020 01:44

les cours que j'ai suivis m'ont tous plu

fromisphobia - 28.10.2020 14:52

im doing accountancy/finance right now and i hate it😔

Eva Schmidt
Eva Schmidt - 23.10.2020 10:10

Thank you for this! So helpful

Madison Madlove
Madison Madlove - 04.10.2020 15:31

So I always wanted to be a teacher, untill I discover theirs salary. Now I'm in the hole and don't know what to do in my life. I like languages and business ( but I'm not certain in it, because I have no one to ask how it looks like ), psychology too

Madison Madlove
Madison Madlove - 04.10.2020 15:29

So I always wanted to be a teacher, untill I discover theirs salary

Deric Maurer
Deric Maurer - 14.09.2020 22:54

Great video. Ive been feeling a lot of these things youve described in the video recently. I enrolled into pre-engineering at a prestigious school in hopes of a high income after school, but what I value does not align with my work at all and its been everything but enjoyable trying to stay afloat. This lets me know there is still hope, even during sophomore year

GINTONG APARADOR - 16.07.2020 08:32

I am naturally drawn to writing, solitude, poetry, short stories, novels, psychology and philosophy, nature, and rain.

Natural strength is also writing, organizing, and listening. I am a quiet, reserved type of person, so I don't always talk, but I am a good listener and secret keeper.

Dorothy Tran
Dorothy Tran - 21.06.2020 05:28

You gave great advice. I’m currently in medical school and I’m also figuring out if the delayed gratification is worth it. Best of luck with your channel and new app💕

Genavieve Hernandez
Genavieve Hernandez - 18.06.2020 18:04

Can you talk more about your experience in economics?

Chloe T
Chloe T - 22.05.2020 19:21

lollll I literally have so many google doc sheets for Major choice A B C D E F G so I relate! Thanks for the video!

Lec huga
Lec huga - 26.04.2020 21:16

Broooo i don’t know what major to choose

Alanna Joy
Alanna Joy - 24.04.2020 23:43

this is SO off topic but i love your sweater 💛

Stephan Nguyen
Stephan Nguyen - 24.04.2020 10:48

me, a math major feels attacked Haha. I switched my major 10 times in 2 years. I’m a junior now. I understand exactly what you went through. Great advice!

Marissa Nikki
Marissa Nikki - 24.04.2020 08:00

“Wow, that was a very Asian sentence to say” 😂😂😂😂

Trisha Ngo
Trisha Ngo - 12.04.2020 19:04

Wow this felt right at home how I mentally feel and how I am physically at university

I thankfully got a lot of college credit during high school, but as grateful as I am for that work ethic I now am stuck as a junior in college and still am confused about my major. Like you, I’m good at math and have thought about changing my major from architecture to mathematics. But as good as I can be on an academic score, it didn’t feel “beautiful” hahah. So it’s it say that just because you are good at it, you bringing up values and childlike passions made me think that energy must be natural and make you work hard with that too.

And you using the word “anxious energy”, that’s exactly how I physically feel. My heart beats fast, I feel like headed, and my face get itchy just thinking about how far I am able to get in school and not decided. But when you say that I gotta focus that anxious energy of my major to focus on the work ethic that school teaches you, it was a breath of fresh air. Or else you’re right! It’s completely counterintuitive.

Anyways thank you so so much for this video. I have to keep it when I need a reminder!

vivvian a
vivvian a - 05.04.2020 05:54

What type of jobs can you get with an Econ degree?

GiGi - 28.03.2020 18:42

You are literally describing what I’ve been going through. Thank you so much i needed to hear those words!

iridescence - 22.02.2020 17:51

Yes girl! I changed my major sooo many times from art major to accounting now.
A little bit behind but at the end I'm thinking of pursuing UX design after I graduate.

hana rose
hana rose - 14.12.2019 07:04

i have no idea what major to choose when i go to college next year🙃🙃

Andynightsky - 14.12.2019 02:30

Thank you so much for this video. You should mention in the title or description UC Berkeley

Alima G
Alima G - 11.12.2019 16:44

I'm 14 and trying not to stress out...

Mina A
Mina A - 21.11.2019 07:10

This was so helpful!! I’m going through the exact same thing right now and it’s been so stressful.

Thank you for making this video~ 😊
