Laetum | THE STRONGEST PISTOL IN THE ENTIRE GAME | Steel Path | Weapon Build

Laetum | THE STRONGEST PISTOL IN THE ENTIRE GAME | Steel Path | Weapon Build


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@ZeRafut - 24.12.2023 23:10

I saw a lot of people running fulmination or primed fulmination in the build, what do you think about it?
Second question is, why would you run creeping bullseye paired with overwhelming attrition?
Do you want not to crit nor apply status on your shots? Then why increasing crit chance? Is there something I'm not getting?

@acejupiter1777 - 09.12.2023 05:54

Idk why but vs steelpath my laetum is literally only doing 1834 damage and taked do long to kill enemies did they nerf it or something

@demonkiller8736 - 18.10.2023 23:43

A year later and I finally realized that I've been building this weapon wrong 😅

@brycejones9021 - 20.08.2023 09:00

Would you say a crit build with overwhelming attrition is still the way to go, or is devouring attrition now on top?

@sneakoretardedfans - 14.08.2023 15:46

"Cavayero" wtf

@pp4wcl1ncher13 - 02.08.2023 18:41

The only problem for me is the headshot since I am sooooo bad at it. Especially moving enemies. I can only do it unless im using Revenant Mesmer Shield. When I use othet frames,.its kinda hard to aim.

@Succubus_Prime - 27.07.2023 09:01

you didn't explain like 3-4 mods on the pistol.. not very useful.

@gabrielwieczorek8816 - 08.07.2023 00:18

I’m the thousandth person to like lol

@yuuki221 - 04.07.2023 21:45

dont have expel corrupted any other recommendations ?

@kliersheed - 03.07.2023 13:42

if you bring it to actual level cap (lvl 9999):
1. status makes much more diff. getting that armor off and the dots going is just MUCH better than some higher hit numbers because of crits
2. if you dont need your crit numbers you can put in damage mods instead of the crit mods. your base damage is already so much higher that a normal crit scale simply doesent reach the heights the high base damage gets from the 2000% increase. (1000 in average, since its 50% chance, to be correct).
3. crit builds are only worth it if you can push your crit chance to 200 or 300% because of the exponential math behind how crits are calculated with orange and red crits. since you cant do that (over 100% would mean you wouldnt gain your stacks) the crit build loses by default for this weapon.

just my opinion on it. both are viable in the normal game (up to lvl 200 standard enemies) even with "bad" builds.

@-ven-lush- - 26.06.2023 19:12

Just wanna ask if the Sarofang would be good if you don't have a grouping ability or don't want to subsume?

@freddyalcaraz6156 - 17.06.2023 10:28

So today while grinding out the Circuit in steel path, I had the option of choosing my newly 2x forma’d Laetum (only has its 1st evolution) or my Hikou prime. I chose the former rather than the latter for obvious reasons. I barely had any mods at all on the Laetum and I forgot all about incarnon. We were about level 300+ in when I remembered I had it as a secondary so I pulled it out for shits and giggles and OH MY GOD. I was so surprised that a barely modded out gun was dealing so much DAMAGE. It just made me wanna grind out the evolutions even more 😭

@dunzo1529 - 13.06.2023 19:37

i dont understand, the overwhelming attrition benefits from not landing critical hits, so why are you modding it with creeping bullseye and target cracker? seems counter intuitive for me

@acejupiter1777 - 30.05.2023 03:34

Idk why i prefer overwhelming attriton with xata whisper on my nekros

@dark_assassinfgc8947 - 29.05.2023 06:55

Damn, I need to grind for this bad boy. I have those eximus units. I was wanting to get Kuva zarr or Bramma, but this looks like it’s better than both 😅

@imbasiclolvr4518 - 20.05.2023 05:14

This build is good for zephyr but...I don't have her so I'll just build with attrition....I can always change them right?

@envymenace8224 - 29.04.2023 01:22

ok why not put steady hands instead of lethal momentum and change 2nd to fire rate

@JQDeathFromAbove96 - 22.04.2023 16:20

Laetum needs a fucking nerf

@monkeman8604 - 19.04.2023 21:12

If i got the prime version for some of the mods u use should i use the prime instead?

@weeknd2121 - 14.04.2023 21:21

Hydraulic Crosshairs a good mod for this weapon?

@anathos6537 - 09.04.2023 11:57

Hello, can you explain why use convulsion/pathogen rounds over Jolt/Pistol pestilence ? I’m fairly new to the game and I’m wondering the difference. Ty

@NikolaBevanda - 03.04.2023 15:17

English is not my first language but how do I benefit from crit chance if my last perk has 400% DMG for non crit non status shot ?

@belligerentbadger2552 - 02.04.2023 10:36

I love it’s reload sound

@RauschenPauli - 30.03.2023 16:42

incredible build!

@viralspiral3213 - 26.03.2023 20:07

so because im super lazy do you think i could swap out all of the expel mods and swap it for the riven? if so what would you have on the riven

@devak45167 - 20.03.2023 03:16

Part of me kind of wondered if everyone was really overhyping the Laetum until I finally farmed it and upgraded it y'day. OMG this thing is a complete monster and I don't even have my build that optimized yet. Insane gun, better than most primaries.

@holyvanilla8010 - 05.03.2023 17:28

I am really confused on which 5th evo really is the best. 2000% multiplicative sounds better than 1200% additive. Plus you can just build status instead of crit, so it doesn't seem like you'd be loosing anything.
BUT, i tried both and 1200% damage crit build feels a lot stronger by itself.
If i just use it on a frame with no buffs, like nekros prime, i really don't see how 2000% damage status build is better. The crit build just does more damage, i dunno.
The kengineer talked about how the 1200% buff shouldn't even come close to the other one, because it's additive, but it just doesn't feel like it. Plus, the crit buffs don't really murder leatum's crit build, but they absolutely cripple devouring attrition build.
Overall, kyaii's build feels a lot better, and is a lot more versatile than the status devouring attrition build. Am i missing something here? Cause that's not really what i'd expect.
P.S. now that i think about it, laetum incarnon form is kind of really strong even without the 5th evolution. What a good weapon ><. People should def rush this gun.
But, boy, is it expensive in terms of forma. Kyaii used 6 forms. I have 3 prime mods on it, so it's 8 forma for me 💀💀 Kind of rough as i've had to use 7 forms for knell prime. Glad i did though. Both of those weapons are 2000% multiplicative worth it!

@penzo2339 - 04.03.2023 20:18

Did the remove multi shot from laetum? I don’t see it in stats for me.

@xelache8470 - 26.01.2023 11:53

ive been browsing the wiki, and it says that Cascadia Empowered is buffed by the 2000% evo 5. Have you tried a status build with laetum + empowered? I believe faction mods also affect the empowered damage.

@xera7403 - 25.01.2023 05:17

I’m using your exact build but I’m not doing dmg like you. So I’m confused if I’m doing it right

@yagizyazicioglu6778 - 24.01.2023 00:23

mesa build plss

@ascalon5166 - 23.01.2023 20:12

The first actual perk turns the lateum into a pistol from a stereotypical action movie, it has literally no recoil whatsoever lmao

@slite6960 - 23.01.2023 18:13

I've recently found your channel and it's amazing.

@slash_estio - 23.01.2023 12:16

Love the Laetum, been running it with harrow, just pure crits, and at this point I have yet to struggle with any content

@lemoinefou2134 - 23.01.2023 01:39

This sh*t look absolutely crazy, did not really get the multishot thing that proc tier 4 evolution but i would get it eventually xd, comments + like for even more recommendation on this channel.

@Cagon415 - 22.01.2023 21:37

The laetum is the strongest weapon I have, by a mile. It's seriously not even close.

@GUNRIR - 22.01.2023 14:25

phenmor is the best.

@kachinboyz3826 - 22.01.2023 14:16

wait how do you survive with zephyr only rolling guard is enough?

@RokysCZ - 22.01.2023 13:56

Different take on Laetum, and even better than Devouring Attrition I see everywhere else. Definetely going to try that out. Excellent and informative video as always 👍

@noahedenborg4221 - 22.01.2023 13:19

actualy you build the meter based on how much dmg you deal not how many times you shot the head

@MegredyPhotoStudio - 22.01.2023 12:56

Strong, but i prefer the catchmoon.

@Daniel01101101 - 22.01.2023 12:20

The main choice between the crit and non-crit is the damage scaling from arcanes and abilities, because while 1200 base dmg is nice you can get it from a chroma and a secondary deadhead, then the 21x dmg half the time becomes super valuable. The crit should be used with buffs like eclipse which is multiplicative, and doesnt work as well with the pure damage variant (they stack additively).
The thing that really makes the pure damage be meta though is the abundance of base damage buffs like arcanes and warframe buffs, while multiplicative buffs are very scarce.

@redsixx669 - 22.01.2023 09:17

The only weakness of this weapon?

It has blashpemed upon the Church of The Holy Crit

Yea its a shame harrow cant use it

@jasonedward6993 - 22.01.2023 05:52

I built this a little differently, and went with a Cascadia Flare build. I'll have to try the build with Revenant to see just how busted I can make it.

@fred__bass - 22.01.2023 05:35

But why have the x1200 when you could have x2000? Probably a simple explanation but surely more damage = better

@tixxrz7180 - 22.01.2023 04:51

I have a cd ms fr and it deletes enemies arcane velocity n wisp on this thing turns it into a literal beam

@davidm5548 - 22.01.2023 04:34

Probably my fav weapon in the whole game.

@prophetmegatron - 22.01.2023 04:19

Yeah the Laetum is unquestionably the best gun in the game, nothing comes close. Phenmor & Felarx are ahead of everything else, yet the Laetum is just as far ahead of those two.

For most of what is the toughest stuff in the game outside of levelcap (Lua Survival, Steel Path fissures & Archon hunts), it effortlessly deletes anything it's pointed at.

@leefylemon466 - 22.01.2023 04:12

I love your videos they explain everything

@platsu353 - 22.01.2023 04:02

20 second gang
