Thanks . Great job ! 👍🏻🙏💕
ОтветитьThe Model 686-5 and with MIM parts and floating firing pin is from 1997 ... or am I wrong?
ОтветитьWow amazing collection you have
Ответитьthey make them today smaller, lighter and cheaper, but they cost more and labor and material is not the main reason for the cost, GREED IS !
ОтветитьI am pro gun rights, but enough said about locks on guns, anything that can help me keep innocent people from being injured i am for.....
ОтветитьThe easy answer is NO, because of the stupid ILS that S&W really should have never added and should have long since abandoned. I will never, ever buy any firearm with an ILS, period.
ОтветитьAll beauties… congratulations!
ОтветитьI realize some years have passed since the original post and my comment will most likely be ignored but, nothing was mentioned about the Model 10. I was really hoping to read some comments on this fine handgun.
In the last year, I've bought five S&W handguns. Four revolvers, a Model 29-10, 28-4, 19-3 and, a 10-6 then, a M&P Shield 9mm EZ.
I love them all.
Nothing wrong with a through hardened MIM part, I’d rather that than a case hardened part.
ОтветитьCan the gun be purchased online?
ОтветитьI don't get tired of watching this video again and again , it is too satisfying and beyond me...especially the first one revolver that carrying piece ( small one) love ittttt, wish to own one asap
ОтветитьIn other words they asking. Do they still stamp the serial numbers on the bullet when someone’s shoot to defend themselves.
ОтветитьI love them all.
ОтветитьMy grandfather was a Special Deputy Sheriff in Logan County, West Virginia. He carried a S&W revolver with a 5-inch barrel manufactured in 1930. It is as functional today as it was the day it passed inspection at the factory. I no longer shoot it and it can’t take modern ammo. But I’d put standard ammo in it tomorrow if I had to.
ОтветитьPisses me off. I will trade give me MIM parts but give me recessed cylinders Deal come on lets git it!!
Ответить22 magnum
Gave 800$$$$
The cylinder release button fell off
Who messed up the front sight on the 44 mag? 2 holes and bad looking screw.
ОтветитьI still like the older stuff! Just knowing they were fitted by human hands and not some mindless CNC machine.
ОтветитьSad thing is, They don't make anything as good as they used to
ОтветитьMy new revolver broke after 26 shots. 1st and last s&w ever.
ОтветитьHow can you tell a MIM part?
Ответитьok obrigado gerou um má só para matar vigaristas
ОтветитьI bought a 686 performance center in 2015. The first round fired (no it wasn’t hand loads, quality 357 name brand ammo) caused a not normal sound. I thought squib load, however couldn’t get the cylinder open. Had to be hammered out with rubber hammer. The bullet was stuck in the forcing cone and a visible crack could be seen in the cone. After 4 months of back and forth with Smith ( the ammo manufacturer asked to have the remains ammo in the box to them) they basically put on a new barrel , but said it was the ammo. Smith also had an attitude with me. Saying I was lucky to be getting it fixed. The ammo company said they didn’t find any problem with the ammo, but for the inconvenience they sent me 500 rounds free. I sold all my Smiths as if their customer service is that bad and all of it I gave up on them.
ОтветитьI'll never buy a new S&W revolver until the Hillary Hole goes away.
ОтветитьI think better. I LOVE Stainless Steel guns
ОтветитьI dearly love the rubber grips> Sites are better to
ОтветитьMine is a couple years old. Listen to this.
The cylinder pawl on my S+W model 69 would not engage the cylinder, leaving the cylinder to freewheel around. It eventually did work again but that was all I needed to see to not trust the revolver. S+W was notified and sent me a shipping label to send it in for closer inspection. That condition could have been a catastrophic failure sever injury or death. I have owned many S+W revolvers and this was an issue I had never seen before. I have only put a couple hundred rounds through this .44 magnum, there shouldn’t be any issues. at this point.
They are terrible now. They used to be high quality. I had to send a new one back to S&W because the cylinder locked up, with ammo still in it. Thankfully we managed together the cylinder open with a mallet so I could return an empty gun. Another thing I don’t like is the one size fits all grips. Sadly that one size is very small. It sure makes firing my newer revolvers uncomfortable.
ОтветитьSpot on bud! I share the same sentiment. Great video. I give it a 10! As Billy Bob would say. lol
ОтветитьI think the absolute finest S&W revolvers were made in the 20's and 30's. The old 'long actions' are simply sublime.
ОтветитьHola, soy de argentina aqui ingresan pocos modelos y poca cantidad. Me recomiendas adquirir un Smith nuevo? Tienen problemas de mal funcionamiento, porque no tiene garantía aqui. Gracias
ОтветитьI still have my model 15 combat masterpiece i bought new in 1977, with one 50 round box, out the door was $140!
ОтветитьDo you think the new Smith & Wesson model 29 are just as smooth as the old ones?
ОтветитьI HATE the internal locks. I am the safety.
ОтветитьI have a sw and I can’t tell what model it is it’s a 44 and it has all barolls 10 8 6 4 inch with a vertical slide switch what is the year and model
ОтветитьBuy a lock plug
ОтветитьI have one of these old (purchased in 1995) S&W revolvers. Mine’ s a Performance Center 681PC, 3” barrel, round butt, 7 shot, Birdsong Green with a black cylinder. The “Birdsong Green” is what makes it so unique and rare. Plus it’s a fixed sight weapon (681 model). Old enough to not have the safety locking function. I love it. It’s in mint condition. I purchased it in Teno and moved to Wisconsin in 2005 and I’ve never fired it here in Wisconsin .
ОтветитьNo mention of S& W Performance Center pieces…….
ОтветитьI own new 2024's and my oldest is a 76' model 28 the older ones were more meticulously put together and came in a wider variety. Anyone seen a new model 66 or 19 with a 6 inch barrel. Smiths slacking a little in the here and now. I suspect that the fantastic plastic auto are getting more attention than they deserve.
ОтветитьI collect older S&W Revolvers 1957-1980, best era IMO. I was fortunate to get my 20 year old interested in these as well, he reloaded for them today for our range trip tomorrow. Sure we'll see some semi auto guys blasting away hitting the target 20% of the time, to each is own but I think I'm teaching him better trigger control and to value each of the limited shots prior to moving to an auto.
ОтветитьNice video. I own more "older" revolvers than modern. My experience & opinion only: never had a modern "MIM" pistol fail. (and I shoot hard), I can't shoot the older revolvers any better than the modern ones. Those that complain that older is better would not pay the price for a modern, hand-fitted pistol; would not drive an older car daily because they love modern safety features like seat belts, airbags, radios, cup holders, air conditioner, electronics, etc; and they trust their lives to MIM parts daily in cars, planes, hospitals, military, etc, etc. Chevrolet and Ford are NOT going to start building the older, hand-fitted, classic cars just because YOU think they're better.
ОтветитьBuy the old models. They are worth the price and hold their value. It is hard to save up for anything but always worth it to buy and own anything. They don't have to look perfect or be brand new to be berrer quality. Old and used is better than new and made cheaper.
ОтветитьNo, not all serial numbers are found there inside the yoke. Almost all of mine have the serial number on the butt only.
ОтветитьYou have alot of nice guns ! I have always stuck wih S&W or Ruger revolvers ! I do have a 22 Ruger Mark 2 Thanks for the video !
ОтветитьNewer S&W resolvers are far superior to old S&W revolvers. Better metals, better treatment, better engineering. I had a Model 28 from early 1970s that was great though, but my Model 66 from 1982 is terrible quality: Grips were cut ugly, cylinder stop binds due to imprecise machining (I was able to "fix" it by adding shims to make the mechanism work correctly), and the forcing cone is known to rupture with a steady diet of 357 magnums. Terrible.